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Pooh's Adventures Wiki

This is a transcript of Advice to Goh! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.

(the episode begins)

Narrator: Ash's goal is to battle one of the world's greatest Trainers, Leon! Goh's goal is to catch one of every kind of Pokémon, including Mew! This is the story of their adventure-filled journey through the world of Pokémon!

(In Pallet Town/New Berk we find our heroes walking down the road while looking at the surrounding of the town)

Riven: Wow. So this is your hometown Pallet Town, Ash?

Ash Ketchum: Yep. But ever since my Viking family, my Viking people, and the Berkian dragons decided to move in, it's now Pallet Town/New Berk.

Maleficent (2014/2019): Hmm, I must admit young man, I'm impressed.

Eliza Maza: Indeed. This old town has become much bigger since I last came here to see you, 'cous.

Heather: I have to agree with your cousin, Ash. This New Berk is much more livelier and better than, the ol' Berk back at the Archipelago.

Goh: How did this happened?

Ash Ketchum: It all started after my adventures in Alola with Emerl, Sega Ultimate All-Star Team, the Winx, the Digidestined and their Digimon, Ice Age gang, Cardcaptors, Duelists, Battle Brawlers and their Bakugan, Z-Fighters, and the Ronin Warriors.

(Flashback starts)

Ash Ketchum (V.O.): We led my Viking people and the dragons of Berk here after our long flight back here from Alola to Kanto.

Ash Ketchum (Flashback): People and dragons of Berk welcome to our new home.

Gobber (Flashback): Say hello to the New Berk!

(The Vikings cheers

Ash Ketchum (V.O.): After they met my people from Pallet Town, we all worked together to help them and the dragon settle here.

(We see the Hairy Hooligan Tribe and the people of Pallet Town working together with help from the Pokémon and Dragons to build new houses in town.)

Hiccup (V.O.):



Ash Ketchum (V.O.):

(Flashback ends)

Blu: Wow!

Jewel: That's awesome.

Yi: I can see why it looks so cool, now!

Grug: Kinda big isn't it.

Luca Shellman Ketchum: You better believe it.

Zing: Hey, guys!

All heroes: Hmm?

(They spot the Pixies looking at the statue of the late Stoick the Vast)

Lockette: Look at this big statue!

Digit: Whoa, who is this big guy?

Zing: Is he some ol' grandfather of yours and Hiccup's, Ash?

Ash Ketchum: Uh, well...

Gobber: GRANDFATHER?!!! (steps in front of the statue) Curse ye, hellions! How dare ye ask such an insulting question about the statue of Stoick the Vast?!

(Some of our heroes looked baffled and confused)

Tune: (in Viking girl's voice) Who?

Gobber: Stoick! The bravest Viking in the history of Berk! He put the "king" in Vi-king!

(Some of our heroes looked more confused)

Gobber: Ah, my dear mate, I you so. (the heroes decided to leave as he continued to talk to Stoick's statue) Remember the time we were at that mead house and those two Visigoths wagered I couldn't hold my left elbow in a boiling pot of gruel for five minutes? (laughs) Ah, good times. (then notices the others were gone) Huh? Where'd did everybody go?

(Moments later)

Max Rapid: So what was Gobber talking about that statue of this "Stoick" guy?

Ash Ketchum: Oh. What Gobber was trying to say is that's the statue of mine and Hiccup's dad, Stoick.

Guy: Yours' and Hiccup's dad?

Ash Ketchum: Yep, our mom's husband, Astrid's father-in-law, Skullcrusher's former rider and trainer, as well as the former chief of our tribe.

Hiccup: Yeah, that's right. He was one of the best chiefs our tribe has ever had. He was brave, strong, and selfless. Although, he can be a bit stubborn at times.

Ash Ketchum: And hot tempered.

Valka: (nods) Hmm. Yes, that's ol' Stoick for you.

Astrid: Yep. Though, he used to have a different opinion on dragons back then, but that's only because he misunderstood them. But thanks to Hiccup and Ash, he changed for the better.

Hiccup: Yep. He even ended up riding his own dragons himself.

Ash Ketchum: Yep. The first dragon he ever rode that was a match for him was, a Thunderdrum he named, Thornado.

Winnie the Pooh: Oh yes. I remember him. He was that blue dragon with big teeth wasn't he?

Mr. Krabs: Yep, that's the one.

Patrick Star: And boy was he a handful back then.

Jiminy Cricket: Yeah, he used to give the Hooligan Tribe some trouble with their fishing by recking their boats.

Sandy Cheeks: That was until we first met him.

Tigger: At first he was tough to train especially how Stoick wrestled him a bit when they first met, and when he tried to bond with him.

Pooh Bear: Then

















Littlefoot: Yep, that was that last time, Stoick saw ol' Thornado. Ever since he and Thornado bid their goodbyes, Stoick was little down years later.

Gobber: Aye, that be true. He even started get all mad and hot tempered over our fellow Vikings, that he was driven them all crazy.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, I remember that one.

Cera: And I thought my dad’s such a grouch.

Ryo Akiyama: So does mine.





Prince Sky: (laughs) Sounds like this Stoick guy was kind of like my dad.

Thoren: Yeah, uncle Erendor sure can be stubborn at times.

Bloom: (chuckles) Do tell.

Henry Wong: So how did Stoick met, Skullcrusher?

Ash Ketchum: Oh. Well, it all began during our adventures in Dragon's Edge.


Ash Ketchum (V.O.): Back then, Skullcrusher was wild Rumblehorn, and lets just say he kinda messed up our island's set up.

(Ash, Misty, Brock, Pooh and friends, the Vulture, Littlefoot and friends, SpongeBob and friends, Zazu, and the dragon riders find their place all ruined.)

Astrid (Flashback): Trashed!

Rabbit: Not again!

Jiminy Cricket: Aww what a mess!

Gobber: Your words not mine.

Ash Ketchum: Aww, we missed it again!

Hiccup: The Rumblehorn must have hit us while we were out chasing you.

Ash Ketchum (V.O.): On that night, Gobber told us that our dad was driving everyone in ol' Berk crazy. (To the Isle of Berk) So we decided to fly back there on Toothless and check it out. And when we got there, boy was he all angry.

Stoick: I said I wanted these weapons arranged by deadliness! Swords....

(He tossed our a sword as a startled Ash, Hiccup, Pikachu, and Toothless ducked)

Stoick: ...axes,...

(Tossed an exe near to Hiccup, Ash, and Pikachu hiding behind a catapult)

Ash Ketchum (Flashback): Yikes!

Stoick: ...bludgeons,...

(They ducked down to avoid a bludgeon Stoick tossed out.)

Stoick: ...then maces!

(Toothless covered himself with his wing to avoid getting hit by a mace Stoick tossed out causing it to hit the catapult lever sending a sheep flying. Stoick came out grumbling mad,)

Stoick: (to Sven; mad) If I used them on you, you wouldn't forget how deadly they were! Gah! I can't believe it...

(Flashback ends)

Krillin: (shocked) Whoa! That angry he was?

