This is a transcript of A Close Call... Practically! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.
(the episode begins)
Narrator: Ash's goal is to battle one of the world's greatest Trainers, Leon! Goh's goal is to catch one of every kind of Pokémon, including Mew! This is the story of their adventure-filled journey through the world of Pokémon!
(In a city in the Unova region we find our heroes walking in the streets. Then Ash takes out one of his Pokeballs)
Ash Ketchum: Come out, Lucario! (tosses his Pokeball)
Goh: Cinderace! (tosses his Pokeball)
(Lucario and Cinderace pop out)
Lucario: (grunts)
Cinderace: Cinder.
Narrator: Ash, Goh, their allies, and their Pokemon have arrived in Castelia City, located in the Unova region. If you're wondering why they're here....
Ash Ketchum: 'Kay, everyone... are your tummies good and empty?
Goh and the heroes: Yeah!
Ash Ketchum: Alright then.
(He, and Goh chuckle)
(Goh takes out a prize he won from the Pokemon Eating Contest)
Goh: First prize from the Pokemon Grand Eating Contest. Our Unova gourmet eatery tour starts now!
Ash Ketchum: First, a Unova specialty. Yummy Casteliacone!
Goku: Casteliacones?! (Awestruck) I'm so there!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Sakura Avalon: Then what are we waiting for?
Kero: Yeah, let's go get our selves some nice treats!
Emerl: What do you all say?
All heroes: Yeah!
Cinderace: (cheers) Cinder, Cinderace! (pats Lucario's back hard) Cinderace! Cinderace!
Lucario: (grunts mad)
Goh: Let's go, Cinderace!
Cinderace: Cinder. (follows) Cinderace. Cinderace.
(Lucario follows as well)
(Somewhere in the city, we find a Casteliacone truck with a disguised Team Rocket and the villains acting as the vendors)
Jessie: Thank you so much!
Icy: Enjoy your Casteliacone!
Lemmy Koopa: Come back, any time!
(We see a kid and his mom and their Herdier leaving)
(Jessie looked disappointed)
Jessie: Twerps, can you step on it a bit? (sighs)
Icy: (looks around and groaned impatiently) Where are they?!
Stormy: They should have been here by now!
Nigel: Patience ladies, they'll be here in any moment. And when they do, we'll be ready!
(James, Meowth, Wobbuffet, and the other villains appeared in disguise and gave an evil smirk)
James: Oh! Leave it to Team Rocket to trap the Twerps with their ice cream truck while lying in waiting. (gasps)
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
Bowser: It's only a matter of time before they arrive.
Jessie: While they let their guards down on their gourmet tour, they can eat, and we'll steal Pikachu!
Bowser Jr.: From right under their noses! (laughs)
Meowth: So why, you may ask, are we sure of our plan's success? It's because of this little dude...
(We see a life-like mecha Pikachu, off)
Meowth: ...yellow fur and pointy ears!
Dr. Eggman: From yours two truly, me and Meowth! (laughs)
(We see the life-like mecha Pikachu all silent)
(Team Robot in Pokemon Journeys: the Series opening plays)
Ash & Goh (V.O.): A Close Call... Practically!
Bowser: Ooh, what do we have here, Meowth and Dr. Eggman?
Meowth and Dr. Eggman: Presenting Practically Pikachu!
Jessie, James, and the villains: Practically Pikachu?
Bowser: Um, Dr. Eggman, why's it called Practically Pikachu?
Dr. Eggman: (nervous) Uh, well it's... uh, complicated.
Megatron (Predacon): But how's this going to help us with our plan to snatch the brat's Pikachu?
Dr. Eggman: Ah, glad you asked that Megatron, Meowth please explain it to them.
Meowth: That lilting look! The feel of its fur and the weight! They're all exactly the same as the real deal!
Dr. Eggman: Exactly, and when we switch it with ol' Ash's Pikachu, we'll be long gone before he and the heroes realizes it. (laughs evilly)
(Meowth then activates Practically Pikachu as it turns on)
Jessie, James, and the villains: (gasps impressed)
Bowser: Oh, I get ya, very clever.
Jack Spicer: Hmm, well I could've done better you know?
Bowser Jr: Shut it Jack!
Jessie: So, with Practically Pikachu, we could stealthily replace the real Pikachu.
James: And be gone without those gullible Twerps being any the wiser!
Squint: Yeah, by the time they realize it, we'll be long gone back to base!
(They all gave each other an evil smirk and chuckle as they linked their hands together)
Jessie, James, and the villains: Pikachu! We steal you!
Practically Pikachu: Hikachu!
Jessie, James, and the villains: Hm? (gasps)
Bowser: Did it just say....
Larry Koopa: No, it couldn't have could it?!
