This is the episode script for Adventures in Squirrelsitting (RFFAoCnDRR).
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- Ryan F-Freeman: Hurry, everyone!
- Chip: Fat Cat's pulling away!
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- Monterey Jack: Not for long, pally!
- [Fat Cat simply taunts
- Fat Cat: Give it up you Rescue Rodents! The Maltese mouse is mine! [laughs]
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- Dale: No way, Fat Cat!
- Foiletta: Not a chance, chubby!
- Orla Carolglow: [giggles by Foiletta's insult]
- Chip: It's going back to the museum where it belongs.
- [Fat Cat's claws pop out, he tried to swipe at Dale, as he dodges by ducking, they didn't see a man hosing down the street]
- Gadget Hackwrench: Monty! Stop us!
- [Monty tried to stop, but he couldn't due to the wet water, his feet were slipping through them]
- Monterey Jack: I'd love to, Gadget, but my brakes are out!
- Sonant Nightfall: We're gonna crash!
- Foiletta: Zipper, do something!
- [Zipper tries to apply the brakes for them, but it was too late
- Fat Cat:
- Snout: But-But Boss!
- Fat Cat: [yells at Snout] GET GOING!!
- [Snout gulps at the threat]
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- Foiletta: It's all set, Gadget. Launch the harpoon!
- Gadget: Steady! steady!
- Pinkipoo: Fire!!
- [She fires the harpoon while Chip ducks,
- Fat Cat: Wyyh!!
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- Matau T. Monkey: Whoa. We got it.
- Foiletta: Nice catch, you two.
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- Fat Cat: My mouse!
- Snout: B, B, Boss!
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