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This is a transcript of A Haunted House for Everyone! in Team Robot In Pokemon Sun & Moon The Series.

(the episode begins)



Professor Kukui: Alola!

All Heroes: Alola!

Professor Kukui: Today we got six new students.

Tino Tonitini: What?

Ash Ketchum: Really?

Lor McQuarrie: Who are they?

Professor Kukui: Everyone meet Aster Phoenix, Jesse Anderson, Connie, Bismuth, Rafe and Paige.

Jesse Anderson: Howdy!

Aster Phoenix: How did you do?




Connie: Hey Steven!

Steven Universe: Hi Connie!

Bismuth: Did you Bismuth me?

Pearl: Bismuth!





(Philmac arrives)

Philmac: Hello-- I mean, Alola?




Philmac: I'm... Philmac...




(The school bell rang)

Ash Ketchum: (to Pikachu) 'Kay. Time we headed home.

Pikachu: (affirmative) Pikachu.

???: (stretches) Oh boy, I can't wait to head back to Kukui's house.

???: Me too.

Mallow: (approaches Lana) Let's go home, too, Lana!

(Lana was looking disappointedly silent with Popplio)

Mallow: Something wrong? (Lana didn't listen) Hey! You alright?

Lana: Huh? (to Mallow) Sorry.

Jenny Wakeman: Hey, what's up?

Philmac: Something wrong, Lana?

???: Yeah, why do you look so glum?

Lana: Yesterday...

(Flashback from yesterday in the afternoon at Lana and her family's house)

Lana (Flashback): I'm home!

(Harper and Sarah appeared in front of her)

Harper: It's Lana!

Sarah: Yay, Lana!

Lana (Flashback): Uh, thanks a lot...?

Harper and Sarah: (excitedly awestruck) Listen! Listen!

Lana (Flashback): (concerned in annoyance) Okay. What happened?

Harper: What happened? It's a little scary....

Sarah: But really fun!

(They smiled to each other till...)

Harper and Sarah: We want to go to the haunted house!

(Flashback ends)

???: A haunted house?

???: Seriously?

Lana: Yes. (tired) I need sleep. All they kept saying was haunted house, haunted house...

???: All night?

???: Boy that sure is annoying.

Kiawe: I can imagine.

???: How do they even know about a haunted house any way?

Lana: They must've seen it watching TV.

Ash Ketchum: Well we should go see it together!

Lillie: That would be so much fun, but...

Sophocles: Never heard of a haunted house in Alola.

Popplio: (alert) Pop?

(It noticed a familiar Shiny female Mimikyu floating into the room)

Popplio: (surprised) Pop!

Pikachu: (noticed; excited) Pika?!

Ash and the heroes: (noticed) Huh?

(Acerola comes in behind Mimikins)

Acerola: Where are you going, Mimikins? (notices) Huh?

???: Hey, look who it is guys!

???: Acerola!

Ash Ketchum: Acerola! Alola!

Acerola: Alola, Ash! Everybody! How are you?

(Moments later)

Ash Ketchum: (to Mallow, Lana, Kiawe, Sophocles, and Lillie) Hey, guys! This is my, Emerl and Team Robot, the Winx, ????, ???, ???, ????, ????, ????, the Ice Age Gang, ???, ???, ????, and ???'s friend from Ula'ula Island.

Acerola: My name is Acerola. It's nice to meet you.

Mallow: Alola! I'm Mallow!

Lana: I'm Lana.

Sophocles: I'm Sophocles.

Kiawe: Kiawe.

Lillie: And I'm Lillie.

???: So Acerola, what brings you to Melemele Island?

Acerola: I came today because I was asked to deliver a book. (Mimikins floats past our heroes as Mallow, Sophocles, Lana, Kiawe, and Lillie watch with surprise and nerve) Our library has quite a lot of unusual materials.

Ash Ketchum: (notices the others looking nervous) Huh? Hey, something wrong?

