This is a transcript of A Test in Paradise! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.
(the episode begins)
Narrator: Ash's goal is to become a Pokémon Master, and Goh wants to catch every kind of Pokémon, and another exciting day awaits them both!
(At Cerise's laboratory)
Reporter: We're joined now, right here in the harbor, by a ship's captain who was actually saved by a Dragonite! So let's hear what he has to say. (To the captain) You've been through a lot!
Sakura Avalon: Saved by Dragonite! Wow!
Goh: I've heard about this, how Dragonite are known to rescue people in danger.
Yi: Really?!
Ash Ketchum: Dragonite? I'd love to see one!
Ellie: Me too!
Professor Cerise: That may not even be possible.
Ash Ketchum: Huh? Why not?
Jaden Yuki: Yeah why not?
Ren: I'll tell you why not! First, a Dratini has to evolve into a Dragonair before it evolves into a Dragonite! In spite of its popularity as a Pokemon few sightings have been made in the wild.
Ash Ketchum: Whoa! Amazing.
Pleakly: Hmm. Sounds fascinating.
Littlefoot: And mysterious!
Jake Long: But why is that?
Chrysa: We're still not sure of its natural habitat.
All heroes: Oh.
Professor Cerise: Though there are rumors of an island that's inhabited by only Dragonite.
All heroes: (surprised) What?
Ash Ketchum: Yeah? (excited) An island full of Dragonite?!
Hiccup: Only Dragonite?!
Professor Cerise: So they say.
Goh: About that rumor. Look!
(He shows them his Rotom Phone screen marked sitting x's)
Steven Universe: Wow, what are those marks for?
Goh: I inputted all sighting data from the past few years. This is the result.
Ash Ketchum: It looks just like they're all in one area.
Emerl: Agreed.
Mark EVO: Hmm, it sure looks suspicious.
Goh: Sure seems suspicious to me.
Professor Cerise: And fascinating.
Ash Ketchum: So? What do you say?
Goh: Right with you!
All Heroes: Us too!
Emerl: Then it's settled!
Everyone: It's off to Dragonite Island! Go!
(Pikachu and Scorbunny cheered along)
(Team Robot in Pokemon Journeys: the Series opening plays)
Ash & Goh (V.O.): A Test in Paradise!
(Goh's bag full of tons of Pokeballs)
Ash Ketchum: Wow. So many Pokeballs!
Goh: Sure pumps you up, doesn't it? I'm gonna catch the entire evolution chain, and the first one I'm gonna catch is Dratini!
Clover: Wow, I love Dratini!
Britney: Yeah, they're so cute and beautiful.
Madison Taylor: They sure are! They just look so elegant when they fly up!
(They arrive at a port)
Jin: So where to now?
Goh: I was thinking we'd hire a boat as soon as we got here, but since we're here anyway, there are Dewgong in this area, you know!
Spud: (gasps) Dewgong?!
Trixie: Alright!
Ash Ketchum: I know what that means!
Jake Long: Us too!
(They ran off)
Goh: Time to catch a Pokémon to ride!
(Team Rocket and the villains are hide and heard every
Meowth: First, we schlep all this way to steal a special Dragonite to give to the boss, then wham-o!
Jessie: We get tripped up by a couple of troublesome twerps!
Quickstrike: And our enemies!
James: Who've got Dragonite on their minds as well!
Bowser: Indeed!
James: They're always stealing our ideas!
Jessie: You need brains to steal ideas, and they're fresh out of them!
Tarantulas: Agreed!
Megatron (Predacon): We gotta find those Dragonite first before them!
Meowth: It's Dragonite for the boss or bust!
Wobbuffett: Wobbuffett!
(To our heroes, they found a Dewgong)
Sakura Avalon: Wow, a Dewgong!
(Sakura pick up her Rotom Phone and analyze on Dewgong)
Sakura's Rotom Phone: Dewgong, the Sea Lion Pokémon. A Water and Ice type and the evolved form of Seel. When it's looking for food, Dewgong can cut through the water at a steady pace. After a meal, it pulls itself up onto the beach to rest in the sun. Warming up helps it process food.
(Goh ready his Pokeball)
Goh: Alright! Pokeball, go! (Tosses his Pokeball at Dewgong)
(The ball hits and Dewgong went inside)
Goku: Direct hit!
Goh: Yeah!
Ash Ketchum: Awesome!
Peng: Cool!
(But then Dewgong frees itself before the ball could capture it)
Joey Wheeler: Whoa! It broke free!
Goh: No, you don't. (Tosses another)
(Direct hit and Dewgong enters the ball but gets free again)
Dewgong: (yawning) Dewgong.
Lilo: It broke free again!
Ash Ketchum: Tough one.
Kaizu Mondomiya: Man, that Dewgong is a stubborn one.
(Goh ready his next Pokeball determinedly causing Ash and the others to gasp startled)
Goh: (really determined) Well, we'll just see about that. (Gets ready) Here we go!
(Scenes changes to number of Pokeballs Goh used to try and capture Dewgong)
Goh: (grunts) Yah! (grunts; yells) What?!
Branch: (sighs) This might take a while.
