This is a transcript of Aim For The Eight! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.
(the episode begins)
Narrator: With the Masters Tournament soon to get underway, Ash has an entrance battle schedule with Raihan. Who is currently, ranked 8th. And that battle is slated for today.
(Ash and Lucario arrive to Raihan's Gym.)
Ash Ketchum: (awed with amazement) Aren't you psyched, Pikachu? Lucario?
Pikachu and Lucario: (affirmative)
(Then Raihan came behind them)
Raihan: I was wondering who that was. And it happens to be today's challenger.
Ash Ketchum: Huh? Hi, Raihan.
Raihan: Why are you here so early?
Ash Ketchum: You see, I was too excited to stay away any longer. How about you?
Raihan: The truth is I'm already on my home turf. Of course, I'd be here early. I never figured it really made it this far. But this is where your journey ends. Because I'll win.
Ash Ketchum: We'll I'm not gonna lose!
(Then they heard a rustle in the bush and they both turn tontine Leon getting up from the bush)
Leon: Morning. Ash. Raihan.
Ash Ketchum: It's Leon!
Raihan: Just what are you doing, sleeping there?
Leon: (gets up and stretches) Well, you know, I didn't want to be late for the battle between you two. Guess I got excited.
Raihan: Huh? You too?
Ash Ketchum: Great! I'm gonna win today's battle, and then I'm gonna battle you!
Leon: Got it. I'm looking forward to it.
Ash Ketchum: You heard what he just said, Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Leon: I want you to show me the best battle, I've ever seen!
(Team Robot In Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series opening plays)
Ash & Goh (V.O.): Aim For The Eight!
(In the battlefield we find a large crowd cheering loudly. Then we find Goh, Grookey, and the rest watching from the seats)
Genki: Phew, this audience sure is filled up today.
Holly: I'll say.
Suezo: So this
Goh: Let's really cheer Ash on!
Cinderace: Cinderace!
Grookey: (cheering) Grookey, Groo! Grookey, Key!
(Then the spotlights grew dim as the opening event starts)
Announcer: Welcome everyone. The Pokemon World Coronation Series, presenting you with the greatest Pokemon battles on the globe, is presently determining the pinocle of trainers of trainers, the masters eight! We're bringing you this season's entrance battle, with a spot in the masters eight on the line! (the spotlight reveal Ash) First ranked at number nine, a trainer with a battling style that's impossible to predict! Ever since he entered the World Coronation Series, his rise has been nothing but meteoric. Coming from the Kant region, Ash Ketchum!
Ash Ketchum: (giggles and waves)
Audience: (cheering loud)
???: Whoo, go Ash!
Astrid: Take 'em down, bro-in-law!
Light Fury: (cheering)
Valka: Go get him.
Goh: Ash, get 'em!
Cinderace and Grookey: (cheer)
(Then we see Raihan)
Announcer: Facing him and ranked number eight. Our very own Hammerlocke gym leader. Combining a calm and cool demeanor with a passionate battling style, he's called the Dragon Storm, Raihan!
Audience: (cheering louder)
(Goh and the others were startled upon noticing the number of people cheering for Raihan)
???: Wow, look at 'em go.
???: They must sure like Raihan.
???: No doubt.
Goh: You know what? I think Raihan's really popular.
Cinderace: (shakes its head; assuring) Cin, Cinderace!
Goh: Yeah, you're right! We can't let the crowd out cheer us!
???: Not by a long shot!
Goh and the others: Do it Ash!! Give 'em what for!
(To the battlefield)
Announcer: This is the last battle to determine who will be in the masters eight tournament. What kind of battle is in store?
(We see the announcer is with Leon.)
Announcer: So champion, any thoughts?
Leon: Their fighting spirits is spreading out through the arena! They should be one of the most entertaining battles yet!
