Aiko is a five year old magical heroine girl, and she lives in the house in Janken Village. Aiko has a boyfriend named Jankenman and weilds the Wishing Baton.
- Aikko is friends with Mary Bell, Maho Girls Cures, Legendary Mermaid Princess, Rainbow Fairy Princess, Sprixie Princesses, Wanda and the Harmony Force Rangers.
- Aikko will appear in Playing with the Big Boys Now Part 1 and Part 2 from Power Rangers Harmony Force.
- Aikko likes to become a princess, using magic, ballet dancing and her special abilities.
- Her voice actress, Mizutani Yuko died in 17th May 2016, so her new voice actress is Tomatsu Haruka.
- Aikko's English dub voice is Cathy Cavadini and shares with Blossom and Tanya Mousekewitz.
- Aikko shares her similarities with Hikawa Iona/Cure Fortune and Blossom.
- Aikko's hair Color is Teal.
- Aikko's signature phrase when using the Wishing Baton is "Aikko’s wish, it’s a tie~".
- Aikko is Janken Village's idol.
- Aikko did care about Coinder and Prince Trump.