The Apple Family are Applejack's relatives. They are a large family of Earth pony farmers, who own apple farms all over Equestria. The Apple Family are the original founders of Ponyville.
- Applejack
- Apple Bloom
- Big McIntosh
- Granny Smith
- Apple Fritter
- Apple Bumpkin
- Red Gala
- Red Delicious
- Golden Delicious
- Caramel Apple
- Apple Strudel
- Apple Tart
- Baked Apples
- Apple Brioche
- Apple Cinnamon Crisp
- Peachy Sweet
- Apple Cobbler
- Braeburn
- Aunt and Uncle Orange
- Orange Cream
- Orange Bloom
- Marble Cake
- Joffre Cake & Angel Cake
- Cup Cake and Carrot Cake
- Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake
- Babs Seed
- Auntie Applesauce
- Apple Rose
- Apple Dumpling
- Apple Leaves
- Half Baked Apple
- Hayseed Turnip Truck
- Apple Bud
- Apple Bottom
- Apple Bread
- Apple Slice
- Apple Pie
- Apple Brown Betty
- Mint Cupcake
- Apple Croquette
- Crisps Pink
- Fiddly Faddle
- Apple Cider
- Apple Cinnamon
- Apple Honey
- Apple Split
- Apple Top
- Bushel
- Candy Apples
- Curly Cobbler
- Florina
- Jonagold
- Violet Fritter
- Magdalena
- Pink Lady
- Sundowner
- Wensley
- Apple Munchies
- Dosie Dough
- Gingerbread
- Ginger Gold
- Apple Crumble
- Apple Flora
- Apple Mint
- Apple Squash
- Liberty Belle
- Red June
- Sweet Tooth
- Pinkie Pie
- Goldie Delicious
- Bright Mac and Pear Butter
- Buck
- Winona
- Sugar Belle
- Willow Apple
- Golden Apple
- Copper
- Starla
- The Apple Family will all appear in Thomas and Twilight Sparkle Meet Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.