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This is a transcript of A Chilling Curse! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.

(the episode begins)

Narrator: Ash's goal is to battle Leon, one of the world's greatest Trainers. Goh's goal is to catch one of every kind of Pokemon, including Mew! This is the story of their adventure-filled journey through the world of Pokemon!

(On one Stormy day at Cerise Laboratory, Ren was seeing with coffee walking in the hallways all happy till a sound startled him)

(Ren looks to the window on his right and saw a tree branch rustling from the wind)

Ren: (sighs) Of course. It's the wind.

(He continues on but right behind a familiar Ghost Pokemon was following)

(Ren starts to feels scared fearing that something was behind him, he nervously turned behind him and scream loudly)

(At Ash, Goh, and their friends' rooms they heard Ren's screaming)

Jake Long: Who was that, screaming?

Fu Dog: It's Ren!

(They ran out of their room to find Ren)

Ash Ketchum: What's going on?

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Inuyasha: I don't know!

Kagome: I hope Ren's okay!

Scorbunny: Scorbun!

(They found Ren sitting down on the floor)

Everyone: (gasps)

Goh: Ren!

Fred Jones: Are you okay?!

Ash Ketchum: What happened?

Daphne Blake: Yeah, you look scared.

Ren: (scared) I've never been more scared! It was that... Gengar.

Shaggy Roger: (gasp) Gengar?!

Everyone: Gengar's back again?!

Jake Long: The Gengar from before?

(Ren nods while whimpering)

(Flashback of what happened last time when Gengar was here)

(Flashback ends)

Sakura Avalon: If Gengar's back, then...

Ash Ketchum: That means...

Goh: Another chance to catch it!

Kero: Let's look for it then.

Ash Ketchum: I'm gonna find it first!

Goh: Hold on. That's my line!

Pikachu: (Excited) Pikachu!

Scorbunny: (excited) Scorbun!

Emerl: Wait, for us guys!

(They ran off)

Ren: (crying with fear) Don't leave me all by myself!

(Team Robot in Pokemon Journeys: the Series opening plays)

Narrator (V.O.): A Chilling Curse!

(Everyone was looking for Gengar)

Ash Ketchum: Gengar, where are you?

Patrick Star: (looks in a box; in Hamm's voice) Gengar, you in here?

SpongeBob SquarePants: (in Mr. Potato Head's voice) Nah, this one's empty too!

Littlefoot: Gengar?!

Ducky: Gengar!

Trunks: Where are you, Gengar?

Vegeta: Show yourself ya big ghost!

Goh: Not a sign.

(Jaden comes up)

Syrus Truesdale: Hey Jaden did you find it in the basement?

Jaden Yuki: Nope. It's not in the basement.

Squidward Tentacles: (groaned) This is pointless! How are we gonna find a Ghost-type if it can go invisible?!

Goh: Whenever Gengar appears, the temperature is supposed to go down, right?

Hiccup: Who knows. What do you think, Ash?

Ash Ketchum: Hmm...

Goh: Ash?

Goku: Is something the matter?

Ash Ketchum: No, it's nothing really.

(Then Chrysa was heard wailing, much to the Heroes' shock)

Joey Wheeler: Where's that screaming from?

Ash Ketchum: Downstairs!

Goh: Right!

Emerl: Let's go!

(They ran downstairs to where Chrysa and Mimey were)

Goh: In here guys!

Yi: Chrysa!

Mia Koji: Are you okay?!

Goh: Chrysa, was that Gengar?

Chrysa: Uh-huh.

Mimey: Mime, mime!

Cole Evans: Hey, I think Mimey's trying to tell us something.

Ash Ketchum: Okay, go on.

Emerl: Mimey, what happened here?

(Mimey using sign language explains)

Ash Ketchum: Hmm. Huh.

(Mimey tell our heroes about what Gengar did)

Ash Ketchum: Gen... Gengar?

(Mimey acts with hands like carrying stuff)

Ash Ketchum: You were bringing tea..

(Mimey acts like it thud)

Ash Ketchum: Then, boom! And you got all wet...

(Mimey acts like it had a broom)

Ash Ketchum: Whoa. And then your broom broke?

(Mimey continues to explain with expressions)

Ash Ketchum: (sighs) It was all Gen-Gengar, huh?

Chrysa: That's what happened.

Goh: What's what happened?

Branch: Gengar caused a ruckus here Goh, try to understand, Mimey, please.

Ash Ketchum: Anyway, let's find Gengar, right, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pikachu! (But then) Pika? (Pikachu floats up) Pika!

Mr. Krabs: (gasps) What in...

Sandy Cheeks: What's going on?!

Mr. Ping: (gasps) Pikachu can fly?!

Master Shifu: I don't think that's Pikachu's doing, Mr. Ping!

Ash Ketchum: Pikachu! (Jumps and catches it before it fell down the floor) You okay?

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Ash Ketchum: What a relief!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

(But unknown to them, an invisble Gengar was behind them as it uses its Psychic attack on some stuff and hits Ash's backhead with an eraser)

Ash Ketchum: Ouch!

Pikachu: (notices something) Pika?

Ash Ketchum: What was that?

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

(Notices the floating stuff and gasp)

Rattrap: Uh-oh!

Patrick Star: Uh, you seeing what I'm seeing?

SpongeBob SquarePants: Floating stuff in front of us? Uh... yeah, I do.

Littlefoot: Lookout!

(The debris began to fly towards them as most of our heroes take cover)

Howlcrusher: (gets hit) Ouch! Hey, stop that!