???: What's with you 5?

Lillie: It's just that I've never seen a Mimikyu that's able to fly before.

(Mimikins floats to Pikachu and the other Pokemon)

Pikachu: (greeting) Pika, Pika.

Sophocles: It's a different color than Team Rocket's Mimikyu.

Pikachu: (friendly to Mimikins) Pika, Pika.

Ash Ketchum: Oh, yeah, that's because...

Acerola: My Mimikins is a ghost.

Kiawe, Mallow, Lana, Sophocles, and Lillie: Huh?!

Sophocles: (shocked and nervous) A ghost?!

Pikachu: (friendly; to Mimikins) Pika.

Togedemaru: (affectionate) Toge!

(It jumps to Mimikins but caused her to flatten startling Pikachu and Snowy)

Pikachu: (embarrassed) Pikachu.

Kiawe, Sophocles, Lillie, Mallow, and Lana: (screamed terrified)

Mark EVO: Hey! What's with you guys?!

N.A.N.O.: Relax. Mimikins is okay. Look.

Pikachu: (apologetic; to Mimikins) Pikachu.

(Mimikins gets back up unflatten)

Snowy: (startled) Vul?!

(Mimikins floats up towards Acerola as Kiawe, Lana, Lillie, Sophocles, and Mallow watch with awe and nerve.)

Kiawe: What did we just see?

Sophocles: (creeped out) No idea.

Ash Ketchum: Hey, Acerola, isn't there a haunted house near where you live? Lana's little sisters really wanna go.

Lana: Uh-huh.

Acerola: Not a one.

???: What?!

????: (groaned disappointed) Oh bummer.

Ash Ketchum: (disappointed) Yeah, I should've known.

Acerola: So what? Why don't we just make one?

All heroes: Ohhh!

Kiawe: Never even thought of that.

????: Hmm, you know that's not a bad idea.

???: Yeah, I second that.

???: Same here.

???: So long as we don't make it as creepy like Cloud Tower back on Magix.

Bloom: Or make it similar to that creepy ol' haunted house my spoiled and rude neighbor, Mitzi, used for her Halloween party and play that prank on us.

???: Yeah, I hear ya.

???: But where should we make our haunted house?

Principal Oak: Well do it here! (he comes in with Komala on his head) Usuing our school will make it quite (Eevee face pun) eezee!

Lillie: Principal Oak!

Principal Oak: I'll stay with you all and help. The Pokemon School is perfect. Yes! A blank canvas on which to create (Empoleon face pun) empo-rtant business!

All heroes: Alright!

Ash Ketchum: Let's get ready right away!

Mallow: Lana, won't this be fun?!

Lana: Yeah!

Philmac: [Paranoid] Oh no...

Lillie: What's wrong?

Philmac: Nothing...






Philmac: (Thought) Oh geez...


Bloom: What, that you're a fond of pranking Philmac with ghosts and other spooky stuff?

Mark EVO: (Scared) Bloom don't say that to him! Are you tired of being alive or something?!




Narrator: And so, our heroes are going to make their very own haunted house. We shall see what it contains.

(Team Robot in Pokémon Sun & Moon Ultra Legends opening plays)

Ash Ketchum (V.O.): A Haunted House for Everyone!

(At night at the Pokémon School)

Principal Oak: Remember what I told you, and have a great time.

All heroes: Right!

Togedemaru: (sleepy) Maaaaaru.

Principal Oak: Alright then, I'lll be in my officer, or if there's anything you need... I'm your (Mantyke face pun) Man-tyke! I'll (Exeggcute) Exeggcute at super (Spheal face pun) Spheal!

All heroes (except for a confused Acerola and Philmac): Right!

Harper and Sarah: Right....(almost run) right!

Lana: (catches Harper and Sarah) Hey! You're going to follow Rotom, so don't wander away. Can I count on you?

Rotom Pokedex: You just leave them to me!