Referee: Alright. We shall use the same rules as the Masters Eight tournament. Three Pokémon per side. Trainers may switch out their Pokemon as much as they would like. The contestant who leaves all of his Pokemon unable to battle will be the winner. And each side maybe use only one of the following during the battle. Dynamax, Z-Moves, or Mega Evolutions!
???: Hmm, so only one of them eh?
???: Wonder which will Ash use for today.
Goh: I wonder if Ash will decide to Mega Evolve, Lucario?
???: I get the feeling we'll find out soon enough.
Referee: And now I ask both contestants to please call out their first Pokemon. Three... Two... and one! Now!
Ash and Raihan: (Ash Ketchum:) I choose (Raihan:) Let's go! (both tossed out their Pokeballs)
(The first to pop out is Ash's Dragonite and next was Raihan's Flygon.)
???: Whoa!
???: Check it out!
???: The first two are Dragonite and Flygon!
Goh: (shocked) Dragon type on Dragone type!
Announcer: First up, Ash has chosen Dragonite, while Raihan has chosen Flygon.
Referee: Alright! Battle begin!
Raihan: Use Dragon Claw!
Ash Ketchum: Use Dragon Dance!
(Dragonite flies up with Dragon Dance while Flygon charged with Dragon Claw. Flygon tried to strike but the Dragon Dance prevent impact.)
Raihan: Use Steel Wing!
(Flygon charged with Steel Wing.)
Ash Ketchum: Dodge it!
(Dragonite dodges Flygon's Steel Wing attacks at fast speed)
Announcer: Flygon can attack at breath taking speed, but Dragon Dance has raised Dragonite's speed and attack skills. Flygon can't keep up!
Raihan: That's some Dragonite. You certainly trained it well.
Ash Ketchum: Coming from you, I consider that seriously high praise! Right Dragonite?
Dragonite: (affirmative)
Raihan: I'm an expert on Dragon type Pokemon. You can't win! Now let the winds blow and straight forward! Sandstorm!
(Flygon used Sandstorm as Ash and Pikachu braced themselves. The Sandstorm was blocked from the audience by the barrier shield.)
Cinderace: Cinde.
Goh: They're using Sandstorm. That's no good.
Grookey: Grookey.
Goh: As long as Dragonite's inside of it, the damage won't stop!
(Ash and Pikahcu shield their eyes from the gust of dusty winds from Sandstorm and Dragonite sounded worried)
Ash Ketchum: Dragonite calm down!
Raihan: Use Dragon Claw!
(Flygon appeared and strikes with Dragon Claw as Dragonite fell to the floor.)
Ash Ketchum: Dragonite!
(Dragonite gets up but was blinded by the Sandstorm till...)
Raihan: Use Steel Wing!
(Flygon struck with Steel Wing repeadetly.)
Announcer: Dragonite is being tossed relentlessly by Flygon's elusive movement! What is Ash going to do about it?
Ash Ketchum: (grunts) Can you still battle?!
Dragonite: (affirmative grunt)
(Dragonite gets back on its feet.)
Ash Ketchum: If we can't see it. We'll just hit it anyway! Dragonite, Draco Meteor!
(Dragonite used Draco Meteor to lighten up the battlefield and clear out most of the gusts of sand till Ash heard Flygon getting hit)
Ash Ketchum: (points to his left) Over there! Use Hurricane!
(Dragonite flew up and used Hurricane to reveal Flygon.)
Ash Ketchum: There it is! Use Dragon Claw!
(Dragonite struck with Dragon Claw and sent Flygon crashing down to the floor.)
Announcer: Ooh, Dragonite cut it!
Raihan: Flygon no!
(Flygon gets up and flies up to avoid another Dragon Claw)
Announcer: But Flygon soon takes flight, and vanishes back into the Sandstorm!
(Flygon vanishes)
???: (gasps) It's gone!
Goh: Again?!
Cinderace; Cinde!
???: This looks bad.
???: Where could it strike?
???: We'll find out soon enough.