Jessie: (picks up Practically Pikachu) Now, wait a minute! I could've sworn I just heard it say "Hikachu" and not "Pikachu."
Captain Gutt: Yeah, I think I heard it say that.
James: I can't say that I did.
Icy: Maybe we were just hearing things.
Wendy Koopa: Yeah, no way it just said...
Practically Pikachu: Hikachu!
Jessie, James, and the villains: (gasps)
Practically Pikachu: Hika, Hika!
Jessie, James, and the villains: What do you know?!
Tarantulas: I don't believe this!
Roy Koopa: It can't be!
James: It distinctly uttered "Hikachu!" Followed by "Hika, Hika!"
Bowser: (grunts mad and turns to an embarrassed Meowth and Dr. Eggman) Meowth! Dr. Eggman! What's with this thing talking Hikaspeak?!
Jessie: I want an explanation!
Icy: (in Poisandra's voice) You better have a good excuse!
Dr. Eggman: (nervous) Well we...
Meowth: (disappointed) We'll give it to you straight. We tried and we tried, but its robo-tongue just doesn't get Pikaspeak!
Dr. Eggman: (disappointed) Yeah, all it can say was "Hikachu" or "Hika."
Practically Pikachu: Hikachu!
James: So that would account for the Practically moniker.
Squint: You can say that again.
Practically Pikachu: Hika, Hika!
James: But, aside from that, it acts just like the real deal.
Bowser Jr.: (in Kegler's (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy) voice) That's a good point.
Dr Eggman: Agreed.
Jessie: They're such scatterbrained suckers, they'll never know the difference!
Megatron (Predacon): Hold on! What happens if that blasted Night Fury of theirs discovers it scent doesn't matches with the real Pikachu? Remember what happened last time when we had that movie star Ditto in our group?
(Flashback to the events of A Talent for Imitation)
Jessie (Flashback): (to Ash) Now, here's your Pikachu back, safe and sound.
(She presents Ash with "Pikachu")
Ash Ketchum (flashback): Uh, just a second. (gets close look) Hmm...Is this really my Pikachu?
(Jessie and "Pikachu" AKA Ditto get nervous)
Goh (Flashback): It's your Pikachu as far as I can tell.
(But then a concerned Toothless gets a close look at "Pikachu")
Hiccup (Flashback): What is it bud?
Astrid (Flashback): I think he's checking to see if he recognizes Pikachu.
(Toothless sniffs "Pikachu" but he couldn't recognize it's scent and then he growls)
Ash Ketchum (Flashback): No way. That's not mine!
(Flashback ends)
Rampage: Ooh, right. What'll we do about that problem?
Darcy: Ah, leave that to me. (chuckles evilly)
(She uses her magic powers to change Practically Pikachu's scent to match Ash's Pikachu scent)
Darcy: There that should do it. When the dragon sniffs this thing, it will think it's his little brother and won't realize till it's too late. (laughs evilly)
James: Perfect.
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
Ash Ketchum (V.O.): Excuse me!
(The disguised Team Rocket and the villains get startled)
Jessie: That voice!
All the Villains: (softly) It's the heroes!
Bowser: (softly) They're here?!
Meowth: Twerp time.
(Ash and the heroes arrive)
Ash Ketchum: Casteliacone, please!
Emerl: Make it for plenty!
Jessie: Yes, sirs! Thank you for your business! Today's your lucky day!
Nigel: Yes, very lucky!
(They get plenty of Casteliacones)
Jessie: It happens to be Casteliacone Day! (she and the others give them the Casteliacone) You get our super-gooey tasty toppings on the house!
Icy: Mm-hm! And it's extra tasty!
Iggy Koopa: So bon appétit!
Ash Ketchum: Alright!
SpongeBob SquarePants: Thank you, very much!
Goh: I'll have to take a pass. I'd like plain vanilla.
Ash Ketchum: Please? May I have his helping, too?
Goku: Me too!
Stella: I'd like one too please!
Tai Kamiya: One for me as well!
Jessie: (laughs sheepishly) Coming up!
(We see Ash's Casteliacone getting extra toppings)
Ash Ketchum: Whoa! (gets taller) Whoa! (awestruck) Whoa!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Ash Ketchum: Awesome! Thanks a lot!
Goku: Yes, thank you so much!
Darcy: Oh, you're very... welcome.
(Under Jessie, and the others, we find James, Wobbuffet, Meowth, and the other villains)
Icy: (softly chuckles evilly) They're taking the bait!
Morton Koopa: (softly) Just as we expected!
Meowth: (softly) Nothing like a Twerp taking the bait!
James: (softly) Now, while he tries to eat super-gooey cone confection...