Harper and Sarah: The ghosts, oh, boy! Yay! (runs off with Rotom Pokedex)

Lana: Harper, Sarah! (gets up) Aw, make sure you listen to Rotom!

Harper and Sarah: 'Kay!



Philmac: A haunted house, really? [sighs] This really takes me back... 

Mallow: Huh?  

Gmerl: You're talking about what happen back at Kalos, right?  

Philmac: Yeah... 

???: Oooh, you mean that haunted house?


???: What happen in the Kalos Reigon?

Philmac: You see...

(Flashback starts of the events of Scary Hospitality!)

Philmac (V.O.): Back at Kalos, Team Robot and their friends went to the house for some shelter in the rain, I was a bit of jerk back then. We also saw a horror movie called "Howl."

Mallow (V.O.): Howl? 

Emerl (V.O.): Oh, yes.

Lillie (V.O.): What's that?

Emerl (V.O.): A werewolf horror movie.

Lana (V.O.): You guys saw a horror movie?

Mark EVO (V.O.): That's right. Philmac was really scared crazy seeing that.  

Philmac (V.O.): Don't tell them that part!  


Philmac (V.O.): Anyway,  









Philmac (V.O.) And after the spooky madness, we woke up in the daytime.

(Flashback ends)

Philmac: And that's the whole story.


Mark EVO; Well is just a werewolf horror movie. Could've been worse, we could've been watching a slasher horror movie called Scre-

???: Shh!!! Are trying to get everyone nightmares?!



Philmac: (Bows to the heroes) I'm really sorry everyone...

Emerl: It's okay Philmac.

Philmac: Still, I was pretty rough on you guys back then.... 

Mark EVO: I know, but not anymore since we saved your life from D-Reaper and so as King Ghidorah.

Yoshi: And you saved Lillie's life from Quintessa's attack too.

Philmac: I... I guess you're right...  

N.A.N.O.: But Mark, there's something I wanna ask you, why did you threatening Vegata and Benson like that?  

Mark EVO: Because if they yell at Philmac like they did with Faba, I'm gonna smack & punch them right in the face! 

Philmac: Now Mark, you shouldn't be mean to them like that. 

(Mark picks up the equipment for the haunted house.)

Mark EVO: Well they're the angry ones, plus Squidward. 

Emerl: Easy Mark, let's not get too hasty. 

Mark EVO: Why?

Philmac: Well.... Umm... 

Gmerl: Because they're not always angry they just try to understand you that's all. Right Philmac?

Philmac: Right thanks Gmerl.

Gmerl: Your welcome Philmac.

Eddy: Seeing Philmac's scared face and screaming like a little girl is so hilarious! [laughs loudly] 

[Philmac quickly punched Eddy right in the face and flies right at the tree]


Double D:





???: And there they go.

???: Now it's time to start the haunting!

Mallow: Let's get going.

(Our heroes walked forward with Lana following with a smile)

Harper and Sara: (waving) Off you go!

Harper: So excited!

Sarah: I'm so nervous!

Harper: So excited!

Sarah: I'm so nervous!

Rotom Pokedex: Alright, let's get started on the haunted house!

Harper and Sarah: (cheering) Okay! (echoing)






(Moments later inside the dark hallways of the school)

Rotom Pokedex: First, walk straight down the hallway.

Harper and Sarah: Right!

(At they walked a security camera was watching them and from a different room with see the security room was being controlled by the heroes checking on them)

Sophocles: Okay, the coast is clear.

Togedemaru: (agreement) Maru.

Tecna: Now it's time for the first haunting trick!

???: I hear ya!

Sophocles: (to the microphone) Lillie, here they come!

(To Lillie, Mallow

Lillie: (responding) Copy that! (to Mallow and the others) They're coming!

???: Okay, get ready.

???: I'm all ears.

???: Mallow, pour it down.

Mallow: Alright!

