This is a transcript of A Midsummer Night's Light! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.
(the episode begins)
Narrator: People in the Sinnoh region are being plagued by nightmares, so Ash and Goh, and their allies set out to investigate. Meanwhile, Chloe and Eevee, accompanied by the Pixies, Mr. Peabody, Sherman, Penny, Tim, Ted, Margo, Edith, and Agnes embarked on their own Sinnoh trip and met Dawn, who loves to enter Pokemon Contests and her allies the Monkey Team! Then they encounter new Duke Org, the Dark Dragon Master named Zen-Ryoku who challenge Dawn, Chloe, and the others Now, as they walk through a forest, they find...
Dawn: A Cresselia.
(Team Robot In Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series opening plays)
Ash, Goh & Chloe (V.O.): A Midsummer Night's Light!
(Chloe checks her Rotom Phone)
Rotom Phone: Cresselia. The Lunar Pokémon. A Psychic type. Cresselia has been called a representation of the moon. It is also said that its feathers can dispel nightmares.
Digit: Wow, so interesting. It's kinda like how you do it with your sweat dream powers, Piff.
Piff: (baby talk; agree)
Chatta: Yeah, except...
(They took notice of how unwell Cresselia appeared)
Lockette: This Cresselia looks terrible out of shape.
Chloe: (concerned) Cresselia...
Dawn: It should be on Fullmoon Island.
Chloe: Are you sure?
Dawn: Yeah.
Dawn (V.O.): I saw it there before.
(Flashback ends)
Digit: (checking one of her gadgets) She's right. According to this information, Cresselia should be living on Fullmoon Island which is its home.
Penny Peterson: Then why's it doing here?
Digit: I don't know.
Cresselia: (groaned in pain)
Dawn: (gasps worried)
Chloe: It's really hurt!
Antauri: It sounds like it's been wounded.
Otto: What'll we do?!
Dawn: It needs first aid! (approaches it)
(But then Cresselia starts getting hostile)
Dawn: (gasps) No need to worry, Cresselia! We're your friends, not your enemies!
Chiro: It's true! We just want to help you.
Jinmay: Yeah, no need to be hostile.
(Then Cresselia uses its Psycho Cut which landed near Eevee, Piplup, and the Pixies as they get startled much to Dawn, Chloe and the others shock. Cresselia looked sternly at them. Then Eevee took one step forth)
Eevee: (assuring) Eevee! Eevee, Vee, Vee!
Chloe: Oh, Eevee...
Eevee: (explaining to Cresselia) Eevee, Eevee. Eevee, Eevee!
(Chloe watches and then remembers what her father, Professor Cerise said)
Professor Cerise: My goal is to face them head on and show those Pokemon what's in my heart!
(Flashback ends)
Chloe: No need to worry. (takes a step forward)
Sparx: (gasps) Chloe!
Nova: What're you doing?!
(Cresselia looked surprised)
Dawn: Chloe, don't do it!
Chloe: (keeps approaching it) I want to help you, Cresselia! Let me treat your wounds...
(Cresselia growled then calmed down as it looked to Chloe's eyes as she reaches her hand to it and touched while leaning her head on its forehead.)
The others: (gasp amazed)
Chiro: Wow, look at that!
Gibson: She's touching it!
Nova: Way to go, Chloe!
(Eevee and Piplup run to her and Cresselia excitedly)
Dawn: Ah.
Chatta: Well, now that it trusts us, let's treat its wounds.
Digit: Good idea! But uh... How do we treat it wounds?
Jinmay: Hmm.... (gets an idea) Aha! Hey, Dawn? Do you have something that could help heal Cresselia's wounds?
Dawn: (gasps upon remembering) Oh, yeah, the healing herbs!
(Moments later at night we see the mushed herbs and Dawn brings out a handkerchief with the herbs)
Dawn: That should do it. This may sting, but it'll be over soon...
Cresselia: (calm)
Chloe: I wonder if someone attacked it...
????: Hmm, good question.
???: Maybe it was that Dark-type Mythical Pokémon, the others told us about. The one called, "Darkrai."
Dawn: I don't know guys. It couldn't have been Darkrai, could it?
Chloe: Darkrai?
Dawn: Right. It's a Pokémon who causes nightmares in both people and Pokémon. (we see Darkrai flying in the sky) Cresselia can eliminate those nightmares. (to Chloe, Dawn, and the others) In other words, they're enemies, sort of.
Chloe: Really...
Dawn: (gets up) Alright. That should do it.
(We see Cresselia all bandaged up)
???: Wow, nice effort there Dawn!
???: Yeah, you're really good!
Chloe: You're amazing, Dawn! You even know about healing herbs!
???: Yeah, but how do you know when to use them?
Dawn: Back when I traveled in a group of a few, one of my friends....
(Flashback of Dawn, with Piplup, Brock, and her Togekiss.)
Dawn (V.O.): ...was a Pokémon Doctor in training. And I learned some of this from him.
(Flashback ends)
Dawn: Those were fun days! And my other friend had no room left in his head for anything but Pokémon. You could say he was a Pokémon fanatic!
Chloe and the others: (laughs)
Chloe: Wow, We've got a friend whose exactly like that too!
(To Ash, Goh, and the rest. Ash sneezes)
Hiccup: Whoa! Bless you, Ash.
(Pikachu jumps onto Ash's shoulder)
Pikachu: Pika?
Goh and the others: Hm?
Dragonflare: Razz!
Howlcrusher: Razz!
Ducky: Razz!
Cera: Hey Razz where did you go?
Ash Ketchum: Petrie have you find Razz yet?
Petrie: Me don't find him anywhere.
Crane: Sorry Ash we didn't find him either.
Tom Raven: Talonflame did you find him too?
(Talonflame shake his head say no)
Tom Raven: You did good Talonflame. Return for now!
(Talonflame return inside his Pokeball)
Goh: So what both Zordon and Ancient One said right after one of the Sharpteeth from Saurus Rock who been defeated by Littlefoot's grandpa and Doc?
Danny Delgado: Both Zordon and the Ancient One said, "The Sharpteeth from Saurus Rock as guardians of Dark Dragon Ruins are going to retrieved it."
Max Copper: Retrieved what?
Alyssa Enrile: I believe it's the dragon mask.
Littlefoot: Then what are they said after Razz wears a dragon mask and became Zen-Ryoku?
Petrie: Both Zordon and the Ancient One said we gonna fix it.
Ducky: Fix what?
Cera: The dark dragon's curse I think?
Ducky: Yes, but how?
Ash Ketchum: Well I think both Tom, Zordon, and the Ancient One said, "Razz is the one who stole the Dragon Mask of Zen-Ryoku."
Cera: Yeah, then they said, "he also cause it broke the dark dragon statue's tooth from Dark Dragon Ruins in Hoenn region".
(All Heroes gasped horror as both Ash and Cera's theory is correct)
Cera: Uh-oh!
Princess Shayla: That's why they came here.
Ben Tennyson: Oh man! Now he's really in trouble for this one.
Goh: The other sharptooth is heading towards him fast.
Mako Waterson Ketchum: What're we gonna do?
Ash Ketchum: We need your grandma, grandpa, and dad's help Littlefoot, do you know where they are?
Littlefoot: Yeah. They said they're meeting with Dawn's mother
(We see Razz
Razz Buster: Let's see
(Cut to see Littlefoot's grandparents and Littlefoot's father Bron are talking with Joanna Dawn's mother)
Grandpa Longneck:
(After Joanna left our heroes have arrived with Goku's instant transmission)
All Heroes: Grandpa, Grandma Longneck! Bron!
Littlefoot: Dad! Grandma! Grandpa!
