Adventurer Cookie (Korean: 탐험가맛 쿠키, tamheomga-mat kuki) is a Rare Cookie available since launch. He is of the Ambush type and his position is prioritized to the Middle.
Adventurer Cookie is Blackberry Cookie's employer, having a penchant for exploring ancient ruins and other thrilling sites. He is often seen avoiding Blackberry Cookie due to her duties in stifling his recklessness.
He majorly appears in World Exploration's The Lost Golden City and Goddess of Eternal Gold as a main party member.
For a long time, there have been only rumors of Adventurer Cookie's travels far and wide beyond the Witch's island, but now he's back and ready to guide the other Cookies into uncharted territories of a new exciting world. Adventurer Cookie has got quite a lot of stories to tell: about legendary dragons, kingdoms in ruins, but... So little time! His thirst for the unknown is unquenchable, and he will continue to roam the wide world as long as possible.
Character inspiration[]
Adventurer Cookie likely takes inspiration from Indiana Jones. The two characters dress similarly (particularly in regards to their hats), are known for exploring ruins, and utilize similar tools (Adventurer Cookie using a rope and Indiana Jones using a bullwhip).