The Aquitar Rangers, sometimes referred to as the Aquitian Rangers or Alien Rangers on Earth, are fictional characters and heroes from the Power Rangers universe, starring in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' and Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers. They are a team of Power Rangers from the planet Aquitar, and telepathically control the Battle Borg zords in battle.
Color | Role | |
Red Aquitar Ranger | Aurico | |
White Aquitar Ranger | Delphine | |
Blue Aquitar Ranger | Cestro | |
Yellow Aquitar Ranger | Tideus | |
Black Aquitar Ranger | Corcus |
Battle Borg[]
- Red Battle Borg
- White Battle Borg
- Blue Battle Borg
- Yellow Battle Borg
- Black Battle Borg
- Red Shogunzord
- Blue Shogunzord
- Black Shogunzord
- Yellow Shogunzord
- White Shogunzord
- Falconzord