This is a transcript of A Snow Day for Searching! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.
(the episode begins)
Narrator: Ash's goal is to battle one of the world's greatest trainers, Leon. Goh's goal is to catch one of every kind of Pokemon, including Mew! This is the story of their adventure-filled journey through the world of Pokemon!
(It was snowing at Cerise's Laboratory)
Sora Takenouchi: Brr, what a snowy day!
Natsu Dragneedal: (shivers) Brr, you said it!
Ash Ketchum: Man, it's so cold!
Goh: It's rare for snow to fall here, you know?
Goku: Uh, no we don't.
(Professor Cerise was seen looking concerned)
Everyone: Good morning!
Professor Cerise: Good morning to you, too.
(Pikachu, Scorbunny, and Yamper were chattering)
Emerl: What's up?
Pearl: Is something wrong, Professor?
Professor Cerise: I'm having a problem with the lab. The snow is causing malfunctions in the operating systems. So I've decided to close the lab for a few days in order to perform necessary system maintenance.
Goh: Wow. That sounds pretty serious.
Ash Ketchum: Wait. Close the lab? (upset with tears) How are we gonna eat while it's closed?!
Steven Universe: (sheepishly laughs) Easy there, Ash.
Amethyst: Yeah, calm down.
Goh: Think with your stomach.
Professor Cerise: My apologies to all of you, but it would help me out if you could go back to your homes while this gets worked out.
(Then in a building somewhere in the city)
Camille: (on the phone) Yes? Goh! You'll be home tomorrow? (turns to her husband Walker) Great!
(Walker smiles and nods)
Camille: We look forward to seeing you. Now, safe travels!
Goh: Mm-hm. Bye! (hangs up)
Ash Ketchum: So you call your mom every time you go home?
Goh: Both Mom and Dad tend to be busy with all their work. They're usually at the office late, so I can't show up out of the blue.
Ash Ketchum: Wow! What kind of work do they do?
Emerl: Yeah, what kind?
Goh: My dad is a systems engineer and my mom is a programmer. The two of them run their own business together. Whenever there's a systems emergency, like what's going on with the lab, Mom and Dad's expertise is in high demand.
Pikachu: Pika?
Ash Ketchum: Whoa... I don't really get it, but it sounds pretty intense.
Patamon: Sure does.
Tecna: (chuckles) Yeah, I'll say. I'm pretty much of a technical specialist myself.
Goh: Scorbunny, we live in an apartment, okay? So you're going to have to behave yourself.
Scorbuny: Scorbunn!
Cheetor: Hey, Goh what will you do before you get home?
Goh: I know what, maybe I'll get them some kind of a souvenir.
(Then all sudden Ash's Rotom Phone is ringing)
Ash's Rotom Phone: You have a call from Cousin Elisa. You have a call from Cousin Elisa. (continues)
Ash Ketchum: (gasps) From Elisa?!
Hiccup: Elisa?
Goku: Who's she?
Ash Ketchum: My cousin from New York! (answers his Rotom Phone) Hey, Elisa!
(Split screen to where Elisa is as Ash calls her)
Elisa Masa: Hi Ash!
Ash Ketchum: How's it going with you and the Gargoyles?
Elisa Maza: Oh, we're all doing just fine. And how are you?
Ash Ketchum: Oh, I'm just great! Oh, hey, I like to introduce to some old friends and family including my new adoptive brothers of mine.
Hiccup: My name's Hiccup I'm Ash brother.
Astrid: And I'm Astrid Hiccup's wife and Ash's sister-in-law.
Luca Shellman Ketchum: I'm Luca Ash's adoptive brother.
Mako Waterson Ketchum: And I'm Mako Ash's another adoptive brother.
Elisa Maza: Nice to meet you two.
Ash Ketchum: Oh hey, Elisa where you right now?
Elisa Maza: Oh, well I'm with Goliath and the other Gargoyles. And we're on our way to meet with you at Cerise Lab.