Meowth: (softly) We can do the ol' Practically Pikachu switcheroo. Woo-hoo!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
Goh: (turns to Cinderace) Would you like some?
Cinderace: (affirmative) Cin, Cinder.
Ash Ketchum: (turn to Lucario) How about you, Lucario?
(Lucario was silent and just walks away)
Ash Ketchum: Huh? You don't want any?
Gohan: Hm, guess it's just not hungry.
Jessie: There you go!
Goh: (to Cinderace) Enjoy!
Cinderace: (thankful) Cinder.
Sakura Avalon: (licks her cone) Boy, this is good!
Kero: Yeah! (licks his) Delicious!
Flora: Mm! I'll say the best!
Ash Ketchum: Let's go eat it on the bench.
(He, Goh, and the heroes walk away)
Darcy: Enjoy those, Casteliacones folks!
Jessie: Come back anytime!
(She and the others wait till the heroes were gone)
Jessie: Hm?
(James, Meowth, Wobbuffet, and the villains came up)
Bowser Jr.: (softly) There they go.
Team Rocket and the villains: (softly) It won't be long now.
Bowser: Alright, let's close up, and follow them!
(Later we find the truck all closed up and then we find the heroes at a bench eating their Casteliacones looking awestruck with gasps)
Pinkie Pie: Mm-mm! Casteliacones on the house!
Emerl: Let's dig in!
(They all had a small spoonful of the Casteliacone and cackle delighted)
(Pikachu pants with awe for Ash's Casteliacone)
Pikachu: (pleading) Pikachu!
Ash Ketchum: Alright. Wait just a second, buddy!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Ash Ketchum: I know.
(We then see Cinderace approaching with a Casteliacone full for Lucario)
Cinderace: (offering) Cinder.
Lucario: (scoffs groans)
Cinderace: (insisting) Cin. Cinder.
(But then it accidentally pushes it in Lucario's face as it growls unimpressed)
Cinderace: (apologetic) Cinder.
Lucario: (growls agitated)
Cinderace: Cin.
(It tries to clean it off as Lucario growls mad and then it slaps its paw hand away while spilling it's Casteliacone)
Cinderace: (shocked) Cinderace. (to Lucario; mad) Cinder! Cin, Cinder. Cinder, Cinderace!
Lucario: (sighs; mumbles)
Cinderace: (agitated) Cinder. Cinderace!
(Back to our heroes eating their cones)
Twilight Sparkle: (licks her cone) Yummy! I just love this stuff!
Shaggy Roger: I'm with you, on that Twilight Sparkle, this Casteliacone is the best! (while he wasn't looking Scooby ate up his Casteliacone; notices) Huh? Hey!
Scooby-Doo: (snickers)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Boy Scooby, you never change. (Chuckle)
Miles Tails Prower: Wow, This taste awesome.
Smolder: Yeah, I didn't know they add crystals to the bottom of the Casteliacones! (takes a hole bit of it)
Ocellus: (Licking the Casteliacone then gets a brain freeze) Ouch, Brain Freeze.
Ash Ketchum: (gives a stick full of ice cream) Here, Pikachu.
Pikachu: (giggles happy) Pikachu! (eats)
Goh: (notices) Ugh.... It's all over your hand! (Ash's Casteliacone was melting down to his hand as he tries to lick it clean) You should go and wash up.
Ash Ketchum: Right. Goh, would you hold this?
Goh: (whimpers in disappointment)
(Ash runs off)
Goh: Hurry, would you please, Ash?
Ash Ketchum: Right!
Emerl: Oh, hey, Goh, Big The Cat, Vector the Crocodile, Classic Tails, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Human Rainbow Dash, Lilo, Stitch, Sakura, Sandbar, and I will be heading out to check the park.
Stella: And us Winx, and shop loving girls will be going shopping to some the shops nearby!
Starlight Glimmer: We'll be back in a few minutes.
Goh: Well, okay. See ya.
(The heroes left out)
(As they left Team Rocket and the villains approached in a bush disguise)
Scorponok: (softly giggles evilly) The coast is clear.
???: Perfect.
Jessie: And now...
Bowser: We place Practically Pikachu next to the real one.
Icy: Put it right there, James.
(James places Practically Pikachu next to Pikachu as it was eating up the tiny ice cream)
Nigel: Bingo.
Mistress 9: And now...
Jessie: ...we wait.
(We see Cinderace and Lucario looking mad each other with silence but then were "Hmp!" and walked away from each other)
Goh: (whimpers in disappointment)
James: (softly) Perfect! Nobody noticed!
Jack Spicer: (softly) Yep, no witnesses in sight.
???: (softly) Excellent.
Jessie: (softly) Now, for the big switch...(giggles as she almost grabs Ash's Pikachu till...)
