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This is the transcript for Ash's Adventures of Toy Story 2.

Opening/Rex Playing the Buzz Lightyear Video Game[]

[The film begins in outer space. The title comes up: Toy Story 2. Then green letters appear: GAMMA QUADRANT, SECTOR 4. They disappeared and a blue comet was speeding towards a planet that has rocks on it. It's revealed to be Buzz Lightyear, a space ranger toy flying into the planet's atmosphere. He open his wings to slow himself down as he flies above the ground and then lands in a clearing. He looks around breathing in and out before opening his wrist communicator]

  • Utility Belt Buzz: Buzz Lightyear Mission log. All signs point to this planet as the location of Zurg's fortress, but there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.

[Laser lights appear on Buzz and he looks up to see millions of robots that are armed with lasers surrounding him. Buzz jumps and uses his own laser on the crystal which blows the robots up and sends him flying into the air screaming. Buzz lands on the ground and runs over to a wall to catch his breath when a monitor looks in his direction and beeps. Buzz jumps and zaps it with his laser, destroying it. Then the ground opens up in a Z shape and Buzz jumps in and when it shuts, his suit glows. He runs along the corridor. In a room, a yellow dot appears on a red screen identifying as Buzz. A figure raises his clawed hand and puts it on a lever]

  • Emperor Zurg: Come to me, my prey.

[He moves the lever back and the lights in the corridor come on making Buzz stop in surprise. Then a wall with spikes appears behind him and moves towards him. Buzz look back and gasps and runs as the wall closes in on him. Buzz manages to jump through a closing door just in time and the spike ram into the door, denting it. Buzz stands up and saw a battery which reads The Source of Zurg's Power. Buzz walk slowly to the bridge which has discs that floats between him and the battery. Buzz jumps and lands on the discs, each one playing a musical note as he does so. Then, the discs fall suddenly, carrying Buzz with them. Thinking fast, Buzz press a button on his utility belt which makes a force field bubble around him and then he flies upward]

  • Utility Belt Buzz: To infinity and beyond!

[He reaches the platform and deactivates the bubble. He then reaches to grab the battery but his hand went through it, revealing to be an illusion. It then disappears and Evil Emperor Zurg rises up behind Buzz on a platform]

  • Emperor Zurg: So, we meet again, Buzz Lightyear, for the last time.
  • Utility Belt Buzz: Not today, Zurg!

[Zurg fires his ion blaster at Buzz but he picks up a disc to shield himself and the blasts bounce off. Buzz throws it at Zurg, hitting him in the face. Buzz somersaults over Zurg but just as he landed and turn around to fire his laser, Zurg spins around so fast and shoots Buzz, vaporizing him, leaving his legs to crouch down and fall on the floor]

  • Emperor Zurg: (cackles with triumph)

[The letters GAME OVER appear on the TV screen, revealing that the whole thing was only a video game which is played by Rex, who's wearing a goldfish ball with sicker darts on his head with Buzz, Ash and the others beside him, watching]

  • Rex: Oh, no! No! No, no, no, no, no.
  • Ash Ketchum: Oooh… So close, Rex.
  • Buzz Lightyear: Oh! You almost had him.
  • Rex: I'm never gonna defeat Zurg!
  • Buzz Lightyear: Sure you will, Rex. In fact, you're a better Buzz than I am.
  • Taran: Yeah. All you need is a little practice.
  • Rex: But look at my little arms! I can't press the fire button and jump at the same time!
  • Ash Ketchum: Hey. Don't give up 'til it's over, okay?
  • (But then hear and spot Woody in a drawer looking for something)
  • Woody: Where is it? Where is it?
  • Ash Ketchum: Hey! What are you looking for, Woody?
  • Pikachu: Pika?
  • Woody: My hat.
  • Buzz Lightyear: Uh, Woody?
  • Woody: Huh? (bumps his head and grunts painfully but then falls down to the floor)
  • Everyone: Ooh.
  • Buzz Lightyear: Hang on, Cowboy!
  • (He swing to the lamp, then lands on a mini cart and did loop the loops and did flips and lands close to Woody)
  • Brock: Woody, are you okay?
  • Pikachu: Pi?
  • Buzz Lightyear: (gets Woody up) Woody are you alright!
  • Woody: Oh. Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine guys. Okay. Here's your list of things to do while I'm gone. Batteries need to be changed. Toys in the bottom of the chest need to be rotated. Oh, and make sure everyone attend Mr. Spell's seminar on what to do if you or a part of you is swallowed. Okay? Okay. Good. Okay.
  • Buzz Lightyear: Woody, you haven't found your hat yet, have you?
  • Woody: NO!!! And Andy's leaving for cowboy any minute, I can't find it anywhere!
  • Jack Skellington: Hey, take it easy Woody, there's no need to worry.
  • Buzz Lightyear: He's right Woody in just a few hours you'll be sitting around a campfire with Andy making delicious, hot "sch'moes".
  • Ash Ketchum: Uh, "sch'moes?"
  • Pikachu: Pika?
  • Woody: They're called s'mores, Buzz.
  • Buzz Lightyear: Right. Right. Of course. (to the other toys) Has anyone found Woody's hat yet?