Ash Ketchum: Huh? Hey, how do you know I'm at Cerise Lab?
Elisa Maza: Oh, I called Auntie Delia the other day to ask about you, and she told me you're staying with a few of our old friends there.
Ash Ketchum: Awesome.
Elisa Maza: Hey, where do you propose I should wait for you at in town?
Ash Ketchum: Uh...
(Later we see our heroes outside somewhere in the city)
Goh: Hey, Ash, I'm taking a bus home. How about you and the others?
Ash Ketchum: We'll take the train.
Goh: The train?
(The bus arrives)
Goh: How long does it take to get to Pallet Town?
(The bus stops)
Scorbunny: Scor--Scor! Scor! (grabs Goh's hand)
(Scorbuny runs while puling Goh towards the bus fast as Goh screams)
Goh: Okay, okay, I'm coming!
(Ash and the others chuckle)
Astrid: (Notices something on the floor) Hey what's that?
Everyone: Hm?
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
(It was Goh's present)
SpongeBob SquarePants: (gasps) Isn't that...?
Sandy Cheeks: It's Goh's gift for his parents!
Sid: Uh-oh!
Ash Ketchum: Goh! You dropped this!
(The bus was leaving)
Ash Ketchum: Hold on! You dropped your package!
Kaizu Mondomiya: Goh wait up!
BlackAgumon: Stop that bus!
(Ash and the others ran after the bus)
Ash Ketchum: Goh, come back!
Pikachu: Pika!
Blu: (sighs) We're too late!
Ash Ketchum: And he's gone.
Manny: Oh great.
(Later we see the bus leaving from a bus stop and we see Goh and Scorbunny walking till...)
Goh: (points up; to Scorbunny) That's where we call home!
Scorbunny: Scor?
Goh: Way up on the seventh floor! So, shall we? (runs forward) Let's go!
Scorbunny: Scorbunny!
(Team Robot in Pokemon Journeys: the Series opening plays)
Ash & Goh (V.O.): A Snow Day for Searching!
(Goh's apartment home)
(Goh and Scorbunny were seen entering Goh's family home)
Goh: I'm home!
Halta: (gasps) Welcome home, Goh, dear!
Goh: Scorbunny, this is my grandmother! Grandma, I'd like you to meet Scorbunny, my partner!
Scorbunny: Scorbunny!
Halta: Ah, Scorbunny! Love those ears. You look great!
Scorbunny: (jabberingand does tricks) Scorbun!
Halta: (laughs) This is your home, too! Come on in!
(We see Halta's stew as Goh exclaims, and chuckles)
Goh: The carrots are star-shaped!
Halta: Of course! I made it knowing it was one of your favorites!
Goh: Oh, yeah! I forgot! (takes out a gift for her) I brought you a present! Dumplings!
Halta: I adore them! Thank you so much! Tonight's the neighborhood karaoke contest, so I'll have people to share them with!
Goh: Sounds like a lot of fun! (turns to Scorbunny) Scorbunny and I will hold down the fort, (to Scorbunny) right?
Scorbunny: Scorbunny, Scor!
Halta: Sounds like you've got an excellent partner! Now, hold off on eating the stew until your mom and dad get back home. I'm sure they've cut their workday short so they can see you as soon as they can!
Goh: Right! I'll wait here!
Halta: Alright. I'm off to the karaoke contest, and the first prize!
(Back at Goh's parents work)
(Goh's parents were seen working on their computers)
Walker: Are you about ready to go?
Camille Yes, dear. How about you?
Walker: Maybe five percent left.
Camille: Well, then let's hurry and finish up! I'm worried that Goh came back home so suddenly. You don't think... he's in some sort of trouble and got kicked out, do you?
Walker: It can't be! But looking back, it does seem like we left him alone to fend for himself all the time, didn't we?
(Flashback of a young Goh working on his computer screens)
Walker (flashback): Goh? I know it's a vacation week, but work just came in.