(Moments later, we find our most of our heroes riding on their Water Pokémon, Goh's Dewgong, Sakura's Swampert, Madison's Empoleon, Li's Floatzel, Meilin's Samurott, Eli's Feraligatr, Alex's Lanturn, Clover's Milotic, Sam's Sharpedo, Britney's Golduck, Clover's Dewgong, Sakura's Floatzel, Madison's Vaporeon, the flying heroes are flying on their own, and the rest riding with the Dragon Riders on the dragons. )
Rotom Phone: Dewgong has been registered to your Pokedex!
Goh: Just like it should be.
Scorbunny: Mebun!
Patrick Star: Congratulations, Goh!
Ash Ketchum: Nice work.
Goh: Hey, thanks!
Dewgong: Dewgong!
(Swims ahead)
(Later, somewhere in the sea Goh, Ash, and some of the none flying heroes riding Dewgong and the other Water Pokemon, the flying heroes following, and the Dragon Riders their Dragons, Blu, his friends, and his family, Gavin, Gertie, and Roger were flying in the sky following too.)
Shellder: (sighs) Shellder.
Goh: (checking his Rotom Phone) Somewhere around here huh?
Ash Ketchum: Right.
Emerl: Let's check around.
Gmerl: Affirmative!
Scorbunny: (notices another Dewgong) Scorbun!
Goku: (notices) Hey, look!
Ash Ketchum: Another Dewgong!
Goh's Dewgong: (notices) Gong! (Swims rapidly)
Heores (on Dewgong): (scream)
Petrie: (gasps)
Hiccup: What the...?!
Astrid: What's going on?!
Blu: What's Dewgong doing?!
Jewel: Come on, we better follow!
Pedro: Right! Follow that Dewgong!
(The others followed the rushing Dewgong with the others on its back screaming)
Goh: What's going on?! What's up, Dewgong?
Goh's Dewgong: (moaning in love) Dewgong!
Jin: Wait, could it be that...
(The wild Dewgong was a girl)
Wild Dewgong: Dewgong?
Alex: That Dewgong's a girl!
Sam: Oh no.
Goh: (screams with gasps) You don't mean...?
Diego: Yep, your Dewgong's in love!
Goh's Dewgong: (moaning in love)
Wild Dewgong: Dewgong!
Goh's Dewgong: Dewgong!
Heroes (on Dewgong): (all scream)
Snotlout: This is just like how old Brock reacts when he gets love crazy.
Goh: (to Dewgong) Please stop! Though, I guess you won't.
Ash Ketchum: (notices something up ahead) Look up there!
Everyone: (notices and scream with gasps)
(It was a huge storm cloud)
Goh: You've gotta be kidding!
Gobber: He's not!
(In the storm it begins to scream)
Everyone: (screams)
Goh's Dewgong: (cries as there was no sign of the female Dewgong)
Goh: Dewgong, let's go back.
Goh's Dewgong: (crying)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Aw, don't worry Dewgong, maybe there will be another girl Dewgong for you to love.
Cera: Uh... Nevermind about Dewgong's love problems! We got bigger problems to worry about!
(Then thunder was heard)
Everyone: Huh?
(A thunderbolt was making its way to the heroes as Pikachu and Toothless noticed)
Pikachu: Pika? (Jumps) Pikachu!
(Use Thunderbolt while Toothless fires a Plasma Blast to stop it. Then the waves go wild. Everyone on their Water Pokemon held on while Hiccup, the dragon riders, their Dragons, Blu, Jewel, their friends and their family, Gavin, Gertie, Roger, and the rest of the flying heroes get caught by the waves)
Mr. Krabs: Whoa, batten down the hatches, lads! We're taking on waters lads! I want my mommy, lads!
(Then our heroes fell into the water unconscious. Ash barely conscious notices something from above and below the sea )
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
(5 Dragonite were flying towards them and two merboys check on him as Ash's eyes shut. Later, Ash was still unconscious till someone pocked him a bit and then merboy wake him up with his hand)
???: Hey! Are you, your friends, and your family alright?
Ash Ketchum: (wakes up) Huh?
(He looks up sees two merboys, 5 Dragonite and a Dragonair)
???: I'm so glad you're okay.
Ash Ketchum: (shocked) Ah!
(Everyone gasp)
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Goh: Now what?!
(They all noticed the Dragonite, Dragonair, and merboys)
Pikachu: Pika
Scorbunny: Scor.
(Toothless, Light Fury, and the other Dragons were surprised)
Snotlout: (gasps) They're...
Fishlegs: Whoa, no way!
Sakura Avalon: Are these...?
Goh: Dragonite? These are Dragonite, aren't they?
Emerl: And those are merboys right?
Ash Ketchum: Sure are.
Cole Evans: And a Dragonair too!
Max Copper: But how did we get here?
Ash Ketchum: I think they rescued us.
Dragonite: (greeting)
Hiccup: Do you think...?
Fin the Human: I think so.
Goh: Do you know what this means?!
Astrid: We sure do!
Everyone: This is Dragonite Island!
Fishlegs: (laughs excitedly) Wow, this so cool!
Snotlout: Yeah, we found Dragonite Island!
Tuffnut: In just about 5 hours!
Goh: Being rescued by Dragonite is beyond totally amazing!
???: It's better than amazing! It's super exciting!
Emerl: If Iris was here, she would be so excited like crazy!