(She pour down the water on some dry ice to create fog.)

???: (giggles softly) This gonna be great.

(We see the smoke covering the hallways to where Rotom Dex, is with the twins)

Harper and Sarah: (screamed excitedly)

Rotom Pokedex: Whoa! (trying to sound scary) It's starting to look creepy!

Harper and Sarah: Ghost! Ghost! Ghost, ghost!

???: (softly) Right on cue.

Lillie: Here we go.

(She swung her fishing pole to them causing twins to get hit by a Pyukumuku)

Harper: What is it? (laughs)

Sarah: It's cold! (laughs)

Rotom Pokedex: Unbelievable! It might be a ghost!

Harper and Sarah: It's a ghost?! (reach their hands to Pyukumuku) A ghost!

???: (softly gasps with horror) Oh no!

???: (softly) No!

Lillie: (gasps) Don't touch it!

(They touched Pyukumuku)

Harper: I found the ghost!

(They laughed excitedly while pulling Pyukumuku)

Harper and Sarah: Ghostie-ghost!

Rotom Pokedex: (nervous) This is not a good thing!

(The angry Pyukumuku punched Rotom Dex away as it screamed before hitting its head to a wall and he slid down)

Rotom Pokedex: Alright, let's move on.


Philmac: (scared, pants)


Philmac: I-I'm okay.



(We then find Harper and Sarah coming down the stairs with Rotom Dex)

Rotom Pokedex: Aren't you two getting a little scared?

Harper: It's fun!

Sarah: So much fun!

Rotom Pokedex: But don't let your guard down.

Bloom (V.O.): (softly) Okay, now!

(Unknown to them something was coming out underneath the stairs' curtains)

Harper and Sarah: (notice) Huh?

(Ash, Pikachu, Klawe, Marowak (Alola Form), Bloom, Stella, Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, TK, Patamon, Kari, Gatomon, Ami, Yumi, Tino, Lilo and Stitch come out in sheets with black eyes)

T.K., Patamon, Kari and Gatomon: OOOOHH!!

Stitch: BOOOOO!!!

Lilo: (giggling spooky)

Ash Ketchum, Bloom, Stella, Blossom, Bubbles, and Tino: (sounding spooky) I'm a ghost!

Pikachu: (spooky) Pika, Pika!

Kiawe, Ami, Yumi, and Buttercup: (sounding spooky) Any misbehaving kids around?!

Marowak (Alola Form): (spooky) Mar!

Kari Kamiya: (sounding spooky) We're coming to get you!

Harper and Sarah: (excitedly) Ghosts!

(They playfully ran off "scared" as Ash, Kiawe, and the others followed them making spooky sounds, but then Ash tripped and his knee hits Pikachu)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps horrified)

(Pikachu pained and used Thunderbolt shocking them as they screamed in pain before collapsing and groaning)

Sarah: The ghosts!

Harper: Are you toast?

(T.K. and Kari pulls off the sheets)

Kari Kamiya: Are you guys okay?

T.K. Takaishi: That's gonna hurt!

Lilo: (Pulls the sheet off) I told you to be very careful!

Rotom Pokedex: Both of you, please pull yourselves together!

(Sophocles and the others watches from his laptop)

Sophocles: Uh... Calling them by name will give it away...

????: You think?

(Back to Harper and Sarah)

Harper and Sarah (V.O.): Next ghost, next ghost!

(Then they noticed something happening to the sheets on their friends)

Sophocles and the others: Huh?

(The sheets floated off of Ash, Kiawe, Pikachu, Marowak (Alola Form), and the others)

???: What in...

???: Huh?

Sophocles: What's happening?

???: I have no idea.

(Then to Acerola, Mimikins, Lana, Popplio,

Acerola: And then, Shuppet will use Will-O-Wisp.

Lana: Right, then the others and I'll put this on.

(They each wore a Cofagrigus mask and the eyes glowed)

Acerola: Oh.

