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Pooh's Adventures Wiki

This is a transcript of An Adventure of Mega Proportions in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.

(the episode begins)

Narrator: Ash's goal is to battle one of the world's greatest Trainers, Leon! Goh's goal is to catch one of every kind of Pokémon, including Mew! This is the story of their adventure-filled journey through the world of Pokémon!

Korrina: Lucario now!

(Lucario gets ready)

Korrina: Alright! Unlock the power within! Mega Evolve!

(Lucario begins to Mega Evolve as our heroes present watch in amazement.)

Razz Buster: Wow!

Sisu: So that's Mega Evolution, huh?

Po the Panda: Yep! It's just plain awesome!

Ash Ketchum: Here it comes!

Ash's Lucario: (affirmative)

(Korrina's Lucario Mega Evolved into Mega Lucario as it sent out a strong airwave as a Trainer and his Quilladin braced themselves)

Trainer: Don't let it get to you! Use Wood Hammer!

(Quilladin uses Wood Hammer till...)

Korrina: Aura Sphere!

(Mega Lucario uses Aura Sphere, Quilladon attacks with Wood Hammer only for it to get blocked by Aura Sphere and got hit)

Trainer: Oh, no! Quilladin!

(Quilladin fell down to the floor hard. Gurkinn checked and found Quilladin dazed and defeated.)

Gurkinn: Quilladin is unable to battle. Lucario wins! And that means the victor is Korrina!

Aisha: Whoo! Way to go, Korrina!

Gmerl: She won the battle.

Tai Kamiya: That's showing them!

Agumon: Yeah!



(Her Lucario de-mega evolved back to normal)

Ash Ketchum: Korrina!

Korrina: (notices and waves) Hi, Ash! Hey everybody!

Goh: (giggling)

Ash Ketchum: Wow! What a great battle! Lucario, that's your key to powering up!

Pikachu: PIka!

Ash's Lucario: (looks down to Korrina and her Lucario and understood)

(Team Robot In Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series opening plays)

Ash & Goh (V.O.): An Adventure of Mega Proportions!

Narrator: Ash, Goh, their allies, and their Pokémon are in Shalour City in Kalos to see the Gym leader, Korrina.

Aisha: Nice battling Korrina!

Tai Kamiya: Yeah, that's for sure! Your Mega Lucario sure really packed a hit!

Agumon: Do tell.

Ash Ketchum: Man you two are strong. That's some power!

Pikachu: (affirmative) Pika, Pika!

Goh: That battle was super cool! Wow!

Grookey: Grookey!

(Korrina stops skating)

Korrina: Aww, don't over do it.

Gurkinn: What's this "don't over do it, talk"?

(Korrina stood nervously as her grandpa, Gurkinn comes in.)

Korrina: (nervous) Hi there, Grandfather!

Gurkinn: You've been standing on your own only recently right?

Korrina: Oh, Grandfather, I wished you'd give me credit every now and then.

Gurkinn: Now Goh, are you keeping yourself busy catching new Pokémon?

Goh: Yes sir! Thanks for helping me a while back.

Gurkinn: And Ash, congratulations on entering the Ultra Class!

Ash Ketchum: Thank you so much!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Korrina: Can't let 'em get too far ahead!

Korrina's Lucario: (affirmative)

Ash Ketchum: Korrina, I really want to Mega Evolve my Lucario!

Korrina: (gasp surprised)

Ash Ketchum: I think it'll help get through the Ultra Class and then through the Master Class.

Pikachu and Ash's Lucario: (affirmative)

(Both Lucario stare at each other as Ash's Lucario recalled remembering the time it saw Korrina's Lucario battle Ash's Dragonite as Mega Lucario a while back.)

Ash's Lucario: (grunt)

(Korrina places her hand on Ash's Lucario)

Korrina: Okay, got it! I'm sure you and Ash will be able to do it! Right, Lucario?

Korrina's Lucario: (affirmative)

(Ash, Pikachu and his Lucario smiled to each other.)

(Outside the Shalour Gym)

Korrina: Here you go.