Bron: Littlefoot?
Grandma Longneck: Everyone?
Grandpa Longneck: What is it everyone? What happened?
Ash Ketchum: It's Razz and he needs our help!
(Cut to see Razz made down the canyon walk towards knockout Allosaurus
Razz Buster:
(Little didn't he know Allosaurus is still alive as he opened his eye and growled)
(Meanwhile our heroes still looking for Razz in the canyon)
Goku: Hey Razz!
Gmerl: Razz where are you?
Emerl: Razz!
Grandpa Longneck: Now which way?
Guy: This way! We know we been there.
Ash Ketchum: Once we find him then we go to the Dark Dragon Ruins. But the question is where?
Cera: You mean you don't know where the Dark Dragon Ruins?
Ash Ketchum: To be honest and tell you truth we never been there before.
Cera: But you knew all about
Ducky: You did. You did. Yep, yep, yep!
Ash Ketchum: Well
(Meanwhile Razz
Razz Buster: I better just pick one and get out of here.
Razz Buster: Wait a minute. I'm inside a dead Allosaurus. Why would it be a breeze? Unless it's... breathing.
(As Sharptooth (Allosaurus from The Land Before Time 6) slowly got up)
Razz Buster: But it is breathing, that means it's alive. And it's here and so does the other coming this way in Sinnoh region, I'm in trouble big time. They're still here for the Dragon Mask to return back to Dark Dragon Ruins in Hoenn region, but now the curse is broken and the Dragon Mask has been destroyed which means... they're gonna KILL ME!!!!!
(Allosaurus roars raging mad as it starts to bite him down with the stick, but Razz jump out as escape just in time)
Razz Buster: Man that was close. (as turned around to see Allosaurus is still there as he gasped)
(Allosaurus roars furious and start chasing him as Razz run away from it)
(Razz keep running away Allosaurus as he reached the between the canyons as he managed to escape. Allosaurus stop for a moment and then started to smash the rocks with his headbutt)
Razz Buster: (catching his breath) Great twilight of comet I wonder I lost out of...
(Before he finished his sentence someone coming towards him fast as Razz feared it could be the third and final guardian of Dark Dragon Ruins)
(It was Sharptooth (Tyrannosaurus Rex from The Land Before Time 6 climax) appears as Razz screamed and run away again)
Razz Buster: (screamed) I don't have the Dragon Mask on my hands anymore! I also don't be Zen-Ryoku anymore either.
(As Tyrannosaurus (The Secret of Saurus Rock Climax) roars rage and chased after him)
(As Razz continues to run until he tripped by a rock and fell down. Tyrannosaurus (The Secret of Saurus Rock Climax) is started to kill him to finished him up and Razz close his eyes to prepare and sealed his fate, but then)
Ash Ketchum (V.O.): Stop right there sharptooth!
(And Tyrannosaurus did stop as the shadow of the longneck came as well for be prepare to attack three shadow figure)
Razz Buster: (open his eyes and look himself didn't get eaten) Could it be? Is it really you...
(It was Ash along Goh and Grandpa Longneck appears in front of him as our heroes came to rescue him)
Razz Buster: Ash!
Grandpa Longneck: Run Razz!
(As he doing so he did as Tyrannosaurus are going to attack)
Ash Ketchum: Lucario use Aura Sphere!
Goh: Cinderace use Pyro Ball!
(Lucario and Cinderace fire their attack and hit and fling the Tyrannosaurus and land on big stone)
Razz Buster: (catch his breath) You..You guys came for me? You all came.
Cera: Don't we always?
Cole Evans: Ash knew you need our help
SpongeBob SquarePants: We're really sorry about what Gengar's former Trainer did to you all your life, Razz.
Alyssa Enrile:
Razz Buster: You guys really do care about me. And Ash and everyone need my help?
Littlefoot: You sure do. I just hope Ash, Goh, and Grandpa are gonna be alright.
(Grandpa Longneck
Littlefoot and his friends: Yay Grandpa!
Petrie: Whoo, they're doing okay.
(To Dawn, Chloe, and the others)
Dawn: So you came to the Sinnoh region for Contests?
Chloe: No, not exactly. But after I arrived, with the others, I saw an interview with someone named Johanna.
Dawn: That must have been the interview with my mom!
Chloe and the others: Your mom?
???: Wow, no kidding?!
???: Huh, that was a surprise.
Chloe: (realizes with shock) Now hold on a second! Johanna's your mom?!
Dawn: Um-hm.
Chloe: The legendary Pokémon Coordinator?!
Dawn: That's right.
???: Uh, care to explain to us, Dawn?
Dawn: You see, I decided I would travel down the very same path that my mom did.
Chloe: That's amazing.
Dawn: So tell me about your mom and dad. What do they do?
Chloe: My mom is an illustrator, and my dad is a Pokemon Researcher.
Dawn: Really? A Pokemon Professor, right?
Chloe: Um-hm. But since he's a Professor, everybody thinks I have to a Professor too, and I hate being typecast. So I've been trying to figure out what I wanna do, but it isn't always easy... (chuckles) Soon after I met Eevee, I realized that I didn't have to rush any decision.
Eevee: Eevee?
Dawn: After you met Eevee?
Chloe: The thing is my Eevee is special, and it doesn't quite know what it wants to evolve into just yet. That's why it's trying out a lot of things, like other Pokémon's moves.
Dawn: Oh! So it was imitating Piplup's move, right?
???: Exactly, correct Dawn!
???: Mm-hm. That's what it did. Right, Chloe?
Chloe: Right. Eevee really seems to enjoy it. So I'm thinking that we should try out all sorts of things, while having lots of fun at the same time.
(Piplup shared a half berry to Eevee)
Eevee: Eevee!
Dawn: Hey. Good idea. Now, with Piplup, it decided on its own not to evolve.
Chloe: Huh?
???: Excuse me?
???: What do you mean, Dawn?
Dawn: Its seems to me Piplup wants to stay with me as a Piplup for the rest of its life.
Dawn (V.O.): What it happened, I wondered if it was making the best choice.
(Flashback ends)
Dawn: But looking at it now, I think we've both grown even close because of it. So need to worry! Really think it through and you're sure to make a decision that'll pay off best in the end! Guaranteed!
(Chloe was silent till...)
Chloe: (chuckles)
Dawn: Chloe, you really have to enter the Contest.
Chloe: I do? Why do I have to?
Dawn: You wanna try out all sorts of new things, right? Come on! Practice makes perfect! (grabs her hands pulls her up as Chloe grunted surprised) Come on, along too guys!
The others: Okay!
Dawn: Hey, Pipliup?
Piplup: Piplup, Piplup!
(Moments later, we find Dawn wearing an elegant Coordinator dress)
Dawn: Here we go, everybody!
Chloe: Oh, wow!
???: Ooh, nice dress, Dawn!
???: Yeah, you look so beautiful in that color!
Tune: I must say I'm impressed! You know how to dress like a proper young lady, Dawn.
Dawn: Aw, why thank you Tune.
Dawn: (takes out her Pokeball) Now, Piplup, spotlight! (tosses her Pokeball)
(Piplup pops out)
Piplup: Piplup, Piplup!
Dawn: Piplup, use Whirlpool!
(Piplup uses Whirlpool to create and elegant water twister into the air as it came out through it and spun around in it from above)
Chloe: Oh!
???: Wow, look at Piplup!
???: Amazing!
???: Looking good there, Piplup!
Chloe: (gasping amazed)
Eevee: (amazed; awestruck) Eevee, Eevee!
(Piplup spun around it till it stopped and landed down on its feet and took a bow)
Piplup: Pip, Piplup!