SpongeBob SquarePants: He sure was. Let's just say he missed flying in the skies on ol' Thornado's back.

Littlefoot: (nods) Hmm. However, eventually, after we introduced him to Skullcrusher, he began to feel like his old excited self again, when he rode the skies again.

Sandy Cheeks: And Skullcrusher saved us and the Dragon's Edge from a huge tidal wave that surely would've been the end of us, had he not












Littlefoot: And that's how he and Skullcrusher met.

Arlo: Wow!

Nash & Ramsley: Dang!







Goh: So, where is your dad, Stoick? Out on a voyage or something?

(Ash, Hiccup, Astrid, Valka, and the other Dragon Riders looked a bit down)

Ash Ketchum: He... died. A long time ago.

Goh: (shocked) Oh! Uh... I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Tai Kamiya: That's okay Goh, they understand.

Guy: We know how they feel. Believe us we know.

Aisha: Yeah, especially since we had our loss of some good friends or relatives in the past.

Littlefoot: (sighs) Yeah, that's for sure.

Goh: Hmm. So uh... how did Stoick died?

Cera: He sacrificed himself to save Hiccup, Ash, and Pikachu from a brainwashed Toothless' Plasma Blast under orders of a giant dragon called a Bewilderbeast, who was carrying out the orders of its master, Drago Bludvist.

Goh: Drago who?

Mr. Krabs: Drago Bludvist.

Gobber: Aye, he was a madman, that Stoick knew a long time ago!

Sandy Cheeks: He was also the leader of a large army who sought to enslave all dragon kind in order to conquer the world.

Petrie: Yeah, and he was just awful.

Eret: Indeed. In fact, I used to work under his employment and believe me, he was not nice. (shows his scar) This is what he gave me, the last time I failed him.

Goh: (creeped out) Ugh. That looks bad.

Chomper: Yeah, Drago doesn't take well to any excuses for any failures from his goons.

Jin: That bad, eh?

Cera: Yeah, really bad.

Ash Ketchum: (nods) Yep, also because of how he enslaved and strikes fear on dragons, Drago believed himself to be their "God".

Clover: Their "god"? He believed himself to be their "god"? That's crazy.

Rabbit: I know right.

Tigger: Oh he




Jiminy Cricket: So in the end they won the fight.








Pikachu: (happy) Pika!

Ash Ketchum: Look, it's over there!

Goh: Wow!

(They spot Professor Oak's lab)

Goh: The Oak Laboratory!

Grookey: (notices) Grook. Grookey!

(They spot Professor Oak ahead)

Professor Oak: Hey!

Emerl: Hey look who it is!

Goh: Professor Oak!

Ash Ketchum: Race you! (runs ahead)

Goh: Hey, wait up! (follows)

(In the lab)

Professor Oak: It's been a long time! Have you been well?

All heroes: Yup!

Professor Oak: Goh, I don't think I've seen you since Professor Cerise first opened his lab!

Goh: You're right. And back then, we didn't have much time to talk.

Pearl: (clears her throat) Um, Goh...

Amethyst: Aren't you forgetting something?

Goh: (remembered) Oh, here you go. (takes out a book) It's the report Professor Cerise wanted me to give you.

Professor Oak: Excellent! Thank you!

Ash Ketchum: Hey, is this your first time here, Goh?

Goh: Oh, no. I came to Pokémon Camp when I was six. I remember some guy wasn't on time and kept us waiting forever!

Ash Ketchum: That's the worst! I'll bet that guy, he must've overslept, you know? (then realizes) Huh. Wait. Hold on. He was six years old? And overslept?

Professor Oak: (laughs) I wonder if the guy you're speaking about is Ash.

Goku: (laughs) It sure sounds like it's Ash alright.

Drago: Yes. You can be quite a sleepy head at times Ash.

Eliza Maza: Yep. Even you were just six you still overslept.

Diego: Yep, that's you Ash.

Bloom: (chuckles) Yeah, reminds me of how I overslept sometimes too.

Kaizu Mondomiya: Hi Professor Oak nice to see you again.

Max Rapid: Looks like you got more Pokémon from Trainers what they caught.

Professor Oak: Well if it isn't Kaizu and Max both of you

Goh: You know them Professor?

Professor Oak: Why yes both Kaizu and Max met Ash at Pokémon Summer camp when they were young.

(Flashback starts)

Professor Oak (V.O.): Ash finally got






Howlcrusher: So, Goh. How was camp for you back then?

Goh: Back then...


Goh (V.O.): ...when I was at Pokémon Camp, I came across Mew!

(Flashback ends)

Goh: And that's when I found my dream!

Professor Oak: Oh? What kind of dream?

Goh: Since I want to meet Mew again, and Mew has the DNA of every Pokémon my dream is to catch every kind of Pokémon!

Professor Oak: Mm. Now, that's a fine dream! So, just how many Pokémon have you caught so far?

Goh: Here... (takes out his Rotom Phone) Take a look!

(Professor Oak checks the Pokémon Goh caught so far)

Professor Oak: Amazing. That's quite a number. (then notices something) What?! (he discovers Suicune) Suicune?! Huh!

Timmy: Whoa! Wait, what?!

Prince Sky: Suicune?! The Legendary Pokémon?!

Brandon: You caught a Suicune, Goh?!

Goh: Right! I caught it!

Professor Oak: Splendid! Say, Goh. Have you heard of this? It's called Project Mew.

Ash Ketchum: Project Mew...

Goh: What's that?

Professor Oak: Hmm. They've decided to put together a team to investigate Mew. They're currently looking for new members. However, in order to become a member, you will be sent out on several trial missions.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah...

Tai Kamiya: Wow, sounds cool!

Agumon: Yeah, I'll say!

Po the Panda: That sounds awesome!

Professor Oak: (to Goh) What do you think? If you want to join, I can submit your name.

(Goh was silent with uncertainty till...)

Goh: Thank you, Professor, but I'll pass.

All heroes: Huh?!

Emerl: What?! You're turning it down?!

Ash Ketchum: Why turn it down?

Goh: I've never been much of a team player, and I'm not the type who likes going on missions created by other people.

Professor Oak: Well, I think it would be a chance to meet people who share the same dream as you. But I won't try to change your mind! (turns to Ash) That reminds me! Your Pokémon are waiting for you along with your dragons.

Ash Ketchum: (excited gasps)

Pikachu: Pika, Pika! (runs out)

Emerl: Hey, Ash! Wait for us!

(Most of our heroes followed except Goh as looked rather a bit glum)

Goh: Project Mew. Huh.

(Team Robot In Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series opening plays)

Ash & Goh (V.O.): Advice to Goh!


All heroes: (gasps amazed)

(They find dragons living around the lab's fields)

Kaizu Mondomiya: Whoa, look at all the dragons!

Professor Oak: Are you all surprised? Ever since the Hairy Hooligan Tribe decided to move here in Pallet Town, many Pokémon Trainers here wanted to train a dragon to be their dragon partner on their journeys with their starter Pokémon.

Brandon: Wow, amazing.