(We see Ash holding a pair of gloves with one Key Stone.)

Ash Ketchum: It's a Mega Glove!

Pikachu: Pika?

Goh: Wow, is that really a Key Stone?

Sakura Avalon: It sure is!

Tom Raven: Hey, what is it that you guys told us about Key Stones again?

Izzy Izumi: The Key Stones that holds the power

Tentomon: Each Trainers wears the Key Stones

Razz Buster: Whoa!

Bloom: First Ash got a Z-Ring, then Z-Power Ring, then Dynamax band, and now the Key Stone

Ash Ketchum: Thank you, Korrina!

Korrina: Mm-hm! Try it on for size.

Ash Ketchum: Right!

(He puts on the Mega Gloves in his hands and they fit in perfectly.)

Ash Ketchum: Wow!

Ash's Lucario: (amazed)

Cheetor: Whoa! Alright Ash now you got your own Key Stone.

Hiccup: What do you think bud you like Ash's Mega Glove?

(Toothless sniffs at Ash's Mega Glove

(It stared to the Key Stone on the left glove and then it began to glow)

Goh: (gasps) Hey! That looks like it could Mega Evolve right now!

Gurkinn: No. That is impossible. For a Pokémon to Mega Evolve it's trainer needs to a Key Stone and it must resonate with a Mega Stone the Pokémon is holding. Each Pokémon's species that can Mega Evolve has its own Mega Stone, for Lucario, one needs Lucarionite.

Littlefoot: Lucarionite?

Eep Crood: Where do we find that?

Digit: No problem! (searches her gadgets) I'll check to see if there's any specific location where Lucarionite is known to be found.

Tecna: Oh, I'm afraid it's not that easy Digit.

Digit: Huh?

Tecna: If I remember correctly when we went searching for Lucarionite with Korrina back in our Kalos adventures it wasn't very easy as that.

Sonic: Yeah, it's true.

Sakura Avalon: Back in Kalos we found Gardevoir's and Gallade's Mega Stone on each mountains.





Dragonflare: We don't wanna talk about that part...

Goh: Why?

Howlcrusher: Well...

(Flashback of event Calling from Beyond the Aura



???: (V.O.) Philmac, Xenon, Mega Lucario and Megidramon were killing each other and cost massive damage to everything and everyone on it!




(Flashback ends)


???: Still can't believe Philmac is gone.



Gurkinn: And so Ash and Lucario, you'll need to go on a search for Lucarionite. The act of simply owning a Key Stone will heighten Lucario's aura powers.

Pikachu: (notices) Pika?

(Ash's Key Stone was glowing.)

Ash Ketchum: (notices) Huh?

(Ash's Lucario moved to the rails)

Ash Ketchum: Right.

(Lucario stops to the rails and then moves both its arms front of itself and began to focus and sense where the Lucarionite is.)

???: Whoa, what's it doing?

???: Gurkinn?

Gurkinn: It looks like it's starting to sense it.

Korrina: From the direction of Mega Island!

Gurkinn: (nods) Hmm.

All heroes: Mega Island?

Pikachu: Pika? Pika?

(Moments later we find our heroes on a boat in the sea.)

Gurkinn: Quite impressive! To think it's able to sense the Lucarionite so quickly! That's proof positive that the powerful bond form between the two of you, runs very deep!

Ash Ketchum: (smiles) Hmm.

(Ash's Lucario looks to him)

Goh: They were initially bonded to each other while Lucario was still an egg!

(Flashback of when Lucario hatched from its egg as a Riolu, then their battle against the wild Onix, and the friendly talk it had with Ash.)

(Flashback ends)

???: (notices and gasps) Look!

Ash and Lucario: Huh?

Ash Ketchum: (gasps amazed)

Pikachu: Pika?

(They spot Mega Island ahead)

???: Wow, is that...?

Korrina: Yep! That's Mega Island!

???: Wow, Mega Island!

???: Hmm, I don't recall hearing about in our last adventures in Kalos a while back.

???: Yeah, when did it appeared?

Gurkinn: It suddenly appeared one day. We learned we can find all kind of Mega Stones there!