Ash Ketchum: Thanks a lot, Dragonite. Really!
Hiccup: Yeah, thanks a lot!
Astrid: You guys are lifesavers!
Bloom: Yeah, if it weren't for all of you, we would've drowned out there.
???: For sure.
Dragonite: (thankful)
Pikachu: (to Dragonair) Pika. Pika?
Scorbunny: (to Dragonair) Scorbun!
(Toothless and the dragons thanked Dragonair and its friends too)
Dragonair: (grateful)
(Goh opens his bag and chuckles)
Goh: Now, what's next? A Pokeball! (but his hand was empty.)
Shira: Uh, Goh.
Goh: Huh? (notices with shock and horror) Oh! Oh, no. Oh, no! Not a single Pokeball left! But why?!
(His bag was empty)
Genie: Uh, Goh, you used them all up trying to capture Dewgong, remember?
Goh: (screams upon realization; deeply depressed) You're right. I used them all trying to catch Dewgong.
(Wobbles down in disappointment)
Goh: (deeply depressed) And to make matters worse, Dewgong is nowhere in sight! What have I done?!
Ash Ketchum: You know, you can use one of my Pokeballs.
Sakura Avalon: Or one of ours.
Goh: (gets up) Nope. No way. You might need them yourselves.
(2 of the Dragonite nod to each other and left. Pikachu, Scorbunny, Toothless, and Dragonair greet each other)
Ash Ketchum: You already made friends, didn't you buddy?
Pikachu: Pika!
Hiccup: You did too, didn't you bud?
Toothless: (groaned affirmative)
Dragonair: (coos)
(Then the Dragonite asked the heroes to come with it and Dragonair)
???: Uh, what are they saying?
Roxy: Allow me. (approaches the Dragonite) What's up you guys? (she uses her Zoolingualism powers to understand the Dragonite) Oh. They're asking for us to follow them.
???: Follow?
Goh: You think they wanna show us around?
Tigress: I guess so.
Ash Ketchum: Yeah! So let's check out Dragonite Island now!
Pikachu: Pika!
Hiccup: What do you say bud, wanna check out the island?
Toothless: (groans affirmative)
???: I'd sure love to explore this place!
Flora: Me too! I wanna see what kind of environment this place has!
Sakura Avalon: Dratini come out to see Dragonite Island, too!
(Dratini pops out of her Pokeball. Later somewhere in the woods of the island)
Goku: Hey look two more Dragonite.
(There were 2 Dragonite sleeping)
Gohan: Hey there's more over there.
(Two more Dragonite picking fruit)
Ash Ketchum: Whoa, Dragonite everywhere you look!
???: Yeah, Dragonite to your left, Dragonite to your right, and everywhere you can possibly think of!
???: No wonder why they call this Dragonite island.
Hiccup: Hmm. You know, it kind brings back memories of when we found the Hidden World, right Bud?
(Toothless agrees along with Light Fury)
Moana: Hmm, how far do you think we are from the city?
Goh: Hey, wait a sec! (He takes out his Rotom Phone) Rotom, can you show me where we are?
(Rotom Phone can't get a location)
Rotom Phone: I am unable to pinpoint your location.
Goh: I'm out of network!
Tecna: Huh. I guess those clouds in the sky, 'causes electronics GPS signals from pinpointing the place.
???: Well, that explains why people weren't able to find this place in such a long time.
(Later they found more Dragonair)
Meilin Rae: Wow, look more Dragonair!
Ash Ketchum: (gaping and laughing with excitement)
Pikachu: Pika?
Hiccup: Wow!
Astrid: Look at them!
Goh: Dragonair!
Takuya Kanbara: What are they doing?
(The three Dragonair then began some kind of dance and then they started to glow)
Tai Kamiya: Wow!
???: Look at them go!
Flora: It's like they're dancing!
Aisha: And they're doing quite elegantly!
Ash Ketchum: Pretty, are they?
Pikachu: Pika!
Sakura Avalon: You've said it, Ash.
(But the Dragonair that was with them looked sad as Ash took notice)
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
(But then something happens to Sakura's Dratini)
Pikachu: Pika?
T.K. Takaishi: Look!
(Then one of the Dragonair flew up along with the other two, then Sakura's Dratini flew up too and then it began to evolve)
Sakura Avalon: Dratini?
Goh: What's happening to Dratini?
Goku: Nothing it's just evolved!
Ash Ketchum: Wow!
(All heroes gasps)
(Sakura's Dratini evolves into Dragonair)
Sakura's Dragonair: (coos)
Sakura Avalon: Wow! You evolved into Dragonair!
(Li pick his Rotom Phone and analyze on Dragonair)
Li's Rotom Phone: Dragonair, the Dragon Pokémon. A Dragon type and the evolved form of Dratini. With the crystalline orbs on its body, Dragonair is rumored to be able to change the weather. Because of this, farmers have long regarded this Pokemon with respect.
(The three flying Dragonair along with Sakura's newly-evolved Dragonair were dancing and spinning around in the sky)
Pan: Wow, beautiful!
Flora: So pretty!
???: Yeah.
Goh: So that must be the way Dragonair fly.
(But then Pikachu noticed something behind them and was shocked)
Pikachu: Pika?!