Goh: (screams)
Jessie: (yelps)
(She hides her arm back in as she, James, Meowth, and the villains get nervous)
Jessie: (worried) Does he know? Are we busted?
Nigel: (softly) Hey, wait look!
(Ash's ice cream was melting on Goh's hand)
Goh: What's wrong with Ash's ice cream? It's melting everywhere!
(Pikachu notices Practically Pikachu)
Pikachu: Pika?
Practically Pikachu: Hikachu.
Pikachu: (surprised) Pi...
Goh: Aw, Ash, are you taking a bath?! (gets up)
Pikachu: Pika!
Goh: Aw, come on!
(Pikachu and Practically Pikachu run off to play)
Goh: This stuff's gonna melt all over me! What am I gonna do now?!
(Jessie notices with shock that Ash's Pikachu and Practically Pikachu are gone)
???: Oh no!
Team Rocket and the villains: No Pikachu!
Icy: Where'd it go?
Bowser Jr.: I don't know!
Pikachu (V.O.): (playful) Pika!
Team Rocket and the villains: (turn) Huh?
(They spot them)
Jack Spicer: There they are!
Jessie and James: Bingo!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
(It and Practically Pikachu shared a nuzzle)
Jessie: Which one is real?
Tarantulas: Dr. Eggman, you and Meowth are the ones who made it. Which one is it?
Dr. Eggman: I don't know!
Bowser: What?! What do you mean you don't know?!
Dr. Eggman: Hey, just because we made that thing, doesn't mean we can recognize it!
Icy: (sighs) Great! Okay, does anybody knows which is the real Pikachu?
(Pikachu and Practically Pikachu played around)
James: That one? No, that one!
Stormy: No, it's the other one!
???: No way, the one of the left! Uh, or maybe it's the other.
Meowth: Listen to their yapping!
Megatron: Oh, right! Listen for which one says either "Hika" or "Hikachu!"
(They shut their eyes and hummed as they listened)
Practically Pikachu: Hika?
(Pikachu breaks the stick in half)
Pikachu: (offering) Pika!
Practically Pikachu: Hikachu! (takes a bite)
Pikachu: Pika. (eats)
(Team Rocket and the villains continued to listen carefully till...)
Cubot: C'mon, c'mon, which is it?
Practically Pikachu: (eats whole) Hika!
Pikachu: (surprised) Pi...(looks at its stick) Pika? (eats whole but then chockes and coughs) Pi...(assuring while coughing deeply) Pikachu!
Jessie: Hear that?!
Icy: Sure did!
James: It said, "Hikachu!"
Meowth: So, that means, we want the other one!
(He blows a trumpet which shot out a orange sticky glue glob towards Practically Pikachu as Ash's Pikachu gasps, then coughs)
Scorponok: We got it!
Terrasaur: Alright, now!
(Team Rocket and the villains came out of the bush riding a bike and an quickly snatched away Practically Pikachu as the Ash's Pikachu notices while seeing the other one being taken away in the bike's basket)
Pikachu: (confused) Pika?
(Team Rocket and the villains rode away)
Pikachu: Pikachu?
Ash Ketchum: Hey, look! Clean as a pin!
Goh: Wish I could say the same about mine.
Ash Ketchum: Hm?
(The other heroes arrived)
Dan Kuso: Hey, we're back guys!
Stella: And boy did we have a time!
(Then we see Cinderace leaning on a lamp post till...)
Wobbuffet (V.O.): Wob!
Jessie (V.O.): Total success!
(Team Rocket and the villains rode by it giggling sinesterly while Cinderace watches them past before noticing with shock...)
Cinderace: Race. Cinderace!
(At first it was going to back and warn the heroes but thinking there's no time it ran after them)
(Then we find Lucario leaning on a lamp post till...)
Cinderace: (alert) Cinderace!
(Lucario turns to notice Team Rocket and the villains riding in their bike but as they pedaled)
Jack Spicer: (notices and gasps) Uh, fellas....(points)
Jessie, James, and the villains: Huh?
(They spot Cinderace coming)
Jessie: Don't look now, but we're being chased!
???: (gasps) It's that one of those kid's Pokemon!
???: With one of Ketchum's brat's Pokemon too!
(They spot Lucario in pursuit as well)
Lucario: (to Ciderace; asking)
Cinderace: (explaining) Race. Cinderace.
(Lucario spots Pikachu in the basket)
Lucario: (growls; affirmative)
Icy: Oh great!
James: Two now! This is not part of the plan!
???: (grunts) Somebody do something!
Nigel: Meowth, get them off our backs!
Meowth: Get a load of this! (blows his trumpet and shot a blob of orange sticky glue)
(Cinderace and Lucario notice with shock)
(Then we see Goh washing his hands)
Goh: Finally.