Korrina: That's why people began calling it Mega Island.

Gurkinn: Maybe that's why many wild Pokémon, who can Mega Evolve began have gathered there!

Goh: (awestruck) I've bet there are lots of Pokémon!!

Grookey: Grookey, Key, Key!

???: Wow, isn't he so excited?

???: (sighs) Well that's Goh for you.

???: Yep. Always in the mood to catch 'em all.

(At Mega Island our heroes boat started driving past some rocks till something jumped out of the water as the heroes laughed and gasps in excitement as they witnesses the Pokémon to a Gyarados.)

???: Whoa!

???: What's that?!

Ash Ketchum: A Gyarados!

(Gyarados splashed down behind them as Ash laughed excitedly while Lucario was surprised.)

Ash Ketchum: I'm feeling an adventure coming on!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

Ash's Lucario: (affirmative)

(At the island)

Ash Ketchum: Okay!

All heroes: We're off!

Gurkinn: Alright! Take care! (to Korrina) Now make sure you keep an eye on them. (winks)

Korrina: Grandfather. (winks back) I got this!

(We find our heroes climbing up a hill to the top. Then Toothless, Light Fury, Stormfly, Cloudjumper, Ash's Lucario, and Pikachu stood their ground as they spot something glowing in a cave.)

???: Hey, what's that glowing in there?

????: It must be the Lucarionite!

Goh: Wow, it really found it fast, huh?

Ash Ketchum: Let's go see!

(They ran to the cave as the glowing red light, believed to be the "Lucarionite" moves deeper inside)

Ash Ketchum: It's moving!

Goh: Wait up!

(They run into the cave, however the weird glowing red light, was revealed to be Sableye as it jumped out from the other end of the tunnel)

Ash Ketchum: Huh? A Sableye?!

(But then he steps on the slippery ice, with the others as they all slid down screaming. As they slid and screamed Ash noticed a cliff ahead)

???: Uh-oh!

???: Cliff ahead!

Goh: (screamed)

Korrina: No, no, no, no, no!

???: Everyone with weapons draw them out and use it slow down our fall!

(Ash's Lucario then used the spike on its paw to slow its fall. The heroes armed with sharp weapons began to stab into the ice slide to slow themselves down, while the flying heroes soared upwards. However, Ash, Goh, Korrina, and the others who lacked sharp weapons, special features, or flying abilities fell off the slide. Luckily, Lucario grabbed hold of Ash, who then secured Goh and Grookey, while Goh clutched onto Korrina. The rest of the heroes managed to hold onto each other as they fell.)

???: Phew! Thanks guys!

???: (grunt while holding on) Don't mention!

???: Man. That was close.

Ash Ketchum: Lucario! Are you okay?

Ash's Lucario: (affirmative)

Goh: So how do we get back up there?

Ash Ketchum: Let's get help from our Pokémon! Pikachu, get me a Pokeball!

(Pikachu searches Ash's belt for a Pokeball)

Goh: Pikachu! Get mine too!

(Pikachu picks out one Pokeball from Ash, then it climbed down to Goh and picked out his. Pikachu then tossed the two Pokeballs, and out popped Dragonite and Flagon)

Korrina: Dragonite and Flygon?

Goh: Quick! Korrina get on Flygon!

Korrina: Got it! I'll try!

(She swung forward and backward and swung towards Flygon with Goh joining her too. Korrina lands Flygon while Flygon got Goh and Grookey in its arms.)

Ash Ketchum: Dragonite, pick us up okay!

(Then Lucario lost its grip as it Pikachu and Ash almost fell till Dragonite caught them in time.)

Sakura Avalon: Hey wait for us guys! (picks out her Pokeball) Pidgeot, come on out and give a ride!

Li Showron: Staraptor let's go!

Madison Taylor: Altaria come on out!

Meilin Rae: Talonflame let's ride!

Eli Moon: Golurk let's go!

Sam: Noivern I choose you!

Clover: Tropius let's go!

Alex: Skamory go!

Britney: Braviary let's go!

Luca Shellman Ketchum: Garchomp I choose you!