Ash Ketchum: Huh? (noticed what's behind them and gasp)
(It was Scorbunny with something covering its head like it was a mask)
Scorbunny: Scorbun!
Ash Ketchum: Scorbunny?!
Gloria: What in the world?!
Goh: What's that about?!
Cera: Don't ask me, it's your Pokémon!
(Pikachu jumped down from Ash's shoulder and checked)
Pikachu: Pika, pika.
Scorbunny: Scorbun!
Everyone: Huh?
(Pikachu checks the mask and it was a shed skin)
Li Showron: Hey, it's...
Goh: A shed Dratini skin. Huh! So where did you find it?
Kero: Can you show us, please?
(Moments later at a waterfall)
Scorbunny: Scorbun!
Hiro Hamada: This must be it.
Goh: (to Scorbunny) How far do you want us to go?
Scorbunny: Mebun!
(In the back of the waterfall)
Pikachu: Pika.
Toothless: (groans)
Scorbunny: Scor!
(They went inside)
Ash Ketchum: Wow! Check it out!
Chomper: This cave is pretty big!
Goh: (notices something) Huh?
Scorbunny: Scorbunny!
Fishlegs: Hey, more sheds of Dratini skin!
Goh: There's a ton of them!
???: This must be where little Dratini come to shed their skins when they're ready for their new ones to grow in.
???: Yeah, kind of like how snakes do it, right?
???: They sure do.
Ash Ketchum: (notices) Hey, guys, look over there.
Everyone: Huh?
(A little Dratini was doing something while a Dragonite was watching)
Suzie Wong: Aww, a cute little Dratini.
Stella: It's adorable!
Aisha: You said it! (laughs)
(Madison pick up her Rotom Phone and analyzes on Dratini)
Madison's Rotom Phone: Dratini, the Dragon Pokémon. A Dragon type. Dratini's existence was mere rumor until a fisherman finally managed to catch one after fighting it for many long hours. It sheds its skin several times as it grows, and the skin is sometimes used in clothing.
(Dratini was then squeaking and then its skin glowed)
Joe Kido: Hey, what's happening?
Gomamon: Could it be evolving?
Goh: It couldn't be evolving.
Hiccup: Who knows.
Ash Ketchum: We'll find out!
Valka: Look!
(Dratini shed its skin)
Littlefoot: Whoa!
Petrie: (gasps amazed) It's shedding its skin!
Everyone: That's amazing!
Ruby: And beautiful!
(Later outside, the Dratini was playing in the water with the Dragonite, while Ash and Hiccup was posing with the shed of skin for a photo)
Ash Ketchum: Is this okay?
Rafael: (checks it out) Mm, almost.
Goh: A little more so you can see its shape.
(Ash and Hiccup stretches it a bit)
Hiccup: How about now?
Goh: Yeah, that'll be perfect.
Stitch: Smile!
(Goh takes a photo)
(Moments later)
Yui: Wow, this island is amazing!
Pedro: It's a Dragonite, Dragonair, and Dratini Paradise!
Goh: Shed Dratini skins are worth a lot. You can make all kinds of cool things to wear out of them!
Ash Ketchum: Yeah?
Jaden Yuki: Wow, really?
Syrus Truesdale: I didn't know that.
Ash Ketchum: (thought of something) You know, Pokémon can be really mysterious.
Yi: Really, Ash?
Goh: What do you mean?
Ash Ketchum: You've got Dratini and then you've got Dragonair, right?
Rattrap: Yeah, so?
Ash Ketchum: Dragonite, they're just not like the others.
Jiminy Cricket: Hey, you got a point there, Ash.
Matt Ishida: Yeah, Dratini and Dragonair don't have any arms, or legs at all.
Goh: (thought of something) You know, wouldn't you expect the evolution to look more like Milotic?
Ash Ketchum: You're right! (He looks at his hands and legs) I wonder how they got arms and legs.
Tigger: Hmm, good question.
Tecna: Yeah, kinda weird.
Goh: Hmm...
(But then Dragonite looked up and both it and Dragonair looked at each other and nodded and left)
Goh: I think...
Ash Ketchum: Think what?
Tails: What are you thinking, Goh?
(Moments later they were all seen walking in the woods)
Jake the Dog: So what were you thinking about Goh?
Goh: See, it's just that, well, I think I've figured out the secret of the island, you guys.
Hiccup: Secret?
Diego: What's secret?
Ash Ketchum: The secret? Come on, tell us!
Freakazoid: Yeah, what's the secret, Goh?
Goh: I figured it out when I saw those Dragonair playing around back there.
(Flashback to the Dragonair)
Goh (V.O.): They say that Dragonair are Pokémon who can control the weather. It was a sign the Dragonair were using their power!
(Flashback ends)
Goh: I think that the storm was created from all of their power swirling around and around the island. That's why no one's ever found this place.
Bastidon Misawa: Hey, you might be right!
Tecna: Hmm, it seems like a logical explanation considering what Dragonair are capable of.
(Ash and Pikachu look up at the sky)
Ash Ketchum: Now that you mention it, that makes sense! (to Goh) Which means you're pretty awesome!
Bia: And smart!
Tecna: Yeah, you're not a bad genius, Goh!
(Goh was surprised)
Goh: Uh, well, it's nothing.
