This is a transcript of A One-Stick Wonder! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.
(the episode begins)
Narrator: Ash's goal is to battle one of the world's greatest Trainers, Leon! Goh's goal is to catch one of every kind of Pokémon, including Mew! This is the story of their adventure-filled journey through the world of Pokémon!
(During an afternoon we find our heroes watching the Wild Area of the Galar region.)
Goh (Flashback): The Wild Area offers a chance to catch unlimited Pokemon!
Goh: Or at least that's what I thought...
Goh (Flashback): (chuckles confidently)
(But the Grookey jumped up to the branch and tapped on the Applin, causing it to run away)
Grookey (Flashback): (excited laughter) Key, Key, Key, Key!
Goh (Flashback): (sighs in disappointment)
Ash and the others (Flashback): (laugh sheepishly)
Suezo (Flashback): Oh that Grookey.
(Flashback ends)
Goh: Grookey, you could be a little less rambunctious.
Grookey: Grookey, Key.
Ash Ketchum: I've got it. We'll have dinner. Go to bed early, and tomorrow.
Goh: (awestruck) Dinner! That's what I'm talking about!
Ash and the others: Huh?
Gobber: Beg your pardon?
Goku: Uh, what do you mean Goh?
Goh: We'll attract Pokémon to us with some yummy-smelling food!
???: Oh, you mean, we use the food as bait?
???: And then you can catch them with your Pokémon!
???: Hey, not a bad plan there Goh.
Ash Ketchum: Totally, that's a great idea!
(Later we find them cooking up curry)
???: Hey, how's the curry coming guys?
Ash and Goh: All done!
???: Yes!
???: Well then, what are we waiting for?
All heroes: Let's eat!
(They all began to eat up fast till...)
All heroes: Yeah, curry is the best!
(We find them stuffed or appeased)
???: Oh, boy, that was good.
???: You've said it!
???: Oh, that really hit the spot.
Pumbaa: Oh, I could eat like a pig.
???: Uh, Pumbaa? You are a pig.
Pumbaa: Oh, right.
Goh: (gasps upon realizing) Wait, what have we done?
Ash Ketchum: We ate it all!
(Then a rustle was heard as Toothless and the dragons heard)
Pikachu: Pika?
All heroes: Hmm? (turn) Huh?
(We find something lurking in the shadows of the trees)
???: Huh?
???: What's that?
Ash Ketchum: Goh?
Goh: Shh! (check his Rotom Phone to zoom in to discover a Pokémon)
Rotom Phone: (analyzes) Thwackey. The Beat Pokémon. A Grass type. Using its two sticks, Thwackey beats out a high-tempo rhythm so it can gain the respect of its peers.
Goh: Whaddaya know! (to Grookey) Your next evolutionary form!
Grookey: Key, Key, Key?
Goh: (noticed) Huh?
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
???: What's wrong Goh?
Goh: (checks his Rotom Phone) It should have two sticks...
(We see the Thwackey has only one on its head, before it start getting away)
Ash Ketchum: Goh, look, it's getting away!
(Goh quickly gets up while taking out his Pokeball, leaving Ash to fall and yelp to the floor.)
Goh: Pokeball, go! (tosses the Pokeball)
(The Thwackey then took out its only stick and used it to batter the ball away...)
Goh: What are you...(gets hit by the Pokeball in the face)
Ash and the others: Whoa.
???: Uh... You okay?
(The Thwackey begins to run away)
???: And there it goes.
Grookey: (admiring with awe) Grookey, Key, Key.
(Then suddenly they heard a familiar yelling sound came towards our heroes and it was Tarzan
Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Tarzan!
Terk: The fun has arrived! Thank you very much!
(Team Robot In Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series opening plays)
Ash & Goh (V.O.): A One-Stick Wonder!
(We then find our heroes camping while having a lantern lit)
Trunks: (laughs) Boy that Thwackey sure hit you hard there didn't it, Goh?
Tantor: Gotta say, it sure has good reflexes.