Popplio, Mimikins, and Shuppet: (scared)

???: (chuckled) We scared you didn't we?

(But then the Cofagrigus mask floated off them.)

Lana: Uh-oh.

Acerola, Lana, and the others: Oh no!



Acerola: Could it be? Shuppet use foresight now!




???: Yeah.

Acerola: I heard if a ghost types take a real liking to someone, that person will be taking away and won't come back again.

Ash Ketchum:

???: Wait, what?!

Philmac: (scared) This is bad.
















Philmac: (scared) Shut up or I'll kill you!








???: After them!











Harper and Sarah (V.O.): Who's that Pokemon? It's Gourgeist!

(Back to the show)









Ash Ketchum: Puppets?!










Philmac: Who's there?!


???: Relax Philmac, it's just us


Philmac: I guess some of us got separated by those ghost-type Pokémon.




















(Mark looks at the statue from before.)

Mark EVO: Was that there before? Please don't not answer that... 

N.A.N.O.: Mark what's a matter?

Mark EVO: I SAID DON'T ANSWER! (Running in fear)

Emerl: Mark come back.

N.A.N.O: Mark EVO stop! 

Philmac: I'm afraid it's too late to stop! 

Gmerl: You we said it's never too late to stop. 

Philmac: I mean it's too late to stop, because of THAT! 

(Our heroes then see a bunch of Broozers.)

Emerl: Oh no Broozers!

N.A.N.O: What are we do?

Gmerl: (In Sharkboy's voice) Run. Scream.

Philmac: Good idea.



Takato Matsuki: I'm a puppet?!





Philmac: Emerl, Takato, Ash, Sakura, Anybody?!


Philmac: Being alone in the woods is not a fun place to be at night.

(Philmac tries to fly away but nothing happed)

Philmac: Grr! This is bad...



King Boom Boo: Well, well if it isn't Philmac.

Philmac: You must be King Boom Boo!

King Boom Boo: So you know me?

Philmac: Yeah, my friends and Sonic told me everything about you creeps. You caused so much trouble by scaring everyone for sport. Your minions even possessed Amy Rose to attack Chris and everyone else.

King Boom Boo: Correct, Philmac. (He and his ghost minions laughs)

Philmac: (Getting scared) I'm not afraid of you ghost.... My friends will be here any minute...

King Boom Boo: Friends?

Philmac: Yes.

King Boom Boo: I'm afraid there is no one to help you. Everyone is out for themselves.

(Secret of Survival song starts)


First you see us

Then you don't

(They vanished)

Now you hear us

now you won't

(They reappeared startling Philmac)

It's our secret of survival in a very nasty world

Now you feel us

Now you can't

Are we real

Perhaps we aren't

It's our secret of survival in a very nasty world

It's our secret of survival in a very nasty world


(Spoken) Is it really such a nasty world?

[King Boom Boo]

(Spoken) Oh, yes a very nasty world

[Boom Boos]

Nastier than you could ever dream of

[King Boo]

From up above

[Broozer 1]

And from beneath

[Boom Boos 1]

Eye and jaws

[Boom Boos]

Claws and teeth


Ready to attack you

You're a snack

You better run

[Broozer 2]

Don't come walking in the wild wood

If you haven't got a gun

(The ghost laughs)


Every creatures for survival has to lookout for itself

Got no nannies here, or grannies dear to look after your health


You're in the wild wood

And every child could tell you that you've got no

business to be here


[King Boo and Boos]

First you see us.

then you don't

[King Boom Boo and Boom Boos]

Now you hear us

now you won't

[King Boo, Boos, Broozers, King Boom Boo and Boom Boos]

It's our secret of survival in a very nasty world

Now you feel us

Now you can't

Are we real

Perhaps we aren't

It's our secret of survival...

It's our secret of survival...

It's our secret of survival...

In a very nasty world!

(The song ends)

Philmac: Too many of them!!!

