This is the episode script for A Farfetch'd Tale (RFFAoPTJJ).
[Episode begins]
Narrator: After winning the Hive Badge in a battle with the Azalea Town leader, Ash and his friends continue their journey in search of the next Johto League gym.
Misty: Boy, the trees are really thick here.
Ash Ketchum: I wonder if this place even has a name?
Pikachu: Pika. ("Yeah.")
Brock: According to the map, this is the Ilex Forest.
Miki Sunshine and Ryan F-Freeman: Ilex Forest?
Ash Ketchum: That's a weird name.
Misty: A weird name for a weird place.
Brock: There's nothing to worry about, Misty. As long as we follow this map, we'll stay right on course.
Misty: Brock, you always say that right before we get lost.
Brock: I'm just looking out for you, kids.
Misty: He's even scarier than the forest.
[Togepi chirps]
Spencer Vallerte:
[Title card]
Liam Hammerfield: [] A far fetched tale.
Ryan Freestar: I hope Liam can do his own battles. And maybe I would do some Pokémon battles with him for fun.
Ash Ketchum: Since Liam lost to a gym leader who loves bugs instead of surfing.
Haroldson Carol: I don't think you say that to Miki, Ash. She is sensitive about
Daisy Harper: Haroldson is right. And I know magic same as Sci-Ryan does.
Cody Starshooter: Don't worry about Liam, kiddo. Liam will be okay. If there was a battle he can't handle, my brother will do it, like a tag team battle and stuff.
Miki Sunshine: (Softens up) Oh. Thanks, Cody. And kiddo is a nice nickname.
(Elsewhere in the forest, Team Rocket is wandering, starving)
Jessie: I'd give ANYTHING to eat something.
James: Me, too.
Meowth: (spots our heroes up ahead) Hey look! It's dose twerpy kids and those Pooh loving Twerps and new surfer Twerp!
Jessie: Let's follow them and steal their food!
James and Meowth: Yeah!
(Meanwhile, up ahead, our heroes hear someone)
???: (O.S.) Cutting Attack, now!
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Misty: Did he say cutting?
Brock: Yeah, I think that's what he said.
Ben Starbeam: If he's commanding a Pokémon to use Cut, or at least trying to, that's not how you go about doing it.
???: Come on, Farfetch'd. Use your Cutting Attack. Pleeeeease?!?
(Everyone looks to the right and sees a young boy with a Farfetch'd)
Boy: I don't understand why you won't do what I ask you to, Farfetch'd!
Farfetch'd: Fetch'd. ("???")
Boy: (frustrated) Cutting Attack! (×2)
Farfetch'd: Fetch'd. ("???")
(The boy, dismayed, presses his hands together and bows his head as if to acknowledge Farfetch'd as his superior)
Boy: Pretty please, with sugar on it!
Farfetch'd: Faaar! ("???")
Misty: Uhhh, hello!
(The boy turns in shock)
Ash: We couldn't help but overhear.
Matau T. Monkey: We hear that you got trouble commanding your Pokémon here.
Brock: It's pretty obvious what your problem is.
Boy: (panics) YOU WERE WATCHING ME?!? (panics again) Then you know I'm a total failure as a trainer because I can't get my Farfetch'd to do one simple attack.
Misty: It helps if you use the right name of the attack when you train Pokemon.
Boy: I said Cutting Attack.
Farfetch'd: Farrr... ("???")
Boy: Hey! That's the right name, isn't it?
Ash Ketchum: Actually, it's called a Cut Attack.
Pikachu: Pii-ka! ("He's right.")
Boy: (whispers in shock) Not..... cutting?
Farfetch'd: Fetch'd! ("???")
Amanda Tyson: Is that why he has problems?
Miki Sunshine:
Daisy Harper: Says the surfing girl who refused to break a promise.
Miki Sunshine: My mother always said that it is important to keep promises if you want people to trust you.
Boy: (panics) I always make stupid mistakes like this! I'm sorry, Farfetch'd. Let's try a Cut attack this time.
Farfetch'd: Fetch! ("No!")
Boy: Just for meeeeee?!?