(Dragonite searched around but got blinded by the harsh dusty winds of the Sandstorm till...)
Ash Ketchum: Dragonite, Draco Meteor one more time!
(Dragonite prepares Draco Meteor till....)
Raihan: Not falling for that twice! Okay, use Steel Wing!
(Flygon struck Dragonite with Steel Wing and it fell to the floor defeated as the referee, on his ???, checked.)
Referee: Dragonite is unable to battle!
Audience: (cheering loud)
(Goh, Cinderace, Grookey and the others looked concerned)
???: Oh Dragonite.
???: That Flygon sure got it good didn't it?
???: Raihan is sure the Dragon type trainer.
Announcer: What a strong showing by Raihan. Proving how tough it is, to get to the masters eight.
Leon: No one thirsts victory more than Raihan does. Because of that, battles with him are always so exciting!
(Ash calls Dragonite back to its Pokeball)
Ash Ketchum: Dragonite, you take a nice long rest. (takes out another) Gengar, you're up! (tosses his Pokeball)
(Gengar pops out ready)
Gengar: Geng! Gengar!
Announcer: And Ash's second Pokemon is Gengar!
Raihan: No matter who we battle, they can't escape from the effects of our Sandstorm! Steel Wing let's go!
(Flygon charges with Steel Wing till..)
Ash Ketchum: Gengar, dodge it!
(Gengar dodges as Flygon looked around baffled till Gengar got behind it.)
Ash Ketchum: Now use Ice Punch!
(Gengar attacks with Ice Punch but Flygon zoomed out of the way.)
Raihan: Use Dragon Claw!
(Flygon made impact with Dragon Claw repeatetly.)
Announcer: Now Gengar is being tossed around by Flygon.
(Gengar tried to make impact but nothing.)
Ash Ketchum: (grunts) I just got to get rid of that Sandstorm!
???: Come Ash and Gengar!
Goh: (looking worried) Ash seems so powerless.
Cinderace: Cinderace.
Raihan: Let's wrap this up. Now use Crunch!
(Flygon attacks with Crunch as the zoomed out to the top of the battlefield.)
Ash Ketchum: Gengar!
(Gengar fell to the floor hard.)
(Goh and the others groaned concerned.)
Announcer: That Crunch was super effective!
Ash Ketchum: (grunts)
Pikachu: (concerned) Pika.
(Gengar was still on the floor.)
Announcer: Gengar went down and it's staying down.
(Gengar was still laying down seemingly beaten.)
Goh: If Gengar's eliminated then Ash will have only one Pokemon left. And Raihan's still got three. Talk about a terrible disadvantage.
???: (shouting) Gengar! Get up!
???: Come on, big guy, you gotta get up!
???: Get up, get up!
(The referee, on his ???, flew close to Gengar.)
Ash Ketchum: Can you battle Gengar?
(Gengar gets back up)
Gengar: Gengar!
Announcer: And somehow Gengar manages to stand up.
Raihan: So this is why he's a trainer that Leon saw promise in. (to Ash) You said you wanted to battle Leon, didn't you? The Champion you respect? Well look, that alone isn't nearly enough! To battle Leon, you need to have just one goal, and that's to win! Respectful, beat me, I'll beat you. Then after that, I'll beat Leon! And in the end, I'll be champion!
Ash Ketchum: It's true! You're right! I always wanted to battle Leon, 'cause I respect him a lot! But that isn't all what it is! I truly want to beat Leon!
Raihan: (surprised gasp)
Ash Ketchum: So I won't allow myself to lose to you!
(Gengar grunts while still standing standing.)
Ash Ketchum: Sorry Lucario, Mega Evolution has to wait. (puts on his Dynamax Band) Let's go Gengar! (calls it back to its Pokeball)
Goh: (shocked) Wait, he's using Gengar?
Ash Ketchum: Time for you to go big!