Mako Waterson Ketchum: Dragonair, let's go!

Zack Jackson: Charizard, I choose you!

Razz Buster: Hydreigon let's go!

Tom Raven: Archeops, come on out!

(They pop out their Pokeballs

Emerl: Hmm, still I wonder why this area all in ice?

(As our heroes were about to take off we see an Abomasnow looking at them.)

Ash Ketchum: Hey! An Abomasnow!

???: (gasps) Look!

(Then the Abomasnow fired Icy Wind at them as they dodged it.)

Goh: It's so Icy because that Abomasnow is here!

Ash Ketchum: Sure is a lot of fun this Mega Island!

???: Seriously?

???: Ash you are out of your mind.

Korrina: I suggest you not forget why we're here.

Ash Ketchum: We won't forget. (winks) Right Lucario?

Ash's Lucario: (affirmative)

(Moments later they were at a area with many lillipad-like trees)

Ash Ketchum: Lucario! Can you sense where the Mega Stone is?

(Lucario begins to sense where is the Mega Stone is till something was heard.)

Pikachu: Pi?

(We see a Pidgeot and a Salamence fighting each other.)

???: Uh-oh!

???: Heads up guys! We got company!

Ash Ketchum: Salamence!

Goh: And a Pidgeot!

(Then the Salamence attacks Pidgeot with Flamethrower but it dodged it and Pidgeot attacked back with Gust.)

???: (gasps) Look out!

(The Gust hits them as they all braced themselves but then the non-flying were blown off from their Flying Pokémon, or Dragons, with the flying heroes falling into the lillipad-like trees and were bouncing on them.)

???: Whoooa! (bounces) Whooa!

???: Hey! (bounces and laughs) This is kind of fun!

Chatta: (bounces and laughs) It sure is! (bounces) Wee!

???: (screamed) Define... (bounces and screams) fun?

(But then Goh, Grookey, Ash's Lucario, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????,  ???, ???, ????, and ??? ended up bouncing away.)

Ash Ketchum: Goh! Lucario!











???: We're not Team Rocket, but we're blasting off again!

(Goh, Grookey, Ash's Lucario, Aisha, Nex, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ????,  ???, ???, ????, and ??? got sent flying away with Flygon, Hookfang, Piff, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, and ??? pursuing them)

All Heroes: Who's that Pokémon?

(Back to the show)

(We see Ash, Pikachu, Korrina, and rest of our heroes on the top of the lillipad-like trees.)

Pikachu: (concerned) Pika.

Ash Ketchum: (cornered) Goh. Lucario.

???: And the others.

Bloom: We gotta go find them!

Korrina: The sky looks bad.

Ash and the others: Huh?

(The Pidgeot and Salamence were still fighting each other while Dragonite, Toothless, Light Fury, Stormfly, Cloudjumper, Meatlug, Windshear, Sakura's Pidgeot, Li's Staraptor, Madison's Altaria, Meilin's Talonflame, Eli's Golurk, Sam's Noivern, Clover's Tropius, Alex's Skarmory, Britney's Braivary, Luca's Garchomp, and Mako's Dragonair watched.)




???: ??? return!











Ash Ketchum: Dragonite, return okay?

(Dragonite understood as Ash calls it back to its Pokeball

Ash Ketchum: Thanks Dragonite.

Pikachu: Pika.

Korrina: They flew over that way, huh? I hope Flygon and the others are able to locate them.

???: Well, let's not wait here and worry.

???: ???'s right! We gotta go find them!



Ash Ketchum: (gets up) Let's hurry and find them too!

Korrina: (gets up) Right!

(To Goh, Grookey, Ash's Lucario and the others we find them falling and screaming till they landed on something)

????: (sighs) We're safe.

???: (groaned relieved) I am glad that's over.

???: (felt something) Hmm? Uh, guys? Do you feel something burning?

(Then they began to feel something burning from their bottom as they heated up till they jumped up and screamed in pain as their bottom's were on fire as they were on the back of a Camerupt. They all ran around paining from their burning bottoms till they stopped as they almost ran into a geyser of lava.)