Ash Ketchum: (laughs) Thwackey's name comes from thwacking with a branch?
Goh: It's not a branch, Ash. It's a stick. But the Pokedex mentioned two sticks, and it only had one.
(Then a hiker came to them.)
Hiker: Did that Thwackey do a number on you, folks?
Goh: Yeah, it sure did.
Hiker: I specialize in foods foraged from the Wild Area. So if you're in need of any ingredients, I can help you get what you need.
Goh: Ingredients? Ah! So then, do you have anything good for making curry?
Hiker: Of course! I've got everything a hiker could want! (drops his bag)
Pikachu: (jump startled from the bag's hard impact) Pika!
(Later we find the hiker packing his supplies)
Hiker: I've seen that Thwackey quite a lot recently. A lot of times, it will appear out of nowhere and then sneak off with campers' food! And that's where I come in. Anyway, you take good care of yourselves. (chuckles)
All heroes: Thanks!
(We then find the curry ready moments later)
Goh: And so, we're on a quest. Our mission? Curry Revenge and Catch!
???: You sure this'll work, Goh?
Goh: Positive.
???: Sure, but...
Ash Ketchum: But will it show up?
Goh: Of course, it will. How could anyone resist a curry that delicious? (the noticed; softly) There it is!
(We see the Thwackey from before coming)
Ash Ketchum: You're right.
(The Thwackey approached the pot of curry. It gets on and then it dipped its only stick on it, then sniffed and tasted the meal. The Thwackey liked the taste and kept eating it.)
???: (softly) Hey, look at that.
???: (softly) It's taking the bait.
???: (softly) It must really love that curry.
Goh: (softly) Now's my chance! Pokeball, go!
(But then Grookey came out of the tent)
Ash Ketchum: (softly) Oh, no.
Lockette: (gasps; softly) Grookey!
(Goh came out to notice)
Goh: Grookey, come back!
(Grookey approached its evolved form)
Grookey: Grookey, Grookey! (jumps excitedly) Grookey, Grookey! Grookey, Key, Key!
Thwackey: (questioning)
(Grookey then excitedly took out its stick and prepares to tap only to hit its face down to the floor.)
Thwackey: (shocked) Key, Key, Key!
???: (gasps softly)
???: (softly) Ooh, that's gotta hurt.
Ash Ketchum: (softly) Look at that!
Goh: What's it trying to do?
(Grookey raised its head up and we find its face red and bruising a bit, as it whimpered for a moment till...)
Grookey: (crying loud and wailing)
(The Twackey was surprised from this, but then it places it stick down and picked Grookey up as it stopped crying. Then it placed down Grookey and turned it to its back and then it gives a little comforting massage for it via back and head)
Ash Ketchum: Whoa...
Goh: What's going on? (checks his Rotom Phone)
Rotom Phone: Grooming. A ritual performed by Thwackey in order t cheer up its friends. It's a way to show friendship and trust.
Grookey: (relaxed and appeased) Grookey, Key.
???: (laughs) Wow, Grookey sure enjoying Thwackey's grooming a lot.
???: Sure looks that way. (chuckles)
Stella: Wow, I wish I was groomed that way!
Ash Ketchum: Seems to feel great!
Goh: It does. For sure.
Thwackey: (assuring to Grookey) Thwackey.
Grookey: Grookey?
(It gets up and runs forward a little and prepares to do jump and tap till Thwackey stopped it.)
Grookey: Grookey?
(Thwackey shook it head "no", causing Grookey to angrily try to get its right hand free but then gently dropped down by Thwackey as it got on both its legs and arms)
Thwackey: (offers a ride) Thw, Thw, Thwackey, Key.
(Grookey looks to Thwackey's back)
Grooeky: (excited) Grookey, Key, Key.
(It then got on Thwackey's back)
All heroes: Huh?
Flora: What's Grookey up too?
Helia: (chuckles) Guess Thwackey's giving it a ride on its back.
Roxy: Oh, how cute!
(Then Thwackey and Grookey headed off into the forest jungle.)
Goh: Wait, Grookey!
