This is the episode script for A Real Cleffa Hanger (RFFAoP:AB).
[Episode begins]
Narrator: ????
Oscar Daisy: Oh, what a beautiful morning.
Miki Sunshine: Let's think happy little thoughts.
Ryan Freestar: It is a good idea. So we would be able to fly.
Kath: Evui!
Liam: Pikachu. (?????)
Kathy Daisy: ????
Daisy Harper: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
Pokedex: Cleffa
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
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????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
Brock: Mudkip's radar isn't picking up anything.
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
????: ????
Misty: We don't have Brock with us but at least we have some food.
Max: That's good. And I am getting a little hungry.
Misty: Me too but you first.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Misty: Now we have plenty so let's all eat.
(A swarm of Beedrill suddenly appear)
Misty: Bugs! Run!
(Pokemon Trainer's Choice)