Riven: Sure is.

Timmy: Hmm, you know this kinda reminds me of how we train dragons back in Red Fountain in Magix.

Prince Sky: Yeah, as well as how my dad's soldiers trained our dragons back in Eraklyon.

Nex: Yeah, I'll say.

Professor Oak: I also happen to have some assistance in training these dragons for them, and I believe you know a few of them.

Familiar voice: Hey, Snotlout my boy!

(It was Snotlout's father, Spikelout)

Ash Ketchum: Spikelout!





Snotlout: Hey dad! (he runs to him)

Spikelout and Snotlout: Spikelout, Spikelout! Oy, Oy, Oy, Oy!

(Most of our heroes are baffled by their cheering)

Grug: Uh... What's with them?

Jiminy Cricket: Well, let's just say that's their thing in their family.

Familiar voice: (screaming)

All heroes: (notices) Huh? (gasps)

Ellie: Incoming!

(They move out of the way as another familiar Viking crash lands with his dragon. It was Gustav and Fanghook)

Gustav: (coughs) Hi guys.

Hiccup: Gustav?

Ash Ketchum: And Fanghook?

Astrid: What a surprise.

Tigger: We haven't seen you for

Petrie: Me too.

Gustav: (coughs)




(It was Bucket and Mulch)

Tigger: It's Bucket!

Rabbit: And Mulch!




Familiar voice: Hiccup! Ash!

(Our heroes turned around to notice Sven)

Piglet: Silent Sven!









Gobber: (gets banged at the head) Ow! Who did that?

(He turns around to notice it was Gothi)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Gothi!

(Gothi greeted them all)

Goh: Who's she?

Fishlegs: Oh, yeah. Goh, meet our tribe's elder, Gothi. But she doesn't talk much.

Goh: You mean she can't talk?

Petrie: Nope. Never did, nor do we know why.

Gobber: Aye, so she 'speaks' by drawing with her staff on the floor.

Goh: Really? How?

???: See for yourself.

(Gothi draws on the floor with her staff)

Goh: (confused) Uh... What's she mean by...

???: She's saying




Ash Ketchum: (looks around) Now where are my...

(Then he spots two familiar Pokémon)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Hey, I see two of them!

(He and Pikachu run ahead to meet up with two familiar ol' Pokémon of his)

Ash Ketchum: Hey, Charizard! Bulbasaur!

Pikachu: Pika!

(Charizard and Bulbasaur noticed them and get excited with surprise)

Bulbasaur: (happy and runs) Bulbasaur!

(Charizard flies up and follows as Ash and Pikachu run into them and hugs them)

Ash Ketchum: It's been so long! Wow, it's so great to see all of you. (then notices)

(We see nearly all of Ash's current Pokémon present: Snorlax, Bayleef, Heracross, Buizel, Krookodile, Pignite, Donphan, Totodile, Oshawatt, Quilava, Corpish, Hawlucha, Talonflame, and Noivern.)

Ash Ketchum: Wow!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Ash Ketchum: (laughing)

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

(Professor Oak, Goh, and the others came to watch)

???: (laughs) Look at that!

???: It's all of Ash's Pokémon!

???: Well, almost all of them.

Bloom: Charizard. Talonflame. (notices Quilava) And a Quilava?

Joe Kido: Oh, yeah. Forgot to tell you, his old Cyndaquil evolve sometime during our adventures with Ash in Sinnoh.

Bloom: Oh.

???: And there's Pignite, too.

???: And Snorlax.

Aisha: Totodile, and Corpish, too.

???: With Oshawott.



Flora: Bulbasaur. Bayleef. Donphan. Noivern.

Hiccup: (chuckles) I see Ash's ol' Pokémon are all doing well aren't they?

Astrid: Yeah, I'll say.

Goh: So those are all Ash's Pokémon?

Tai Kamiya: Yep. You bet.

(Then we hearing distant mooing)

All heroes: (notice) Huh?

(We see Ash's 30 Tauros stampeding excitedly towards them)

Ash Ketchum: And my Tauros!

???: (smiles but then frowns upon noticing) Uh... they're not slowing down.

???: Uh-oh.

???: Oh no. Not again!

???: Get clear!

???: (groaning in concern and shouts) Out of the way!!

(Ash's Pokémon except Pikachu get out of the way while a startled Ash and Pikachu screamed)

Ash Ketchum: Wait, stop!

(He and Pikachu get sent flying and screaming upon impact by the Tauros)

Goh and the others: Ash!

(Ash and Pikachu were falling and screaming till they fell into the arms of another familiar ol' Pokémon of Ash's. It was Muk)

Muk: (happy) Muk.

Ash Ketchum: Huh? (notices and gasps) Muk, it's you!

(Muk affectionately embraces Ash tightly as he groaned and laughed)

Ash Ketchum: Heavy! (laughs)

Goh: Ash, you alright?!

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

Pikachu: Pikachu.

(He gets out of Muk)

Ash Ketchum: I'm fine! Never felt better!

Goku: (laughs) That's Ash for you.

Tommax Anubis: Uh, does this happen every time he comes back home?

Izzy Izumi: Well, occasionally yes.

(Then a stomping was heard as the ground shook startling most of our heroes)

Goh: (shrieking startled) What's going on?!

Miki Bloom: Whoa! What's happening?!

Rapid Baruchel: Is it an earthquake?!

Ash Ketchum: Wait! I know that stomping anywhere!

(Something gigantic comes out of the forest to reveal it was Icetusker the Bewilderbeast)

Ash Ketchum: (excited gasp) It's Icetusker!

Pikachu: Pika!

Icetusker: (roared greeting)

Goh: (shrieking shocked)

Hiccup: Whoa. Easy Goh, it's okay. He's not going to hurt you.

Ash Ketchum: Icetusker we want to meet our new friends, our adoptive brothers Luca and Mako, including Goh.

Icetusker: (greeting)

Blu: Hi!

Bia: Nice to meet you Icetusker.

Maleficent (2014/2019): It's a pleasure to meet you.

Luca Shellman Ketchum: Please to meet you Icetusker.

Mako Waterson Ketchum: Same here.

Yi: Whoa!

Peng: Cool!



Prince Sky: Huh. You've got quite a big dragon here, Ash.

Brandon: (chuckles) I'll say. This guy must be as tall as a mountain.

Ramsley: Well aren't you the sweetest thing.

(Icetusker really likes itching on his cheek)

Ash Ketchum: Icetusker really likes you Ramsley.

Nash: (laugh) Imagine that Ramsley

Ramsley: Nash Bounties! This is my personal bubble.

Nash: Nah! That ain't bubble, but this is your bubble.

(He and Ramsley wrestling

Butch: Nash! Get off with your sister's bubble.



Heather: Whoa! Ash is that a Bewilderbeast?

Ash Ketchum: Yep.


Elisa Maza:








???: Go on, Goh. Say hi.

Goh: (shrieking nervously) Uh... H-H-Hi.

(Then Icetusker blew snow on his face as he screamed)

Goh: (shivering) Hey! What was that for?!