Ash Ketchum: Goh! (runs) Come on!
Goh: (follows) Let's go!
The others: Right!
(They all head off after Grookey and Thwackey. In the trees we find them trying to find Grookey and Thwackey)
???: (calling and running) Grookey!
???: (calling and running) Grookey?
???: (calling and running) Where are you?
???: (calling and running) Shout out if you can hear us?
Pikachu: (looking around) Pika...
Goh: Where'd they go?
Ahs Ketchum: (noticed) Huh? Over there!
(They spot Grookey and Thwackey on a rock)
???: (sighs in relief) Thank goodness.
Goh: I wonder what they're up to.
(The Thwackey then picked a nut and then taps it with its stick.)
Grookey: Grookey, Groo?
(It then lifted up it stick and shook it a little. Then it tapped it on the nut causing it to bounce up and break open in half.)
Grookey: (amazed) Grookey, Key. (understood) Grookey, Key!
(It then tried it out but the other nut didn't break open)
Grookey: (disappointed) Grookey, Key.
Thwackey: Thwack.
(It demonstrates the technique again)
Grookey: (surprised) Grookey, Key.
(Thwackey then gave one half to Grookey.)
Grookey: (thankful) Grookey, Key.
(Both start eating their halves. Then Thwackey brought down another nut for Grookey to tap open with its stick.)
Grookey: Grookey, Key, Key, Groo.
???: Uh...
???: Just what are those two doing?
Ash Ketchum: I think it's teaching Grookey something.
???: Sure looks that way.
???: It's like Grookey has become that Thwackey's student.
???: Yeah, do tell.
Goh: I've never seen Grookey sit still and listen like that!
Tune: Indeed. It's usually mischievous and childlike, but now with its new friend, it's all calm and focused like it's growing monkey.
Musa: That's for sure. They seem to make a great team together.
Goh: You're right. They sure make a great team! Thwackey's the perfect teacher to coax Grookey into growing up a little more. (shout) Hey, Thwackey?
(Thwackey and Grookey noticed the others.)
Goh: Wanna come with us? It would be a whole lot more fun hanging out with Grookey than staying here alone! (runs towards them till...)
Wild Thwackey (V.O.): (howling loud) Thwackey!!
Goh: (gasps)
???: Huh?
????: (gasps)
Pixies: (shriek startled)
Shaggy Rogers: Zoinks!
Scooby-Doo: (hides and whimpers)
Toothless and the dragons: (growled)
(Our heroes looked around with gasps upon hearing the howling sounds, while Grookey started running towards Goh)
Goh: What's that?
Grookey: (jumps to Goh's chest) Grookey!
Goh: Huh?
Grookey: (scared) Grookey.
(Then the leaves on the trees were rustling. Then we find silhouettes of monkey-like Pokémon coming in)
All heroes: (gasps upon listening and noticing)
???: (gasps; nervous) W-What's that?!
???: (nervous) I think we got company.
(The silhouettes reveal themselves to be more Thwackey.)
???: (gasps) Whoa!
???: What's this?!
Ash Ketchum: There's a whole bunch of Thwackey!
???: It must be a family group or something.
Goh: And they don't look happy. I wonder if we're trespassing on their territory.
Lead Thwackey: (frustrated) Thwackey. (grunts and prepares to go away till...)
Female Thwackey: (calling) Thwackey!
(The lead Thwackey then looks up notice a female Thwackey, and on its back came another Grookey, who is her child.)
Wild Grookey: (worried) Groo...
Lead Thwackey: Thwack, Thwackey, Key, Key.
Ash Ketchum: Now what?
(Then the Pixies noticed something coming and got frightened as they flew and hid behind the Winx)
Tecna: (in her 4Kids dub voice) Huh? What's gotten into you, Digit?
Digit: (in her 4Kids dub voice) That!
All heroes: (noticed and gasps)
(The startled Jindrax and Toxica hid behind the others in fear as we find the Thwackey's leader come in.)
Lead Thwackey: (frustrated) Key, Key.
