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Here is the transcript for All for Tabbics (TTFAC).


(The episode begins with Ashley battling Dabi, Trumpet and Muscular (Tabbyverse) until a machine nearby explodes. Everything stops but Ashley who sets up a holographic camera, turns it on, and speaks into it as if she's speaking to the audience.)

Ashley: You're probably wondering, 'How did you get into trouble now?' Well, to explain, I have to go back a few days.


(The episode flashbacks in an alley where a girl was running from Muscular and Dabi)

Dabi: You can run, but you can't hide!

Muscular (Tabbyverse): I'm going to enjoy bringing you to the boss.

[The girl runs from the two villains until Dabi jumps in front of her]

Dabi: This won't…

Girl: No! [fights Dabi with her Kung fu moves and starts to run]

[Muscular (Tabbyverse) pounces on the girl. The girl escapes but she gets cornered]

Dabi: You have to be an escape artist to get away from us!

Muscular (Tabbyverse): Yeah. And I would catch you either way!

Girl: Get away from me! I just want to get help!

Dabi: Nobody will save you from us!

Muscular (Tabbyverse): You're coming with us, kid!

[Muscular (Tabbyverse) grabs the girl's arm and drags her with him to Hooded Horror's base]


The Hooded Horror: You finally made it! Did you get her?

Dabi: Sure did, boss!

Muscular (Tabbyverse): Ta da! [He shows HH the girl that he had captured. In the process, her hood comes off, revealing her to be Ashley. She slicks her hair back and blows a raspberry at HH]

Ashley: Whatever you're planning, you'll never get away with it.

The Hooded Horror: I only captured you just so I can Tabby's secrets, that's all. Now, just tell me the secrets, and I'll let you go.

Ashley: Puh-leaze. What makes you think I'll tell you anything?

The Hooded Horror: Okay. I'll leave you alone. I understand that you don't want to tell me Tabby's secrets, that's fine. But this means that you will be -

[Muscular (Tabbyverse) grabs The Hooded Horror and throws him to the side while Dabi, Flect Turn and Trumpet approach the girl with their boss]

Muscular (Tabbyverse): Alright, kid. You better tell me where the sparkle-matter is or it won't be pretty.

Dabi: Question: What's sparkle-matter?

???: Only one of the most powerful fuels in the multiverse! And only she knows where it is.

Dabi: And who are you? I've never seen you around, yet I remember your voice.

(The mysterious recipient walks out of the shadows)

???: I am ???!