Ash Ketchum: Oh, that's just his way of being friendly.

Valka: (chuckles) He likes you.

Goh: (shakes off the snow and groans nervously)
















Ash Ketchum: (to his Pokémon) I'm so glad to see you're doing great!

Professor Oak: Though, Ash, I confess I am worried a tiny bit.

Ash Ketchum: Why? What's the matter?

Emerl: What's wrong, Professor?

Professor Oak: For the past few days, I haven't seen hide nor hair of Infernape.

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

Emerl: What?!

Double D: Infernape?

SpongeBob SquarePants: It's gone?

Goh: Ash, is that one of your Pokémon?

Ash Ketchum: Uh-huh!

(Flashback of Ash, in his Diamond and Pearl series clothes, with Pikachu and Infernape when it was a Chimchar)

Ash Ketchum (V.O.): I raised it from a Chimchar.

(Flashback ends)

Professor Oak: It didn't show up at mealtime, so I went searching for it with Tracey but it was nowhere to be found.

Tai Kamiya: And that's we've going all the regions like The Sailor Scouts, Kids Next Door, The Monkey Team, The Skylanders and the Mixels.

Mulch: Aye, and that's not the only pet here who's gone.

Bucket: Yes. Tuffnut, I don't wish to worry you, but ol' Chicken has gone missing too.

Tuffnut: (gasps) Wait, what?! Chicken's gone?! (calling) Chicken?! Chicken?!!! CHICKEN?!!!

Jin: Uh, okay most of us are new here, so what's this deal about a chicken?

Ash Ketchum: Oh, that's the name Tuffnut's old pet. A chicken named... well... Chicken.

Crash: Huh? "Chicken?"

Eddie: That's her name?

Manny: Seriously?

Ruffnut: Yes, well Tuff's not good with names so that was the only one he's got for her.

(Tuffnut tosses some junk passed them)

Tuffnut: I won't leave single stone unturned not a corner unsecured, not a rotisserie unrotated until my little egg-laying ingenue is found!

Ruffnut: He acts like this when Chicken's missing again.

Snotlout: Ooh. Mystery. Intrigue.

Ruffnut: (sobbing)

Snotlout: (laugh) I love it.

Astrid: (looks annoyed and approached Tuffnut) Maybe she just needed some alone time, Tuff.

Tuffnut: (scoffs) Chicken hates alone time, unless it's with me. Or her mate.

Gmerl: Well, if that's true why did she go missing?

Astrid: Maybe Chicken just flew the coop? (chuckles)

Tuffnut: (gasps; then sobs) Oh, no! (Astrid looked surprised) Really, Astrid? Terrible chicken puns at a time like this?

Snotlout: (breaking the fourth wall) But had Chicken really flown the coop, or was there something more sinister going on? Only time would tell. Or would it? Ooh.

Ash Ketchum: (confused) Um.. Why is he....?

Astrid: He did this before, don't ask.

Hiccup: Okay, so Ash what can you tell us about your Infernape?

Ash Ketchum: Well, it wasn't originally mine Pokémon. It used to belong to an old rival I had back in Sinnoh.

Sonic: And his name was Paul, but back then he wasn't that much of a nice guy to other trainers, or even to his own Pokémon. He can kinda be train his Pokémon a bit too harsh, especially to Infernape when it was a Chimchar.

Knuckles: Yep. Eventually when it came to Pokémon battle and Gym battle.


Shadow: However, even after winning the match, Paul decided to give up on Chimchar and let it go.

Matt Ishida: Ash felt sorry for Chimchar, then he decided to raise






Emerl: Well guys, looks like we got a mission to do. Find Chicken and Ash's Infernape.

Ash Ketchum: I wonder what could be wrong with it.

Sakura Avalon: Hmm, good question.

Li Showron: Hmm, could Infernape had been behaving unusual before it disappeared?

Goh: Hey, you might be onto something there, Li. Hey, Professor Oak? Has Infernape been acting a little bit unusual recently?

Professor Oak: Hmm. Come to think of it, it had quite a battle with Charizard just before it disappeared. Before that, it battled Quilava. It also had battles with Pignite and Talonflame.

Goh: All of them are Fire types.

Ash Ketchum: Maybe it was doing some special training.

Spitelout: Aye, you got that right chief. Also, Chicken has been acting as your simian of a Pokémon's coach before its battles with your other Fire Pokémon.

???: Yeah, and they've been working together hard in developing Infernape's fire power.


(Gothi tap Ash's shoulder to tell the others about the news lately)

Ash Ketchum: What is it Gothi?

(Gothi use her staff to draw and explain to Ash and our heroes about the new dragon in the forest while Infernape still training along with Chicken.)

Goh: What's she saying?

Ash Ketchum: She said, "There's a new dragon in the forest who can fly almost faster than a Night Fury and Light Fury, and it can spin like a spiral." Hmm.... (to Fishlegs) Could that the new kind of dragon would be a Spiralwing?

Fishlegs: Yeah, you're right Ash, it is a Spiralwing.

Goh: Spiralwing? What kind of dragon is that?

Ash Ketchum: Spiralwings are a Strike-class dragon kinda like a Night Fury, Light Fury, Skrill, Deathgrippers, and other Strike-class dragons. It can spins really fast like spiral and also creates twister or even tornado.

(Goh is surprised and speechless)

Goh: How do you know so much about dragons?

Ash Ketchum: Oh, I've done some studies on the many species of dragon there are with Hiccup and my mom. We learned about each of them from the Book of Dragons, and from an old relic Hiccup named, the Dragon Eye.

Fishlegs: Right, and there seven different class like Stoker-class, Boulder-class, Tracker-Class, Sharp-class, Mystery-class, Tidal-class, and Strike-Class.

Astrid: And they are King and Queen of the dragons in this region and the others.

Hiccup: Not only that, Ash, Icetusker, Rapid, and Toothless are the alpha dragons.

Goh: (yelp shocked) Ash is that true?!

Ash Ketchum: Yep.

Yi: Whoa!

Peng: Cool!

Maleficent (2014/2019): Hmm, impressive.







Goh: If that's true, there's no reason to disappear.

Ash Ketchum: In that case, let's go take a look! (runs off)

Icetusker: (roared affirmative)

Goh: Huh! I'm going with you!

Dragonflare: Hey wait for us!

(Our heroes run to the forest)

Pikachu: (follows) Pika, Pika!

Grookey; Grookey, key!

Ash Ketchum: Icetusker, you stay here and look after everybody! See ya, later!

Icetusker: (roared affirmative)

(Professor Oak, Spikelout, Gothi, Gustav, Fanghook, Mulch, Bucket, and Sven stayed behind)

Mulch: Good luck to you all!

Bucket: And be careful out there!

(Somewhere in the forest)

All heroes: (calling) Infernape!

Emerl: (calling) Infernape?!

Shaggy Rogers: (calling) Where are you?!

Xion: (calling) Come out, come out, where ever you are.

Ash Ketchum: If you can hear me, answer!