Ash Ketchum: (notices what's up ahead) Hey, a beach!
Goh: (gasps)
(At the beach there were 4 Dragonite present, and they all began shaping up)
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Pikachu: Pika?
Jaden Yuki: I guess they're working out?
(Then, the Dragonite flew up much to everyone's amazement as the Dragonite flew into the storm clouds with no trouble)
Jin: (gasps) Look at that!
Ash Ketchum: Wow!
Jewel: Amazing!
Goh: They fly through the storm like it's nothing!
Balto: Yeah, I guess no harsh wind or thunders' going to stop them from venturing out there!
Ash Ketchum: (looks down and notices something) Huh?
(The Dragonair they met before was trying to fly up but no luck)
Blu: Hey what's wrong with that Dragonair?
Pedro: Yeah, shouldn't it flying with the others?
Ash Ketchum: Maybe it doesn't know how to fly yet.
Genie: Gee.
Bloom: Oh my.
(The Dragonite tries to help it as uses its wings to demonstrate)
(The Dragonair tried to fly again but as it went up about a foot off the ground it fell back down)
Dragonair: (cried sadly)
(The Dragonite was sad for Dragonair but it had to go with the others as it flew off. Dragonair tried to fly again but failed again)
Dragonair: (cried sadly)
???: (gasps; feeling sorry) Aww, poor Dragonair.
Brooke: It really wants to fly with the others doesn't it?
Roger: But it looks like it hasn't developed its ability to fly yet.
Bloom: Poor thing.
Pikachu: (feeling sorry) Pika.
(Ash, Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless, Light Fury, and Stormfly feeling sorry for Dragonair walked forward)
Goh: Huh? Mm.
(Toothless groans to Dragonair, like "Hey there")
Pikachu: Pikachu!
(Dragonair turned around behind it in concern to notice it was Ash, Pikachu, Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless, Stormfly, and Light Fury)
Hiccup: Hello there.
Pikachu: Pika?
Ash Ketchum: (reaching his hand out to it as an offer) Hey! What do you say we do some training?
Astrid: And we can help you fly with the others!
(Dragonair was silent with surprise)
All Heroes: Who's that Pokemon?
(Back to the show)
(Later with the others)
Goku: Go for it guys!
(Scorbunny, Toothless, Light Fury, Stormfly, and Pikachu cheered)
Ash Ketchum: Let's try it again, Dragonair!
Hiccup: Alright, together!
(They jumped while flapping but no luck)
Astrid: (sighs) Still not good enough!
(Goh then thought)
Goh: (gasps) Ash, guys! (Showed them his Rotom Phone's screen) Didn't those Dragonair act a little strange before they took off?
(Screen shows the three Dragonair and Sakura's Dragonair swirling around)
Honey Lemon: I think you're right!
GoGo: Yeah, they were spinning around in the sky when we saw them before.
Goh: Round and round, like dancing.
Ash Ketchum: Dancing? Do you think it's Dragon Dance?
Kero: Hey, that could be it!
Sakura Avalon: That's why my Dragonair can learn to use Dragon Dance as a new move after it evolved.
Goh: Rotom, tell me about Dragon Dance.
Rotom Phone: Dragon Dance. A move that combines concentration and rhythmic movement to increase the physical skills of a Pokémon.
Hiro Hamada: Of course!
Goh: Bingo. That's it! Those Dragonair must've been using Dragon Dance to help them fly!
Baymax: Agreed!
Tecna: Yes, if we can teach Dragonair here to use Dragon Dance we just might be able to help it fly!
Ash Ketchum: (to Dragonair) Yes! You need to use Dragon Dance! I'll show how it's done, so check it out!
Dragonair: (coos in confusion)
Rattrap: (shocked) Huh?!
Goh: (shocked) You Ash?! You'll do it?!
Jin: Uh, exactly, how? You don't have wings and can't jump high enough.
Pearl: Yeah, how are you going to teach Dragonair to use Dragon Dance?
Ash Ketchum: (thought) Dragon Dance, Dragon Dance, Dragon Dance, I know! (points to Pikachu)
Pikachu: Pik?
(Moments later)
Pikachu: (unsure) Pika.
Wasabi: Uh, I'm not so sure about this, Ash.
Honey Lemon: Yeah, this idea seems rather, painful.
Goh: She's got a point. You sure this is okay?
Ash Ketchum: 'Course it is! Dragonair will get the feeling of flying for sure!
Jewel: Are you certain?
Ash Ketchum: You just watch me! Pikachu, use Electroweb!
(Pikachu jumps and uses Electroweb to create a web-like trampoline)
Ash Ketchum: Great! Watch me, Dragonair!
(He jumps on the Electroweb trampoline but got shocked)
Ash Ketchum: (Screams while getting shocked)
(He falls off to the ground while everyone gasps)
Blu: Ash, you okay?!
Dragonair: (worried)
Sakura Avalon: Ash I don't think this going to work out as you thought it will.
Goh: I'm with Sakura. That isn't gonna work! You can't use Electroweb like a trampoline!
Snotlout: Yeah, you'll just get yourself shocked every time you jump on it.
Ash Ketchum: (Gets up) No problem. Pikachu, let's do it again! Electroweb!
Pikachu: (affirmative) Pika.