Ash Ketchum: (eating) Mm! Mm-mm! Man! That was real good! So, what do we get to eat next?
Goh: Ah, good question. (he checks his Rotom Phone till he notices) Hey, wait.
Emerl: What is it?
???: Something wrong?
Goh: Where are Cinderace and Lucario?
All heroes: Huh? (they look around but can't find 'em)
(Back with Team Rocket and the villains, we see them riding away with Cinderace and Lucario still in pursuit though they're not to happy to each other because they're hands were sticky together by the glue)
(As they pursue Team Rocket and the villains, they leaned left to reveal a pole coming up as they gasps shocked and both went to opposite side to avoid it but their glued hands got caught to the pole and they were sent flying and screaming to the air like a slingshot)
(As they fell they got shot away like a slingshot, screaming again when they land in lamp post)
(To Team Rocket and the villains)
Jessie: Hustle! We must let the Boss know ASAP!
(From the sky we see a ding appearing)
Bowser Jr.: (then notices and gasps) Uh, fellas...
Cinderace: Cinderace.
Jessie: Huh? (notices and gasps) Huh?!
(We see Cinderace and Lucario coming down fast as Lucario reached out its paw and snatches away Pikachu)
Jessie: What? NO!
???: Hey!
Captain Gutt: (grunts mad) They stole Pikachu back!
Jessie: We stole Pikachu first!
???: Come back here, you meddlesome thieving Pokemon!
(Cinderace and Lucario run away)
Lucario: (assuring to Pikachu)
Cinderace: (alert) Der!
(We see another lampost as they both went to opposite directions to avoid it but forget about their glued hands and they were sent flying and screaming again to the sky like a slingshot)
All Heroes: Who's that Pokemon?
(Back to the show)
Pikachu: (eating) Pikachu!
(We see the heroes eating Watchog-shaped treats)
Mantis: Mm-mm! This is so good!
???: You can say that again!
Goh: Watchog-shaped treats. A Unova specialty! The deep-fried crispy bread is decorated with a Watchog pattern using mustard!
Ash Ketchum: They even used toothpicks for the tails!
Po the Panda: You bet!
???: (chuckles) I'll say!
All heroes: So, down the hatch!
(They all eat)
Pumbaa: Mm-mm! Delicious!
Timon: Agreed!
Ash Ketchum: Great!
????: You've said it, it's very tasty!
Goh: Wonder where Cinderace and Lucario are. I'm starting to worry.
Gobber: Ah, I'm sure they're doing okay, Goh. I mean what the worse that could happen to them?
(We then find Lucario and Cinderace running in the streets as Team Rocket and the villains pursued via their Meowth Balloon)
Mistress 9: (in Cruella's voice) There they are!
Meowth: (shouting) Hey! Come baaaaaccccck!
Squint: (shouting) Yeah, you've got our stolen good!
James: (shouting) You can't steal what's been stolen!
(Lucario, holding Pikachu, and Cinderace continued to run as Lucario grunts as he looks to Team Rocket and the villains. Then it and Cinderace head into an alley as Team Rocket and the villains passed them on their balloon but as they turned they noticed a dead end)
Cinderace: Cinder.
Team Rocket and the villains (V.O.): (laugh evilly)
(They were coming)
Razz: We've got them now!
???: (chuckles evilly) Perfect!
Jessie: Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Gupta: You're all cornered now!
???: With no heroes to help you!
(Cinderace and Lucario grunt as hey look at the dead end. Cinderace tried to head for the window, while Lucario went the other way but the glue that stuck their hands together prevented them and they end up bumping into each other and then pained from the head a bit)
Cinderace: (scolding to Lucario) Cinderace!
Lucario: (scolding a growl)
(Both growled mad at each other)
(Lucario moved to the left while Cinderace reached to a window bar and grabbed hold)
Cinderace: Cinderace!
Lucario: (growls defiant then mumbles)
Cinderace: Cinderace!
Lucario: (growling very defiant)
Cinderace: (very mad) CIN, DERACE!
???: What's with them?
???: Looks like they're feuding with each other.
Stormy: (groans) Talk about annoying arguments.
Jessie: Those two have issues.
Icy: You've said it.
Meowth: So what? Let's just get Pikachu back.
Nigel: Good idea! Get it Meowth!
(Meowth blows the trumpet to shoot out another goop of orange glue as Cinderace noticed and lets go but since the glue that stuck it's hand to Lucario's it ends up crashing into it, and they were sent flying and screaming away into the air)
???: What in...
Jack Spicer: Whoa.
James: How did they do that?
Bowser: Forget about that! They're getting away!
Jessie: Bowser's right! Quick! Let's move!