(His Band glows while Gengar's Pokeball grows big as he then tosses it.)
Ash Ketchum: Gigantamax!
(Gengar pops out and turns into Gigantamax Gengar)
Gigantamax Gengar: Gengar!
Announcer: Wow! Ash just caused his Gengar to Gigantamax!
Ash Ketchum: Gengar! Suck in the Sandstorm!
(Gengar sucks in the Sandstorm much to Raihan's shock.)
Ash Ketchum: Use Z-Max Terror!
(Gengar used Z-Max Terror to cause debris of products to hit Flygon)
Raihan: (gasps) Crunch let's go!
(Flygon got hit by a teacup before trying Crunch till..)
Ash Ketchum: Max Starfall!
(Gengar used Max Starfall to cause stars to crackdown on Flygon to the floor. The impact sent a dusty purple smoke wave as Ash and Raihan braced themselves while the smoke hits the force field. The smoke clears out to reveal Flygon as the referee checked to find it out cold.)
Referee: Flygon is unable to battle!
Announcer: Ash's quick thinking helped Gengar survive a difficult situation!
Goh, Grookey, and Cinderace: (react with cheers or amazement)
???: Whoo, they did it!
Ash Ketchum: You did it, Gengar!
Pikachu: Pika!
Raihan: (calls back Flygon to its Poke ball) Flygon you battle well, thanks. (takes out another) And whose up next? (tosses his Pokeball) Goodra!
(Goodra pops out)
Goodra: Goodra!
Announcer: Raihan's second Pokemon is Goodra!
Raihan: Now I'm gonna show you, why everyone calls me the Dragon Storm! Goodra use Rain Dance!
(Goodra uses Rain Dance to cause a raincloud to pour down.)
Goh: This time it's rain?
???: Uh-oh, down pour!
Tune: Yikes! (summons her umbrella and covers herself)
???: Aw, man I should've brought a rain jacket.
Announcer: The strategy is to control the weather in order to give his Pokemon the advantage. That's how Raihan shows his training skills!
Raihan: Cold rain's very soothing when one is really worked up. Alright, Goodra, Thunder!
(Goodra use Thunder to shock Gigantamax Gengar)
Ash Ketchum: Gengar, no!
Raihan: Now use Surf!
(Goodra uses Surf and made impact on Gigantamax Gengar)
Raihan: Hydro Pump!
(Goodra uses Hydro Pump and hits Gigantamax Gengar)
Announcer: Gigantamax Gengar can't seem to fight back!
Ash Ketchum: (grunts)
(At first he was going to call it back till Gigantamax Gengar alerted him not to.)
Ash Ketchum: Gengar?
Gigantamax Gengar: (insisting) Gengar.
Ash Ketchum: Okay, you got it!
Raihan: Hey, Ash? Weren't you gonna switch?
(Goodra landed back down)
Raihan: Alright, I'll finish it! Surf is up!
(Goodra uses Surf again to attack Gigantamax Max only for it to beat it back as it knocked Goodra out of the Surf much to Raihan's shock)
Announcer: Look at that! Gengar just beat back the Surf!
???: Whoo, alright!
???: Way to go, Gengar!
???: Keep it up!
???: You can do it!
Goh: Go Gengar!!
Gigantmax Gengar: (roaring) Gar!
Ash Ketchum: Gengar!
Gigantmax Gengar: Gar!
Ash Ketchum: Yeah, we're gonna win! Let's do it! Use Max Starfall!
(Gigantamax Gengar gets ready to use Max Starfall
Raihan: Use Hydro Pump!
(Goodra fired Hydro Pump, while Gigantamax Gengar unleashed Max Starfall. The Hydro Pump made impact. but Max Starfall rained down on Goodra with impact too. Ash and Raihan braced themselves as smoke dust covered the battlefield. Then we Gigantmax Gengar paining before shrinking back to normal. The audience watch with silence as the smoke clears to reveal Goodra laid down defeated, while Gengar was still standing while panting till it fell defeated too. The referee checked)
Referee: Goodra and Gengar are both unable to battle!