(A bunch of Broozers surrounding Philmac and beating him to a pulp)


Sakura Avalon: Hang on Philmac we're coming. Gligar come forth!

Li Showron: You too.

Madison Taylor: So do you.

Meilin Rae: Go for it!

Eli Moon: Get them Gligar!

(They pop out their Pokeballs)

Ben Tennyson: It's time for me to fight these ghost as Heatblast. (Activates the Omnitrix and transforms into Snare-oh instead)

Snare-oh: The mummy? Oh, great.


Snare-oh: Stay away from my family and my friends! (He uses his bandages to grab the ghosts) Gotcha!


(The Omnitrix times out and turns back to Ben)

Ben Tennyson: Oh, man, not now!


Sakura Avalon: Here Gligar use the Razor Fang to help you evolve.

Li Showron: You too Gligar!

Madison Taylor: Go Gligar!

Meilin Rae: Same with you Gligar.

Eli Moon: Go for it!

(They throw the Razor Fangs, five Gligars catch the Razor Fangs and began to evolve.)

Lana: Whoa! What's happening to Gligar!

Lillie: Their Gligars began to evolving.

Ash Ketchum: Wow!

Pikachu: Pika!

(Both Gligar evolves into Gliscor)

Sakura Avalon: Alright! Our Gligar evolved into Gliscor.

Li Showron: Awesome!

Madison Taylor: Now this I gotta video tape on my newly evolved Gliscor.

Meilin Rae: This is awesome.

Eli Moon: Now Broozers are in really big trouble now.

Aster Phoenix: Rotom analyzes on their newly-evolved Pokemon.

Rotom Pokedex: Gliscor, the Fang Scor Pokemon. A Ground and Flying type and the evolved form of Gligar. Gliscor hangs upside down from trees, watching for its chance to attack. At the right moment, it silently swoops, with its long tail ready to seize its opponent.

Sakura Avalon: You ready Gliscor?

(Gliscor nod)

Sakura Avalon: Gliscor use X-Scissor on the first Broozers

(Sakura's Gliscor use X-Scissor and hit the Broozers)

Li & Meilin: Dark Pulse go!

(Two Gliscor fires Dark Pulse hitting King Boom Boo's ghosts)

Madison Taylor: Use Fire Fang!

(Madison's Gliscor use Fire Fang biting on Broozers)

Eli Moon: Use Steel Wing!

(Eli's Gliscor use Steel Wing



King Boom Boo: Come forth!

(Three glowing red eyes appears in the darkness and then the figure slowly approaches and turns out it was King Ghidorah)

All Heroes: (Shocked)

Emerl: It can't be!

Ash Ketchum: King Ghidorah!?

Bloom: No!

Philmac: But that's impossible! He's supposed to be dead!


Inuyasha: I'll slice his heads off!

Emerl: Inuyasha wait!

(Inuyasha slices Ghidorah's heads off)

Inuyasha: That was too easy.

Mark EVO: Easy? No! You made it worse!

Inuyasha: What are you talking about?

Emerl: I was trying to tell you that if you cut his heads off, they grew back.

(They turned and they see King Ghidorah grows back his heads)

Philmac: (Angry) Inuyasha, you fool!

(Ghost King Ghidorah fires his Gravity Beam attack at the heroes but misses)

Inuyasha: Why didn't you guys tell me before this?!

Emerl, Philmac, Ash and Bloom: We we're trying to warn you!

(Ghost King Ghidorah roars as he lift his right foot and tries to crush them but they missed)

Emerl: If Godzilla was here, he would take down Ghidorah again.











King Boom Boo:


Philmac: I'm not scared of any of you!

(Ghost King Ghidorah's center head growls)

King Boo: (Makes a scary face) Are you scare?

Philmac: Shut up! You don't scare me!

(Philmac fires sunlight gun at the ghost which frightens them off)



Philmac: No!