Dawn: See, and that's how you do it, Chloe.
Chloe: Fantasitc! It was beautiful!
???: Sure was!
Piplup: Piplup!
Eevee: (excited) Eevee, Eevee, Eevee!
Chloe: What? You wanna do that too?
Eevee: (confident; awestruck) Ee... Eevee!
???: Go on, Chloe.
???: Yeah, give it a try!
???: No need to worry! Right, Dawn?
Dawn: Right! No worries! You can do it!
(Moments later)
Chloe: (nervous) Uh, okay then... Uh... Now, Eevee, spotlight! (tosses her Pokeball)
(Eevee pops out)
Eevee: Eevee!
Chloe: Eevee, use Whirlpool!
(Eevee uses its Copycat to use Whirlpool itself and made a big one)
???: Whoa, nice!
???: Wow, they did it!
???: Nice going there, Chloe and Eevee!
Dawn: Amazing!
Piplup: (amazed) Piplup!
(Eevee shot out from the inside of the Whirlpool)
Eevee: Eevee!
Chloe: Alright!
(But then the water from the Whirlpool rained down on her)
Piplup: (concerned) Piplup.
???: Ooh, that's was bit of a downpour.
????: Uh... you okay, Chloe?
(Chloe wobbled around after getting soaked)
Chloe: But, but why...
(Eevee landed on her head)
The others: (awkward chuckle)
Dawn: (awkward chuckle) No need to worry, Chloe.
Piplup: Pip, Piplup.
Chloe: (disappointed) I am worried!
Eevee: Ee...
(We find a Kricketot and Kricketune on a tree chirping, till the scene changed to Chloe tending to Cresselia's wound.)
Chloe: Is this how it's done?
Dawn: Perfect! Perfect!
Chloe: Cresselia, I hope you feel better really soon.
(She pets Cresselia getly as it exhales calmly. We find Piplup, Eevee, and the Pixies asleep too)
???: Wow, Cresselia's so colorful!
???: And it's beautiful!
???: Sure is! Right, Chloe?
Chloe: Yeah. Such a pretty Pokémon!
Dawn: Powerful too. It knows a move called Lunar Dance. They say it can heal injured Pokémon.
Chloe: It can heal injured Pokémon? I'll bet it's a wonderful move!
???: Yeah, I sure hope I'l get to see it!
???: Me too!
Dawn. Chloe, and the others: (laugh)
(Moments later we see Chloe waking up somewhere dark)
Chloe: Hold on. Where... am I? (calling) Hey, Dawn?! Eevee?! Uh... Guys?!
Dawn (V.O.): Piplup! Where are you?!
Chloe: (gasp)
???: Chloe!
(She find Dawn and the others running to her)
Chloe: Hi guys!
Dawn: It's you, Chloe! Where are we?!
???: Yeah, this place is so dark!
Amore: (worriedly scared) And so scary!
(Then the background changes to a market place)
Chloe, Dawn, and the others: (gasp)
???: Uh. where are we now?
???: I think we're in a town.
Chloe: A town?
Dawn: What's going on?
(Then the people began to fall asleep and collapsed)
Chloe, Dawn, and the others: (gasp)
(We see people falling down to the floor and fall asleep)
???: Hey what?!
???: What's going on here?!
Dawn: What's wrong with them?
Chloe: It looks like everybody's having nightmares!
Chatta: (flies to one of the citizens) Wake up! (gently pushes her head) Oh! (to another) Can you hear me? Why aren't they waking up?
(Behind Dawn, Chloe, and the others something familiar comes out behind them)
Lockette: (notices; shocked) Because... of that!
Dawn: (notices and gasps)
(It was Darkrai)
Dawn: Darkrai!
Pixies: (shriek scared)
(The Pixies hide behind Dawn, Chloe, and the rest)
Chloe: Whoa...
Dawn: It's you, Darkrai! You're giving everyone nightmares, aren't you?
(Darkrai was silent towards them as Chloe notice something about it)
Chloe: It looks kind of lonely.
(Then Cresselia appears.)
Dawn: Cresselia!
Cresselia: (greeting; to Darkrai)
(Darkrai was silent towards Cresselia. Then a cresent moon shaped flower floated up infront of Cresselia and then a flash of light caused the whole scene to be colored, and the people wake up groaning)
Dawn: Now everybody's waking up!
???: How did that happen?
Chloe: Do you think it's Cresselia's power? (notices) Huh?
(We see Darkrai floating away)
Chloe: Darkrai...
Cresselia: (whines)
(Then the scene goes black till our heroes woke up)
Chloe: (gasps) Was that a dream?
Dawn: Wait, where did Darkrai go?
???: (yawns) Beats me.
???: (yawns) All I remember it was leaving to parts unknown.
Chloe: What? You dreamt it too?
???: Uh... yeah...
???: (gasps) Wait, you did too?!
Dawn: Hold on. Did we have the same dream?
Chloe: A town in heavy fog...
Dawn: With both Darkrai and Cresselia...
(Cresselia wakes up)
Chloe: Look at Cresselia!
(We see Cresselia look in the eye)
???: Whoa, look at its eyes!
Chloe: It's the same look as in the dream!
Dawn: Wait, could it be that we were inside...
Chloe, Dawn, and the others: Cresselia's Dream?!
(To Ash, Goh, and the other heroes)
????: Any sigh of Darkrai, yet?
???: No, not yet.
???: We've searched every tree and bush but nothing.
???: We could it find it either.
Ash Ketchum: I'm with them. I don't see any sigh of Darkrai around here.
???: Same goes for the rest of us.
???: (sighs) Yeah. Nothing.
Goh: There's gotta be a clue!
(Then something was heard groaning)
Ash, Goh, and the others: Huh?
(We see a Bonsly laying in a tree groaning and sleeping in panic)
???: (gasps) Look there!
???: What is it?
Ash Ketchum: It's a Bonsly!
Pikachu: Pika?
???: Hmm, this little guy looks like it's having a hard time sleeping well.
???: I'll say.
Goh: Do you think it's having a nightmare? Sure looks like it's having a bad dream!
???: Poor little thing.
Aisha: Hmm, I sure wished we brought Piff with us. She could've used her dream magic to help this little Bonsly.
???: I hear ya.
???: Wait! If this Bonsly's having going through a nightmare...
Ash Ketchum: So that means Darkrai's somewhere close by!
(And he was right, as Darkrai appeared behind our heroes)
???: Hmm? (notices and gasps) Look!
Ash, Goh, and the others: Darkrai!
(Toothless and the dragons growled threatengly at Darkrai)
Ash Ketchum: Darkrai, everybody's having bad dreams and they can't sleep. Please go back to Newmoon Island.
(Then Darkrai flew off)
Goh: Where's it going?
Ash Ketchum: There's something over there! Let's go! (runs to follow)
Pikachu: (follows) Pika!
???: Wait for us!
???: Come on, Goh!
Goh: (follows) Right!
(To Chloe, Dawn, and the others. Cresselia glows and floats up)
???: Wow, are you seeing that?!
???: I sure am!
Dawn: Cresselia's flying!
Piplup and Eevee: (happy)
???: Yeah, go Cresselia!
???: Yeah, go and fly free!
(Cresselia kept floating but then groaned in pain and fell down again)
Chloe: Are you alright, Cresselia?!
(Cresselia then noticed something)
Chloe, Dawn, and the others: (notices and gasp)
Chloe: Darkrai!
Dawn: I knew it! It's here to attack Cresselia! (she and the others stood their ground) Stop there!
Chloe: That's far enough!
Piplup and Eevee: (angrily to Darkrai)
???: You stay away from poor Cresselia!