Camille (flashback): We'll finish up as soon as possible, so be a good boy.
Young Goh: Don't worry about me. I've got tons of things I want to reasearch!
Camille (flashback): (worried sigh)
(Flashback ends)
Walker: We were so wrapped up in work, we were never there for him.
Camille: True, and he didn't have friends his own age, except for Chloe. And what about the lab? What if he's not getting along with anyone? I couldn't bear the thought of that!
Walker: Right. Neither could I!
(But then the phone rang)
Camille: (answers) Hello? This is Go-Go Systems. (she was silent for the moment till..) Oh, you mean now? I understand. Uh-huh. Yes. Right.
(Hangs up)
(At Goh's home in his room we see the door open)
Goh: Scorbunny? (enters) This is my room. So what do you think?
Scorbunny: (amazed) Bun!
(Goh activates his computer screens)
Goh: See? Mom and Dad built this for me. We can use it to look up info about Mew from sources all over the world! Cool don't you think?
Scorbunny: Scorbun?
Rotom Phone: Go, Goh! Go, Goh!
Goh: (gasps)
(Takes out his Rotom Phone as it continues saying "Go, Goh!")
Goh: It's from Mom. (answers) Hello, Mom!
Camille (V.O. in Rotom Phone): Goh?
(At Go-Go Systems)
(Goh's parents come out of the doors)
Camille: (to Goh on the phone) Where are you now?
Goh (V.O. in the phone): Here at home! That's where.
Camille: Oh, welcome back, then. Your dad and I would like to be there, too... But We've got an emergency. The hospital near the train station, it seems it's having some system failures, so we'll probably be home late.
Goh: (to his Mom on the phone) No worries! I'll be just fine. I've got stew! Grandma made it before she left.
Camille: (to Goh on the phone; upset) I want some, too! We're so hungry! We'll be home soon!
(Goh's parents tummies rumble)
(Back with Goh)
Camille (V.O. on the phone) We'll finish up as quickly as possible! Sorry.
Goh: (to his mom on the phone) I'm just fine, Mom! Bye!
(Camille hangs up as so as Goh)
Scrobunny: Ny-bun.
Goh: As quickly as possible. Right.
Walker: I know it's a vacation week, but work just came in.
Camille: We'll finish up as soon as possible, so be a good boy.
(Flashback ends)
Goh: Nope, I've got no problem with it whatsoever! You don't have to worry about me.
Scorbunny: Bunny...
Goh: See, the thing is, Mom and Dad are the most amazing people ever! They listen to what people need and put together systems that give them just that! They're almost like magicians, you know?
Scorbunny: Scorbun?
Goh: Oh, yeah!
Scorbunny: Scor?
(We see a cup of stew and Goh covers it)
Goh: Let's take this to Mom and Dad at the hospital! The one near the station.
Scorbunny: Scorbun!
Goh: And while I'm at it, I'll bring this...(checks the bag but to his shock) Hold on! (it was empty) It's not there! Aw, I wonder where I could've left their present.
Scrobunny: Ny-bun?
Goh: Whatever. We'll just bring them the stew, then.
(Later they were seen walking by sidewalk)
Goh: (sigh) Another cold day.
(They walk to a park)
Goh: Scorbunny, let's cut through the park.
Scorbunny: Scorbun!
(As they walk)
Cubone: Cubone, Cubone...
Goh: What's that?
(They then spot 3 Makey chasing a Cubone and had it surrounded)
Goh: Mankey and Cubone? (checks his Rotom Phone)
Rotom Phone: Cubone, the Lonely Pokemon, a Ground-type. Cubone wears a skull as a helmet, concealing its face as it sheds tears for its long-long mother. It cries loudly to express its loneliness. It also always carries a long, thick bone.
Goh: Hm? (checks the Mankey)
Rotom Phone: Mankey, the Pig Monkey Pokemon, a Fighting-Type. Mankey is quick-tempered and can fly into a rage even while dreaming.