???: Whoa, look at that big fella.
Goh: Isn't that... (checks his Rotom Phone)
Rotom Phone: Rillaboom. The Drummer Pokémon. A Grass type. The one who is the best drummer becomes the leader, and its calm presence helps maintain harmony within its troop.
Rillaboom: (annoyed grumble)
All heroes: (nervous groan)
???: I guess this big guy's the alpha male of the group.
???: Being that big and with those kinds of muscles, it's definitely leader material.
Rillaboom: (to the Lead Thwackey; ordering) Rilla, Rillaboom, Boom.
Thwackey: (gasps; concerned) Key, Key, Key.
Thwackey C: Thwackey!
(One of the Thwackey came down with two of its sticks ready. Two of the Thwackey then began to take out their sticks ready as well. Then all the Twackey, except the lead one began to play their sticks like drum sticks as they played music.)
Thwackey: (surprised) Key.
(It noticed another of its fellow Thwackey playing its sticks on a log like a drum.)
???: Whoa, check it out.
All heroes: (amazed groan)
???: What's going on?
???: What're they doing?
???: I don't know, but whatever they're doing, it's sure is catchy.
Musa: (amazed and admiring) Yeah, I just love the beat they're playing.
(We see one of the Thwackey playing drum-like music too, while another swings behind it. The lead Thwackey however, startled to get a bit frustrated. We see the female Thwackey looking concerned, while its little Grookey excitedly played.)
Wild Grookey: (excited) Key, Key, Key, Grookey!
Goh: So that's the beat of a troop of wild Thwackey?
???: Looks that way.
Ash Ketchum: Awesome! This is sure getting fun!
Pikachu: Pika!
Goh: You're not alone!
(We see Pikachu and Grookey excitedly dance to beat of the music.)
Goh: Pikachu and Grookey feel the same way!
Pikachu: Pika!
???: (notices) Oh... (laughs) And it looks like Toothless and the dragons like it too.
(We find Toothless and the dragons tapping their tales to the ground to follow the beat.)
Aisha: (smirks) Well then, how about joining in?! (uses her magic to summon her drums and plays to the beat)
Nex: Yeah, nice playing their Aisha.
Aisha: Thanks! (continues to beat the drums)
???: (notices) Hey, guys. (points)
(We see the lead Thwackey shivering and breathing till...)
Thwackey A: (annoyed) Thwackey! (gets back)
Thwackey B: (demanding) Thwack! (gets back)
(The lead Thwackey then began to shivering and breathing frustrated again till it raised up its stick and then began to tap on the rock its standing a drum, but it's beating is out of rhythm.)
Thwackey D: (questioning) Thwackey?
(The lead Thwackey tried to follow the rhythm as it beats its stick to the rock, but couldn't keep up, as the other Thwackey notice. It tried desperately to follow the rhythm, yet couldn't get there. While the Thwackey on the log look worried for it. The lead Thwackey groaned in struggle as it tried to keep up with the beat rhythm till got angry and then just frustratedly threw its stick down as the scene goes in slow motion. The stick bounced up, all while Pikachu, Grookey, the dragons, and Aisha stopped upon noticing. The female Thwackey and her Grookey looked worried, while the Rillaboom looked stern.)
???: Huh?
???: What's going on?
Ash Ketchum: Wait. What just happened?
???: I don't know. The Thwackey just suddenly got mad and threw down its stick.
Riven: Maybe it just couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the beat.
Musa: He's right. Since the other Thwackey had two sticks they were able to play the beat perfectly, but the one with only one stick was unable to follow the rhythm.
Goh: I get it! It can't keep up with the others with just one stick.
Rillaboom: (disappointed) Rillaboom.
(Then the female Thwackey and its Grookey came down and ran up to the lead Thwackey. It tried to encourage him, while trying to get it to follow her but it just moved its arm away from her.)
Female Thwackey: Thwackey?
(Then the lead Thwackey picked up its stick ran off ashamed.)
Female Thwackey: (worried) Key?