(The audience cheered while the screen marked off Gengar and Goodra)
Announcer: Both Pokemon are down! And the Rain Dance has disappeared too!
Ash Ketchum: You did great Gengar! (calls it back to its Pokeball)
Raihan: (calls back Goodra to its Pokeball) Take a good rest Goodra, thank you. (puts it away) Hmm.
Goh: This is the very last Pokemon for both Ash and Raihan.
Cinderace: Cinde.
(Ash and Raihan take out their last Pokemon's Pokeballs)
Ash and Raihan: (Raihan:) You're up Duraludon! (Ash:) It's up to you Lucario, go! (both tossed their Pokeballs)
(Lucario pops out first)
Announcer: Ash's third Pokemon is Lucario!
(Duraludon pops out)
Announcer: Raihan has sure to win partner, Duraludon! Don't forget he's also got Dynamax! His secret weapon held in reserve.
Ash Ketchum: We're gonna battle until the very end! And that's why we're gonna win!
Lucario: (affirmative)
Raihan: There's the determination. Now I see how serious you are. Get ready! We'll crush you with all we've got! Duraludon! (calls it back to its Pokeball)
???: Hold on, he's doing it now?!
???: No way!
Goh: Really?! That was quick!
Cinderace: (affirmative) Cinderace!
Raihan: Bring the storm! (his Pokeball enlarges while turning white) My partner will send... (tosses his Pokeball) everyone in the stadium flying!! Gigantmax!!!
(Duralodon pops out and becomes Gigantmax Duralodon)
Announcer: It's Gigantamax Duralodon!
Ash Ketchum: Alright, Lucario use Double Team!
(Lucario understood and charged with Double Team and ran around Gigantamax Duralodon)
Ash Ketchum: Aura Sphere, go!
(Lucario used Aura Sphere to hit Duralodon's face but it hardly made any impact to it.)
Ash Ketchum: Aura Sphere again!
(Lucario fired Aura Sphere again but still no effect.)
Raihan: Max Steelspike!
(Gigantamax Duralodon used Max Steelspike)
Ash Ketchum: Dodge it!
(Lucario a few but hit by the last one.)
Ash Ketchum: Lucario!
(Lucario managed to land on its feet but pained a bit.)
Raihan: You've battle well, up to this point. But now... this is where it ends! It's now time! Last move G-Max Depletion!
(Gigantmax Durolodon used G-Max Depletion on Lucario as it trapped it in)
???: (gasps) Uh-oh!
???: Lucario's trapped in it!
Goh: Lucario!
Cinderace: (shocked) Cinderace.
Grookey: (shocked) Grookey, Key.
(Raihan smirked but noticed Ash wasn't reacting worried as he had his eyes shut.)
Ash Ketchum: This isn't over just yet. No way. Isn't that right, Lucario?
(In the G-Max Depletion we see Lucario preparing Aura Sphere as he and Ash felt their aura connecting. Then Lucario's Aura Sphere began to grow as Ash held up his arms out, to signal Lucario as it held up its Aura Sphere to sky and it grew more. The G-Max Depletion wore off as Lucario's Aura Sphere continued to grow further.)
Raihan: (shocked) What in the world?!
???: Whoa, check it out!
???: Lucario's Aura Sphere! It's growing!
???: When did Lucario learn to do that?
???: I think
Goh: They learned that from their special training.
Goh (V.O.): With Greninja.
(Flashback ends)
Goh: But this time its even bigger!
Leon: (amazed and shocked) Huh?!
(Lucario focused carefully while thinking of its defeated teammates and remembered the training it did with Pikachu, Sirfetch'd, and Dracovish, and thought about Goh, Grookey, and Cinderace. It sent out an aura-like communication with Greninja as it sensed it.)