(Uses Electroweb again to create another trampoline. Ash yells as he jumps on it but again gets shocked before falling off the Electroweb Trampoline.)
Pikachu: Pika.
Yi: Ash!
Goh: You okay?
Snotlout: Ash this won't work.
Fishlegs: Snotlout's right. Maybe we should try another way, Ash.
Dragonair: (worried)
Toothless: (groans with worry)
Ash Ketchum: (groans as he gets up) One more time! Now, that we've finally figured out how to get Dragonair flying, all I have to do is show it how it's done!
Dragonair: (surprised)
(Hiccup and Astrid surprised by Ash's determination then nodded to each other)
Hiccup: We're with you brother!
Astrid: We'll do it together!
(Ash nods in agreement)
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, use Electroweb!
(They run ahead while Pikachu gets ready. Dragonair joins in. Pikachu uses Electroweb again to create another trampoline. Ash, Hiccup, and Astrid jumped while noticing Dragonair joined in)
Ash, Hiccup, and Astrid: Let's go!
(All four jumped on the Electroweb trampoline while getting shocked, but then Dragonair bounced up and began to twirl around as the other 3 Dragonair and Sakura's Dragonair did)
Bloom: (gasps) It's working!
(Ash, Hiccup, and Astrid were surprised)
Ash Ketchum: That's it!
Hiccup: You're doing great Dragonair!
Astrid: Yeah way to go!
Ash Ketchum: Now go on and spin some more!
(They landed back down on the Electroweb trampoline while getting shocked. Dragonair dived down to the trampoline while getting shocked at first but stood strong as it bounced up and twirled around learned Dragon Dance in the process)
Ash Ketchum: (amazed) Like that!
Goku: Yeah, keep going!
Littlefoot: You can do it, Dragonair!
Bloom: Go for it!
Roxy: Keep going!
Daphne (Winx Club): You can do it!
(Dragonair twirled around and spun till it started to fly at last)
Kero: Alright!
Sakura Avalon: (gasps) It worked!
Goh: It's up!
Ash Ketchum: (gasps in amazement)
Dragonair: (happy)
(Flies back down to the others happily)
Ash Ketchum: You did it, Dragonair!
Hiccup: Yeah way to go!
Astrid: Yeah, you can fly now!
(Dragonair got around Ash, Hiccup, Astrid and hugged them)
(Pikachu, Scorbunny, Toothless, Light Fury, and Stormfly joined in the group hug as well)
Ash Ketchum: (screams as he Hiccup and Astrid fell down) You're heavy!
Hiccup: Yeah, but thanks!
Astrid: Yeah, we're happy for you too!
(Goh and the others smiled)
(Ash, Hiccup, and Astrid laughed happily with their friends and Dragonair till Dragonair sensed something and turned to the ocean)
Goku: Hey what's wrong?
Ash Ketchum: Dragonair?
(Dragonair looked up to the sky)
Kari Kamiya: What's the matter?
Goh: Is something wrong?
Cole Evans: Maybe, one of its friends is in trouble.
Alyssa Enrile: Could be.
Ash Ketchum: Dragonair, I'll go with you!
(Dragonair agrees, but as Ash tried to ride on it he discovered its skin was too slippery to hold on)
Ash Ketchum: (yelp) You're slippery!
Hiccup: Don't worry we'll all get on the Dragons and we'll take flight.
Astrid: Uh, I hate to say to remind you, but our Dragons can't carry everyone.
Hiccup: Oh, right.
Chazz Princeton: (sighs in disappointment) Great, what now?!
(Then a familiar groan was heard)
??? (V.O.): Gong.
Goh: (notices who it is) Huh?
(It was his Dewgong)
Dewgong: (sad) Dewgong!
Diego: Hey, it's your Dewgong, Goh!
Goh: Dewgong! You came back in the nick of time!
Dewgong: Gong? (Was sad that it lost the girl Dewgong)
Genie: Uh, I think it's heartbroken right now, Goh.
Flora: Aww, poor Dewgong.
Biggie: Guess it's still upset for losing that female Dewgong we saw a while ago.
Goh: I'm sorry. I know. I know. (chuckles awkwardly) Hey Ash, guys!
Ash Ketchum: Yeah! (Turns to Dragonair) Go on ahead, Dragonair. I promise we'll be right behind ya!
Dragonair: (understood)
(It flew off to rescue its friend)
Goh: Dewgong, follow that Dragonair!
(Later at sea)
(Suspicious cloaked characters were seen looking down till their head looked up to reveal Team Rocket and the villains chuckling)
Tarantulas: (snickers) It worked!
Meowth: Operation Pseudo-Shipwrecked-to-Drag-in-a-Dragonite was a complete success!
(The Dragonite from before was trapped in a cage)
James: You think we'll get away with it?
Inferno: Of course, we will!
Jessie: Naturally! (Takes of her hood) Why, for an actress like myself, this is nothing but a cakewalk!
Quickstrike: (sarcastically) Right.
Wobbuffett: Wobbuffett!
(Then a cooing was heard)
Team Rocket and the Villains: Huh?
(They look up to notice Dragonair)
Dragonair: (to Dragonite; shrieks)
(Dragonite was surprised to see it fly now, and grunts while causing the waves to go a little rough)
Terrasaur: Hey stop that, you stupid beast!