Rattrap: Incoming! (ducks)

(Ash covers Pikachu while getting hit by the stuff)

Ash Ketchum: Ow! Man!

Pikachu: (scared) Pika...

(Gengar gets angry and grunts mad while it became visible)

Goh: (notices Gengar) Hmm? It's Gengar!

(Gengar uses Shadow Ball)

Emerl: Look out, it's using Shadow Ball!

Ash Ketchum: Okay, Pikachu, Electroweb!

(Pikachu jumps and uses Electroweb to stop the Shadow Ball)

(But then Gengar unleashes more Shadow Balls)

Ratchet: Watch out! More Shadow Balls!

Ironhide: Take cover!

(The heroes all screamed while taking cover from the Shadow Balls)

(A shadow ball almost hits Chrysa as she whimpers)

(Gengar throws another Shadow Ball at Mimey as he jumps with gasp)

Mimey: (startled) Mime!

Ash Ketchum: (groans) That's enough!

(Gengar ceases its attacks and vanishes)

Ash Ketchum: Hmm? What happened?

(Gengar was gone)

Cera: It's gone.

Goh: It ran away.

Scorbunny: Scorbun...

(Then Yamper was heard)

Scorbunny: Scor?

Goh: Huh?

(Professor Cerise, Ren, and Yamper appeared)

Professor Cerise: Looks, like it really made a mess this time.

Ren: Uh-huh...

Professor Cerise: Help me clean up.

Everyone: Right!

(But unknown to them Gengar was in following as a shadow under Ash)

(We find our heroes cleaning up the mess)

Sakura Avalon: (sweeping) Boy, what a mess.

Meilin Rae: You've said it. (dusting) That Gengar sure made a ruckus here.

Henry Wong: You can say that again. (picks up some stuff)

Ren: Let's see... I'd sure like to know what that Gengar's after.

Petrie: Me too!

Cera: Yeah, that Gengar sure is troublesome.

Chrysa: There's got to be a reason why Gengar keeps coming around.

Princess Poppy: Yeah, but what is that reason?

Velma: Hmm, that is a good question there.

Tecna: Sure is.

Professor Cerise: The person who was showing me the place said something. I was told there was a rumor about it being a haunted house.

Ash Ketchum: (amazed) Haunter's House?

Goh: Haunted house.

(Moments later)

Velma Dinkley: So Professor Cerise, what's this about a Haunted House?

Professor Cerise: Well, the real estate agent said, eerie thing happened whenever a potential buyer would visit. I'd say the strangeness began when Gengar arrived.

Shaggy Rogers: (scared) Zoinks! Y-You mean Gengar was here before you turned this place into your lab?!

Ren: (gasp) But wait! Why would you transform a haunted house into your lab?

Scooby Doo: (scared) Yeah? Why?

Professor Cerise: Well, I'll tell you... I figured lights might go out and doors might close by themselves, and I really didn't want to miss a minute of the fun!


(Professor Cerise was seeing with a stack of paper putting it down on his desk. As he was about to leave half of the stack fell, most likely a prank from Gengar.)

Professor Cerise (flashback): Hmm? Dear. (pick up the paper and sighs) This goes here... (soft chuckles)

(He leaves, the scenes then change in the night)

(Cerise was writing till the lights went out)

Professor Cerise (flashback): Huh? Is there a blackout?

(At the basement)

Professor Cerise: Oh... (turns the light switch) Hmm. Good grief. (Looks up) Hmm.

(Leaves back to his office)

(Then later the door was slamming open and shut by itself (done by Gengar's Psychic)

(Cerise notices the door but he wasn't even scared and continued writing, while the door tried thud harder but nothing and stopped)

(Flashback ends)

Professor Cerise: It never went on for very long so I figured it was just fine.

(Ren, Scooby, and Shaggy whimpered)

Chrysa: That's our Professor for you.

Bulma: Huh, who'd of guessed.

Bulla: Not me.

Goh: I suppose that since Gengar didn't get much of a reaction out of you, it just decided to give up.

Scorbunny: Scorbun...

Ash Ketchum: But still, you have to wonder why it started pulling pranks again.

Astrid: I'm with him.

Ruffnut: Yeah, what's with that Pokémon?

Snotlout: Yeah, and why does it keep pulling those pranks on everybody?

Goh: (thinks) That is indeed a mystery!


Goh (V.O): First, Ren and Magnemite were attacked in the basement.

(Flashback ends)

Goh: That can only mean...

Ren: (gasp) That it's all my fault?!

Chrysa: That may be part of it, but ever since the rest of us got here and all the Pokémon came, this place has become a lot more lively, and perhaps the issue is that Gengar doesn't like it very much.

Chazz Princeton: That would make sense.

Tecna: Hmm, it's does sound possible since most Ghost types prefer having dark an abandoned places all to themselves.

Ren: You know, I think you've hit the proverbial nail on the head!

(Ash then quivers)

Jewel: Hmm? Ash, you okay?

Goh: What's wrong?

Ash Ketchum: Uh, I just felt a big chill.

Ellie: Big chill?

Manny: What are you talking about?

Sid: Yeah, it ain't cold in here.

(Goh smiles)

Goh: You don't think it could be Gengar's curse do you?

Ash Ketchum: (concerned with worry) A curse?

Shaggy Rogers: (gasps scared) C-C-Curse?!

Blu: (nervous) W-What curse?

Fishlegs: (concerned with worry) W-What do you mean by curse, Goh?