???: Yeah, it doesn't have the time to fight you now!
???: Yeah, go back to your island you scary Pokemon!
(Then we find the Team Rocket Meowth ballon in the sky and heard Team Rocket and their group of villain recruits groaning)
???: (yawns) Boy am I beat.
???: Same here.
???: Me too. (moans in exhaustion)
???: (groaned in frustration) We searched all day and no sign of that Cresselia anywhere.
Jessie: You shoul've found something by now, shouldn't you?
Meowth: (checking his binoculars) Not even a peep. (spots something) Wait...
James: Sucess?!
Meowth: (spots Darkrai) Isn't that... Darkrai?!
???: What?!
???: Did you say...
James: Darkrai?
Darcy: Ooh, as in the Mythical Dark Pokémon?! I've heard about it! It's my type of Pokémon I surely would want to have for my own!
Jessie: Wait, the boss wanted that. The Bob-Cut Glasses Goon Gal said something about it.
???: Uh... she did? (then remembers) Oh yeah, she really did!
???: She said something about
???: Well... (sinesterly) Since we spotted it first....
James: That leaves us...
Jessie: To steal it first!
???: Oh yeah! I see where this is going!
???: Know what time it is?
???: I sure do!
???: Yes! Time to call in Pelipper!
Jessie and James: Come on down!
(Pelipper arrives singing)
Cresselia: (calling)
Dawn: Cresselia?
???: What's wrong, Cresselia?
???: Hey look at its eyes.
(We see Cresselia give the look again)
Chloe: Its that look...
Dawn: Could be... Is that you don't want us to fight?
(Then the Team Rocket Prize Master Machine drops and lands down between Cresselia, Dawn, Chloe, the others and Darkrai as they get startled)
Chloe, Dawn, and the others: Darkrai?!
(Then Team Rocket and their villains recruits come down)
Jessie: In the flesh! Perfect!
Meowth: It's snatching time!
???: Ready or not, here we come!
???: Coming down!
Dawn, Chloe, and the others: Team Rocket!
Dawn: (gasps; to Chloe, and the others) You know them too?
Chloe: Uh, yeah...
(Team Rocket and the villains land down to where the machine landed)
???: (chuckles evilly)
???: Presenting...
Jessie and James: Our secret...
(James turns the wheel)
Jessie and James: Rocket Prize...
(Two Pokeballs come out)
Jessie and James: Master! (grab the Pokeballs)
James: Let's see what we've won this time!
(He and Jessie tossed their Pokeball and their Pokémon pop out)
???: And first we have is...
(The First was a Dusknoir)
Jessie: The Gripper Pokémon, Dusknoir!
???: Nice!
???: And second?
(The second was Lunatone)
James: The Meteroite Pokemon, Lunatone!
???: Sweet!
???: Now let's catch that Darkrai!
???: Good thinking!
???: Count me in this too!
???: Allow me to go first! (she uses her
Jessie: Dusknoir, show your stuff!
(Dusknoir uses Shadow Ball)
James: Lunatone, use Moonblast!
(Lunatone uses Moonblast)
(Darkrai countered the attack with its Dark Pulse causing smoke to cover around the area as Team Rocket and the villains get blinded)
???: (coughs; in Big Time Beagle's voice) I can't see!
???: Looks like they're blinded for the moment!
Chloe: We have to get out here!
Dawn: (nods) Hm.
???: You don't have to tell us twice!
Dawn: Let's go Cresselia!
???: Oh no you don't!
(Bowser Jr., ???, ???, and ??? block their way)
Dawn, Chloe, and the others: (gasps)
???: (to Chloe) Well, well, well! If it isn't that girl brat who hangs out with our foes in Kanto!
???: With some puny company too!
Bowser Jr.: (notices Dawn and gasps) Hey, I remember you! You're that meddling Sinnoh girl from way back!
Dawn: (grunts) I see you, your family, and your buddies haven't changed a bit Jr.!
Bowser Jr.: (sarcastic) Why thanks for noticing. But now we're gonna make this our perfect opportunity to get back at you for those times you foiled in me, my family and my friends' plans from way back in our last trip in Sinnoh!
(Jindrax and Toxica appeared in front of Cresselia, Dawn, Chloe and the others defending them)
Jindrax: Long time no see... (sarcastic) Old friends!
???: Agh! You two?!
???: Why you imbecilick traitors!
???: Didn't expect to see us again?
Bowser: (in Master Org's voice) How dare you defy us again! I am the Master here!!
Toxica: (shouts) You're not my master!
(She fired her staff and hit Bowser)
Bowser Jr.: Dad!
Mistress 9: (grunts) No one does that my wicked husband! (she unleashes her dark powers
Toxica: We
???: Alright, we got them blinded for now!
???: (to Chloe, Dawn, and the others) Quick, follow us out of here!
Dawn, Chloe and the others: Uh... Right!
(They all quickly run off with Cresselia into the woods)
???: Thanks you two!
(They all pant till they reached a beach with no other way out)
???: Uh-oh!
???: A dead end!
Chloe: No way! Now what'll we do?
(Dawn and Zing gasps upon listening)
Dawn: What's that?
Zing: (in her 4Kids dub voice) I hear someone coming this way!
Chloe: Keep an eye out!
Piplup and Eevee: (alert)
Lockette: (in her 4Kids dub voice) I'm so scared!
???: Stand your ground gang!
???: Be ready for anything!
(Chloe, Dawn, and the others, except for the frightened Pixies, stood their ground)
Digit: (in her 4Kids dub voice; gasps)
Chatta: (in her 4Kids dub voice; gasps)
Lockette: (in her 4Kids dub voice; gasps)
Zing: (in her 4Kids dub voice; gasps)
Amore: (in her 4Kids dub voice; gasps and fainted)
(Chatta groaned scared while Lockette hides behind her scared)
Lockette: (in her 4Kids dub voice) Oh no!
(The silhouettes in the woods come out to reveal it is their friends Ash, Goh, and the others.)
Ash, Goh, and the rest: Is that?
Pikachu: Pika?!
Chloe, Dawn, and the others: (gasps)
(Both groups stared at each with awe and surprise)
All Heroes: Who's that Pokémon?
(Back to the show)
Goh: But how?
Chole: But why?
Ash Ketchum & Team Robot: It's Dawn!
Dawn: It's Ash and the others! It's been such a long time!
Mimi Tachikawa: (laughs) Dawn! (Hugs Dawn in reunion) Wow, it's so good to see you!
Sora Takenouchi: Dawn! (shares a high five with Dawn) We missed you so much!
Dawn: I missed you too, Sora!
Biyomon: I can't believe we get to see you again!
Emerl: Yeah! We haven't seen you since the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup in the Unova region.
Ash Ketchum: So, wait, how are you hanging out with Chloe, the Pixies, Margo, Edith, Agnes, Mr. Peabody, Sherman, Penny, Tim, Ted, and... (notices Jindrax and Toxica) Jindrax and Toxica?!
Max Copper: No way!
Danny Delgado: Hey guys! It's been a long time!
Cole Evans: Jindrax! Toxica! What a surprise!
Jindrax: (sheepish chuckle) Uh, hey everybody.
Chloe: You guys know each other?
Dawn: Wait a minute, Chloe. You know Ash, Team Robot, Sonic and friends, Tai, Davis, Takato, Takuya, Sam, Alex, Clover, Spongebob, Patrick, ????, and ??? too? (Pikachu lands next to Piplup and happily greets it) That's beyond coincidence!
Ash Ketchum: What're you all doing in a place like this?
Goh: Just hold on. Let's all come down and review!