Pikachu and Grookey: (calling)

Mr. Krabs: Where could it be?

Ash Ketchum: I don't think that it's around here.

Pikachu: (disappointed) Pika, Pika.

Goh: (notices) Huh! (points up) Up there!

Ash Ketchum: Huh! Up there where?

Goh: (takes out his Rotom Phone) See? Over there!

(His Rotom Phone analyzes to reveal it was a Pidgeotto.)

Rotom Phone: Pidgeotto. The Bird Pokémon. A Normal and Flying type.

Cera: What?!

Guy: Really?

Maui: (groaned) Oh, come on.

(Ash and Pikachu looked depressed)

Ash Ketchum: (depressed) Here we go.

Jewel: Unbelievable.

Goh: (takes out his Pokeball) I know what you mean. I've tried to catch it many times and failed! Pokeball, go! (He tosses his Pokeball as it hits Pidgeotto and it went in. The Pokeball fell to the floor and shook)

All heroes: Huh?

Grookey: (curious) Grook, Grook.

(Goh and Grookey get close to It as they watched)

Grookey: Grookey. (wondering) Grookey, Groo.

(Then the Pidgeotto popped itself out)

Goh: (gasps)

(Then Pidgeotto used its Whirlwind attack on them sending our heroes flying and screaming away)

Goh: (yelling) Messed up again!

(They all hit a hard rock and groaned)

Goh: No, you don't!

(Then the rock began to rumble and move)

All heroes: Hmm?

Ellie: Uh, what's happening?

Sid: (notices) Hey, guys? Why's the rock moving?

All heroes: (notice) Huh? (they look up and gasps)

(The rock turned out to be an agitated Onix)

Gwen Tennyson: Uh-oh!

Miki Bloom: Yikes! W-What's that?!

Ash Ketchum: It's an Onix!

Goh: My lucky day! Alright, Pokeball, go! (tosses his Pokeball)

(The Pokeball hits Onix and it went in. The Pokeball fell down to them. Our heroes waited as the Pokeball shook but then Onix popped back out)

All heroes: (yelp)

Grug: Way a go Goh!

Diego: (to Goh) For the record we'll blame you for this.

(Onix prepared to use Rock Throw until...)

Familiar voice: Blastoise! Hydro Pump!

(The alert Onix turned and then it got hit by a Hydro Pump and it crashed to a small step and it retreated away)

Max Copper: Whoa, what happened?

Danny Delgardo: And what was that?

Emerl: That was a Hydro Pump.

Goh: Somebody saved us.

Ash Ketchum: Wait. That Blastoise...

(We see a familiar Blastoise then someone else came out behind it, to reveal it was Ash's old rival, Gary Oak)

Gary Oak: I was wondering who it was, and it turned out to be Ashy boy.

Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Gary!

Heroes: Gary?!

Gary Oak: Ha, ha. I just said that, for old time sake. It's been a long time, Ash, Pikachu, Team Robot, Winx, and Digidestined and their Digimon.

Ash Ketchum: Uh-huh. It sure has!

Pikachu: (greeting) Pikachu.

Gary Oak: (notices the other heroes he hasn't met) Oh, and who are these people with you?

Ash Ketchum: Oh, yeah. This is my Viking family. This is my brother Hiccup, my other mom, Valka, and my sister-in-law, Astrid. Meet my adoptive brothers Luca and Mako. Oh, and meet my cousin, Eliza Maza from New York.

Hiccup and his family: Greetings.

Eliza Maza: Well, well, Gary Oak, eh? My cousin Ash here has told me about you. You were a pain in the neck for him during his adventures with Misty and Brock a while back.

Gary Oak: Well, that was then. However, I've seen him grow strong as time passed till he finally defeated me in the Johto League.








Gary Oak:






Hiccup: So you're this Gary Oak person Ash has been telling us about. The one he was rivals with for a long time.

Gary Oak: You bet. So you guys are the Viking people I've heard of?

Astrid: Yep, we're of the Hairy Hooligan Tribe of the Archipelago.



(Gary Oak then notices Toothless)

Gray Oak: Well, this is a nice looking dragon you guys got here.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, this is Toothless. He's a Night Fury.

Gray Oak: A Night Fury, eh?

(Toothless groaned a greeting)

Gary Oak: Hmm, I gotta say he sure is a tough looking guy.

Hiccup: Oh, he's more than tough. He's special.













Ash Ketchum: (to Gary Oak) But what are you doing here? You were doing Pokémon research in the Sinnoh region, right?

Emerl: Yeah, last I remembered seeing you was when you helped us in recovering the Lustrous and Adamant Orbs from Team Galactic after their plans were thwarted and their group dissolved.

(Gary calls his Blastoise back to its Pokeball)

Gary Oak: Those days are over. Now I'm on a long journey researching Pokémon all over the world. And in the middle of it, I came up with a goal that's brought me to Kanto.

Xion: A goal?

Ash Ketchum: Wait, what goal?

Gary Oak: (approaches Goh) But first things first... Are you gonna introduce us?

Ash Ketchum: Oh, sorry! (Gary looks to Goh) He's a research fellow at the Cerise Laboratory, like me.

Goh: My name's Goh.

Gary Oak: Hmm.

(He pets Grookey)

Grookey: (affectionate) Grookey.

Gary Oak: You've got a cute Grookey.

Grookey: (affectionate) Grookey, Key! Key!

(He stepped back)

Ash Ketchum: (to Goh) This is Gary.


Ash Ketchum (V.O.): We grew up together and we've been rivals forever.

(Flashbacks end)

Emerl: Mm-hm. It's true.

Max Rapid: We met Gary when we were kids.

Bloom: And now Gary want to become Pokémon research like his grandfather.

Gary Oak: (to Goh) Nice to meet you.

Goh: You too.

Diego: Hey, Ash? Aren't you gonna tell him something else about Gary?

Ash Ketchum: Oh, yeah! And Gary's grandpa is Professor Oak!

Goh: Oh! Professor Oak?

Joe Kido: Yep, that's true.

Sakura Avalon: So Gary? What brings you back to Pallet Town here in Kanto after all this time?

Gary Oak: I started to get interested when I heard that Ash, Emerl, and most of you guys had this buddy. I wondered what you'd be like.

Goh: I'm not like anything. I'm just little ol' me.

Gary Oak: (laughs) I'm not interested in your personality. The only ting that interests me is your skill as a Pokémon Trainer.

Goh: Uh...

Gary Oak: If someone's gonna be Ash's buddy, I want him to be a great Pokémon Trainer at my level or above.

Zack Jackson: Your level or above?

Goh: What's that supposed to mean?

Gary Oak: I just wanna be sure you deserve to be Ash's buddy, understand?

Goh: (groans angrily) Come on! What is with this guy?!

Ash Ketchum: (sheepish laugh) Uh, well, he always acted let this with me.

Gmerl: Yeah, somethings never change.

Sonic: (nods) Hmm. For sure.

Tails: Yep, same ol' Gary Oak.

Ash Ketchum: Hey, by the way, what's the goal you were talking about?