Megatron (Predacon): We can't let them get away!
Meowth: Roger!
Wobbuffet: Wobbu!
(Somewhere in the city we see Lucario and Cinderace, still stuck together with the extended goop, still with Pikachu, bouncing to a pole of a traffic life, though while growling to each other, were sent bouncing off to the sky again screaming till they bounced to another pole)
Cinderace: (dizzy) Cinderace!
(They bounced off the pole and were sent flying and screaming to the sky again, but then bounced into and then off another pole screaming and flying into the air)
Lucario: (whimpers dizzy)
(They screamed as they head for another)
Darcy: Hmm, look at them go.
???: Talk about fast travel.
Meowth: Man, those two get around.
Jessie: With my Pikachu!
Jack Spicer: Our Pikachu you mean!
Team Rocket and the villains: (noticed) Huh?
(We see a sparkle in the sky)
Jessie: Now what?
(Cinderace and Lucario, holding Pikachu, were sent flying towards Team Rocket and the villains)
Jack Spicer: AAAHHH! GET AWAY!!!
(they crashed into them and they were all sent flying and screaming)
Bowser: We're blasting off already!
(They were sent flying away screaming while the Meowth Balloon came down)
(They vanish with a ding)
(Back to the heroes)
Goh: (presents a Crustle Cake) Ta-da!
Goku: Mm-mm! Delicious!
???: So what is this?
Goh: This is also a Unova specialty. Crustle Cake!
Mr. Krabs: Crustle cake, eh?
???: Sounds good!
Ash Ketchum: Yummy!
Patrick Star: (awestruck) Wow! It looks good!
Goh: Alternating layers of chocolate sponge cake and cheesecake, topped with sweet icing.
Ash Ketchum: Whoa!
Goh: They say it only takes one piece to fill you up!
Ash Ketchum: Wow!
Goh: (show the screen on his Rotom Phone) And look! They also make bite-sized Dwebble-shaped mini-cakes as well!
Modecai: Wow! Really?
???: Cool!
Ash Ketchum: Yum!
Rigby: Well, let's stop talking and start eating!
Goh: Okay, here we go!
All heroes: It's down the hatch again!
(Ash eats his)
Ash Ketchum: Best cake ever! (Team Rocket and the villains, with Lucario, holding Pikachu, and Cinderace blast off behind him and the others, as they didn't notice) Wow!
(Pikachu eats his all happy while Team Rocket and the villains, with Lucario, holding Pikachu, and Cinderace blast off behind him, without it noticing)
Goh: (eats) Where did those two go? (Team Rocket and the villains, with Lucario, holding Pikachu, and Cinderace blast off behind him, without him noticing) So weird.
(Team Rocket and the villains, with Lucario, holding Pikachu, and Cinderace blast off behind them all, without them noticing)
Ash Ketchum: I'd say they ate so much yummy food, they can't move anymore.
???: Yeah, you're probably right!
???: (laughs) That's good joke there Ash!
(Somewhere in the city)
(We find Lucario, still holding Pikachu, and Cinderace breathing heavily as Team Rocket and the villains confront them)
Lucario and Cinderace: (growl)
Bowser: (pants) Oh, you're still not surrendering, eh?
Jessie: (pants) Please. Why don't you give it up?
Captain Gutt: Yeah, you've got nowhere to run, now!
???: And there are no friends to help you two here!
James: Give us Pikachu, pronto!
Megatron (Predacon): You better do it, or else!
Lucario: (mumbles threateningly defiant)
Cinderace: (defiant) Cinderace!
???: Oh, so I take that as a "no?" Huh.
Jessie: (laughs) Scowl at us all you want! Looks will never hurt us!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
Megatron (Predacon): You two pathetic Pokémon don't stand a chance against us in the predicament you're in!
James: You're two pathetic Pokémon intertwined by some tricky trumpet glue!
Tarantulas: And because of that you'll lose!
Scorponok: Time to call in Pelipper!
Jessie and James: Come on down!
(Pelipper arrives singing and drops the Pokemon Prize Machine down to them)
Terrasaur: Alright, Meowth it's your turn!
Jessie: Meowth, you hold the key!
Meowth: Whoopee! (he attaches himself to the coin slot with his charm)
Jessie: Our secret...
James: Rocket prize... (turns the wheel)
Meowth: (shivers) Say it loud!
Jessie and James: Master!
(Two Pokeballs come out)
Jack Spicer: Ooh, we've got double today!
(Jessie and James grab the Pokeballs)
Jessie: As for me? Showtime! (tosses the Pokeball)
(The Pokemon pops out)
Stormy: And today we have...
(It was a Sawk)
Jessie: The Karate Pokemon, Sawk!
