Ariella Sparx is a siren created by Unicron using Siren DNA.
Long ago, Unicron fused Dark Energon with Siren DNA to create the UniSirens (Ariella Sparx, Gothnote, Adorinator, Allegro Enchant, Stormy Syncro and Dazzle Gem). Together, Ariella and her sisters brought Cybertronians under their master's spell by singing to them and then Matau and the Skylanders beat them with a counter spell. Then, a few years before Timothy's defeat, she and her sisters find Lord Vortech (the Moximus Mask hater) and Rothbart.
She has the appearance of Human Rainbow Dash with
- Ariella will be Ryvine's partner.
- Ariella will become the enemy of Thomas and Vinnie's siren helper in Return of the UniSirens
- Ariella will marry Jestro (before he is reformed) in The UniSirens' Revenge
- Ariella has a rivalry with the Golden King.
- Ariella will join forces with Jestro in The Revenge of Jestro.