(Mankey were surrounding Cubone around)
Goh: No matter how you look at it, I can't see Cubone winning this.
(But the Scorbunny joins in the battle and Double Kicks one of the Mankey to the ground)
Goh: (screams)
(One Mankey tries to attack Scorbunny but it kicks it away)
(Cubone tries to attack one of the Mankey but Mankey kicks its bone away)
(One of the Mankey catches the Bone)
Cubone: Cubone!
(The 3 Mankey run away with the bone)
(Cubone pursues with chattering)
Scrobunny: Scor! (chasses after them too)
Goh: Scorbunny, stop! (runs after them)
(Scorbunny almost caught up with one Mankey but the Mankey jumped up)
(Scorbunny dodges one but gets Scratched by the other, and the three Mankey got away)
(Goh comes panting)
Scorbunny: (saying sorry) Ny-bun.
Cubone: (sobbers) Cubone! Cubone!
Goh: I can tell it was really important to you, huh?
Cubone: (continues sobbering) Cubone!
(Scorbunny pats its head in to comfort while murmuring)
Goh: Hm...
Cubone: (continues sobbering) Cubone! Cu!
Goh: I've got it. We'll get it back for you, alright?
Scorbunny: Scor!
Goh: Don't cry! It'll be fine. Let's look for those Mankey together, Cubone!
Cubone: (sobering) Oh, Cu!
Goh: (to Scorbunny) Do you wanna get everybody to help out, buddy?
Scorbunny: Bun Bun?
(Goh tosses four of his Pokeballs into the air)
Goh: Butterfree! Beedrill! Scyther! Tailow!
(They popped out)
(But then cuddled together as they got cold)
Goh: Sorry to call you out here in the cold. (chuckles) But I want to get Cubone's bone back, okay? And I'm gonna need your help!
(Moments later he shows them his Rotom Phone's screen)
Goh: See? There are three of these! Let's all go out and fine them!
Cubone: (whimpering) Cubone! Cubone! Cubone! Cu!
(Goh's Pokémon understood and agreed)
Goh: Alright! We're off to find the Mankey! Go!
(They all cheered)
All Heroes: Who's that Pokémon?
(Back to the show)
Cubone: Cubone!
(Butterfree was looking till spotted a Caterpie and asked if its seen the Mankey and it nodded no)
(We then see Beedrill flying but then gasps and it spots a Bellsprout)
Bellsprout: Bell?
(Beedrill asks it if its seen the Mankey)
Bellsprout: Bellsprout, Bellsprout...
(Scyther was seen flying till it got hit by snowballs)
(Who threw them were 3 Geodude as they laughed)
(Scyther shakes off the snow and got heated mad)
(Scyther chases the Geodude as they ran scared and panicking)
(We then see Taillow flying and shivering but then it flew to a playground and entered a tunnel and sighed relief as it was warm)
(We then see Goh, Scorbunny, and Cubone looking around)
Goh: Where could those Mankey be? They couldn't have gotten that far in such a short time, could they?
(Then we see the bus stop Goh and Scorbunny were and the bus leaves to reveal Ash, Pikachu and the others)
Brooklyn: So where to now?
Ash Ketchum: I'm pretty sure Goh's apartment building should be around here somewhere.
(Then they look up)
Pikachu: Pika?
(They spot Goh's Apartment building home)
Ash Ketchum: Oh, is that it?
Hiccup: I guess so?
Pikachu: Pika?
(Ash rings the doorbell for the apartment 707 but no answer)
Elisa Maza: No answer?
Ash Ketchum: Maybe nobody's home, so...
Pikachu: Pika?
Ash Ketchum: I'll just give him a call, then.
Pikachu: Pika. (gets on Ash's shoulder)
Izzy Izumi: Good idea.
(Ash calls Goh)
(At the park)
Rotom Phone; You have a call from Ash. You have a call from Ash.