Philmac: Back off! Get away from me!


Philmac: I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid!


(Philmac sheds a tear but then realized)

Philmac: I... I really am afraid. I'm afraid, but that doesn't mean I won't fight back! 

(King Boom Boo's ghost and King Ghidorah ghost are scared of Philmac now)

Sonic: What's going on with Philmac?

(The dark energy appears surrounding his body)

Knuckles: There's something wrong with Philmac.

Gmerl: What's going on with him?

Shadow: It looks like he's using dark powers!

Emerl: Everybody hit the deck!

(A massive dark power surrounding Philmac)

King Boom Boo: (Afraid) Philmac, we can work this out.

King Boo: (Afraid) Please have mercy!


(Philmac unleashed a massive Dark Chaos Blast wipes out King Boom Boo, his ghost and ghost King Ghidorah too)

Philmac: And never come back.

(Philmac collapsed and unconscious)

Sakura Avalon: Philmac! (smiles) Thanks Philmac, you'll leave it to us. Go Froslass!

(She pop out her Pokeball)

Sakura Avalon: Ready Froslass?

(Froslass nods)

Sakura Avalon: (Ready for a Z-Moves) The power of Ice come to my aid! Unlock the great power of snow and ice to make them freeze!


Sakura Avalon: Use Subzero Slammer!













Ash Ketchum: (in his sleep) Could you please stop and turn us back to normal?

???: Ash, Kiawe, Lillie wake up!



Philmac: (Wakes up, Groans) Emerl...? 

Emerl: We're here Philmac, we're here.




Mark EVO: (wakes up) AAAAHHH!!!!

(Mark began to freak out then headbutt Knuckles then punch Squidward in face then kicks Gmerl then slap Rigby then smack Benson and throws a anvil that almost hit the Eds)

Mark EVO: (Freaks out) YOU JERKS!


Emerl: Ow! Hey!



Mark EVO: (Freaks out) WHAT?! WHAT?!

Emerl: We're back already!

Mark EVO: (Seeing clear) Huh?





Mark EVO: That dream was insane, I really lost my temper and start violently beating up lot of your angry members, just because they're treated Philmac really bad. 

Emerl: Relax Mark you just had a nightmare.

Philmac: Yeah, and Sakura and her friends save me from Broozers.

Mark EVO: Really?

Philmac: Yep, and their Gligar evolved into Gliscor.






Goku: (appears as he turns the lights back on) Hey, what are you all doing here in the middle of the night? Are you having a slumber party or something?

Ash Ketchum: Master!



N.A.N.O.: But wait, King Ghidorah was scared of Philmac?

???: Huh?

???: Impossible. King Ghidorah is a massive titan. He can't be scared by something that small.



Philmac: Yeah, I truly am scared... (Gets up) But fear is not gonna stop me from fighting to protect what's important! 

Raven: I'm glad you conquered your own fear.


???: You're not afraid of ghost anymore.

Philmac: It was thanks to Sakura and her friends




Philmac: Well how about this? SIT BOY!

(Inuyasha gets scared)

Philmac: Pfft... Haha! Scared ya!

Shippo: Nice one Philmac.

Kagome Higurashi: Hey, that's my line!


Philmac: (Giggles) Yeah.

Inuyasha: (Angry) Why you!


Lana: Harper! Sarah!

Harper & Sarah: Huh? Aah!

Philmac: Uh-oh!

Lana: I'm going to get real mad if you don't knock it off!



Emerl: Alright! Alright! Alright! Just stop staring at me Philmac! You have the eyes of a serial killer!









Narrator: Sakura, Madison, Li, Meilin and Eli's Gligar evolves into Gliscor. On top of that both Madison and Eli caught Litwick as their new Pokémon. Sakura has passed her trial and earn the Ghostium Z-crystal. So



Narrator: As the journey continues.


Everyone: (V.O.) Where Are You Going Eevee!




(the episode ends)