Shadow: Yeah, what is this goal of yours' Gary?

Gary Oak: A Legendary Pokémon. A Moltres!

All heroes: A Moltres?

Gary Oak: I analyzed temperature, humidity, wind direction, everywhere it shows up. And I determined its likely to appear somewhere near here! So, I'm checking it out.

Ash Ketchum: Whoa, awesome!

Mr. Peabody: Hmm, I must admit Gary. I'm impressed.

Tecna: You sure are quite a genius.

Timmy: Yeah, I'll say!

Digit: Indeed. Such excellent studying.

Goh: I could've done that easily.

Boris: (sacaratics) Sure you did.

Gary Oak: What brings you and the others here, Ash?

Ash Ketchum: I left my Pokémon with Professor Oak, but Infernape is missing.

Hiccup: And so is our pal's Tuffnut's pet, Chicken.

Ruffnut: Alright, straight ahead! Now profile. Okay, spin back around. One at a time, I want to hear a squawk.

(We see a few different colored chickens present)

Tan Chicken: (squawk)

Tuffnut: This is pointless. Look at this pathetic gaggle of wannabes. I mean, that one's not even a chicken.

(We see a Night Terror in the line)

Night Terror: (shrieks)

(The chickens step away from it)

Izzy Izumi: As you can see, he's not taking it very well.

Snotlout: Hmm, perhaps it was... foul play. (laughs) It was a small town with a checkered past. She was a chicken on the edge who had been pushed to the brink.

Tuffnut: The brink?! Oh, Thor, not the brink. I mean, a precipice maybe, but not the brink! We must widen the search!

Ruffnut: Think on a grander scale!

(They desperately checked the bushes)

Tuffnut: Chicken! (clucking call)

Dan Kuso: Geez, he's losing it bad.

Drago: You can say that again.

Ash Ketchum: (to Gary Oak) As you can see, we're searching for them.

Gary Oak: I remember Infernape...

(Flashback of Infernape battling Paul's Electivire)

Gary Oak (V.O.): ...and the way it battled in the Pokémon League.

(Flashback ends)

Gary Oak: Were you able to pick up any clues?

Ash Ketchum: I did hear that just before it vanished, it battled with Charizard and with Quilava and Pignite and Talonflame as well.

Fishlegs: Yeah, and Chicken happened to be its coach.

Astrid: And that's not all. We've been told that a dragon called a Spiralwing lives somewhere around here.

Gary Oak: It's adding up. (takes out his Rotom Phone) And I just might know the location of a ravine where Infernape and that chicken could be. Especially Spiralwing too.

Ash Ketchum: Huh!

Gary Oak: No time to waste. Let's hurry!

Ash Ketchum: Right!

(Our heroes followed him except Goh)

Gary Oak: This place is dangerous. Think you can keep up?

Ash Ketchum: Of course, I can!

Goku: Yeah, we've faced plenty of danger before!

Emerl: That's true.

Diego: Yeah! We faced Legendary Pokémon from both Alola and Galar region


Gary Oak: (to the heroes) You're not the one I'm worried about. (turns to Goh; taunting chuckle)

Goh: Huh. If Ash and the others can handle it, then I know I can!

Gary Oak: Just stay on your toes.

(Our heroes continued on)

Ash Ketchum: Gary, what adventures have you had lately?

Gary Oak: Too complicated to explain. And what about you and the others?

Ash Ketchum: Us? Uh, let's see, uh... Anyway, we've had lots!

Sid: Yeah! We've been in Unova, then Kalos, Alola, and now Galar region there's a new kinds of Pokémon

All Heroes: Who's that Pokémon?

(Back to the show)

(We find our heroes searching through the woods though Goh was a bit behind as he panted. Then we find them carefully walking in a cliff, then Goh fell but luckily he had himself tied with rope to prevent his fall. Then we find them climbing up the mountain as Goh grunted. Till eventually the reached their destination)

Goh: (panted)

Gary Oak: Check that out!

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

(We see the field and a waterfall in the area they're in)

Gary Oak: A long time ago, the movement of lava created this ravine.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah?

???: Wow, cool.

???: (chuckles) I'll say.

Gary Oak: Hey, Goh, have you noticed anything?

Goh: Huh? (gets up) Of course. This was once a volcanic area, which definitely attracts Moltres to come here.

Gary Oak: Good answer. But it's not the whole answer.

Goh: Huh?

(Gary Oak presents his Rotom Phone's screen as it analyzes Moltres)

Rotom Phone: Moltres. The Flame Pokémon. A Fire and Flying type. When injured, Moltres enters the lava of a volcano, and its fiery temperature helps heal its wounds.

Gary Oak: And one more thing.

Rotom Phone: They say when Moltres appears, it brings spring with it.

Goh: Bring spring?

Eep Crood: Whoa. Really?

Guy: Huh, quite surprising.

Flora: Wow, I never knew a Fire-type like Moltres can have a green thumb.

Gary Oak: Exactly. The flowers bloom before surrounding areas and I've used that to deduce the time and place of Moltres' appearance. But there's one last clue I need to add.

All heroes: Huh?

Eddie: One last clue?

Crash: And what would that be, Gary?

Gary Oak: Easy. (to Ash) Your Infernape, Ash!

Ash Ketchum: My Infernape?!

???: Ash's Infernape?

???: What do you mean by that, Gary?

Gary Oak: As I've gone to and from the Oak Lab, I've observed Infernape a lot of times. It's always making an effort to improve itself and get stronger. So, if your Infernape wanted to challenge an even stronger Pokémon to a battle, it's likely it wants the Legendary Fire type Moltres as its opponent. Goh I assume you already deduced that right?

Goh: Well, as a fellow Fire type Pokémon, maybe Infernape sensed that Moltres would appear here.

???: Yeah, and Tuffnut's pet, Chicken probably came here with it to cheer it on.

Fishlegs: And did the Spiralwing

Ash Ketchum: (surprised groan) You think so?

Tuffnut: Then that means... (then gets confused) Wait, what does that mean?

Gary Oak: That means if we find Infernape around here, there's a really good chance Moltres will appear as well.

Infernape (V.O.): Infernape!

All heroes: (gasps)

???: Wait, didn't that sound like...?

???: Could it really be...?

Ash Ketchum: I hear it.

Gary Oak: (chuckles) It's calling Moltres, (looks up) up there!

Ash Ketchum: (notices) Huh?

(We find Infernape hanging on a tree)

Infernape: (roaring) Infernape! Infernape!

???: There it is!

???: (laughs) It's Infernape!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash Ketchum: Infernape!

Infernape: (notices) Infernape?

Ash Ketchum: We were worried!

(Infernape jumps up)

Pikachu: (happy) Pika, Pika!

(Infernape jumped down and off of the field and then landed on Ash as he yelps)

Ash Ketchum: (groaned)

Infernape: (affectionate) Infernape! Infernape!

Ash Ketchum: You seem healthy.

Pikachu: (happy) Pika, Pikachu!

Tuffnut: But wait, where's Chicken?! Where...