Goh: (on the phone) Hey, Ash.
Ash Ketchum: (Voice on the phone) Uh, Goh? I'm right outside your apartment building with the others.
Goh: (on the phone) You are?
Ash Ketchum: (voice on the phone) Professor Cerise gave us your address. Where are you now?
Goh: Some stuff just came up and, at the moment, I'm in the park with Scorbunny.
(Moments later)
Ash Ketchum: Hey! Goh!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Goh: Ash! Guys!
(Scorbunny and Pikachu say hi to each other happy)
Goh: Thanks! This is a big help!
Ash Ketchum: Hey, Goh, don't worry about it.
Elisa Maza: So you must be my cousin's new friend, eh?
Goh: Uh, yes, but who are you?
Ash Ketchum: She's my older cousin, from New York. Goh, I'd like you to meet Elisa Maza. Also she's a detective from the NYPD.
Elisa Maza: Pleasure to meet you.
Goh: Nice to meet you too. I'm Goh
(Brooklyn sniffed at Goh)
Brooklyn: Is this your new friend Ash?
Goh: I hope so.
Ash Ketchum: Goh these our friends the Gargoyle clans Goliath, Hudson, Brookyln, Broadway, Lexington, Angela, and Bronx.
Goh: Hello.
???: So you're name is Goh? Ash heard about you and Scorbunny had a good times together.
(Copper's twin brother appear)
Goh: Huh? Copper? What's happening to you? Where's your hat?
Copper: Exactly Goh I'm over here!
(He and his twin brother laugh)
Ash Ketchum: Goh, this is Copper's twin brother Prince D.
Prince D: Nice to meet you Goh.
Goh: So how do this happen?
Copper: Well, that's a unusal story.
(Flashback starts)
Copper (V.O,): We both born
(Flashback ends)
Ash Ketchum: Goh we want you to meet the King and Queen of Funk.
(King Quincy and Queen Essence appear)
Prince D: King Quincy and Queen Essence.
Copper: My mom and dad. (Queen Essence kiss him) Aww.
Goh: Wow Cooper you look just like a dad.
King Quincy: Yeah, I know why he is so good looking? (He hi-five Prince D's hand)
Copper: Was that a dad joke? It was lame.
(They laugh)
Goh: So that means you're a Funk Troll?
Copper: You don't have to be one thing I'm Pop and Funk.
Prince D: I'm maybe Hip-hop like me.
Goh: A Hip-Hop? (He looked on location use Rotom Phone)
Prince D: Yeah. I think the map is been updated.
Branch: He's right look at that it's got disco.
Goh: It's nice to meet every one of you. I need you help.
Emerl: Okay Goh let's hear it.
(A few minutes later)
Ash Ketchum: So have you found that group of Mankey yet?
Goh: No luck. Not yet.
Jake Long: Hm, so how will we find them?
Optimus Primal: I don't know, but one thing's for sure, it's not going to be easy.
Ash Ketchum: I'm with Optimus Primal. Mankey can be pretty sneaky.
Grandpa Long: Agreed. We got to find a way to outsmart of the Mankey.
Fu Dog: And get Cubone's bone back.
Ash Ketchum: (gets an idea and gasps)
(Later we see Goh's Beedrill and Butterfree, hiding behind trees along with Alex and Clover)
(Scyther and Taillow were camouflaging, along with Sam and Britney)
(We also see a Nanab berry in the bench)
(Ash, Goh, Pikachu, Scorbunny, and the rest of the heroes were hiding behind the bushes)
Emerl: Everybody is all set!
Brooklyn: This is a good plan, Ash!
Goh: So you're using Nanab berries as bait to lure them in!
Ash Ketchum: That's the idea.
(Later we see the heroes still waiting as Ash and Pikachu took a peek and looked right and then..)
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
(They spot the three Mankey)
Sonic: (whispers) There they are!
Goh: (whispering) Up there.
Scorbunny: (quietly) Bunny.