???: LAVA!!!

???: Quick this way!

(But then stopped and scream as another shot out from the ground. Then from behind them.)

Goh: What's with this place?!

Snotlout: (panicking) I don't know but I want to get out of here!

(Then Flygon, Hookfang, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, and ??? arrived.)

Snotlout: Hookfang!







Goh: Flygon!

(But then they stopped as another geyser nearly hit them.)

Goh: Look out! Return! (calls Flygon back)

???: ??? return now!






Ash's Lucario: (pants)

Goh: Huh?

Ash's Lucario: (pants)

???: Hey, what's up with Lucario?

???: Looks like it's sweating from the heat.

???: That's because Lucario's Steel type. So it doesn't take the heat very well.

Goh: (in his thoughts) That's right. Steel types are weak against Fire. Okay then. (takes out his Pokeball)

(More lava geysers shot out behind them)

Goh: Panpour!

(Panpour pops out)

Panpour: Panpour!

Aisha: (gasps and smiles knowing what Goh's thinking) I think I know what you're up too, Goh! I can help out too!

Goh: Alright then! (to Panpour) Use Rain Dance!

(Panpour use Rain Dance)


(Panpour's Rain Dance and Aisha's ???? helped cool down our heroes from the burning heat)

Goh: How's that guys?

(We see them running off with the Rain Dance following and raining down on them)

Goh: We can get out in one go!

Ash's Lucario: (affirmative)

???: (pants and runs) Good thinking guys!

???: Yeah, now we can stay cool while finding our way out of this steaming place!

(But then they stopped and gasps as they confronted by the Camerupt they were on.)

Camerupt: Camerupt. Cam...

Goh: Huh? (realizes) Of course! This is my chance to catch it! Alright Pokeball go! (tosses his Pokeball)

(The Pokeball hits Camerupt and it went in, the ball shook till capture was a success.)

Rotom Phone: Camerupt has been registered to your Pokedex!

(Goh, Ash's Lucario and the others continued running out)

Goh: I just caught a Camerupt!

???: (pants) Uh... that's great but.... WE REALLY NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE GOH!!!

???: Like now!!

(Then they stopped as a lava geyser shot out from in front of them.)

Goh and the others: Whoa!




Goh: Cinderace, let's go! (tosses his Pokeball)

(Cinderace pops out.)

Cinderace: Cinder!

Goh: Use Pyro Ball!

(Cinderace uses Pyro Ball to break through the geyser.)

???: Yes!

???: Vuala! Our way out!

???: Let's get running everybody!

(They continued running)

Goh: Right! Now let's hurry up and get out of here!

(Moments later we find them panting with relief to know they're out safe.)

Goh: (sighs) Everyone okay?

???: (groaned) I'll be fine. (pants deeply) Boy was that a long run.

???: Sure was.

???: But at least we're safe.

(Panpour, Ash's Lucario, and Grookey shook their heads)

Goh: Cinderace! Panpour! Thanks!

Cinderace: Cinderace!

(Goh calls Cinderace and Panpour back to their Pokeball)

Goh: (brings out his Rotom Phone) I should probably contact Ash.

(He starts calling for Ash but the phone got no connection)

The others: Uh...

???: You were saying?

Goh: Aw! I don't have any connection.

???: Well, that's just great. How are we supposed to find the others now?

???: Sure wished Tecna and Timmy had blasted off with us. They could help get connection to Ash and the others in no time.

???: Hmm, maybe there's another way to find them.

???: Yeah, like what?

(Then Ash's Lucario gets an idea as it raised its paws up, uses its powers as Goh, Grookey, and the others noticed)

Goh: Lucario?

Grookey: Grookey, Grook?

???: Uh... What's happening?

???: Beats me.

Aisha: (gasps) Could it be...

(Back to Ash, Pikachu, Korrina and the rest of our heroes, they were hoping from one tree's lillipad to another till Ash stopped to noticed something happening in his gloves' Key Stone)

Pikachu: Pika?

Ash Ketchum: They Key Stone!

???: Ash?

???: Why'd you stop?

