Arkayna Meets The Little Mermaid is an upcoming Mysticons/Disney crossover film created by Mead1992. it will appeared in Google Drive in the future.
- Danny, Sawyer, Pudge, The Raccoons (Bert, Ralph and Melissa), Charlie, Itchy, Brer Rabbit, Ray, Tazma, Dreadbane, General Tribion, Darla Dimple, Dr. Facilier, Brer Fox, Brer Bear, Chef, Creek, Cyril Sneer, the Pigs Carface and Killer will guest starring in this film.
- Tazma, Dreadbane, General Tribion, Dr. Facilier, Brer Fox, Brer Bear, Chef, Creek, Cyril Sneer, The Pigs, Carface and Killer will work for Ursula.
- Song of the South, The Little Mermaid and The Princess and the Frog were all distribued by Disney.