(The Mankey jumped down to the bench and were about to take the berry till...)
Emerl: NOW!!!
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, use Electroweb!
(Pikachu jumps up and uses Electroweb, but the Mankey run and split up before the Electroweb could trap them in)
Buck: They're splitting up!
Kero: Quick don't let them get away!
Goh: Alright, Scorbunny, use Quick Attack!
(Scorbunny charges with Quick Attack towards one of the fleeing Mankey and hit it from behind. Mankey fell down to the floor)
Sam: Go Pokeball!
(One Mankey went inside the PokeBall until successfully capture)
Manny: That's one!
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!
(Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and shocks another Mankey and it collapses defeated)
Alex: PokeBall go!
(The second Mankey went inside the Pokeball until successfully capture)
Diego: That's two!
(The last one run to a tree and climbed up)
Sid: Over there!
Goh: Now, Butterfree, use Stun Spore!
(Butterfree uses Stun Spore on the Mankey and it gets stunned and falls down and hit the floor defeated)
Clover: Let's go Pokeball! (she throw a Pokeball)
(The third Mankey went inside the Pokeball until successfully capture)
Goku: That's three!
Sam, Alex, & Clover: Alright, we got 'em!
All Heroes: Hooray!
(Later they were seen surrounding the three Mankey)
Goh: Mankey, give Cubone's bone back now!
Goliath: Cubone wants it back desperately!
Elisa Maza: You heard them. Give it back, now.
Cubone: (crying) Cubone! Cu!
(But then the Mankey jabber that they don't have it)
Max Copper: Um, what all that about?
Cole Evans: I think they don't have it.
Skipper: What?!
Gloria: They don't have it?!
Goh: (to the three Mankey) Then where did you put it?
Clover: Please explain.
(The Mankey blabber that they lost it)
Freakazoid: Um, what are they saying?
Roxy: Here let me communicate with them.
(She uses her Zoolingualism ability to understand the three Mankey and then gasps)
Roxy: Oh dear.
Gmerl: What is it?
Stella: What did they say?
Roxy: I'm afraid they lost it.
Skipper: What?!
Ash Ketchum: (to the three Mankey) Wait. You lost it?
(The three Mankey nodded)
Goh: Where did you lose it?
(The Mankey mumble as they couldn't remember)
Ash Ketchum: Wait! What's that about?
Guido: Beats me.
Alyssa Enrile: I don't think they remember where they'd lost it.
Manny: (sighs) Well, that's just great.
Pikachu: Pika.
Cubone: (upset) Cubone.
Jewel: Aw, its okay Cubone, we're not giving up.
Ellie: Yeah, nothing's gonna stop us from finding your bone.
Goh: They're right. Don't worry, Cubone! Okay? We'll find it.
Cubone: (crying) Cubone.
Ash Ketchum: You'll be fine! You can count on us!
Stella: Yeah, all of us! Am I right.
All heroes: Right!
Pikachu: (to Cubone) Pikachu!
Cubone: Cubone?
(Later it was noon)
Pikachu: Pika...
(The Ash, Pikachu, Scorbunny and most of the heroes were searching the bushes, while Goh, and the rest were watching the Mankey)
Goh: You three had better help us search, too!
Jin: Do you understand?!
(The Mankey understood)
Sakura Avalon: (searches in a bush) Nothing here. How are you doing, Li did you find it?
Li Showron: Nope, nothing yet.
Madison Taylor: Hmm, where could that bone be?
Meilin Rae: It's not in the tree.
Petrie: Me don't find it anywhere.
Diego: (sighs) Nothing.
Ash Ketchum: Maybe it fell into the snow somewhere.
Branch: Yeah, maybe.
Goh: Then we need to find it before it starts getting dark.
(But then Butterfree alerts them)
Everyone: Huh?
(They look up and notice Butterfree with a Fearow)
(Fearow gabbers points left)
Goh: That Fearow found something!