Ash Ketchum: Something's up




Korrina: I think it's Lucario's aura.

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

Korrina: Ash? Are you sensing anything?

(Ash then tries, and upon doing so it made the Key Stone in his glove to glow)

Pikachu: (amazed) Pikachu!

(Back to Goh and the others, we see Lucario still using its aura power as Goh and the others watched in amazement)

(To Ash, Pikachu, Korrina and the rest, Ash's Key Stone began to glow more brighter as it sent out a weird wave and Ash began to sense something. The scene goes black till it lightened up a little to reveal Lucario.)

Ash Ketchum: (calling) Lucario? Lucario.

(Back to Goh and the others, Ash's Lucario turned around and sensed Ash's call as it saw it.)

Ash Ketchum: (nods) Mm.

(Ash's Lucario's aura powers also revealed Goh and the others present with it.)

Ash Ketchum: Hmm?!

Pikachu: Pi?

???: What's up?

???: What'd you sense Ash?

Ash Ketchum: It's Lucario!

(Ash's Lucario then sensed Ash)

Goh: Hey! It's gotta be Ash! He's okay right?

(Ash's Lucario runs ahead)

Pikachu: Pika?

Ash Ketchum: (smiles and giggles) I sensed Lucario. Its aura came to me.

???: (gasps) Whoa, it did!

???: Sweet!

Daphne (Winx CluB): (smiles) It appears to me you have

Korrina: That's great! Your bond's really strong!

Ash Ketchum: And Goh and Grookey were in its aura too! So were the others!

???: Really?

???: All together?

Ash Ketchum: (nods) All together!

(Then he sensed something else)

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

Pikachu: Pika?

(Goh, and the others were seen running after Lucario as it continued to pursue to where Ash is but it also sensed something else)

Ash Ketchum: Huh? Let's go Korrina! You too, everybody!

Pikachu: Pika!

(They all run ahead)

???: Go?

???: Go where?

Korrina: To where Lucario is?

Ash Ketchum: It let me know! Lucario found its Mega Stone!

Korrina: Huh?!

???: It did?!

???: Well, that was fast!

Ash Ketchum: If we head for the Mega Stone, we'll find Lucario and Goh! Along with the others!

(To Goh and the others)

Goh: (pants and runs) It's amazing! This aura stuff!

???: (pants and runs) Yeah! It sure is!




(Both groups kept running)

Ash Ketchum: Lucario, I know it! (in the inner aura background) I can sense it too!

(We find Ash's Lucario stopping to look at something tall. Goh and the others arrived and gasps with amazement. They find a large and tall steel rock)

???: Whoa, what are these?

???: It looks like some kind of steel-like rock.

???: Weird.

(Goh checks on and touches one)

Goh: It's so smooth. (notices) Huh?

(Lucario approaches one of the crystal-like rocks and touches it while using its aura power.)

???: Lucario?

???: What is it doing now?

???: We'll find out soon.

(Lucario then sent out an aura-like wave into the steel rock it was touching. To Ash, Korrina, and the rest they stopped to notice Ash's Key Stone. Ash looks up and uses his inner aura power ability to sense where Lucario and Mega Stone are, then he, Korrina, and the others continued running till they reach to where their friends are)

Ash Ketchum: (noticing and runs) What is this place?!

Korrina: They call it the Steel Forest!

Ash Ketchum: Steel Forest? (notices) Huh?

(They spot their friends ahead watched Lucario still using its aura on the steel rock it's touching)

Ash Ketchum: Lucario!

(Ash's Lucario notices him and the others arriving)

Ash Ketchum: I sensed it! I found your aura!

(He and Lucario give each other a fist bump)

Goh: Listen Ash, Lucario thinks there's something located here.

Ash Ketchum: (gasp) Lucarionite?

Ash's Lucario: (affirmative)

Ash Ketchum: (knocks the steel rock) So Lucarionite is inside of this?

(He and his Lucario knock on the steel rock together.)

Pikachu: (touching the rock) Pikachu.

???: Hmm, so... how do we get it out?

Snotlout Simple! We just blast it open!

