This is the transcript for Arrby's Dino Chase.
[Our story begins with Thomas, Percy and James having a friendly competition]
James: Is this why you are numero uno? That's a fiction. A mind bomb. A little bit unexplainable.
Thomas: Ha. Says the one who prefers red than black.
Percy: Well, yeah. What do you think he is? Batman?
[Soon, they've ended their race with a tie. Just then...]
Rubble: Bye, guys!
Thomas, Percy and James: (jump in surprise)
Thomas: Rubble? What's going on?
Rubble: I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna be gone cause I'm heading back to Builder Cove to help my family with a building project. Anyways, I'll see you soon.
[and he dashed off]
James: Oh, that's nice.
[short silence]
Thomas, Percy and James: WHAT?!
Percy: You have a family?!
Rubble: Pups treats, pup treats, pup treats... Oh yes. Can't forget my construction gear.
[with one mighty push he managed to close his case]
Looks Like It's Traveling by Track[]
Caitlin: Hey, Rubble. What are you doing?
Rubble: Hey, Cait. I’m just packing for my trip to Builder Cove to help my family with a building project.
Philip: You mean you're going on a vacation?
Rubble: Well, kinda. Anyways-
[The scene changes to Knapford Station where everyone heard the news and gathered with excitement]
Gordon: Well, I'll be.
Edward: That sounds like fun.
Rebecca: Indeed.
Emily: I hope his family will be happy to see him again.
Toby: I hope so, too.
[Then Thomas, Percy, James, Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Skye, Zuma and Rocky arrived]
Nia: Rubble, it must be ages since you've seen them.
Rubble: You got that right.
Philip: That'll put pressure on the reunion.
Rubble: Yeah, like you knew the rest.
Ryder: Well, there's nothing like a building project to bring family together.
Rubble: Yeah, well. As much as I missed them. I have a feeling this trip is going to be the boringest one ever!
[Then Thomas got an idea]
Thomas: Hey, Rubble. I was thinking. Why don't I go with you to Builder Cove.
Rubble: (gasps happily) You mean it? You’d do that?
Thomas: Sure, this Big World, Big Adventure needs more than one friend to get there. We'll take Stefano. We'll kick back, relax, enjoy a few movies and we'll get there a couple minutes flat.
Rubble: Well, yeah. But I was thinking why not travel there ourselves. We'll take our time, wonder the wide-open spaces. Who knows? Maybe we'll meet some new friends.
Chase: That's Rubble for you. And if that's the way we'll take count me in.
Skye: I'm up for a journey.
Caitlin: Me too.
Marshall: Leave the petrol and hit the metal!
Everest: Rocks or coals I'm ready to roll!
Tracker: So am I.
Percy: Meeting new friends does sound satisfying. I guess I'm in.
James: Why not make it two.
Marshall: Hey, I wonder if Arrby wants to come.
[And he runs off to call Arrby]
James: And I'm sure Henry would like to join us.
[He whistles as he left to find Henry]
Thomas: (sighs) What have I gotten myself into?
Rosie: I think you just agreed to go on a vacation with your friends.
Thomas: Well, yeah, sure. In Stefano, of course. But this is more than I signed up for. I mean, I love my friends, but this is way so much than I could imagine.
Rosie: (laughs) Don't look at me. I think this island can use a break without you, Percy and James. So, what's it going to be?
Thomas: I guess it's settled. Looks like it's traveling by tracks.
[Then Arrby and Skiff arrived]
Arrby: Ahoy and a half, mateys. I came here as quickly as I could. Any idea where we should stop first?
[Soon James returns with Henry]
Henry: James told me about you all going to Builder Cove and I’d also like to come along.
Rubble: Great!
Ryder: Adam and I will go to Builder Cove to help you guys when you get there.
Chase: Don't you worry about a thing.
Skye: We can handle a little train trip.
[Soon, every engine came up to say goodbye to our heroes]
Chase: Is every pup ready?
Skye, Marshall, Everest, Rubble, Caitlin, Tracker and Arrby: Yup!
Thomas: Then all aboard for a big adventure!
[Thomas, Percy, James and Henry set off as the engines whistled goodbye]
Zuma: You guys go right ahead.
Rocky: We'll be sure to catch you guys up.
[The theme song starts playing]
Voice: Travelling the world with a group of friends
With new adventures round every bend
Whether going smooth
Or travelling fast
They're friends forever
Trains on the Tracks
[The song ends showing the title]
Our Heroes Arrive at a Dino Park[]
Narrator: Arrby's Dino Chase.
[Thomas, Percy, James, Henry, Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Skye, Everest, Caitlin, Tracker and Arrby are seen beginning on their journey]
Arrby: Arr-mazing!
Henry: You have a family?
James: That's what we said.
Thomas: Anyways, how come you never mentioned this family of yours?
Marshall: Family is everyone's thing.
Caitlin: I'm sure they might be pretty interesting.
Rubble: Well, to be honest I'm more popular at Adventure Bay than in Builder Cove. And that's just a mix up going all-natural disaster!
Chase: Come on, Rubble. It can't be that disastrous.
Skye: They're probably just thinking about you right now.
Rubble: (sighs) You're right. I mean what's the worst that could happen?
Percy: That's the spirit.
Everest: Nothing to worry about.
[Then they all saw a giant dinosaur with its mouth wide open]
Our heroes: (yell in surprise) [But when they came to a halt, they soon found that the dinosaur is only a dummy] (sigh)
Thomas: Whoa! It's a dino park.
Rubble: I love these.
Henry: Let's go see.