(We see Sarge's men takling out the toys in the toy chest out while trying to find Woody's hat)

  • Sarge: (to his men) Keep looking, men. Dig deeper! (to Buzz) Negatory. Still searching.
  • Taran: Hey, Hamm, how are you and Lenny doing up there? Any sign of Woody's hat outside?

(Hamm and Lenny were searching the window, as Hamm makes a curtain signal to someone)

  • Hamm: The law gnome next door says it's not in the yard, but he'll keep lookin'.

(Then Bo Peep's sheep, along with Bo Peep, and the Troll came in)

  • Princess Eilonwy: Hey, Bo. Did you find Woody's hat in Molly's Room?
  • Bo Peep: No. It's not in Molly's room. We've looked everywhere.
  • Mr. Potato Head: (comes out from under the bed) I found it.
  • Woody: You found my hat?
  • Mr. Potato Head: Your hat? No! (Presents Potato Head ear) The missus lost her earring. (to his wife) Oh, my little sweet potato!
  • Mrs. Potato Head: Oh, you found it! Oh, it's so nice to have a big, strong spud around the house.

(Mr. Potato Head holds her in his arm and kisses cheeks many times as she laughs)

  • Misty: Wow, look at those two love birds.
  • Brock: Could it be that I'm the only one who hasn't found love?
  • Woody: Oh, great. That's just great. This'll be the first year I miss cowboy camp, all because of my stupid hat!
  • Bo Peep: Woody, look under your boot.
  • Woody: Don't be silly. My hat is not under my boot.
  • Bo Peep: Would you just look?
  • Woody: (groans; looks under his boot to show Andy's name) You see, no hat. Just the word "Andy".
  • Bo Peep: Uh-huh. And the boy who wrote that would take you to camp with or without your hat.
  • Woody: I'm sorry, Bo. It's just that I've been lookin' forward to this all year. It's my one time with just me and Andy.

(But then Bo Peep pulls him forward with her staff)

  • Bo Peep: You're cute when you care.
  • Woody: Bo, not in front of Buzz and the guys.
  • Bo Peep: (purrs) Let 'em look.

(Just as they were about to share a kiss they heard Bo Peep's sheep and some grunting and find Rex, Gurgi, TBA, TBA, and TBA stuck in a tug-of-war with Bo Peep's sheep who are trying to take the video game control)

  • TBA: (grunts and pulls) Let go of it!
  • TBA: (pulls) Yeah, it's our turn!
  • TBA: (grunts and pulls) Let go of the controls you darn sheep, it's not food!
  • Rex: Uh.... Miss Peep, your sheep!
  • Bo Peep: (whistles)

(The sheep let go but cause Rex, and the others to fall over and Rex ended up turning on the TV to show a commercial)

  • Al McWhiggin: Hey Kids! This is Al from Al's Toy Barn, and I'm sittin'...
  • Rex: (startled) WHOA!!!
  • Al McWhiggin: Ow! I think I'm feeling a deal hatching right now. Whoa! Let's see what we got. We got boats for a buck, Beanies for a buck...
  • Woody: Rex! Turn it off! Someone's gonna hear!
  • TBA: Use the remote!
  • TBA: Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off!
  • Rex: (tries to turn it off) Which one is off?!
  • Al McWhiggin: Buck, buck, buck! And that's cheap, cheap, cheap! So hurry on down...
  • Hamm: (to Rex) For cryin out loud, it's this one! (turns the TV Off)
  • Chomper: Phew! That was close.
  • TBA: You've said it, Chomper.
  • Hamm: I despise that Chicken.
  • Slinky (V.O.): Fellas!

(Slinky comes in)

  • Slinky: Fellas! Okay, I got some good news and I got some bad news.
  • TBA: Good and bad news?

(Everyone chatters in confusion)

  • Mrs. Potato Head: What news?
  • TBA: Yeah what news?
  • Slinky: The good news is...(shows Woody's hat) ...I found your hat, Woody.
  • Woody: My hat! Oh! (puts it on) Slink, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Where'd you find it?
  • Slinky: Well, that's the bad news.
  • Ash Ketchum: What do you mean?
  • Slinky: Just listen.

(A dog bark was heard)

  • Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Oh no!
  • Pikachu: Pika!
  • TBA: Uh, doesn't that sound like...?
  • Rex: Oh, it's Buster!
  • Hamm: (gasps)
  • TBA: And it sounds like he's heading this way!
  • TBA: Quick, barricade the door!
  • Brock: (commanding) Sarge! Prepare for operation, "Canine alert!"
  • Sarge: You heard him men! Canine alert! Man your battle stations!

(Sarge's soldiers and Rocky barricade the door)

  • Sarge: Let's move, move, move!

