This is the film script for A Promise is a Promise (RFFAoP:MQ).
Butch: Not bad, kid. But not good enough.
[Elekid feels insulted and starts to feel sad]
Matau T. Goldstar: Who are you calling a kid? You have the guts to say Velo's quote like that, do you, Ben?
Butch: Hey! You got sand in your ears? My name is not Ben, the name is Butch! You're just a kid with that Elekid!
[Mio goes up into the sky and starts to fall to her doom]
Timothy: MIO!!!
[He dives after Mio and then just as he is about to grab her hand, Linda swoops in grabs him, laughing. Ryan flies after the falling Mio and catches her. He uses a web shooter to make the two of them land on the ground safely with metal debris fall around them]
Ryan Freestar: You okay, Mio?
Mio Akiyama: Yeah. I'm okay. You okay?
Ryan Freestar: Yup. Foiletta would see us like that.
Cassidy: Jessie.
Butch: And John!
James: You said my name wrong on purpose!
Dr. Namba: Ben is dead, Police man! You will never take us alive! It is never over!
[Namba and the rest of the Team Rocket grunts start to row away. To Ben Starbeam]
Ben Starbeam: Oh man. With Ben Rockefeller in a coma, Dr. Mumba will be on the run.
[Ben's iPhone rings the Spider-Man ringtone and he pulls it out of his pocket. He answered it]
Ben Starbeam: Uh, hello?
[Namba appears in a circle and he shouts at Ben by saying..]
Dr. Namba: IT'S NAMBA!!!!
[The circle disappear and Ben hangs up the call]
Ben Starbeam: Well, I guess it is the origin of that and the last we see of Dr. Namba.
Liam Hammerfield: I guess.
Ben Starbeam: Well, Liam. Since the legend of the Shamouti Prophecy isn't fulfilled and Ben Rockefeller is stuck in a coma, Ash won't be the hero of the sea. He would be a plain Pokémon trainer.
Ash Ketchum: Hey, Ben. I would not be like Miki's techonorganic friend who rather be surfing than training. And Ben would rather die in a coma.
Miki Sunshine: Rude.
Aylin Sonata: For reals? Because Liam's Elekid is still a kid.
Elekid: Bii...Biiii..biiiiiiiiiiii!!... ("I... am... not.... a—!")
Ryan Freestar: Calm down. You're a cute one.
Aylin Sonata: Yes, you are a kid.
(This angered him and began to attack Aylin]
Aylin Sonata: Stop! Please! I am on about your nickname. Please. Calm down and tell me the reason.
[Elekid calms down and looks at Aylin]
Elekid: Bi. Bi bi bi. Bi bi bi. (Listen. I just wanted to show Liam that I am not a kid. Yes, I am an Elekid, but those bad guys treat me like a baby.)
Aylin Sonata: I see. Sorry I called you a kid.
Elekid: Bii bi bi. (It's okay.)
Cody Starshooter: He said it's okay. My brother almost died trying to save Mio because of Dr. Mumbo Jumbo.
Ben Starbeam: His name is Namba, Cody. Like Butch, he is sensitive about his name.
Ryan Freestar: That's what friends do in a team. You look out for each other.
Mio Akiyama: Well, thanks.
Sci-Ryan: I don't know but, we are a greatest group Elekid ever see.
Alyin Sonata: Yup. And I hope you do well because you are a hero and a kid at heart. And I know, Elekid, you will be a great one.
[Touched by this, Elekid hugs Aylin]
Aylin Sonata: Aww. I got a hugger. [hugs Elekid] I do like you, Volter.
Liam Hammerfield: Volter?
Ryan Freestar: It's a nickname Aylin come up with when your Elekid hatched some time ago.
Liam Hammerfield: I never thought about it. I like it. Volter it is, and he's also close to evolving.
Bertram T. Goldstar: It's like Aylin is Volter's mom.
Ritsu Tainaka: You maybe right, Bertram. She did like that Elekid like it is her child.
[Volter begins to evolve after Aylin hugs him. He changed into a new form]
Aylin Sonata: Oh, Volter, you will always be like a heroic child to Ryan.
Sci-Ryan: Wow. My girlfriend's love for Volter evolved him into an Electabuzz.
(Both Lugia dive into the sea. The next day, our heroes are about to bid Oliver and Ritchie farewell)
Ritchie: I think I'm gonna keep exploring the Whirl Islands.
Ash Ketchum: Well, we're on our way to Olivine City, so, I guess it's goodbye for now.
Ritchie: By the way, you've gotten a lot stronger, Ash. I learned so much battling alongside you.
Ash Ketchum: Thanks.
Ritchie: So, I'll see you soon, okay?
Ash Ketchum: Yeah! Then you and I can battle!
Butch Turner: That will be a promise.
Ben Starbeam: Oh, and speaking of promises, there was a prophecy that is unfulfilled years ago. I don't know how that mermaid react when she realised that he is in a coma. He may be in her husband's debt, but he didn't repaid it.
Videl Smith: If this legend isn't fulfilled, their kingdom is destroyed like that empire destroyed by an Ho-Oh. And Ash would be the same Pokémon trainer.
Daisy Harper: Yeah. What will Yui and Ui think of that one if the debt isn’t repaid for years and years and years.