Familiar voice (V.O.): (clucking)

(Our heroes looked up to find Chicken coming down)

???: There she is!

Tuffnut: Chicken! (runs up to her) Thank the avian gods! You're alive!

???: (chuckles) Well, I guess that's mission accomplished.

???: Yep, we found Infernape and Chicken.

???: But now all that's left is finding Moltres.

Hiccup: And the Spiralwing.

???: That is if it’s still somewhere around here.



Ash Ketchum: (to Infernape) So you wanna battle, Moltres?

Infernape: Infernape?

Ash Ketchum: (shows his Rotom Phone's screen) This Pokémon.

Infernape: (affirmative) Infernape.

Ash Ketchum: (we see Moltres on the screen) Moltres.

Infernape: (determined) Infernape!

Ash Ketchum: (gets up) You were right on target, Gary!

???: Yeah, great deduction you made.

???: Agreed. Without you, we would never found Infernape and Chicken.




Gary Oak: And we're just getting started.

All heroes: Huh?

???: Uh, what do you mean by that?

Gary Oak: Check this out.

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

(We see something fiery coming in the clouds)

Gary Oak: It looks like Infernape's challenge has been accepted.

(Our heroes watch with silence while Toothless and the dragons growled as the Pokémon in the clouds appeared to be revealed to be none other than the Legendary Pokémon, Moltres)

All heroes: (gasp amazed)

???: Whoa, is that....?!

???: I think so!

Moltres: (screeching)

All heroes: Moltres!

(Goh take out his Rotom Phone and take photo)

Infernape: Infernape!

(Moltres just stared at it)

Gobber: (laughs) Sounds like Infernape's ready to battle this big bird.

???: It sure is.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, I really know how you feel, Infernape!

Infernape: (affirmative) Infernape.

Ash Ketchum: Hey, Moltres?! Why don't we have a battle!

Infernape: (roaring) Infernape!

Moltres: (screeching)

???: Guess that's a yes!

???: Fine by me! I want to battle this big bird too! Go, ???!

???: Come on out, ???!

???: ???, time for action!















(Their Pokémon pop out for battle)

???: Alright, let's do it!







Ash Ketchum: Let's go, Infernape! Flamethrower, now!

(Infernape goes forward and fired Flamethrower

(Their attacks hit Moltres but it withstood it)

???: Whoa, it just withstood the attacks!

(Moltres screeches and return the attack with its Fire Spin and it surrounded Infernape)

???: (gasps) Whoa, that's hot!

???: What's it doing?!

Goh: Looks like Fire Spin!

Ash Ketchum: Alright, use Dig!

(Infernape uses Dig to break under the floor)

Ash Ketchum: Use Mach Punch!

(Infernape comes out with Mach Punch but Moltres dodge it)

???: (gasps) What happened?!

???: I think it dodge it!

Ash Ketchum: It dodged it?!

(Moltres kicked Infernape back down with its wing but it landed on its feet)

Infernape: (determined) Fernape!

(Moltres then attacks with Air Slash)

???: (gasps) What that?!

???: It's Moltres' Air Slash!

Gary Oak: Watch out for Air Slash!

Ash Ketchum: Don't worry, Infernape! Match it with Flare Blitz!

???: ???, help it out with your ???!







(Infernape roared loud and then use Fire Blitz,

(Their attacks breakthrough the a few of the Air Slash attack but the Air Slash broke through and made impact on Infernape, and the others causing them to hit a rock)

Ash Ketchum: Infernape!

???: (gasps) ???!






(They ran to them but then Infernape signals them to step back)

Ash Ketchum: Huh?!

Infernape: (determined grunt)

Ash Ketchum: You still wanna battle, don't you? Hold on.

Goh: (notices and gasps) Ash, guys, look out!

Ash and the others: (gasps; then look up) Huh?

(Moltres was coming in fast)

???: Incoming!

Gary Oak: Let's go! (tosses his Pokeball)

(His Blastoise pops out)

Blastoise: Blastoise!

Gary Oak: Use Hydro Pump!

???: ???, help Blastoise out with your ???!





(Blastoise used Hydro Pump,

(The Water type attack hit Moltres but upon impact it just evaporated.)

???: (grunts) Even Water type attack aren't making impact on it!

(Then Moltres used Fire Spin around Blastoise

Gary Oak: Now use Rapid Spin!

(Blastoise used Rapid Spin to get out of the Fire Spin as it swooshed towards a wall)

Gary Oak: Skull Bash, let's go!

(Blastoise jumps off of a wall)

Goh: (gasps)

Gary Oak: I knew it wasn't gonna be contained. I'll use the momentum of its attack with our Skull Bash!

(We see Blastoise charging with Skull Bash)

Blastoise: Blastoise!

(Then Moltres dodged it)

Gary Oak: Alright, use Water Pulse!







(Blastoise fires Water Pulse

(The attack make impact on the head of Moltres

???: Whoa, direct hit!

???: Ha-ha! Alright!

Ash Ketchum: Wow!

Pikachu: (surprised) Pika!

Infernape: Infernape!

Goh: (awed gasps)

Grookey: (concerned) Grookey.

(Then Moltres began to screech loud and burned brightly)

???: (gasps) What's happening?

???: Uh-oh! I think read about this guys! Whenever Moltres burns up that bright, it means only one thing!

???: (gasps) Wait, do you mean...

Gary Oak: It can't be. Is that move...

(Moltres was burning brighter than ever as it used its power up move, Burn Up)

???: Uh-huh! It's...

Gary Oak and ???: Burn Up?!

All heroes: Huh?

Gary Oak: Blastoise! Meet it head-on with Hydro Pump!

???: ???, you meet it head-on with your ???!




(Blastoise fired Hydro Pump,

(The Water type attacks hit Moltres but no effect)

???: (gasps) No effect?!

(Moltres then attacks with its Burn Up at full power)

Blastoise: (shocked) Blastoise.

(It made impact on Blastoise)

Blastoise: (pained) Blastoise!

(A big explosion happened as Gary covered his eyes with his arm while groaning, till the explosion ended)

Gary Oak: Huh?

Ash Ketchum: Hey, Gary, ???, what's Burn Up?

Gary Oak: (groaned) It's a move where the Pokémon uses up all the fire in its body. A Pokémon who stops being a Fire type!

???: What?!

Ash Ketchum: Stops being a Fire type?!

Goh: Is that even possible?!

???: Oh, it's possible alright!

Gary Oak: The ecology of Pokémon is varied.

(Moltres then used Hurricane)

Blastoise: Blast!

???: Whoa, what's it doing now?!

Gary Oak: It used Hurricane! A Flying type move! Go on defense with Rapid Spin!

(Blastoise used Rapid Spin but the Hurricane caused it to crash into the rocky walls and it fell down)

Gary Oak: No, Blastoise!

Blastoise: (dazed) Blastoise.

Gary Oak: Huh.

???: Looks like Blastoise's out cold.