(Moments later)
Goh: Oh, so you two, Team Robot, Sonic and friends, Spongebob, Patrick, Tai, Davis, Takato, Takuya, ???, ???, ???, and ???? used to travel through Sinnoh together?
Ash Ketchum: Yeah, along with our friend named Brock.
Dawn: I still can't get over the fact that you, the others, and Chloe know each other!
Ash Ketchum: I'm right with you on that. (turns to Cresselia) And you're with Cresselia too!
Chloe: (whispers; to Dawn) That Pokémon fanatic you mentioned...
Dawn: Oh, that's right. It was Ash.
Chloe: (laughs) I knew it!
???: (to Ash) So it was Dawn's Piplup you were talking about back at Ambrette Aquarium in Kalos wasn't it?
Ash Ketchum: You bet! (to Dawn) Oh by the way Dawn! Let me introduce you to some other old friends of mine. This here is my older cousin from New York, Eliza Maza. She's also a detective from the NYPD.
Eliza Maza: Hello.
Dawn: (gasps) You never told me you had a cousin who's a cop!
Ash Ketchum: (laughs) I guess I forgot to mention about her. Oh yeah, and here we have are the Gargoyles.
Ash Ketchum: Together the form the Manhattan Clan, protectors of New York.
Ash Ketchum: The Big Hero 6.
???: Hey.
Ash Ketchum: The Winx.
???: Hi.
Ash Ketchum: The Specialists.
???: How you doing?
Dawn: So, Ash, are these real dragons?
Ash Ketchum: Yeah. These are real dragons.
Hiccup: Hi, my name is Hiccup.
Dawn: Nice to meet you. My name is Dawn and this is Piplup.
Ash Ketchum: Oh and in case you haven't notice. Hiccup isn't just my best friend, but he's also my brother.
Dawn: (gasps) No way! He's your brother?!
Ash Ketchum: Yeah. Also, this is Astrid. Hiccup's wife and my sister-in-law.
Astrid: Hey.
Ash Ketchum: Oh yeah! (presents Valka) And this is my Viking mother, Valka.
Valka: Greetings.
Dawn: Wow, you never told me you had quite a family Ash!
Ash Ketchum: I know and also I want to meet our adoptive brothers, Mako and Luca.
Mako Waterson Ketchum: Hi!
Luca Shellman Ketchum: Nice to meet you.
Ash Ketchum: Oh, this is Toothless. He's Hiccup's dragon.
Dawn: Hi, my name is Dawn. This is Piplup.
Piplup: (Greetings)
Goh: Here you go, Toothless, eat up.
(Goh threw fishes to feed Toothless. But Cloudjumper eats all of the fishes first, Toothless whimpers to Cloudjumper, then he threw up the fish for him to slurp)
Chloe: (Disgusted) Ugh. I think I lost my appetite.
Dawn: (sheepish) Well, it is kinda sweet, in a dragonish kind of way.
Ash Ketchum: Yeah. Anyways, Toothless and I are alphas of all dragons.
Dawn: Wow! For real?!
Goh: So, Chloe, why did you come out here alone?
Bloom: And why're you here, Pixies?
Gru: Margo, Edith, Agnes, explanation please.
Chloe, and the others: Uh, well...
Chloe: It's a long story.
???: Yeah. But we'll explain later.
Dawn: So you, the others, and Ash are investigating those nightmares, aren't you?
Ash Ketchum: Uh-huh!
???: You bet.
???: Yep, you guessed correctly on that Dawn.
???: (to Ash, Goh, and the others) Hey, how come you guys came way out here?
Goh: We came because we were chasing Darkrai.
Dawn, Chloe, and the others: Chasing Darkrai?!
(We then see Darkrai using Dark Pulse and made impact on Dusknoir and Lunatone as they crashed into Team Rocket and the villains and sent them flying)
Team Rocket and the villains: We're blasting off again!
(They crash landed on a tree, as Darkrai floated away)
???: (groaned)
???: (groans) Oh, that hurts.
???: (groaned in pain) I'll say.
James: We covered far less distance this time.
Meowth: Yeah. True that.
Jessie: (grunts) I have only begun to fight!
(Back to our heroes)
Ash Ketchum: (gasps) So Darkrai went to where Cresselia is?!
???: No joke?
???: Nope. It's true. We
???: Gosh. I wonder why?
Goh: Could it be it's been wandering around looking for Cresselia? If so, then why?
Ash Ketchum: Think back. Cresselia was badly hurt!
Goh: That means...
(Fantasy of Darkrai attacking Cresselia with Dark Pulse)
Goh (V.O.): ...Cresselia and Darkrai must have battled. Cresselia took damage and then it fled!
(Fantasy ends)
Goh: With Darkrai chasing after.
???: Hmm, now that you mention it. Darkrai suppose to be Cresselia's natural enemy.
???: Yeah, kinda like how a Seviper is when it faces a Zangoose.
Ash Ketchum: Makes sense.
Chloe: Wait a minute!
Ash, Goh, and the others: Huh?
???: What?
???: What is it Chloe?
Chloe: I don't think that's quite right. The thing is, I don't honestly believe that Cresselia and Darkrai are really enemies in the first place.
Dawn: I don't think so either.
The others: Neither do we.
Ash Ketchum: But a minute ago, you said you were gonna battle Darkrai, right?
Chloe: I think that's because Darkrai assumed we were the ones who caused Cresselia to be injured.
Goh: So if it wasn't Darkrai, who could it be?
(Cresselia then sensed something and turned around to notice.)
Tails: Huh?
Sonic: What's up?
(Toothless and the dragons notice something in the sky and growled)
Hiccup: Toothless?
Astrid: What is it girl?
Heather: Windshear, what's wrong?
(Then our heroes look up)
All heroes: (gasps)
(They spot the Matori Matrix's ship)
Ash Ketchum: What's that?
???: We got company!
Takuya Kanbara: (Gasp) I know that ship anywhere!
(On the ship)
Team Rocket Grunt: We picked Cresselia!
???: (in Cutler Beckett's voice) Finally.
Matori: Capture it. And this time, do it right!
Team Rocket Grunts: Yes, ma'am!
(To our heroes)
Chloe: (gasps)
Dawn: Oh no!
(Matori and her crew of Team Rocket Grunts came down from ropes)
Chiro: Who are they?!
Goh: It's Team Rocket!
Matori: Well take care of them first!
Emerl: Hey, it's not just Team Rocket! It's the same Team Rocket group we faced before at the reserve!
Kion: (notices something and gasps) And look who else is with them!
(Donita and Dabio came down)
Chris Kratt: Donita Donata!
Martin Kratt: And her lackey, Dabio!
(Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory) came down to)
Gmerl: With Mandark!
(Then John Castaway)
Goliath: (grunts) With John Castaway!
Eliza Maza: And Demona!
(The Scarecrow)
Ash Ketchum: (gasps) And the Scarecrow!
(Last, the Pack (Coyote, Wolf, Jackal, and Hyena) came down too)
???: With the remaining Pack members too!
???: Coyote, Wolf, Jackal, and Hyena!
Ash Ketchum: You guys hurt Cresselia!
Dawn: How could you?!
Pikachu and Piplup: (angry)
Toothless and the dragons: (growled mad)
T.K. Takaishi: You guys, are going to pay for what you did it!
Mandark: Get out of the way right now! We're taking that Pokémon!
Mako Ketchum: Yeah?! You and whose army?!
(Matori snaps fingers, signaling John's Quarrymen, Donita's Manequin Units, and their ol' friend Zach's Zachbots to appear out)
Mako Ketchum: (shriek shock)
Luca Shellman Ketchum: You had to ask?!