(The poor lead Thwackey ran off into the trees out of frustration and shame of itself for unable to play to the music with its troop.)
Female Thwackey: (worried) Thwackey.
Wild Grookey: (sad) Grookey, Groo.
???: (feeling sorry) Oh.
???: The poor thing.
???: Why did it ran off like that?
???: That Thwackey proably feels like it can never be part of the troop again, since it only has one stick and can't even keep up with their music beat.
Musa: (feeling sympathetic) Oh.
Goh: So sad.
Grookey: (gets on Goh) Grookey. (looks to the running lead Thwackey; concerned) Grookey.
All Heroes: Who's that Pokémon?
(Back to the show)
(We later find our heroes somewhere in the forest.)
???: Where is it?
Ash Ketchum: I'm pretty sure it came this way.
(Then they heard a distant tapping)
All heroes: (notice) Huh?
(They find the Thwackey in its private spot tapping its own stick on rock, with a broken, yet different colored stick, trying to play to the rhythm its troop played but it didn't sound right, and the stick just breaks. Forcing it to throw it away. It took out another, and tried the beat but was out rhythm too, so it tossed it.)
Goh: It must be hard, not to be able to drum like your friends.
Ash Ketchum: I wonder if we can help. Like finding another perfect stick.
Grookey: (concerned) Grookey.
Goh: But what's perfect? I'm sure every stick has its own feel. And Thwackey likes what it likes.
Bloom: (sighs) Yeah, we can understand that, since we know Fire type Pokemon, belonging to an old friend of ours from way back when felt the same thing.
Ash Ketchum: Guess so...
Grookey: (gets down) Grookey.
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Goh: What, Grookey?
(To the lead Thwackey)
Grookey: (calling) Grookey, Groo! Grookey, Key, Groo! (approached)
Thwackey: Thwack? Thwack, Thwackey?
Grookey: (took out and offers its stick) Grookey, Key!
(Thwackey looked surprised to see Grookey is offering to give its own stick away to him.)
???: What?
???: I can't believe it.
Ash Ketchum: It's offering its own stick.
Goh: Oh, wow. I never would've dreamed.
(Thwackey was left awe and a loss for words from Grookey's offering.)
Grookey: (insisting) Grookey, Key, Roo!
(Thwackey was about to accept but then gasps and just push Grookey away with a thwack.)
Flora: (gasps)
Chatta: Hey!
Goh: Grookey, no!
???: What was that for?
???: I don't think, Thwackey's going to accept the offer.
Grookey: (turns up; sadly) Grookey, Key?
Thwackey: (grunts; defiant) Key!
(It starts moving forward away.)
Goh: That poor Thwackey.
???: Why did it reject's Grookey's offer?
???: It's must be feeling so down that it can't drum like its troop, it doesn't accept anyone's help.
(Then they hear rhythmic tapping)
All heroes: (look down) Huh?
(They notice Grookey tapping its stick on the rap in rhythm. Thwackey stopped upon listening, then we see tears raining down on the rock being tapped. Thwackey turned to notice Grookey crying tears of begging while tapping its stick in a rhythm.)
All heroes: (sympathetic sighs)
???: (sympathetic) Grookey.
???: It must be trying to beg the Thwackey, to
(Grookey continuous cries and begs the Thwackey.)
Thwackey: (defiant) Thwackey!
Grookey: (tearfully sad) Grookey...?
(It begins to tap the rhythm in a faster pace while continuously cried and begged Thwackey. Thwackey grumbled in frustration and sorrow, while a frustrated, yet still tearful Grookey continuously tapped its stick to the rhythm in a much faster pace.)
All heroes: (gasps upon realizing)
???: Hear that?!
Flora: Yeah, the faster Grookey tapped its stick....
Musa: It keeps up to the music of the rhythm.
Ash Ketchum: Hold on.
All heroes: All it needs to do, is beat double time with one stick!
(Grookey and Thwackey turned to others upon listening)
Goh: If Grookey can do it, then I'm sure Thwackey can also do it with no problem!
(the episode ends)