Goh: We're really not familiar with Gengar's personality just yet, but it may have placed a curse on its own Trainer, who then became weaker and weaker. (Yells scary) IT'S TOO LATE!

Ash Ketchum: (Screams)

Shaggy Rogers: Zoinks!

Blu: (screamed startled)

Fishlegs: (screamed terrified)

(Ren wails in panic)

Ash Ketchum: What was was that for?!

Blu: Not cool, Goh!

Fishlegs: Yeah, that was just too scary!

Professor Cerise: That's nothing more than speculation.

Ash Ketchum: You're right, right? No such thing as...

(But then Ash's chair leg broke and he fell screaming to the floor)

Pikachu: Pi?

(Ren screams in a panic)

Tai Kamiya: (shocked) Ash!

Agumon: Ash, are you okay?!

Pikachu: Pika!

Goh: Hey, Ash, what happened? Are you alright?

Ash Ketchum: Oh, yeah, I'm just fine.

(Ash gets up and chuckles sheepishly)

Ash Ketchum: (felt a little weird) Huh?

Drago: What's wrong?

Goh: You're looking kind of pale.

(Ash grabbing a vase in mistake for his mug)

Ash Ketchum: I said I'm fine!

Shira: Uh... Ash?

Ash Ketchum: What?

(Ash drinks the vase)

Chrysa: That's the flower vase.

(Ash notices and spits in disgust and coughs)

Guilmon: Are you okay?

Takato Matsuki: Whoa, easy there Ash.

Goh: Hold on. Take it easy, Ash.

Ren: (worried) It is the curse! I know it!

Ash Ketchum: Come on, there's no reason to be upset, Ren!

(Moments later Ash and Goh were seen going up the stairs till Ash slipped a step)

Ash Ketchum: Whoa!

(He almost fell till he caught Goh's pants but at his bottom)

Goh: Hey, let go!

(Moments later he was served his lunch by Mimey and Mr. Ping)

Mr. Ping: Here you go, Ash. Lunch is served.

Ash Ketchum: Hmm. (chuckles)

(Shakes the shaker but nothing comes out)

Ash Ketchum: Huh? Hmm...

Grandpa Max: Try shaking it harder.

(Ash tries harder but spilled on his food)

Ash Ketchum: (grumbles)

Mimey: Mime?

Grandpa Max: Okay, bad idea.

(Later at, Cerise Park we find Ash, Goh, and the rest just walking around till....)

Goh: Ash!

Double D: Look out!

(Ash noticed a stampede of their Pokemon and got runned over)

Pikachu: Pika...

Emerl: Ash!

Double D: Uh, you okay?

(Gengar was watching from Ash's shadow)

(Later somewhere outside the lab)

Brooklyn: Ash, are you sure you're okay?

Lexington: Yeah a lot of strange things keep happening to you.

Fred Jones: Yeah, first your chair broke and you fell down.

Daphne Blake: Then you unintentionally drank from a flower vase.

Velma Dinkley: Then you almost fell off the stairs.

Shaggy Rogers: Then your lunch got all spoiled.

Joe Kido: And you got run over by the Pokémon at Cerise Park.

Goh: I've gotta say, maybe there is something to all of this weirdness.

Shaggy Rogers: (gasps scared) Like that curse?

Ash Ketchum: No way! There aren't any curses here! (Gets up)

Goh: But things are weird...

Velma Dinkley: Yeah, Ash maybe you should...

Ash Ketchum: Don't worry! It's fine!

(But then Ash stepped his foot into something)

Ash Ketchum: Huh? (Chuckles nervously and looks down, his foot was in a hole) Huh?

(He takes his foot out of the hole and was silent)

Nico: Um Ash, are you....?

Ash Ketchum: (screaming while moving like he's running) This'll do it! It's gotta! If I move around like this, it'll throw whatever it is off of me! (Runs off)

Pikachu: (runs after Ash) Pika!

Goh: Uh, Ash?

(Ash screams away)

Goh: Uh...

Pedro: Where's he going?

Inuyasha: I don't know, but we better follow.

Emerl: Inuyasha's right! Whatever's happening to Ash, today we gotta be there and make sure nothing bad happens to him!

Gmerl: Right with ya!

Mark EVO: Agreed! Let's go Goh!

Goh: Okay! (to Scorbunny) Let's go, Scorbunny!

Scorbunny: Scorbun!

(Everyone went after Ash)

(Ash and Pikachu were screaming while going down the stairs and stopped to look out the road, the ran to their right while screaming)

(Gengar noticed they were going away from the lab)

Gengar: Gengar!

(Later somewhere in the city)

Ash Ketchum: (sighs with relief) Nothing like a run to make it better, right, buddy?

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Ash Ketchum: Yeah!

(Gengar, underneath Ash in his shadow, groans)

(Then Team Rocket and the villains were seen having some nice drinks)

James: Huh? (notices Ash and Pikachu)

Meowth: (notices Ash and Pikachu) The twerp and Pikachu just went running by.

Megatron (Predacon): What?!

Jessie: Run that by me again?

Wobbuffett: Wob?

(Ash was about to run around a corner till he bump into another Trainer)

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Trainer: (groans)

(Gengar and Pikachu noticed the Trainer)

Gengar: (shocked) Gengar!

(Ash runs to the trainer)

Ash Ketchum: I'm sorry!

Trainer: (groans) Look where you're goin'!