Tuffnut: I second that!

???: Same here!



Ash Ketchum: Get it out, with Aura Sphere!

Ash's Lucario: (affirmative)

(Ash's Lucario charges up Aura Sphere, Hookfang charges his flame, and Barf begins to barf out a lot of gas, till Belch sparked it with spark, and they all fired at the rock causing it to crack and explode as our heroes covered their faces as pieces of the rock fell down on them. The smoke clears out and our heroes notice with gasps to find the Lucarionite floating)

Jindrax: Whoa!

Toxica: Is that...

Ash Ketchum: Lucarionite?

(We get a closer look at the Lucarionite)

Goh: Why is it hovering?

??? (V.O.): (laughs)

(Our heroes listened and look around for who was laughing)

Ben Tennyson: Uh... who's laughing?

Gwen Tennyson: Beats me.

??? (V.O.): A complete success!

(We see a man floating in the air)

Man: You must realize it by now! The Mega Evolution Sage is here!

Emerl: What?!

Ash Ketchum: Mega Evolution Sage?!

(Korrina looked stunned at the stage floating in the air)

Goh: Who's that?! Is he floating up there?!

Pikachu: Pika?

Ash Ketchum: No way!

Kero: Well, this was unexpected!

Sakura Avalon: Sure is.

Mega Evolution Sage: (laughs while floating down) We finally meet! (he floats down to an Alakazam using Psychic on him to make him float.) If you wish to take possession of the Lucarionite, you must first take it away from me!

Ash Ketchum: An Alakazam.

Goh: And what's with this made up rule?




Ash Ketchum: Guys, it'll be just fine! We accept your challenge!

Ash's Lucario: (affirmative)

Korrina: (thumbs up) Now that's how it should be!

Mega Evolution Sage: (laughs) Let the battle for the Lucarionite, begin this very instant!





Goh: (feeling somewhat) This is not normal.

???: Do tell.

Mega Evolution Sage: It is the time for the Mega Evolution Sage, everybody's hero to show his stuff! (spins his staff) Now Mega Evolve!

(His Key Stone, located on his beard glows and then his Alakazam was revealed to have Alakanite and Alakazam began to Mega Evolve)

Ash Ketchum: (smirks and chuckles excitedly)

Pikachu: (amazed) Pika.

(The Sage's Alakazam Mega Evolves into Mega Alakazam.)

Mega Alakazam: Alakazam!

???: Whoa!

???: His Alakazam just...

???: Mega Evolved into Mega Alakazam!

Goh: (amazed) Mega Alakazam?

(The Lucarionite via Mega Alakazam's Psychic then floated away behind it.)

Ash Ketchum: Let's go Lucario! Use Aura Sphere!

(Ash's Lucario charges up its Aura Sphere)

Mega Evolution Sage: Use Psybeam!

(Mega Alakazam fired Psybeam as Lucario unleashed Aura Sphere to stop it.)

Ash Ketchum: Use Double Team!

(His Lucario uses Double Team and jumps up to attack)

Mega Evolution Sage: Oh! Fire the spoons at once!

(Mega Alakazam fired its spoons to Lucario's doubles but the real managed to counter one of them.)

Ash Ketchum: Alright!

(Lucario prepared to attack till...)

Mega Evolution Sage: Tri Attack go! Now!

(Mega Alakazam unleashes Tri Attack and made impact on Lucario thrice as it crashed down)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

(The smoke clears to reveal Lucario on its knee but the Tri Attack it took paralyzed it)

???: Lucario!

???: What happened?!

???: Mega Alakazam's Tri Attack caused Lucario

Goh: ???'s right! That move got it completely paralyzed!

Mega Evolution Sage: Ho, ho! I think that raps things up! Tri Attack has the power to burn, freeze, or paralyze! What will happen eventually.

(Ash's Lucario then grunted as it raised its head up to where Mega Alakazam and the sage are)

Ash Ketchum: You can still move! Lucario jump!

(Ash's Lucario then jumped up and tried to reach the Lucarionite but then fell and crashed on the floor hard.)