Arrby: Yeah, I don't know. Seems kind of like school.
James: Oh no! No, no, no, no, no! Who picked the last three stops? You! Who got us front row seats at that opera? You! [a flashback shows Arrby eating popcorn while the others are trying to block the horrible singing] Who did the robot while everyone was doing the German Polynesian?! You! [another flashback shows Arrby dancing the robot while everyone was staring at him] And let's not forget the one who touched the Stonehenge rocks!
[the last flashback shows Chase. Skye, Marshall, Everest, Rubble, Caitlin, Tracker and Arrby running from the falling rocks and to Thomas, Percy, James and Henry]
Marshall: (in the flashback) You had to touch it!
Rubble: (in the flashback) You just had to touch it!
[The flashback ends]
Arrby: Well, anyways, I'm more of a pirate fan than a dinosaur fan.
Thomas: Come on. Give it a chance. I'm sure you'll like it.
[And so, they entered in the park]
Chase: Look. A Troodon. A small bird like dinosaur that had three clawed toes. Still, they are related to birds.
Skye: The Hadrosaurus. A magnificent dinosaur that was a cerapod another name for herbivorous.
Tracker: Amigos, over there. A Pachycephalosaurus had thick noggins to battle each other for dominance in the herd.
Henry: Oh, wow. The Archaeopteryx is a dinosaur called the "first bird".
Arrby: How do you mateys know all about this dinosaur stuff anyways?
Rubble: (speaking like Einstein) Elementary, my dear pup. Seeing people who know about stuff comes from intense science research.
Marshall: (disturbed) Why are you wearing a gray mustache and wig?
Rubble: (speaking like Einstein) You'd be surprised on how many things can appear on a character's face.
Skye: (annoyed) Give me those!
(Rips them off of Rubble's face)
Rubble: Ow.
Arrby: Eh, it's nice, I guess. Does it at least have a snack bar?
Percy: Come on, I'm sure you'll find something interesting to learn about.
Arrby: Yo ho ho! Look!
Caitlin: (reads the sign) Time Travelling Boat of Wonderment.
Voice: Step right up folks! Have a ride on the Time Travelling Safari Boat! This baby will take you back in time of the dinosaurs!
Arrby: Oh boy! This boat sounds like fun! Let's go!
[And off he goes to the boat]
Chase: Well, at least there's something in this park he's interested in.
[And they all follow Arrby in pursuit. When they got to the boat...]
Border Collie: Welcome aboard, ladies and gentlemen. Step inside and let the boat take you in... Wait, guys?!
Chase, Skye, Marshall, Rubble, Everest, Caitlin, Tracker and Arrby: Rex!
Rubble: It's been a while since we saw you, Rex.
Skye: What are you doing here?
Rex: I was about to ask you the same thing.
Henry: You guys, know him?
Chase: Oh, sorry. Rex, these are our friends. Thomas, Percy, James and Henry.
Rex: Well, hi there to you folks.
Thomas: Hello, Rex.
Percy: Nice to meet you, Rex.
James: Are you the one that knows what dinosaurs are saying that we’ve heard about?
Rex: Yes, I am. They call me the Dino Whisperer.
Henry: Wow I must say that’s amazing you know what dinosaurs are saying.
Rex: It is helpful when the pups go on mission in the Dino Wilds.
Caitlin: That’s impressive as Henry said.
Rubble: Say, Rex. We need a favor.
[And he whispers something to Rex's ear]
Rex: Sure. I don't see why not.
Tracker: What did you say Rubble?
Rubble: (in whisper) I've just asked him if he can help Arrby to get in the mood of learning about dinosaurs.
Caitlin: Ok maybe that’ll help Arrby like learning about dinosaurs.
Marshall: We are exploring here on the way to Builder Cove anyway.
Arrby: When's the ride gonna start? I love pirate ships!
Rex: Well, if you all want to hop on in and we can start it.
Arrby: Thanks Rex.
[And so, our heroes board the boat. And they were on their way]
Rex: And if you look to your right, you might see a herd of triceratops. These guys have serious head shield for protection.
[As Rex was talking Arrby was getting sleepy from all the words and when he woke up...]
Arrby: Huh? [everything was covered in trees and plants and dinosaurs roaming wherever they want] Woah! Where am I? Everything's all covered in rock.
Rex: Arrby.
Arrby: Rex. What's happened? Everything's all stoney like.
Rex: Sweet, sweet Arrby. Everyone knows there's only rocks and stones before technology and automobiles in the Dinosaur or Prehistoric Age.
Arrby: Really?
Rex: Of course. In these ages it's eat or be eaten, dine or die trying.
Arrby: Gee, I didn't know how everything was like that back then.
Rex: Yup. Back then the world was ruled by giants like... (gasps) A Giganotosaurus! And a Dreadnoughtus!
Arrby: Uh... are you sure it's safe to get that close to them?
Rex: Relax. I've been in Dino Wilds my whole life. Trust me. Nothing's gonna...
[Gets eaten by the Dreadnoughtus]
Arrby: REXY!
[he grabs a tree and uses it to hit the dinosaur which spits out Rex who is covered in drool]
Rex: You know what? I take back what I said. Run!
[They quickly ran for their lives. They hurried through the jungle]
Arrby: You sure they have jungles like this back in those ages?
Rex: Yup. You see back in the age of dinosaurs, some used to eat plants, some used to eat meat and some used to eat both meat and plants.
Triceratron: (roars)
Arrby and Rex: (scream)
Rex: (in a wonder voice) Hey, a Triceratron. (in a panic voice) RUN!
[ the boat