(The Trainer's girldfriend came)

Trainer's Girlfriend: What is it now? You're not still cursed, are you? (Laughs)

Trainer: That was more than three years ago. Now I've got more luck than I know what to do with, and no curse!

(Ash was concerned while Goh and the others came)

Goh: Uh, hey, Ash.

Emerl: There you are.

(But then they noticed the Trainer)

Trainer: But when that thing was around, it was awful! I couldn't win a battle, and every Pokemon I tried to catch would get away! I'd fall down the steps and lose thjngs at the time! No matter what I did, it was nothing but bad luck!

Trainer's Girlfriend: Uh, excuse me, but that's why they call it a curse!

Trainer: Well, that bringer of bad luck is gone now! I'm the luckiest!

(Gengar was mad)

Gengar: Gengar!

(Flashabck to years ago in the night)

Gengar's former trainer (flashback): Listen up! You stay here, and don't you dare leave this place!

(Scoots away)

Gengar (flashback): Gengar!

Gengar's former trainer (flashback): (runs and laughs away)

Gengar: (waves) Gengar! Gen..

(Gengar waited for days every day and night but its Trainer hasn't came back)

Gengar (flashback): Gen...

(Gets up)

Gengar (flashback): Gengar? (Looks around) Geng?

(It goes inside and checks)

Gengar (flashback): (calling) Gengar?

(No answer)

Gengar (flashback): Gengar. (sits on the stairs)

Gengar's former trainer (V.O. in flashback): Listen up! You stay here, and don't you dare leave this place!

Gengar (flashback): Geng....

(Stayed at the stairs from fall to winter)

(In the spring time the door opened)

Gengar (flashback): (relieved) Gengar!

(It wasn't its Trainer but a man)

Man: Now, please, come right in.

(A woman and her Glameow comes in)

Gengar (flashback): (turns invisible) Gen... (angry and groans) Gengar! (Hits an empty vase and it falls and cracks)

Man and Lady: (gasp)

(They look at the broken vase pieces)

(They ran outside whimpering in fear)

(Time passes as we hear a glass object breaking. Then in winter a shatter, then time passes)

Man (V.O): It's cursed! (Wails)

(We see Gengar looking at the window and looked mad)

(Flashback ends)

Gengar: (angry) Gengar...

Gengar's former trainer: After all, it's just a Gengar. I shouldn't have caught that thing anyway.

Goliath: (angry) What?!

Ash Ketchum: (angry) Huh?

(Then Gengar appeared from behind)

Gengar: (angry) Gengar!

(The heroes turned behind them)

Krillin: Look!

Ash Ketchum: Gengar?

Goh: What are you doing here?

Gengar's former trainer: (gasp) Oh, no! It's you!

Gengar: Gengar! (Uses Shadow Ball)

Piccolo: Lookout, Shadow Ball!

Ash Ketchum: Gengar!

Gengar's former trainer: (scared) NO!

All Heroes: Who's that Pokemon?

(Back to the show)

Gengar: Gengar! (Uses Shadow Ball)

(Gengar's former trainer and his girlfriend screamed in gasps and avoided the attack)

Trainer's girlfriend: What's happening? Oh, no!

Broadway: What's Gengar doing?!

Elisa Maza: It looks like Gengar wants revenge on that guy!

Ash Ketchum: Gengar, stop! That guy over there's your trainer, right?

(But Gengar unleashes more Shadow Balls at its former trainer)

Lexington: Lookout more Shadow Balls!

Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, use Electroweb!

Hiccup: Toothless, Plasma Blast!

(Pikachu and Toothless fired their attacks to stop the Shadow Balls)

Gengar: (angry) Gengar!

Brooklyn: Geez, it looks mad!

Hudson: No wonder! Since its cruel trainer abandoned it all those years ago!

Ash Ketchum: Please, calm down! (Turns to Gengar's former trainer) This is your Gengar, isn't it? Then talk to it, and tell it...

(Gengar was getting ready to use another Shadow Ball)

Goh: Ash, look out!

Gengar's former trainer: (scared) Stay away, stay away, stay away, stay away!

Gengar: (angry) Gengar! (grunts)

(It gets ready its Shadow Ball)

Gengar's former trainer: (scared) I told you to wait for me there! Only bad things happen to me whenever you're around! I don't need you anymore!

Mark EVO: (shocked with disgust) What?!

All heroes: (gasp horrified)

Goh: (shocked) Huh?

Scorbunny: (mad) Scorbun!

Ash Ketchum: That's not a nice thing to say!

Bulma: Yeah, it's your responsibility to train it you jerk!

Chi-Chi: Bulma's right! Your a Pokémon Trainer, so if you're gonna win battles with your Pokémon, you need to train them in order to help build up their powers and abilities so they'll be stronger!

Matt Ishida: Yeah, you can't just throw them away like they're just yesterday's trash!

Roxy: Matt's right! Pokemon aren't creatures you can just throw away like they're nothing!

Goku: Yeah, when you catch them, it's your role as a trainer to help them develop their inner power, you can't just toss 'em away just because of how many times you lost!! (grunts) You don't even deserve to have Pokémon!

Gengar's former trainer: (gets up fast while panicking) Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! (Runs away in fear)

Trainer's girlfriend: Hey, wait for me!

(They both ran away)

Goh: Hey!

Mark EVO: (shouting) Hey you!

Cheetor: Where are you going?!

Dinobot: Get back here you cowards!

Gengar: (pants) Gen...

Bloom: (notices and gasp concerned) Oh, Gengar.