???: (gasps) Lucario!

???: Don't give up! Keep trying!

???: Yeah, Lucario we know you can do it!

???: If you wanna grow stronger, you must never backdown!

Goh: You can do it, Lucario!

???: (shouting) Get up! Get up!

???: You've got this Lucario!

???: Come on, come on!

(Ash's Lucario grunted while raising its head up)

Ash Ketchum: Now jump one more time!

(Ash's Lucario gets up on its feet, and jumped to the Steel rock. Though it still felt the effects of the Tri Attack, Lucario remained strong)

Ash Ketchum: Again!

(Ash's Lucario then jumped up towards the Mega Alakazam. Ash, Goh, Korrina, and our heroes watched in amazement while the Sage sampled smiled impressed but then screamed as Lucario grabbed hold of his Mega Alakazam's beard and pulled it down under it and then jumps off of Mega Alakazam.)

Mega Evolution Sage: (gasps shocked)

(Ash's Lucario successfully catches the Lucarionite on its paws.)

Ash Ketchum: (nods) Mm! We got a Lucarionite! You were awesome!

Pikachu: (happy) Pi, Pikachu!

???: They did it!

???: (laughs in excitement) They got the Lucarionite!

Goh: Alright!

Grookey: (cheering) Grookey, Key, Key!

(Goh and the others run towards Ash while Korrina smirked and chuckled)

Korrina: (laughs) Congratulations!

Ash Ketchum: We did it Lucario!

Goh: Amazing!

Musa: (in her 4Kids dub voice) You guys rocked!

???: You did it!

Mega Evolution Sage: (laughs)

All heroes: (confused) Uh...?

(The Mega Evolution Sage then grabbed hold of his beard's right side while chuckling)

Mega Evolution Sage: As for the true identity of everyone's hero the Mega Evolution Sage...

(He removes his beard, hair, and clothes to reveal they were a disguise and the sage turned out to be...)

All heroes: (surprised) Huh?!

???: Gurkinn?!!

(It was Korrina's Grandfather, Gurkinn the whole time)

Gurkinn: I love a good surprise! Your bond with Lucario is strong! I'm quite impressed! Thank you for guiding them here, Korrina.

Korrina: Talk about overdoing it Grandfather.

???: Huh?!

???: Wait, you knew it was him the whole time Korrina?

Ash Ketchum: Huh? Are you telling me you knew all along?

Goh: You're kidding me.

Gurkinn: (laughs) Truly enjoyable! Maybe I'll do this again.

All heroes: Uh...

Narrator: Ash and Lucario gained a new power. Mega Evoltion. This should bring big changes to our hero's Ultra Class battles! In the Pokemon World Coronation Series!

(At noon in Gurkinn's boat we see Ash admiring his new Key Stone on his glove, with his new Lucarionite.)

???: (laughs) Looks like you've got some new power in your hands now Ash.





Riven: I gotta admit, you get more impressive every time now kid.

Musa: He's right! You really have a chance to reaching higher points the World Coronation Series.





Ash Ketchum: Let's get way strong Lucario!

(Then his Rotom Phone wrang)

Pikachu: Pika?

(Ash checks his Rotom Phone)

Ash Ketchum: (laughs)

Pikachu: (surprised) Pika!

???: What is it Ash?

???: Yeah, what's up?

Ash Ketchum: Look at this! (shows his Rotom Phone's screen) My new Ultra Class opponent is chosen!

Goh: (checks) Huh?

???: (gasps) Hey isn't that....

Goh: It's Bea!

(We see Bea on the screen)

Goh: Wow!

Korrina: (gasps)

Razz Buster: Uh... who's Bea?

Trunks: One of the Galar region Gym Leaders.

Luca Shellman Ketchum: He challenge Bea, but he lost in first match and tied in second match.

Mako Waterson Ketchum: Yeah! That was then, this is now he'll win for sure.

Emerl: Agreed.

Goh: It's your third match with her!

Ash Ketchum: I'll win this time! (turns around) It's time to settle this Lucario!

Ash's Lucario: (affirmative)

(the episode ends)