A Goofy Reunion (TTFAC) is the 1150th episode of The Tabbic Forces' Adventure Chronicles by Tabbykitth. It is unknown when it will be made.
Tabby and Katsuki Bakugo reunite with Goofy Goof, Max Goof, Winnie the Pooh and his friends as they face Bradley Uppercrust III who had been broken out of jail by King Tempest and The Nightmare Nine, but unknown to King Tempest, Bowser and his crew had found him and will make sure that he is no longer a threat to Bowser's plans.
- This episode marks four years since Tabby and Katsuki have met Winnie the Pooh and his friends.
- Winnie the Pooh and his friends will face King Tempest and The Nightmare Nine for the first time.
- Tabby and Katsuki Bakugo will face Bowser's crew for the first time since they have never met them before and have only faced Bowser rather than Bowser and his crew.