Hiccup: Gengar, are you okay?

Astrid: Are you feeling alright?

Ash Ketchum: Gengar!

(But then Gengar disappeared)

Krillin: Hey where'd it go?

Jack Atlas: It's gone!

Sid: Gee, poor Gengar!

Ocellus: Finding out the truth from its former trainer must've hit its broken heart hard.

Aisha: (sighs) I don't understand it. How could that guy do something so horrible?

Cera: Hphm, I'll say. Especially the way it ditched Gengar way back when.

Flora: Yeah, I just feel terribly sorry for that Pokemon, especially after learning how it first came and why it stayed at the lab.

Musa: Yeah, do tell.

Yusei Fudo: It must be hard for it, to know it was abandoned all those years ago from its former Trainer.

Lexington: I just can’t believe that guy just abandoned Gengar like that all those years ago.

Brooklyn: Yeah, that's just so awful!

Broadway: And cruel!

Li Showron: Yeah it's just...(grunts mad) it's just so disgusting!

Meilin Rae: (sighs) Yeah, we can understand that since, most of our Pokémon were abandoned by their former trainers too.

King Quincy: I agree with you Meilin, some other former trainers just don't understand what their true power means.

Prince D: You see Goh, you must aware of what to some poor Pokémon being abandoned from their own trainers.

Goh: What do you mean?

Ash Ketchum: Prince D let's tell Goh a whole story.

Prince D: Sure thing Ash. Goh let us tell you what really happened.

(It's All Love (History of Funk) song starts)

[Prince D]

(Start in beginning)

Professors from different region picks a starter Pokémon for new Trainer

So their journeys to begin to catch a new Pokémon

For raise it and trained to become a powerful Pokémon

Until one day that changes everything

The abusive Trainers starts abandon to their own Pokémon

(Oh no)

Cause they don't like their own Pokémon because they're weak and unless

(Not even care and love)

They're selfish, ruthless, and rudeness

Cause they're also very meaningless

They gonna caught some strong Pokémon to make them stronger

The other trainers doesn't like their attitude

The others said to abusive trainers they always say you cannot replace to own Pokémon to the key if you win


First it is alright

[King Quincy]

First it is alright


Then that's for the starts up

[Prince D]

The starts up


Then you getting up you alright

[Prince D]

Then you getting up


Take it alright

Oh music getting louder

[Queen Essance]

Music getting louder


The crowds are pump it up

[Prince D]

And then the crowds up


Take it it'll be alright is all off

And take it'll be alright is all of

(Then the Funk Trolls came to dance with our heroes around Goh as they keep singing)

[Emerl & Prince D]

I feel you sounds good to feel it right now

I feel you there's good the power inside of you

I feel you the power of friendship will never end

There is love inside of you

Not enough love I feel you

(Not enough love we feel you)

[Prince D]

Next day Ash and his friends have encounter the abusive Trainer yet still haven't change it

And they still treat their Pokémon so badly

(So they had enough of them)

Ash and his friends battle them fair and square

And may the better Trainers would ever be

They defeat the abusive Trainers what had to be done

The abusive Trainers said, "They'll remember this!"

And then they run!

(the song ends)

King Quincy: And the Pokémon never trusts the original Trainers again.

Goh: So the Pokémon, one of Ash's, Meilin's, and the others were abandoned because of what their original Trainers did?

(All heroes nodded)

Emerl: It's true.

Goku: Their former trainers didn't care about their own Pokémon they just want to have a really strong Pokémon to win gym badges, leagues, and the trials for replacement.

(King Quincy agree with Goku)

Queen Essence: The original Trainers try to rid their own Pokémon.

Branch: Just like Gengar's Former Trainer, which he already did.

Garnet: Goh you must be very careful about the abuse of Trainers who abandoned their own Pokémon, yours might end up like Ash's Charizard, his Squirtle, his Infernape, his Pignite, and Meilin's Blaziken, but then the abusive Trainers did came back, then they battle them, and they prove to them they were wrong about them not having any strengths and serve the abuse Trainers right and never wanna see their faces again.

Goh: That would be a shock to anyone, being abandoned by your Trainer.

Scorbunny: (Mad) Scorbun!

(Ash grunts while clenching his right hand and runs off with Pikachu)

Manny: Hey, Ash where are you going?

Goh: Now, what?

Jewel: What are you gonna do?

Ash Ketchum: I'm gonna find Gengar! I can't leave it like that!

Pikachu: (Agrees) Pika, pika!

Hiccup: We're with you, Ash!

(The others except Goh followed)

Goh: (surprised) Hmm. Of course, you or the guys can't leave it like that. That's so you.

(Scorbunny notices a Pokeball in Goh's hand)

Scorbunny: Scorbuny...

Goh: (reacts in shock) I've got one thing on my mind and that's catching Gengar! I never once thought about helping Ash!

Scorbunny: Scorbunny...

Goh: Scorbuny, let's look for Gengar, too.

Scorbunny: (agrees) Scorbun!

(As they left the Team Rocket and the Villains were stalking)

Terrasaur: What a powerful Gengar.

Jessie: They want Gengar. Me, too.

Rampage: So do I!

James: It seems replete with strength.

Quickstrike: And such power!

Meowth: I want some of that!

Megatron (Predacon): Me as well! Yes!

Wobbuffett: Wobbuffett!

James: (giggles)

(Later somewhere in the city, Gengar was sitting down a stairway)

Gengar: Gen...

Jessie (V.O.): Just a moment

Gengar: Gar?