James: Sit down, you're rocking the boat!
Megatron (Predacon): What's that Dragonair even doing here?!
Jessie: Is that Dragonite's sidekick?
Rampage: I don't know, but it's asking for trouble from us!
Waspinator: What should we do!
Meowth: Grab it, too! I don't wanna break up Pokemon pallies!
(The heroes arrived)
Goku: Over there!
Emerl: It's Team Rocket and the villains!
Kaizu Mondomiya: Team Rocket?
Goh: They're bad guys who steal
Ash Ketchum: Alright, what are you guys doing here?!
Megatron (Predacon): (notices them) Well looks like we got company! Yes!
Jessie: Prepare for trouble, we're here to confuse and astound!
James: And make it double, either lost or found!
(They took off their cloaks)
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
James: To unite all people within our nation!
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: And James!
Jessie: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
James: Surrender now or prepare for one fleet-footed fight!
Meowth: Meowth! That's right!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
Ash Ketchum: Team Rocket! You and your friends let Dragonite go now!
Jessie: Impossible! We'd never throwback a catch!
Megatron (Predacon): Nor us! No!
James: And now, with Pikachu as well, our ship has come in!
Meowth: Yeah! We'll wrap up all three of them, along with Dragonite, Dragonair, and Pikachu, in a package specially boxed for the boss!
Darcy: Let's call in Pelipper!
Jessie and James: Alright, come on down!
(Pelipper arrives singing and drops off the Rocket Prize Master machine)
Jessie and James: Our secret Rocket Prize Master!
(The Prize Master activates)
(They place Meowth in where the coin slot is)
Meowth: And another oy vey.
(They turned the wheel and one Pokeball came out)
Nigel: (gasps shocked) Just one?!
Jessie: One seems rather cheap. Whatever.
Captain Gutt: Yeah, let's just see what it is!
(Jessie tosses the Pokeball)
Jessie: Go!
(What popped out was a Wailord)
Wailord: Wailord.
Silas: Well, what do we have here?!
James: It's the Float Whale Pokémon, Wailord!
Squint: Ta-da!
Meowth: Putting the squeeze on Pokeballs for years!
Raz: So what moves does this thing have?
James: This is a one move Pokémon, and that move is Splash.
Squint: That's it?!
Meowth: So what? I'm sure that big lug can rustle up a Splash that'll send the Twerp and our enemies off like a flash!
Nigel: Good point!
Jessie: Works for me! Now, Wailord, use Splash!
(Wailord prepares to use Splash Attack)
Vegeta: Lookout!
Ironhide: Incoming!
Ash Ketchum: Here it comes.
Emerl: Hold on tight everybody!
(Wailord uses Splash)
Everyone: (screams)
Team Rocket and the villains: (Screams)
(They floated up to the surface)
Megatron (Predacon): (spits out water) Well that was refreshing.
James: I've got water in my ears.
Flynn: Huh?
Meowth: What did you say?
(Camera moves to Dragonite)
Goku: Ash now!
Goh: Now's your chance! Do it!
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, use Iron Tail!
Pikachu: (jumps) Pika!
(Pikachu uses Iron Tail and frees Dragonite from the cage)
(Dragonite flies free happily to Dragonair)
(Pikachu lands on Ash's hands)
Pikachu: Pikachu! (giggles)
Ash Ketchum: You rocked!
Quickstrike: They've freed the Dragonite we caught!
James: If we don't stop it, it's so long.
Terrasaur: Oh, yeah?!
Meowth: Not today!
Jessie: Do it my way! Wailord, aim your Splash at Dragonite!
Nigel: Do it now you stupid whale!
Tarantulas: Wait, don't! It's too close to us...
(But it was too late as Wailord uses Splash)
(Team Rocket and the villains were sent flying in the waves and their raft gets destroyed)
(Then a piece of wood from the destroyed raft hits Wailord's forehead hard)
Wailord: (pained) Wailord!
(It causes the waves to go wild)
Emerl: Watch out!
(The Heroes on Dewgong got caught in the waves)
Hiccup: (gasps) Pull up!
(The Dragon Riders and flying heroes flew off high)
(Then Wailord's left flipper fin splash a huge wave on the heroes riding Dewgong as they all screamed)
(Ash and Pikachu were sent flying and screaming)
Yi: Ash!
Tai Kamiya: Oh no!
Goh: Ash, no!
Hiccup: Ash! Pikachu!
Astrid: We're too far to get to them in time!
(Dragonair noticed and quickly flew to Ash and Pikachu)
(Ash and Pikachu were falling and noticed they're about to fall in a whirlpool-like wave with Wailord at the center of it)
(But then Dragonair came)
Ash Ketchum: Dragonair!
(Dragonair flies quickly to Ash)
(Ash tries to grab hold but Dragonair's skin was too slippery as his hand slipped off)
Ash Ketchum: (gasps)
Dragonair: (coos in worry)
(Ash continues falling with Pikachu)
Ash Ketchum: (screams)
Kaizu & Max: Ash!
(Dragonair dives down fast and grunts till it suddenly begins to glow)
Valka: Look!
Astrid: What's happening?!
Hiccup: Dragonair's evolving!