(Meanwhile, Team Rocket continues to follow our heroes' trails)
Jessie: Which way did the twerps, the Pooh Bear loving heroes and the little Orange League loser go?
James: Who knows?
Meowth: I'm too weak to look for 'em.
James: I need food.
Jessie: Maybe we can buy some. Meowth, is there any money in our purse?
Meowth: It's as empty as my stomach.
(Team Rocket sighs in disappointment. Meanwhile, our heroes get acquainted with the boy)
Boy: Thanks a lot, guys. I really appreciate you helping me out. My name's Sylvester.
Ryan Freestar: No problem, Sylvester. I'm Ryan Freestar. Leader of the TE and Prime-Prince. And this is my best buddy, Kath the Eevee. This here is my girlfriend, Meg Griffin.
Meg Griffin: I am charmed.
Crash Bandicoot: Crash, Crash Bandicoot.
Nicole "Nikki" Moonbeam: I'm Nicole Moonbeam. But call me Nikki.
Cody Starshooter: I'm Cody.
Jessie Primefan: My name is Jessie Primefan. Sister of High Tide and Melody Wave. Those are the Realm Force Friends. Amanda Tyson, Spencer Vallerte, Butch Turner, Sapphire Stone, Videl Smith, Chris Strider, Daisy Harper, Alice Diaz, Marcus Reynolds, Stella Rodriguez and Dave Tyson.
Alison "Alice" Diaz: Nice to meet ya.
Sean Ryan: The name is Sean Ryan and those are my kids. Oisin Ryan and Orla Ryan.
Ben Starbeam: Hey, Sylvester. Ben Silverstar is my name, heroics of the TE is my game.
Miki Sunshine: *giggles* My name is Miki Sunshine.
Sci-Ryan: I'm Ryan Freestar of Crystal Prep, but you can call me Sci-Ryan.
Evil Ryan/Ryan Landimister: Those three are the Blindings consist of Andante Daze, Trio Darkle and Sonant Nightfall. I am Evil Ryan aka Ryan Landimister and these are my band mates of the Cyberlings. Bertram T. Monkey…
Bertram T. Monkey: Hey there.
Evil Ryan/Ryan Landimister: ..and Evil Anna.
Evil Anna: I am amazed, kid. I am Sci-Ryan's girlfriend.
Matau T. Monkey: I am Matau T. Monkey. Master Ryan's apprentice and lead singer of my band Matau and the Skylanders. [shows Sylvester a list of his band]
Ritsu Tainaka: Hi, Sylvester. This is my friend, friend of Ryan, the Dangerous Queen, Mio Akiyama.
Ritsu Tainaka: Ow!
Mio Akiyama: Who are you calling dangerous, huh?
Mio's Sentret: Sen Sentret!! ("She's not dangerous!")
Ryan Freestar: [laughs] Oh Primus. You do know that one, Mio. But you do prove her point.
Ritsu Tainaka: I agree, Ryan…
Bikejack: Name's Bikejack. This is Yui Hirasawa, guitarist.
Ritsu Tainaka: I'm Ritsu Tainaka. Drums.
Bikejack: This girl over there is also a guitar player, but you would remember her as… Uh.. [to Azusa] Name?
Yui Hirasawa: This is Azu-nyan! She plays the guitar too.
Azusa Nakano: [corrects her] It's Azusa Nakano, Yui-sempai!
Yui Hirasawa: Whoops. [adresses to Mugi] And that's Tsumugi Kotobuki, she plays the keyboard, but we call her Mugi for short. [to her Eevee] The one on my head is Glaciar, an Eevee who dreams on one day to become an Ice type.
Nicole "Nikki" Moonbeam: And that's my Eevee on my shoulder. While Ryan's is called Kath. You know my Eevee as Elsa.
Queen Ryanara: I am Ryan’s mom called Queen Ryanara.
Ryan F-Freeman: And that's Conaria Lacey, Milly, Camryn Landimister, Sir Dan, Bella, Mandi and Celia and Alina Nekula and a few of our team members. Oh. And those are some Pokémon trainers Kenna and her bro and Marina.
Kenna Deng (Pokémon Trainer):