(It notices Team Rocket and the villains)

Jessie: We've got an idea.

Tarantulas: One you certainly can't refuse my purple Ghost friend. (chuckles evilly)

James: Why not join us? You'll be part of an evil team! You'll love it!

Megatron (Predacon): A Team that will help you get revenge on those who betrayed you! Yes!

Icy: Especially on that arrogant trainer who dumped you ages ago.

Nigel: Yeah, abandoning you like you're nothing! That's so low!

Captain Gutt: But if you join us, we can make it worth your while.

Meowth: (in tears) We know you were number one in the Pokémon school of hard knocks! You're not alone. We're your pals. Forget that awful excuse for a Trainer you hung out with, and we'll make it a team effort!

Dinobot II: Indeed we shall! (laughs evilly)

Jessie: We don't know the meaning of the word "failure." With us, the sky's the limit with unlimited power!

Darcy: Yeah! Power you could use to help you get even with that loser of a former trainer of yours once and for all!

Megatron (Predacon): So do we have a deal, Gengar? (Offers it a hand shake)

(Gengar was silent but turned away from them)

Gengar: Gengar! Gengar. Gengar!

Megatron (Predacon): What did it say, Meowth?

Meowth: It's saying you're not fooling it one bit! Gengar doesn't believe in humans or strangers.

Browser: (smiles evilly) Oh, really?

James: It's just a matter of trust.

Inferno: Ah, let's just take it, by force!

Quickstrike: Yeah ho now you're talking!

Jessie: Let's cut to the chase. You're coming with us buster!

Scorponok: And that's right, now!

(James activates his Ghost-type Vacuum)

James: All aboard!

(Gengar gets sucked in the vacuum and found itself stuck)

Gengar: (struggling) Gengar! Gengar! Gengar!

Bowser Jr.: (evil laugh) Quit struggling, you can't get out!

Jack Spicer: Yeah, we made this glass container just for you!

Jessie: We studied everything about you, from A to Z.

Tarantulas: Yeah, that glass is Ghost-Type proof, so you can't phase free! (laughs tauntingly)

Gengar: (angry) Gengar! Gengar!

Quickstrike: Boy, is it mad!

Dr. Eggman: Do tell. (taunting) Aw, is the poor angry Ghost Pokemon just the tiniest mad? (sarcastic) Aww... (cruelly satisfied) Good! 'Cause now we're going to forcefully make you work us, as our newest slave Pokemon! (laughs)

(Gengar continues shouting mad)

Meowth: You aren't exactly restoring its faith in humanity.

Terrasaur: (sarcastic) Is that so? (laughs tauntingly)

Jessie: Well, boo-hoo-hoo. We caught it, so get over it!

Wobbuffett: Wobba!

Megatron (Predacon): Let's head back to base!

(Team Rocket and the villains were leaving with Gengar captured until..)

Ash Ketchum (V.O.): Use Iron Tail!

(Pikachu came in and used Iron Tail to break Gengar free as James screamed)

Stormy: What the?!

Jessie: Huh?

(The heroes arrived)

Takato Matsuki: Gengar!

Ash Ketchum: Hey are you okay, Gengar?

Gengar: Gen?

James: The twerp cometh!

Icy: (grunts) Why you meddling heroes!

Ash Ketchum: Team Rocket and the villains, what are you doing?!

Gengar: (surprised) Gen!

Stormy: Catching that Gengar till you interfered brat!

Jessie: (mad) We were so close, until you!

(Ash turns to Gengar)

Ash Ketchum: Hey! Wanna help me battle 'em, Gengar?

Pikachu: (to Gengar) Pika, pika?

Gengar: (surprised) Gengar?

All heroes: Huh?!

Goh: Wait. Really?

Scorbunny: Scorbun!

Ash Ketchum: I don't care what that other Trainer said about you, Gengar. I need you on my side!

(Gengar was concerned with surprise)

(Ash offers his hand)

Ash Ketchum: What do you say?

Pikachu: Pika, pika!

Ash Ketchum: (Chuckles)

(Gengar groaned)

Megatron (Predacon): You wouldn't dare!

Jessie: (mad) Don't you dare team up on Team Rocket! We caught Gengar unfair and square!

Bowser: That's right!

Meowth: Word up! Don't forget Gengar doesn't trust any human twerpies or strangers!

Nigel: Agreed!

Wobbuffet: Wobba!

Ash Ketchum: You don't have to trust me right away. But you should know that I trust you!

(Gengar surprised smiled)

Gengar: Geng!

(Steps forward)

Ash Ketchum: Gengar, so you'll battle with us?

Gengar: (affirmative) Gengar!

Carla: Guess that's a yes!

(Pikachu jumps off of Ash's shoulder to get ready for battle)

Pikachu: Pika, pika!

Gengar: Gengar!

Jaden Yuki: We'll help out too!

Sakura Avalon: Go Flygon!

Li Showron: Go Incineroar!

Madison Taylor: Go Altaria!

Meilin Rae: Noivern let's go!

Eli Moon: Let's go Lycanroc!

(They popout their Pokeballs and ready for battle.)

Jessie: Fraternizing with the twerps?

Bowser Jr.: Alright, time to call in Pelipper!

Jessie: Ready?

James: Steady!

Jessie and James: Alright, come on down!

(Pelipper arrives singing)

(Drops the Master Prize machine)

Captain Gutt: Alright, your part Meowth!

James: Lend us your Charm! Ha-ha!

Meowth: Gangway!