Sawk: Ha, Sawk
Icy: Ooh, it looks tough!
James: Show me what I've won! (Tosses his Pokeball)
Darcy: And second we have is...
(It was a Throh)
James: The Judo Pokemon, Throh!
Throh: Throh!
(Lucario places Pikachu down behind it and turns around and growls)
(It and Cinderace prepared for battle)
Jessie: It's your turn, Sawk! Low Leep!
Sawk: (affirmative) Sawk!
(It charges towards Lucario and Cinderace)
Lucario: (growls)
(Sawk continues charging and prepares to attack with Low Leep. Cinderace jumps up to avoid it but Lucario ends up getting kicked Low Leep as Lucario whimpered in pain)
Cinderace: (shocked) Cinderace!
(It came back down as Lucario fell and slid in the floor)
Scorponok: (laughs) How pathetic, as long as they're stuck together they can't even battle properly!
Quickstrike: Alright, James! Have Throh attack them next!
James: Right! You use Circle Throw!
Throh: Throh, Throh. (approaches them)
(Cinderace notices it and gets grabbed by Throh as it used Circle Throw sending and Lucario flying up screaming all dizzy, then Lucario came to its sense as it lands on its feet but Cinderace crashes into it)
???: (laughs) We're winning!
???: Without the heroes helping these two beating them will be a snap!
James: Great! That tricky trumpet glue won double prizes with a single attack!
Bowser: If we keep this up, we'll take that Pikachu, and those two Pokemon for Giovanni! (laughs evilly)
Lucario and Cinderace: (groaned pain)
Lucario: (scolding to Cinderace)
Cinderace: Cinderace!
(Both growled to each other and then look away from each other. Lucario looks at the glue sticking its hand with Cinderace, but then Cinderace runs forwards while pulling Lucario with it)
Cinderace: Cinderace!
Lucario: (growls and uses it feet to stop it)
Cinderace: Cinderace!
(It tries to attack but it got pulled back towards Lucario via the sticky glue and they both crashed to each and hit the floor and groaned)
Jack Spicer: (laughs evilly) Oh, that's rich!
Meowth: They're trouncing themselves!
Wobbuffet: Wobbu!
???: Let's finish 'em off!
Jessie: Now, Sawk, use Brick Break!
James: And Throh, use Vital Throw!
(Sawk and Throh charged)
Cinderace and Lucario: (gasps)
(Sawk readies Brick Break and made impact on Cinderace)
Lucario: (gasps)
(But then Throh attacks Lucario with Vital Throw and tosses it and Cinderace towards the fence wall and they fell to the floor)
Megatron (Predacon): (laughs) We're going to win!
Jessie and James: (high fived) Yay!
Jessie: You two are really dumb, you know that? Throwing each other around like baseballs.
Captain Gutt: Yeah, and this rate you're going to be the new addition to our forces! (laughs evilly)
Cinderace: (graons then gasps and smiles) Cinder.
Nigel: Hey, what's that rabbit Pokemon, smiling about?
Meowth: I see a light bulb going on.
Jessie: Who cares? No sweat!
James: That tricky trumpet glue's keeping your attacking prowess at bay!
Squint: Yeah, so give it up, right now!
(Cinderace smiled and helps up Lucario)
Cinderace: (whispers) Cinder.
Lucario: (questioning)
Cinderace: (whispers) Cinderace.
Lucario: (understood)
(Cinderace grabs hold of the stretch sticky glue and pulls it up as Lucario growls. Cinderace spun Lucario around with the stretched glue)
????: Huh?
???: (in Galvanax' voice) What're they doing?
James: I don't like this.
Darcy: Me neither.
Jessie: It's like a sporting event!
(Lucario growls dizzy while Cinderace keep spinning it till it tosses it towards Team Rocket and the villains' and their Pokemon as Lucario screams)
Cinderace: Cinderace!
(Lucario got dizzyless and it uses Reversal and made impact on Sawk in the face and sends it crashing to the fence wall behind Team Rocket and the villains)
Team Rocket and the villains: Uh-oh.
Sawk: (defeated) Sawk.
Tarantulas: (gasps) I don't believe it!
James: You used the glue to power up your attack?!
(Lucario lands on its feetand then it lifted up the stretched glue and Cinderace lands on its arms)
Cinderace: Cinderace.
Lucario: (affirmative)
Cinderace: Cinderace!
(Lucario tosses it up and spun Cinderace around, at first it got dizzy but then...)
Cinderace: (eager) Cinderace.
(Lucario then tosses Cinderace towards Team Rocket and the villains as Cinderace uses Blaze Kick at Throh's face and send it flying towards Chameleon)
Chameleon: AAAHH! Get away from...