Gary Oak: (takes out its Pokeball) Excellent battling, Blastoise. Go take a good rest. (he calls it back to its Pokeball)

(Then Moltres comes down screeching fast

???: Here it comes!

Goh: Now it's my turn! (tosses his Pokeball) Cinderace!

(Cinderace pops out)

Goh: Use Pyro Ball!






(Cinderace used Pyro Ball,

(Moltres dodged the attacks)

Goh and the others: (gasps)

???: (grunts) It dodge them!

???: Gee, this thing's not only powerful! It's fast too!

(Moltres then sends out Air Slash towards Cinderace,

Ash, Gary, and the others: (groan)







Ash and Gary: (Ash:) Pikachu use Thunderbolt! (Gary: (tosses his Pokeball)) Electivire!

(Pikachu fires Thunderbolt, while Electivire pops out and fired its Thunder attack,

(The combined Electric type attack made impact on Moltres)

???: Alright!

???: Yes, direct hit!

Cinderace: (groans)

Goh: (gasps)

(Moltres nearly hits the ground but then got up and flies off while leaving behind a feather)

All heroes: (gasps)

(Moltres flies away screeching)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

(Gary picks up the feather Moltres left)

Ash Ketchum: Gary, Moltres is getting away!

Gary Oak: That's okay.

Goh: What's that?

Gary Oak: A Moltres feather. This is exactly what I was after.

???: Whoa. You were?

Ash Ketchum: Wow, whaddaya know? Did you get video of Moltres, Goh?

Goh: (Screamed horrified)

Ash Ketchum: (groaned as he got bothered by his screaming)

???: Hey, what's wrong?

???: What's with the screaming, Goh?

Goh: I was sure I pressed the record button!

Inuyasha: What?!

???: You mean, you didn't get our battle with Moltres on video?!

Ash Ketchum: That isn't like you, Goh.

Gary Oak: (to Goh) Panic is your biggest enemy.

???: Mm-hm. He's got you there, kid.

???: Yep, you let yourself panic, and you mess up.

Goh: Keep it to yourself!

Crysta: Be nice Goh.

Gary Oak: (chuckles)

(He places the Moltres feather in a canister)

Gary Oak: Alright! It's mine!

??? (V.O.): Corvinight!

All heroes: Huh?

(We see a dark purple-like bird Pokémon coming down)

Ash Ketchum: What's that?

Gary Oak: A Corviknight. (Corviknight comes down) I asked it to come here.

(He places the canister with the Moltres feather in Corviknight's bag)

Gary Oak: It's up to you.

Corvinight: Cor!

(It flies up and flies away)

Ash Ketchum: (he saw Spiralwing look at Goh) Hey Goh I bet Spiralwing likes your attitude.

Goh: (surprised with awe)

(Back at Oak Laboratory. We find Infernape conversations with Ash's Charizard, Talonflame, Quilava, Pignite, and Bulbasaur.)

???: (laughs) Looks, like everyone's happy to see Infernape back A-Okay.

???: Yeah... (points) and Tuffnut's sure is happy to have Chicken back.

Tuffnut: Chicken



Ash Ketchum: Everyone was really worried about you two!

Professor Oak: I've got to say I'm a bit surprised that Infernape would go off, with Chicken to challenge Moltres.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, me too! Ah, that battle with Moltres was so much fun! Gary, you liked it too, right? (then notices) Huh? (Gary isn't with 'em) Hey, where's Gary?

???: (points) He's over there.

(We see Gary a few feet away from them as he communicated with someone on his Rotom Phone)

Ash Ketchum: Oh.

Gary Oak: (to his Rotom Phone) Did the Moltres feather get to you?

Woman: (on the phone) Yes, I was just checking it out.

???: What's he doing?

???: I think he's having a phone call with someone.

Ash Ketchum: Wonder who he's talking to.

Professor Oak: Believe it or not, Gary is working to be a member of Project Mew.

All heroes: (surprised) Huh?!

???: He's working to be a member of Project Mew?!

???: Whoa, seriously?!

???: Now that was a surprise.

Goh: That's what this is about.

Professor Oak: (nods) Hmm. One of Gary's trials was to go out and obtain a Moltres feather, you see.

(We see a blue haired woman on Gary's Rotom Phone's screen)

Woman: (on the phone) No doubt about it. It is a Moltres feather. As always, excellent work. I'm now sending your token.

(We see a silver token, with a Mew silhouette, appear in Gary's Rotom Phone's screen.)

Gary Oak: Successfully received. Thank you. (hangs up)

Ash Ketchum: Gary? What's this token thing?

Gary Oak: (gasp startled) You get a token when you've successfully cleaned a trial mission.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah?

Gary Oak: (to Goh) I hear you refused Project Mew. I can totally understand.

Goh: Huh?

Gary Oak: I'd say you made the right choice. There's no way they would let a Trainer in as inexperienced as you are.

Goh: (grunts annoyed)

Gary Oak: So, Grandpa, I'll be heading back out. Journey calls! Guess I should call you Professor Oak. Later.

Professor Oak: Bye. Now you take good care. And drop by when you're around.

Gary Oak: Sure. Bye, Ash. Bye everybody. See you soon. (offered a hand shake)

Ash Ketchum: (chuckles and grabbed hold of Gary's hand) So, Gary? Where are you off to next?

Gary Oak: I'll go anywhere to research everything there is to know about Pokémon. And of course, that includes researching Mew, who has the DNA of every kind of Pokémon.

Goh: (gasps)

Gary Oak: That's my decision. Even if the path turns out to be a dead end. I'm gonna keep on keeping on!

Ash Ketchum: Sounds great! I'm with you all the way!

Gary Oak: Thanks! So...

(They let their hands go as Gary departs)

Ash Ketchum: Everything about Pokémon, huh? (we see Gary leaving) Gary's always awesome!

???: Yeah, I can see that.

???: Yeah, I see why he's been your greatest rival.

???: For sure.

Goh: I wanna join.

All heroes: Huh?

???: Join?

???: Join what?

Goh: Project Mew. For sure!

???: What?

???: Now you changed your mind?



Ash Ketchum: You know what? I'm gonna cheer you on with all my might!

Emerl: So will the rest of us!

Cole Evans: Yeah, all the way!

Goh: Great, Ash! You too, guys! Thanks so much!

Professor Oak: Yes. Gary would welcome that too.

All heroes: Huh?

Goh: Why would he?

Professor Oak: Might it be that what changed your mind was your reaction to Gary? I'd say he really wanted you to join.

Ash Ketchum: But he could have just said so. Gary never says what he means!

(We see Gary walking in the forest then...)

Gary Oak: Achoo! (sneezes)

(Back to our heroes)

Goh: You know? I think I got played like a violin. But, still, there's one thing I'm sure about!

???: Oh? And what's that?

Goh: I can't beat Gary the way I am now! So, I'll give it my all! (jumps and cheers) Because the future's in the palm of my hand!

Grookey: (cheerful) Grookey, Key, Key!

Narrator: Goh has decided to take up the challenge of joining Project Mew. What trial missions are in store for him as the journey continues?

(the episode ends)