(He places Meowth to where the coin slot is)

James: Our secret...

Jessie: Rocket Prize...(Turns the wheel)

Jessie and James: Master!

(Two Pokeballs came out)

Terrasaur: Well, well, what do have here!

Jessie: (giggles) Double prizes!

James: Two for the price of one!

Meowth: Quit stringing and start flinging!

Nigel: Yeah, and right now!

Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!

Jessie: And you're up!

James: Out!

(They flung their Pokeballs into the air)

(The Pokemon pop out and two cards came floating down to their hands)

Icy: And today we have...

(It was two Dusclops)

Jessie and James: The Beckon Pokemon, Dusclops!

James: (notices) What's this? It's a Dusclops duo!

Team Rocket's Rotom Phone: Would you care to file a complaint?

Meowth: Hey. You got problems with the Boss?

Team Rocket's Rotom Phone: Dusclops. The Beckon Pokémon. A Ghost-Type. Dusclops absorbs wandering apparitions. Who knows what it does after that?

Terrasaur: That's it?! (Then thought...) Well, it'll have to do!

Sakura Avalon: Whoa, two Dusclops!

Ash Ketchum: (to Gengar) They're Ghost-types like you! We'll win, right, Gengar?

Gengar: (agrees) Gengar!

Pikachu: Pika, pika!

Icy: We'll just see about that you goody two shoes!

Jessie: The Gengar and Pikachu odd couple will soon be ours! Dusclops, Shadow Sneak!

(One of the Dusclops fires Shadow Streak)

Joe Kido: Here it comes!

Ash Ketchum: Dodge it with Quick Attack!

(Pikachu dodges Dusclops' attack)

Sakura Avalon: Flygon use Dragon Claw!

(Flygon use Dragon Claw and hit Dusclops)

Tarantulas: James now!

James: Now use Ice Punch!

(His Dusclops uses Ice Punch)

(Pikachu got hit and its left foot got frozen)

Littlefoot: Oh, no!

Ducky: Pikachu's foot is frozen! Oh no, no, no!

(Gengar then fires Shadow Ball at Pikachu)

Goh: (gasps) Pikachu's been hit!

Eddy: What was that for?!

Jake Long: (notices something) Wait! Look!

(Pikachu's foot got unfrozen thanks to Gengar)

Pikachu: (thankful) Pika, pika!

Ash Ketchum: Thank you, Gengar!

Gengar: (chuckles)

Tigress: Gengar used Shadow Ball to unfreeze Pikachu's foot!

Goh: So that's what it was about!

Manny: Nice work Gengar!

Captain Gutt: (angry) Take them down!

Jessie: Use Fire Punch!

(Her Dusclops uses Fire Punch)

Littlefoot: Lookout!

Ash Ketchum: Gengar!

(Gengar dodges the attack)

Quickstrike: James now!

James: Use Night Shade!

(His Dusclops uses Night Shade)

(But Gengar uses its own Night Shade and it was a standoff)

Lexington: Wow, look at that!

Goh: Night Shade against Night Shade?

Jessie: Use Fire Punch!

(Dusclops uses Fire Punch)

(It hits Pikachu and sent it flying)

Ash Ketchum: No, Pikachu!

Jessie: Now, use Night Shade!

(Her Dusclops uses Night Shade on Gengar but Gengar fires Night Shade from its right eye at it)

(Gengar and the two Dusclops were in a Night Shade Standoff)

Rabbit: Oh, dear!

Goh: Gengar's getting pushed back!

Quickstrike: We're gonna win!

Jessie: Go, you two, go!

James: Yay, yay, yay! Ya, team!

Ash Ketchum: Gengar!

Meilin Rae: Noivern help Gengar by using Air Slash.

(But then Gengar pushes back and fires stronger Night Shade and then Noivern helping Gengar by using Air Slash attack and hit the two Dusclops)

Megatron (Predacon): What?!

Jack Spicer: (gasps) They hit our Dusclops!

James: No, Dusclops!

Meowth: Say it ain't so...! (upset) Oh, man, those twerps are so pushy!

(Gengar then went under)

Bowser: Huh?

James: (gasp scared)

Tarantulas: It's gone!

Darcy: Where'd it go?!

(Gengar rises from the shadow of one of the Dusclops)

Dusclops: Dus?

(Gengar uses Ice Punch)

Li Showron: Incineroar use Darkest Lariat on two Dusclops go!

(The attacks hits Dusclops and sends it flying to the other)

Team Rocket and the villains: (gasps)

Hiccup: Wrap it up, Ash!

Ash Ketchum: Gengar, Shadow Ball, now!

Sakura Avalon: Flygon use Dragon Pulse!

Li Showron: Incineroar use Flamethrower!

Madison Taylor: Altaria use Ice Beam!

Meilin Rae: Noivern use Hurricane!

Eli Moon: Lycanroc use Stone Edge!

(Gengar uses Shadow Ball, Sakura's Flygon use Dragon Pulse, Li's Incineroar use Flamethrower, Madison's Altaria use Ice Beam, Meilin's Noivern use Hurricane, and Eli's Lycanroc use Stone Edge and fires it)

(Team Rocket and the villains scream scared as the two Dusclops hit them first and then Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Hurricane, and Stone Edge)

Megatron (Predacon): No!

Jessie: We were so close to winning, I could almost taste it!

Waspinator: (upset) Me too!

James: I thought it wasn't supposed to trust humans and strangers!

Nigel: That's what I thought too!