Emerl: Oh great, we gotta deal with 10 of our old foes, a group of Team Rocket grunts, and a small army of Quarrymen, Manequin units, and Zachbots too!
Donita Donata: Now hand over Cresselia if you know what's good for you.
Aviva: Forget it, Donita!
Mimi Tachikawa: Yeah, there's no way you're taking that poor innocent Pokémon away! (Blows a raspberry)
Tai Kamiya: If you creeps want it, you're gonna have to go through us!
John Castaway: Very well. Then we will destroy you both and capture Cresselia!
Matori: Remove them.
Team Rocket Grunts: Yes ma'am! Go! (toss their Pokeballs)
(Their Pokémon: Rhyperior, Purugly, Toxicroak, and Skuntank pop out)
Tai Kamiya: It's digivolving time!
(Agumon digivolve to Greymon, then digivolve to MetalGreymon,
Takato, Henry & Rika: Digi-modify! Digivolution activate!
(Terriermon digivolve to Gargomon, Renamon digivolve to Kyubimon and Guilmon digivolve to Growlmon)
Max Cooper: Looks like it's time to battle!
Cole Evans: Let's do it guys!
(The Wild Force Rangers took our their Growl Phones)
Wild Force Rangers: Wild Access!
(As the
Bloom: Let's go girls!
Bloom & her friends: Magic Winx Mythinx!
Prince Sky: Time to get into action guys!
(The Specialists took out their weapons and got ready for action)
Robin: Matori Matrix, you're under arrest.
Emerl: If you all give up now, we won't have to send you all to jail in a wheelchair.
Hyena: (laughs evilly) We're going to enjoy this!
Matori: Grunts! Manequin Units! Zachbots! Quarrymen! (in Rita Repulsa's voice) Attack!!
(Their small army of henchmen charged forward)
John Castaway: (in Lord Zedd's voice) Destroy them!!
(The villains' goons charged into battle.)
Emerl: SUASL battle stations!
Robin: Titans go!
Chiro: Hyperforce go!
Benson: Keep them away from Cresselia! (Gets punched by Wolf)
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, use Iron Tail!
(Pikachu charge and prepared Iron Tail till..)
Team Rocket Grunt D: Skuntank, use Flamethrower!
(His Skuntank jumped up and fired Flamethrower with Pikachu striking with Iron Tail only to get sent flying back. Goh tossed out his Pokeball and Cinderace pops out)
Cinderace: Cinde!
Goh: Quick, Cinderace, use Blaze Kick!
Sakura Avalon: Noivern, charge in with Aerial Ace!
Li Showron: Hawlucha, you charge in with Fly attack!
(Cinderace, Noivern, and Hawlucha charge towards Toxicroak with their attacks but as they jumped towards it, Toxicroak dodged them by leaning its back)
Team Rocket Grunt A: Toxicroak, use Venoshock!
(Toxicroak jumps and fired Venoshock at Cinderace, Noivern, and Hawlucha)
Sakura Avalon: Noivern!
Li Showron: Hawlucha!
Donita Donata: (grunts) We're taking that Pokémon, at all costs! Manequins, fire Pose Beams! (takes our a remote and presses the button)
(This caused her Manequin Units to open fire their pose beams)
Sonic: Look out for the pose beam, they'll freeze you!
Emerl: Not for long!
(Emerl used his tech sword to slice the Manequins)
Gmerl: Dawn, you're up!
Dawn: Now Piplup, use Bubble Beam!
(Piplup jumps forward and fired Bubble Beam,
Team Rocket Grunt C: Rhyperior, Stone Edge!
(His Rhyperior stood forward and used Stone Edge and made impact on Piplup then Kyubimon catches him)
Kyubimon: I gotcha!
Gargomon: Gargo Laser! (Fires amount of bullets at the Zachbots) Not so strong now huh?
Growlmon: Pyro Blaster! (Fires his attack on
John Castaway: Men, capture that creature!
Team Rocket B: Purugly, use Fury Swipes!
(Purugly prepares to attack Cresselia with Fury Swipes, with the Quarrymen preparing to capture it too till...)
Meilin Rae: Oh, no you don't!
Chloe: Eevee, Tackle!
Meilin Rae: Scyther, X-Scissor!
(Eevee uses Tackle and Scyther uses X-Scissor and made impact on Purugly. Eevee and Scyther landed down)
Eevee: Vee, Eevee.
(The heroes along with Matori, her grunts, Donita, Dabio, the Manequins, Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory), John Castaway, his Quarrymen, Demona, the Scarecrow (Batman), The Pack (Coyote, Wolf, Jackal, and Hyena), and the Zachbots were in a stand off)
Scarecrow: (pants) Give... us... that.. POKÉMON!!!
Nova: Never!
Sparx: You're not taking Cresselia, you evil maniacs!
Otto: Yeah, that's right! Cresselia will never belong to the likes of you!
Gibson: Leave this place and never come back for it!
Antauri: Yeah, you don't scare us!
Scarecrow: Oh really? (fired a dart of his Fear Toxin)
Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Look out!
(The dart with his Fear Toxin hits ???)
???: (pained) Aah!! (pants) What.. What's going on...
(??? begins to hallucinate
Emerl: Be careful with Scarecrow's fear toxin! It'll make you hallucinate your worst fears!
(However, Piff knew how to help ???, ???, and ??? snap out from the Scarecrow's Fear Toxin as she used her sweet dream like power.)
???: Piff?
???: What's she doing?
Aisha: (gasps in relief) She's using her dream powers to calm them down!
(Piff's pixie powers helped cease the effect of the Fear Toxin from them, thus calming them down.)
???: (pants) Whoa, what happened?
Stella: Alright!
Flora: Piff did it! She calmed them down!
Aisha: That's Piff for ya!
Bloom: Now, where were we?
Scarecrow: (grunts) Stop them!!
Takato Matsuki: You're not taking Cresselia!
Agunimon: That's right, we will stop you!
Lobomon: Yeah, so give it up and leave!
Mandark: We will never leave until we have that Legendary Pokémon in our hands!
Scarecrow: You cannot stop us not even your Pokémon, Digimon and Dragons can defeat us!
(Then Darkrai came into the scene)
???: What?!
All heroes: (gasps)
Ash and Dawn: (gasps)
Matori: Is that...
All heroes: Darkrai!
Cresselia: (calling to Darkrai)
Darkrai: (understood)
(Darkrai floated down and got in front of our heroes)
Scarecrow (Batman): (chuckles wickedly) Well, well, well, look who decided to show up.
Donita Donata: Our second target.
Matori: Ha! Darkrai, being here works out in my favor. I want both of them captured! With those dragons and Digimon too!
Donita Donata: You heard her, capture them now!
Team Rocket Grunt A: Toxicroak, use Venoshock!
Team Rocket Grunt C: Skuntank, Flamethrower!
Donita Donata: Manequins! Fire pose beams!
(Toxicroak fired Venoshock, Skuntank fired Flamethrower, and the Manequins fired their pose beams, as Darkrai, and the heroes Pokémon dodge them)
Sora: Take this! (He used his Keyblade to slice the Manequins in half)
Demona (Gargoyles): Seize Cresselia!
(As the smoke cleared one of the grunts' Pokémon, Rhyperior appeared in front of Cresselia getting ready to attack it only for Darkrai to notice and fired Dark Pulse to stop it)
Sora Takenouchi: Wow, did you see that?!
Matt Ishida: Sure did!
Dawn: Darkrai is helping Cresselia!
Chloe: I knew they couldn't be enemies!
John Castaway: (grunts) We're not letting those two Pokémon escape our grasps! (to Team Rocket grunt C) Get them now!