Ash Ketchum: (gasps with relief and took out a Pokeball) Alright, then, it's your turn!
(Later somewhere it the city)
Walker: I'm so glad we finished earlier than planned!
Camille: Goh's waiting for us at home. Let's move!
(But as they were walking their way home)
Camille: (spots something and gasps)
(They spot Ash, his Dragonite, Goh's Pokémon, Hiccup and the dragon riders on their dragons, some of heroes who can fly carrying the ones who can't fly and were following Fearow. On Ash's Dragonite they spot Ash, Pikachu, and Scorbunny, and their son)
Camille: Goh!
Walker: Huh?
(Later the Fearow led the heroes to a lake in the park)
(Fearow then explains it saw the Mankey playing with the bone till the bone hit one of the Mankey's face and it went mad it tossed it away to the lake, The End)
Lexington: Uh, did you get what it said?
Ash Ketchum: Not sure what it said, but I have a feeling it might involve the lake.
(Later the were all seen looking at the lake)
Goh: Involve the lake...
Ducky: The big round...
???: And deep lake.
Ash Ketchum: Which is freezing cold.
Goh: Uh-huh.
???: Well then, any volunteers?
???: Uh... you go, ???!
????: What?! No way! I don't do the cold!
???: Well, don't look at me.
Goh: (then gasps as he got an idea) I know just who can help!
Dan Kuso: You do?!
Ash Ketchum: Yeah?
(Goh tosses one of his Pokeballs up and out popped out was Dewgong)
Dewgong: Dewgong! Gong! (jumps into the lake)
(Dewgong sticks its head out of the surface of the lake)
Marucho M: (gasps) Of course!
Ash Ketchum: Dewgong! And since Dewgong's an Ice-Type, it doesn't mind the cold a bit!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Goh: Go for it, Dewgong!
Dewgong: Dewgong!
(It dove down and looked deep to the lake bottom and looked till...)
Dewgong: Gong!
(It found the bone. Back at the surface, Ash, Goh, and the rest were waiting for Dewgong to come back)
Kim Possible: Dewgong is sure taking long.
Lilo: Do you think it can't find it.
Piccolo: We'll see.
(Then Dewgong come out of the lake and opened its mouth to reveal the bone)
Krillin: Hey is that...?!
Goh: That's it!
Emerl: It's Cubone's bone!
Bloom: (laughs) It found it!
Cubone: (happily runs to Dewgong) Cubone!
(Dewgong gives Cubone's bone back)
Cubone: (happy) Cubone! Cubone! Cubone!
Goh: Good for you!
Cubone: Cubone!
Goh: I wanted to thank you for all your help, Ash. (to his Pokemon, Dragonite, and the other heroes) And thanks to all of you!
Scorbunny: Scor!
Cubone: Cubone! Cubone!
(Scorbunny and Cubone cheer, along with Butterfree)
Camille (V.O.): Goh!
(Goh turned behind him and gasps to discover it's his parents)
Goh: Mom? Dad?
Walker: We were so surprised!
Camille: We were on our way home when we saw you flying on the back of a Pokémon!
Ash Ketchum: Yeah, we were just helping to look for Cubone's precious bone that had gotten lost.
Hiccup: Yep we sure did!
Walker: So, you must be Ash!
Camille: From Pallet Town?
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Goh: (gasps) You see...
Camille: (to the heroes) Oh and you must be the other friends, Goh's been telling us about.
Emerl: Um, that's right, mam.
John Northson: (to Goh) You told your parents about us?
Goh: (shy) Well...
Camille: (to Ash and the heroes) It seems you all have been helping our Goh quite a lot!
Ash Ketchum: Well, I don't know if I'd put it quite that way.
Goku: (sarcastic) Yeah, right Goh?
Goh: (grumbles embarrassed)
Scorbunny: Bunny?
Walker: Oh, and you're Scorbunny, right?
Scorbunny: Scorbun!
Camille: And you must be Ash's Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika!