Meowth: I guess it trusts twerps!

Squint: And goody goods!

Wobbuffet: Wobba, waah!

Team Rocket and the villains: We're blasting off again!

Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!

(They vanish with a ding)

Takato Matsuki: We did it!

Henry Wong: Alright!

Goh: That was amazing! I never thought you'd team up with Gengar and actually win!

Krillin: Me neither!

Yamacha: Yeah, it was incredible!

Ash Ketchum: Gengar really saved us.

Goku: He sure did!

Ash Ketchum: Thanks a lot, Gengar!

Gengar: (chuckles)

Ash Ketchum: Alright, what do you say we all go back to the lab now, huh?

Hiccup: What do say, Gengar?

(Gengar turns to Ash)

Gengar: Geng!

(Approaches Ash)

Gengar: Gengar...

(But then Ash feels weird again as he moaned and collapsed with Gengar catching him with shock)

All heroes: (gasped shocked)

Gengar: Geng? (shocked) Gengar!

Pikachu: (worried) Pika!

Hiccup: Ash!

Goh: What's wrong?

Scorbunny: Scor!

Tai Kamiya: Ash, what's the matter?! Are you okay?!

Davis Motomiya: Ash, answer us please!

(Toothless groans in worry along with Light Fury)

Gengar: (worried) Geng!

(The unwell Ash who was barely awake turns to his friends while groaning)

Ash Ketchum: (unwell) Huh? Did I...

(Pikachu and Scorbunny sounded worried)

(Toothless, and the dragons groaned worried too)

Gengar: Geng...

Henry Wong: He's passing out!

Takuya Kanbara: (gasps) Ash, can you hear me?!

Koji Minamoto: Ash what's wrong?!

Matt Ishida: Wake up, Ash!

Hiccup: Ash!

Tai Kamiya: Wake up!

Goh: Hey, Ash. Wake up!

Everyone: Ash!

(Ash's eyes shut and the scene goes black. Then moments later everything was still dark till...)

Astrid (V.O.): Ash!

Hiccup (V.O.): Ash wake up!

(Ash's eyes began to open up and who did he see first was Toothless sniffing him then looking happy with relief)

Pikachu: Pika.

Hiccup: Are you alright?

Goh: How are you feeling?

Ash Ketchum: Okay.

Goh: Didn't you have any idea how exhausted you were?

Kero: Yeah, it turned out you had a fever this whole time.

Scorbunny: Scorbunny.

Ash Ketchum: Guess not.

Goku: Hey, at least you're gonna be okay now.

Valka: Indeed. Mr. Ping and I made some special soup to treat your fever.

Mr. Peng: Mm-hm. So you'll be fine now.

Hiccup: Yeah, you really had us worried there.

Goh: I owe you an apology, Ash. Sorry for the "Gengar curse" stuff.

Thomas H. Norstein: Hey like Ash said, "there's no such thing as a curse."

Ash Ketchum: (gasps upon remembering Gengar) Oh, yeah! Gengar!

(But then an apple fell on his head)

Ash Ketchum: Ouch! Huh? (notices the apple) What's this for?

Goh: To keep the doctor away, maybe?

Shaggy Rogers: (laughs) Nice joke!

Ash Ketchum: (looks around) Oh. Gengar? (But then a Pokeball fell on his head)

Pikachu: Pika?

(They notice the Pokeball)

Ash Ketchum: Huh? A Pokeball?

Sycus Truesdale: What does that mean?

Goh: I think I know what that means.

Ash Ketchum: Gengar!

(Gengar appears)

Gengar: (chuckling)

Ash Ketchum: Gengar, come on and be my friend!

Hiccup: What do you say, Gengar?

Gengar: (laughing in agreement)

Taylor: Guess that's a yes!

(Ash tosses the Pokeball. The ball hit Gengar and it went in. The Pokeball shook a bit till the capture was a success. Ash picks up the Pokeball and laughs)

Ash Ketchum: I can't believe I just caught a Gengar!

Pikachu: (happy) Pika, pika!

Patrick Star: Congratulations, Ash!

Sakura Avalon: Alright Ash now caught all 18 different types of Pokemon.

Goh: I was hoping to catch that Gengar for myself.

Scorbunny: Scorbun-bun.

Grandpa Longneck: You'll have another chance one day, Goh.

Ash Ketchum: Come on out!

(Gengar pops out)

Ash Ketchum: Let's be really good friends, 'kay?

(Gengar disappears)

Gengar: (laughs)

Ash Ketchum: Huh? Gengar?

(But then a pile of apple lands on him)

Ash Ketchum: Hey!

Elisa Maza: Uh, you okay?

(Ash comes out of the pile of apples)

Ash Ketchum: Hey, Gengar!

Lexington: What are all these apples for?

Goh: I think Gengar wants you to eat every one of those and get well quick!

Jin: (laughs) Could be!

Flora: (giggles) Isn't that sweet of it?

Roxy: (laughs) It sure is.

Ash Ketchum: Guess you must be right. (Eats an apple) Whoa! They're good! You want some, buddy?

Pikachu: Pikachu! (digs in)

Broadway: Save the apples for me.

Patrick Star: Me too!

Shaggy Rogers: I'd like some too!

Ash Ketchum: (laughs)

Narrator: The chaos surrounding Ash's curse is over. Although Gengar still loves its pranks, our heroes can take their time getting to know their new friend. Maybe.

(Gengar was seen eating)

Gengar: Gengar! (then vanishes)

(the episode ends)