Team Rocket Grunt C: Alright, Skuntank, get them now!
Mandark: Zachbots!! Get Darkrai!
(Then Darkrai attacked Skuntank and the Zachbots with Dark Pulse, causing Skuntank to fall to the floor hard while the remaining Zachbots got destroyed)
Team Rocket Grunt C: (gasps)
Mandark: Oh, Zack's not going to happy about this.
Tai Kamiya: Whoo, go Darkrai!
MetalGreymon: Yeah, you're really giving it to them now!
Ash Ketchum: Nice going, Darkrai!
ExVeemon: Yeah, that's showing those creeps!
Goh: Now, everybody, go!
Davis Motomiya: Attack!
(Pikachu, Piplup, and Cinderace fired their attacks on Toxicroak and Purugly, causing them to fall onto Skuntank)
Yolei Inoue: Yes!
Cyborg: Booyah!
MetalGreymon: Giga Blaster!
Garudamon: Wing Blade!
(The attack destroyed most of Donita's Manequins)
Donita Donata: (gasps) My Manequins!!
John Castaway: That's it!
Matori: (grunts; to the radio) Fire the cannons!
(On the Team Rocket airship, it fired out its zap cannons towards Darkrai as it noticed and began to block it)
Mandark: (grunts) It's not hurting it!!
Coyote (Gargoyles): We need more power!
Matori: (to Coyote) Right! (contacts by the radio) Maximum output!
(The airship's zap cannons fired at maximum output and it heavily shocked Darkrai as it screamed in pain, till the shock cancels out and Darkrai fell)
Henry Wong: (gasps) Darkrai!
Rika Nonaka: Oh no!
Kumamon: What happened?!
Beetlemon: Those zaps from their ship's cannons wounded it!
Ash Ketchum: We gotta help Darkrai!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
John Castaway: Oh no, you don't! Fire!
(The Quarrymen fired net missile causing Ash, Dawn, Goh, Chloe, and the Non-powered heroes to be caught in a net.)
Kazemon: (gasps) Guys!
Emerl: Hold on we got you!
Donita Donata: Not so fast! (pushes her remote's button)
(This caused her remaining Manequins to fire their Pose Beams freeze the powered heroes including the dragons and Digimon)
Astrid: (grunts and struggles) What happened?!
Yoshi: We've been hit by the pose beams! (struggles) And I can't move!
Matori: (to the heroes) Be quiet and stay out of my way. (to the henchmen) Now, capture Darkrai, and take those dragons and Digimon with us.
(Before the villains could capture the two Pokémon and the dragons, suddenly a blue fire like energy pops out of the water almost hitting the villains ship)
Chiro: What was that?!
(A giant creature emerges from the water)
Jinmay: What's that?
(It was Godzilla as his main theme song plays)
Dawn: What on earth is that thing?!
Ash, Pooh, and Emerl: Godzilla!
(Godzilla roars)
Matori: It can't be! It's the monster who killed King Ghidorah back in the Alola region!
Yoshi: Look! He's not alone!
(Godzilla's son appears grown up as Little Godzilla)
Chloe: What is that?
Tai Kamiya: It's his son!
Mandark: Destroy those two monsters before they interfere!
(Darkrai looked stern for a moment but then a glow began to shine. The shine came from none other than Cresselia as it rose above and began to glow so brightly that it blinded the grunts, and the villains)
???: (grunts) That light! I can't see!
Matori: Now what?
???: What's going on?!
(Cresselia continued to glow brightly as it used Lunar Dance which began to heal Darkrai of its wounds)
???: Whoa, did you see that?
Ash Ketchum: Darkrai's wounds...
Goh: They're all vanishing!
???: What's Cresselia doing?
???: Dawn, is that move...
Dawn: Lunar Dance. That's it!
Chloe: So pretty!
Stella: I'll say, Cresselia shines as bright as I do!
???: Do tell!
(A healed Darkrai rose back up, while the exhausted Cresselia groaned and fainted to the floor)
Dawn: (gasps) Cresselia!
Sonic: No! (He closes his eyes and then opens them then uses the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Sonic)
(Then Darkrai fired out Dark Pulse to Matori's ship causing it to crash down then Godzilla fires his atomic breath destroying it in the process)
Matori: (gasps)
Mandark: Aah! It took down our ship!
Coyote (Gargoyles): (grunts)
Sonic: You're finished!
(Super Sonic and Darkrai fired out their attacks on Coyote thus destroying him)
Hyena, Wolf and Jackal: Coyote!
(Godzilla with an angry look stare at them draws closer to the villains)
Scarecrow: (terrified) No! Stay away! Stay away!
Donita Donata: (nervous) Maybe this was a bad idea!
Dabio: (nervous) You think?
Mandark (nervous and terrified) Please spare us!
(Then Darkrai fired its Dark Void on the ground creating a dome of darkness that caught Matori, Donita, Dabio, Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory), and their newest recruits, John Castaway, Demona, the Scarecrow (Batman), The Pack (Wolf, Jackal, and Hyena), the Quarrymen, and Matori's Team Rocket grunts. Inside we find the villains looking shocked before starting to feel sleepy)
Dabio: (sleepy) What's happening...
Donita Donata: (yawns) I don't know, but I think I need a nap.
Scarecrow: (feeling sleepy) No... I can't... fall... asleep.
Matori: (falls to her knees) Impossible... (groans and falls asleep)
(We find them all fast asleep)
Tails: (laughs) Well, that deals with those guys.
Knuckles: Now to get ourselves free.
Sonic: Allow me.
(Super Sonic destroyed the traps to free the heroes)
Ash Ketchum: (to Pikachu) Use Iron Tail!
(Pikachu used Iron Tail to break the net freeing the non-powered heroes)
Ash Ketchum: Thanks so much, buddy!
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Chiro: Now to unfreeze the others.
Timmy: Leave that to me!
(Timmy runs to the sleepy Donita and grabbed her remote.)
Timmy: (pushes the button) There.
(The pose beams canceled out thus freeing the powered heroes of their frozen states)
WereGarurumon: (sighs) We can move again.
Queen Elsa: Ah, that feels better.
Tecna: Sure is! Thanks Timmy.
Timmy: No problem.
Team Rocket (Jessie, James, Meowth), and the villains: Hold it right there!
All heroes: Hmm?
Bowser Jr.: Now you heroes are gonna have to deal with us!
Jessie: Time to make off with the goods!
James: We're going to steal Darkrai!
Meowth: The deal is done!
(Then Darkrai used Dark Void on them casuing them to get sleepy)
Jessie: (sleepy) It's up to the top.
James: (sleepy) At tippy top speed.
Meowth: (sleppy) Dig it.
Bowser: (yawns) Yeah... But first...
Dr. Eggman: (yawns) We need a nap.
(Team Rocket and the villains fall asleep)
Emerl: Well, well, look who it is.
Izzy Izumi: The Team Rocket trio.
???: With Bowser.
Ash Ketchum: So they were here too?
Emerl: Yep.
???: Mm-hm. Definitely.
Dawn: Believe it or not.
Littlefoot: At lease we defeated them and saved Cresselia and Darkrai.
Ducky: We sure did. Yep, yep, yep.
Chloe: Cresselia's in trouble!
Goh: I know!
(We see our heroes checking the fainted out Cresselia)
Ash Ketchum: Cresselia?
Cera: (to Cresselia) Cresselia wake up!
???: Are you okay?
Ruby: What's wrong with it?
Tecna: Let me scan its health.
(She has one of her gadgets to scan Cresselia's health)
Tecna: (checks) Hmm...
???: So?
???: How it looking?
Dawn: It must have used up all its strength.