Camille: You're so cute!
Goh: I'd really like you to meet some of my other friends, too!
(First Butterfree and Beedrill say hi, then Scyther, and then Taillow)
(Then Cubone)
Cubone: Cubone!
Goh: Oh?
Ash Ketchum: (laughs) Cubone wants to be one of your friends, too.
Goh: Wow, you do? You're saying you want me to catch you?
Cubone: (affirmative) Cubone!
Genie: Guess that's a yes!
(Goh takes out a Pokeball and tosses it into the air)
(The Pokeball hits Cubone and it went it)
(The Pokeball shook till capture was a success)
Jake Long: It's in!
Goh: (picks up his Pokeball) I just caught a Cubone!
Rotom Phone: Cubone has been registered to your Pokedex!
Scorbunny: (jumps happy) Scorbunny!
Camille: That's wonderful, Goh!
Goh: (nods) Mm!
(He looks at his Pokeball and tosses it into the air)
(Cubone pops out)
Cubone: Cubone!
Goh: Let's be friends!
(Pikachu jumps down from Ash's shoulder)
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
(Pikachu and Scorbunny play with Cubone as a welcome)
Camille: Now, why don't we go home and have dinner?
Goh: But that's why I'm here! You see, I was on my way to bring you both some stew.
Camillie and Walker: (gasps with surprise)
Walker: All that for us?
Goh: I had something else for you, but it looks like I lost it or something. (looks down upset till..)
Ash Ketchum: You mean this?
Goh: Huh?
Beast Boy: Surprise!
(Goh notices Ash and the others have found his gift for his parents)
Goh: (gasps)
Ash Ketchum: You dropped this right before you got on the bus.
Hiccup: Yeah, so we came to your apartment to give it back to you.
Goh: Huh? Wow! You don't really mean you all came here just to give this back, do you? All that way?
Ash Ketchum: (nods) Of course.
Princess Anna: Yeah, we're friends aren't we?
Queen Elsa: And we never turn down a friend.
Goh: (smiled) Ash, guys, you're the best! (take his gift and chuckles)
Gobber: Oh, don't sweat it, lad.
Valka: Yeah, it was our pleasure.
Ash Ketchum: It's cool. Now, why don't you hurry up and give it to your mom and dad?
(Goh turns to his parents)
Goh: Here!
Camille: How sweet! Wonder what it could be.
(The gift were gloves)
Camille: Beautiful gloves!
Goh: It's gotten cold lately...
Natsu Dragneel: Brrr! Yeah, no kidding.
Camille: Thanks so much!
Walker: And, hey, Ash, thanks to you, and your friends, too.
Ash Ketchum: No prob!
(But then his stomach grumbles)
Goh: Ash, why don't you and the others have a little stew with us?
Ash Ketchum: Really? Yeah! I'm just so hungry!
Goku: Me too!
Broadway: So am I!
Emerl: And the rest of us!
Pikachu: Pika!
Scorbunny: Scorbunny!
(Later at Goh and his family's apartment)
Halta: Somebody won a karaoke contest trophy, and you're looking at her!
Matt Ishida: Whoa, cool!
Tai Kamiya: Amazing!
Ash Ketchum: Wow!
Goh: Alright!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Scorbunny: Scorbun!
Goh: Let me see! Let me see!
Halta: Feast your eyes!
(Everyone chuckles with amazement. Goh's parents were watching from the kitchen)
Camille: I'll admit I'm relieved.
Walker: With all our work, we did leave Goh alone a little too much.
Camile: But look at how many friends our son's been able to make!
Walker: Yup.
(They watched Ash, their son, Goh, and the others having fun, as Ash, Musa, and Shoutmon starts singing some Karoake for them.)
Narrator: Between new adventures and new friends, Ash, Goh, their allies, and their Pokémon are surely growing up. And with every intention of meeting more new friends... The journey continues!
(We see snow raining down across the city)
(the episode ends)