(Ash watches with amazement as Dragonair evolves into a Dragonite and catches him and Pikachu just in time and flew up)
(Everyone gasps with amazement)
Takato Matsuki: Whoa!
Henry Wong: Dragonair just became Dragonite!
Ash Ketchum: That's awesome! You evolved!
Dragonite: (grunts happy)
Terrasaur: Ooh! Two Dragonite!
Meowth: A two-for-one Dragonite catch 'em sale!
James: A miraculous moment!
Quickstrike: Hey are you a villain or a little girl!
Jessie: Save the emotions for your bottle caps! We've got to follow through!
(But then the Dragonite they caught confronted them angrily)
Gupta: (scared) Uh, it looks mad!
James: (nervous) Say, talk about angry eyes.
Silas: (scared) I think you mean scary!
Meowth: (scared) Yeah.
Nigel: (scared) Jessie, try talking to it!
Jessie: (clears her throat) Team Rocket memberships-open, you know.
Captain Gutt: How about signing up for once, eh?
Kaizu Mondomiya: Payback time ready BlackAgumon?
BlackAgumon: Ready!
Psychemon: Max?
Max Rapid: Right!
Liollmon: John!
John Northson: Let's do!
Kaizu, Max, & John: Digi-modify! Digivolution activate!
(BlackAgumon digivolve to... BlackGreymon)
(Psychemon digivolve to... Gururumon)
(Liollmon digivolve to... Liamon)
(All heroes amazed)
Goh: Who's that Digimon?
Izzy Izumi: (DA) It's BlackGreymon champion form of BlackAgumon
(But the Dragonite fires Hyper Beam)
Jessie: Or not.
(They get hit)
Team Rocket and the villains: We're blasting off again!
(Later we see Dragonite congratulated its friend Dragonite (the one that evolved from Dragonair) a job well done)
Danny Delgado: Wow, that was incredible!
Max Copper: Yeah, Dragonair evolved in a good time.
Alysa Enrile: And now it became a Dragonite!
(Sakura pick up her Rotom Phone and analyzes on Dragonite)
Sakura's Rotom Phone: Dragonite, the Dragon Pokémon. A Dragon and Flying type and the final evolved form of Dratini. A Dragonite once rescued a man from a shipwreck and flew him off to a Dragonite paradise on a faraway island. This calm and kindly Pokémon is slow to anger, but once roused, its wrath can be incredibly destructive.
Goh: A sudden evolution. Who knew?
Ash Ketchum: Know what else?
Goku: What?
Ash Ketchum: I just figured it out.
Goh: Figured what?
Ash Ketchum: I know why Dragonite have arms. (giggles) It's so they can rescue people!
(Everyone gasp with surprise)
Valka: Hm, I guess we can't argue with that. (laughs)
Goh: Maybe you're right. Hope so!
Ash Ketchum: Yeah, me, too!
Goh: Me, too!
Emerl: Us, too!
(Everyone chuckles)
Goh: Shall we go home?
Jaden Yuki: Yeah, let's go.
(But then Dragonite grabs Ash)
Ash Ketchum: Whoa!
(Ash gets hugged by Dragonite)
Ash Ketchum: (grunting) Not so tight! (But then Dragonite grunts to Ash) Huh?
Cole Evans: Hey I think it's...
Ash Ketchum: Wait, are you saying...?
(Dragonite nods and grunts)
Goh: Dragonite wants you to catch it.
Scorbunny: Scorbun?
Astrid: I guess so. (laughs)
Ash Ketchum: That's awesome! Wow, I'd love to! (takes out one of his Pokeballs) Hey, we'll be great friends! (tosses the ball)
(The ball hits Dragonite and it goes in)
(The Pokeball shook until the capture was complete)
(Ash picks up the Pokeball)
Hiccup: Congratulations, Ash!
Ash Ketchum: I just caught a Dragonite!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
(Wailord celebrates with a water spout)
(Everyone cheers in celebration and laughed)
(Later at Cerise's Laboratory at noon)
(Cerise was watching the photos of Dragonite Island)
Professor Cerise: Truly Impressive! I mean, I wasn't even sure Dragonite Island was real! Excellent!
Jaden Yuki: Thank you, Professor!
Goh: (chuckles)
Ren: These findings are sure to create an uproar!
Joe Kido: No doubt, about it!
Cody Hida: Yeah, people would sure be amazed to learn about Dragonite Island!
Professor Cerise: Absolutely. But still, let's just keep this to ourselves.
Littlefoot: Huh?
Po the Panda: You mean keeping it a secret?
Chrysa: But why do that? It's a huge discovery.
Lilo: Yeah, why?
Professor Cerise: I've got a hunch about this. Maybe it's best if we help preserve the mystery of Dragonite Island.
Hiccup: You may be right, Professor, especially when it means protecting the Dragonite, Dragonair, and Dratini that live there.
(But then Ash's Dragonite starts hugging Professor Cerise)
Professor Cerise: Huh? (Getting a tight hug) Not so tight!
Everyone: (laughs)
Narrator: Our heroes discovered Dragonite Island, which used to be a rumor! They made a new friend there, as well. And best of all Sakura's Dratini evolves into Dragonair. So, as Ash, his allies, and Goh aim for the stars, let's go, too, as the journey continues!
(the episode ends)