Greninja: Greninja.
(Lucario's Aura Sphere grew more while Ash felt its aura.)
Ash Ketchum: I feel it. Our aura, it's what's connecting us with everything.
(Lucario's Aura Sphere continued growing more as Raihan gasps shocked, while Leon looked stunned. The audience, Goh, Cinderace, Grookey, and the others watched with silence.)
Ash Ketchum: Now Lucario, Giant Aura Sphere!!
Lucario: (affirmative)
Raihan: Durolodon, Max Rockfall!
(Gigantmax Duralodon used Max Rockfall. As it timbered down towards Lucario till...)
Ash Ketchum: Let's go!!
(Lucario unleashed its Giant Aura Sphere towards the Max Rockfall and broke through and made direct impact on Gigantamax Duralodon as it fell down causing the stadium to shake for a moment as Goh, the rest of our heroes, and the audience groaned or screamed as their seats shook. Then Duralodon shrunk back to normal while the referee checked to find it dazed out and defeated.)
Referee: Duralodon, is unable to battle! Which means that the winner is Ash Ketchum!
Audience: (cheered)
Ash Ketchum: Alright, yeah! (runs to Lucario and hugs it) Lucario, you did it!
Lucario: (affirmative)
Pikachu: (happily hugs it) Pika, Pika!
Announcer: And Lucario's massive Aura Sphere has beat Gigantamax Duralodon for the win!!
???: (whistles in celebration) Whoo! Yeah!
???: Yes, they did it! They did it!
Goh: (surprised) Wow, he won. (shouting in cheers with Cinderace and Grookey) WHOA!!! HE REALLY WON!!!
Leon: (applauded) Both Ash and Raihan, I thank them for showing me a great battle.
Raihan: (calls back Duralodon) You did your best, Duralodon. (approaches Ash, Lucario, and Pikachu) This was mine to lose.
Ash Ketchum: Thanks Raihan, for an awesome battle!
Raihan: Wait, got a sec?
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Raihan: (took out his Rotom Phone) How about a smile? (does a selfie with Ash)
Ash Ketchum: (chuckles)
Raihan: I'm gonna defeat both you, and Leon someday. In the meantime, don't ya dare lose before that happens.
(Ash looked awed for a moment but understood)
Ash Ketchum: I won't!
Raihan: (Pats on Ash's head) Nice!
Announcer: And so the entrance battles for this season are complete. The contestants for the Masters Eight tournament. First the winner of this match, ranking number eight, it's Ash! (next one was none other than Iris) Ranking number seven,... (Ash looked surprised to notice Iris is part of the Masters Eight) the Unova Champion, Iris!
???: Iris?
???: No way!
(Then next was none other than, Alain)
Announcer: Ranking number 6th, the winner of the Kalos Lumiose Conferece, Alain!
???: (gasps)
???: Alain?!
???: No way!
???: I don't believe it!
Prince Sky: (to the others) You know that guy?
Bloom: Sure do, we met him during our adventures with Ash in the Kalos region.
???: And believe me, he sure knows how to put up a battle.
???: We haven't heard from him in ages.
(Next up was Diantha)
Announcer: Ranking fifth, the champion of the Kalos region Diantha. (next was Lance) Ranking fourth, the champion of both Kanto and Johto, Lance! (next was Steven Stone) Ranking number three, the Hoenn champion Steven Stone! (next was Cynthia) Ranking second, the Sinnoh region champion, Cynthia! (last was none other than Leon) And ranked number one amassing an unbroken series of victories, the undefeated Galar champion Leon! These eight will be competing in the all start battles of the Masters Eight tournament, which is scheduled to get under way very , very soon!
(Fireworks shot into air)
Narrator: After winning a challenging battle against, Raihan, Ash nows moves on to the Masters Eight tournament, so stay tuned for a more passionate battling with even tougher opponents. As the journey continues!
(the episode ends)