???: Yeah, and it completely worn it out.
???: How can we help it?
(Darkrai floated down and snarled to Cresselia as it raised its head up to it. Darkrai then used Dark Pulse into the sky to clear out the clouds to reveal the moon, as it shine down its light to Cresselia and it starts to heal up)
Cresselia: (happy)
???: (gasps with relief) Cresselia!
???: What's happening?!
Goh: Cresselia's strength is coming back!
Dawn: Of course! It's using Moonlight!
Ash Ketchum: The clouds, they went away!
Chloe: So Darkrai did all that for Cresselia!
???: It sure did!
(Then Cresselia gets up)
Chloe: (gasp upon noticing)
(Cresselia floated up to air)
Dawn and Chloe: (gasp)
(Cresselia looked to them for a moment before flying away.)
???: Cresselia!
???: It's leaving!
(Darkrai followed it too.)
???: Hey, Darkrai leaving too!
???: Where are they going?
Ash Ketchum: Guess they're going home! Back to Fullmoon and Newmoon Islands.
Dawn: Darkrai must've come looking because it knew Cresselia was wounded.
Goh: I always thought they were enemies, but no...
Chloe: The truth is they've probably always protected each other. I know Darkrai can cause nightmares, but it isn't able to control that power, and that's why it's shunned and always alone. Cresselia doesn't want Darkrai to feel lonely, so it lives on Fullmoon Island.
Tecna: Hmm, that interesting way of putting it.
Digit: Sure is.
Goh: Chloe, that's amazing! You've really come to understand Pokemon feelings!
Chloe: (gasps)
Professor Cerise (V.O.): My goal is to face them head on and show those Pokemon...
Chloe: What's in my... in my heart.
Eevee: (happy) Eevee!
Chloe: (gasps)
(She looks to Eevee)
Eevee: (happy) Eevee!
Chloe: (chuckles) Oh, Eevee!
Eevee: Eevee, Eevee!
Pooh Bear: Godzilla how can we thank you for helping us out.
Emerl: (To Dawn and Chloe) It's okay, girls, he and his son won't hurt you.
Double-D: Perhaps we should tell you the whole story of the king of the monsters.
(6 minutes later)
Ash Ketchum: And that's the whole story.
Dawn: Amazing!
Ash Ketchum: Hey, guys? Shouldn't we be tying up our foes now for Officer Jenny and the police to take 'em in?
(They look to their sleeping foes)
Emerl: Good idea! Time to send these "sleeping beauties" where they belong.
(Then all of a sudden a smoke bomb was thrown towards them and it exploded causing all our heroes to blinded in the smoke as they cough)
Goh: (coughed) Hey... (coughs) What gives?!
Daphne: (coughs) What's with all this smoke?
Fred Jones: It burns my eyes.
???: Hold on!
(As ??? helps clear the smoke our heroes find their foes are all gone.)
Dawn: Hey, where did Team Rocket and the other villains go?
Chloe: They're gone.
Cyborg: No!
Robin: (Smack his fist on the ground in frustration)
Emerl: Let's not worry about the Team Rocket villains for now, it's time go to the Hoenn Region to fix the statue right away.
(Cut to Littlefoot and his friends they fixed the dark dragon statue with Dawn and Razz's help)
Littlefoot: How's that look Ash?
Ash Ketchum: (to Littlefoot; nod and smiles) I think it looks awesome Littlefoot.
Grandpa Longneck: (laugh) I think so too Ash.
Tai Kamiya: For now let's get some shut eye I need to sleep.
(The next day)
Chloe: (to the phone) Hello, Dad?
Professor Cerise: (on the phone) Chloe! (panickily relieved) We haven't heard anything from you in forever! Are you alright?! Did you get into some kind of trouble?!
Chloe: (sheepish chuckle) No need to worry! I'm just fine! So how did those eggs do?
Professor Cerise: (on the phone) Oh! They all hatched perfectly!
(A Piplup appeared on the screen)
Piplup: (on the phone; greeting) Piplup!
Professor Cersie: (on the phone) Aww. Aren't they all so cute?
(At the lab we see Chrysa and Ren looking after a number of Piplup that hatched from the eggs, with Gru's minions trying to help as they can though the Piplup keep running away from them.)
Professor Cerise: (to Chloe on screen) Now, remember you two, it isn't nice to fight! Oh, minions, be careful with them!
(To Chloe)
Professor Cerise: (on the phone) Okay, Chloe. If you need anything, give me a call. (hangs up)
Chloe: Wait a minute, Dad! (her Rotom Phone's screen was black) Oh, come on...
(We find Ash, Goh, Dawn, and most of the heroes playing in the water)
Goh: Take this! (splashes Ash)
Ash Ketchum: Stop it Goh! Oh, come on.
(We see Eevee and Grookey playing in the water while Pikachu, Piplup, Cinderace, the dragons, the Pixies, Everest, and the rest enjoying their time in the sand. Some other heroes can be seen exercising like push-ups in the sand too)
Vegeta: (Counting while doing his push-ups) 47, 48, 49, 50.
Ash Ketchum: Oh, you're gonna get it this time...:
(Emerl, Valka, Mr. Ping, Fred and their friends are cooking food for everyone to eat)
Fred Jones: Lunch is served!
Velma Dinkley: Be right there, Freddie.
Fred Jones: Come on gang, everything's gonna get cold.
Chloe: Hey, if we want to get to that Contest, I think we should get moving now!
Dawn: Yeah, you're right! (calling) Let's go, Piplup!
Piplup: Piplup..
Cinderace: Cinderace.
Chloe: (calling) Eevee, come on!
(We see Eevee and Grookey playfully splashing each other, while Pikachu rested in the sand relaxed.)
???: Uh, I don't think they're listening to you girls.
Dawn: ???'s right. I think they're having too much fun to care about Contests.
Chloe: (disappointed) Yeah.... Well, whatever. Summer vacation's here!
???: Mm-hm! Sure is!
???: Yeah, like Dawn said! "No need to worry!"
???: Yeah, right Dawn?
Dawn: Uh-huh! (grabs Chloe's arm) And so, Chloe, you should have fun too!
Chloe: (yelp) Wait a second!
???: Hey, don't leave me out!
???: Yeah, wait for me!
???: (laughs) I wanna have fun too!
???: Right behind ya!
(Godzilla's son joins in to play splashing water with them)
Emerl: (V.O.) But I wonder about where did that smoke bomb come from before we even capture those guys?
Narrator: In Sinnoh, Ash, Goh, Chloe, and Dawn strengthened bonds and explored mysteries with their Pokémon, but their vacation is just beginning! Now Razz Buster is now joining our heroes journey along with Sisu, Lance Sterling, and Walter Beckett. And add to that Jindrax and Toxica are now join with Ash as their new master also joining our heroes as well. Fun times, indeed, as the journey continues!
Bowser: (grunts and roars mad) We had two Mythical Pokémon in our grasp, and yet those heroes and their allies, ruined everything!!
Shadow EVO: Well, don't blame us about this Bowser! You and your group were too late to help us in time!
Familiar voice (V.O.): Well, you were lucky I was around to get you fools out of there, before the heroes could arrest you.
(They turned to their rescuer to be none other than Lilo and Stitch's ol' arch foe, Dr. Hamsterviel.)
Stormy: Ah, shut up Dr. H! We could've gotten out ourselves!
Dr. Hamsterviel: Right.
Giovanni (V.O.): Enough!
All Villains: Huh?
(Giovanni comes in)
Bowser: Giovanni.
Giovanni: We no longer need Cresselia and Darkrai in our plans.
Narrator: As the journey continues.
(the episode ends)