(Throh crashes into Chameleon and they hit the fence wall behind Team Rocket and the villains)
Team Rocket and the villains: (Whimpered with shock)
(Throh and Chameleon fell to the floor defeated)
Dr. Eggman: (nervous) Oh my.
(Then the sticky glue broke apart as Cinderace and Lucario notices and were freed)
Cinderace: Cinderace. Cinder.
Lucario: (grunts affirmative)
(Lucario then readies Aura Sphere, while Cinderace throws down a rock to its foot as it kicks it up and readied its Ember. They both waited till Cinderace fires it Ember and Lucario fires its Aura Sphere. Both attacks collided together and head towards Team Rocket and the villains as they whimpered scared)
(The attacks hit 'em and they were all sent blasting off screaming)
Team Rocket and the villains: Not again!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
(They vanish with a ding)
Lucario: (congratulating Cinderace)
Cinderace: (thankful) Cinderace.
(Lucario turns to where Pikachu is but to there shock Pikachu was gone much to their concern)
(To Team Rocket and the villains)
Jack Spicer: Aw, man! We were so close!
Jessie: You know, I actually thought we would win that.
James, Meowth, and the villains: Mm-hm.
(Wobbuffet appears with Pikachu)
Wobbuffet: Wobbu!
Team Rocket and the villains: (notices) Huh?
Jessie: Wait! Really? You stole Pikachu back?
Wobbuffet: (affirmative) Wobbu!
Nigel: (laughs evilly) Looks like it's victory for us!
Bowser Jr.: Yes, we've finally got the brat's Pikachu! Hooray!
(Then as Pikachu gets the glue off its mouth...)
Practically Pikachu: Hikachu!
(Team Rocket and the villains were silent till...)
Team Rocket and the villains: (gasps with shock)
Practically Pikachu: Hikachu! Hika, Hika!
Darcy: Wait, what?!
Stormy: Isn't this...?!
Jessie: Is this Practically Pikachu?!
Practically Pikachu: Hikachu!
Terrasaur: I don't believe this!
Scorponok: You mean the whole time we had Practically Pikachu?!
Mistress 9: If this is Practically Pikachu, then the real Pikachu is back at to where we left those heroes!
Bowser: (grunts mad; to Meowth) You fool of a cat, you've got caught the wrong one!!!
Meowth: Now that's quality construction!
Dr. Eggman: Made by yours two, truly! Me and Meowth!
James, Jessie, and the villains Save it for when we win!
Bowser: Next time we're calling Zach Varmitech to do the phony pet work for us!
Darcy: Yeah, but for now...
Icy: It looks like...
Jessie, James, and the villains: We're blasting off again!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
(They vanish with a ding)
(Back to the heroes)
Ash Ketchum: Ahh, I'm so totally full. (we see him all stuffed) Can't eat another bite.
Goku: (sighs relaxed) You've said it.
Grug: Yeah, I couldn't eat more for midnight.
Goh: Me neither.
Cinderace: (calling) Cinderace!
All heroes: Huh?
(Lucario and Cinderace arrived.)
Lucario: (alerting)
Hiccup: Hey, it's Lucario and Cinderace!
Ash Ketchum: Good, they're back.
Cinderace: (alerting) Cinderace!
Lucario: (alerting)
Pikachu: (notices) Pika?
Lucario and Cinderace: (gasp upon noticing)
Goh: What's the matter? You look like you're seeing things!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Lucario and Cinderace: (groaned in tired)
Ash Ketchum: Why don't you two take a break and eat?
Takato Matsuki: Yeah, you two gotta try the good stuff in Unova they're really delicious!
Henry Wong: Yeah, everybody deserves a break now and then.
(Goh picks up a bag and approaches Cinderace)
Goh: Here's a little present.
Cinderace: Cinder? (takes it)
(It checks inside to find some nice bread)
Cinderace: (happy) Cin. Cinderace!
(It reaches in to get one while Lucario moans, as Cinderace eats. As Cinderace eats Lucario cleaned off the smudge on its face)
Cinderace: Cin?
(Lucario was all silent with eyes shut)
Cinderace: (happy) Cinderace! (offering) Cinder?
(But it accidentally smudges Lucario's cheek with the food cream in the bread as Cinderace looked and shock and embarrassed as it moves the bread away from Lucario as it growls agitated and angry till it started chasing Cinderace as it ran, while the heroes looked confused)
(Lucario tries to attack Cinderace but missed it as it ended up punching the floor)
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Ash Ketchum: It's fun to watch good friends play, huh?
Goh and the heroes: Sure is!
(Lucario continues to angrily chase Cinderace)
Narrator: Although Cinderace and Lucario were stuck together by glue, they managed to work successfully as a team, as the journey continues!
(the episode ends)