(Buster tries to get in while growling)

  • TBA: (gasps) Here he comes!
  • TBA: Take cover everybody!
  • TBA: Scatter!
  • Bo Peep: Woody! Hide! Quick!
  • Woody: (gasps)

(Everyone takes cover as Woody goes into hiding. Sarge's men and Rocky hold the door till Buster bursts in barking. Buster barks and runs around while bumping some blocks, then Mike, then Robot, the Troikas, then sniff between the Little Tikes Fire Truck and the Rolly Poly Clown, then crash by the wooden house as it collapse to reveal the Potato Head couple smooching, then he runs to Andy's camping bag to take out, then shake, then toss Woody to the floor and growl but instead of tearing him apart he licks him)

  • Woody: (sputtering) Okay, okay, okay. Okay, okay! You found me! Buster, alright. (groans) Hey, how did he do, guys?

(Hamm and TBA check Mr. Spell's timing to 13.5)

  • TBA: He found you in... (checking)...13.5 seconds Woody!
  • Hamm: Looks like a new record.
  • Woody: Okay, boy. Sit.

(Buster sits)

  • Woody: Reach for the sky.

(Buster stood up with his paws in the air)

  • Woody: Gotcha!

(Buster acts like he got shot and plays dead)

  • Woody: (chuckles) Great job, boy. Who's gonna miss me while I'm gone, huh? Who's gonna miss me? Who's gonna miss me?

(But as he rubs Buster's belly...)

  • Mrs. Davis (V.O.): Andy, you got all your stuff?
  • Woody: (whispers) Okay! Have a good weekend, everybody. I'll see you Sunday night.

(He goes to hide)

  • Andy Davis (V.O.): It's in my room

(Andy comes in a cowboy style like manner as Buster gets up and barks)

  • Andy Davis: Stick 'em up.

(But Buster just scratches his ear and walks under him and walks out of the room)

  • Andy Davis: I guess we'll wok on that later. (Finds Woody) Hey, Woody. Ready to go to cowboy camp?
  • Mrs. Davis: Andy, honey, come on. Five minutes, and we're leavin'.
  • Andy Davis: Five minutes. Hmm.

Woody's Arm Ripped/Woody's Nightmare[]

  • Andy Davis: (imitating Bo Peep) Help! Help! Somebody help me! (imitating Woody) Let her go, evil Dr. Porkchop! (imitating Hamm aka Dr. Porkchop) Never! You must choose, Sheriff Woody. How shall she die? Shark? Or death by monkeys! (makes monkey noises) Choose! (imitating Woody) I choose Buzz Lightyear! (imitating Hamm aka Dr. Porkchop) What?! That's not a choice! (imitating Buzz Lightyear) To infinity and beyond! (imitating Woody) I'll save you, Miss Peep! (imitating Bo Peep) My hero! (smooches) (imitating Woody) Thanks, Buzz! (imitating Buzz Lightyear) No problem, buddy! You should never tangle with the unstoppable duo of Woody and Buzz Lightyear! [accidentally rips Woody's arm; gasps] Oh, no.
  • Mrs. Davis: Andy, let's go. Molly's already in her car seat.
  • Andy Davis: But, Mom, Woody's arm ripped.
  • Mrs. Davis: Oh, no. Maybe we can fix him along the way.
  • Andy Davis: Nah, just leave him.
  • Mrs. Davis: Oh. [puts Woody on the shelf] I'm sorry, honey. But you know, toys don't last forever.

(She and Andy left the room. Woody unfreezes and gasps with dismay at that. Buzz, Ash, and the others look up and see this)

  • Rex: What happened?
  • Mr. Potato Head: Woody's been shelved.
  • Rex: (gasps)
  • Littlefoot: Ash, what happened?
  • Ash Ketchum: Woody's arm ripped and he's been placed up on the shelf.

[Woody looks at his torn arm, lifts it and then lets it go and it falls down. Woody look out the window to see Andy get into the car]

  • Woody: Andy!

[The car drives off. Woody looks sad and let his legs dangle from the shelf. The other toys look up at h

  • Slinky: Woody?
  • Bo Peep: Woody? Honey, are you okay?

[But Woody doesn't respond]

  • Pikachu: Pika?
  • Brock: I think we should leave him alone for a bit.









































Yard Sale/Woody, Ash, Pikachu, Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Princess Eilonwy, Fflewddur Fflam and Woody Woodpecker Have Been Kidnapped.[]

Woody: Wheezy? Is that you?

Wheezy: Hi, Woody.

Woody: What are you doing up here? I thought mom took you to get your squeaker fixed months ago. Andy was so upset.

Wheezy: Nah. She just told him that to calm him down. And then, put me on the shelf.

Woody: Well, why didn't you yell for help?

Wheezy: I tried squeaking. But I'm still broken. No one can hear me. [wheezes and coughs] Besides, the dust aggravates my condition. [inhales and coughs] What's the point in prolonging the inevitable? We're all just one stitch away from here to there.

(Woody notices Andy's mother hammering down a sign saying Yard Sale)

Woody: Yard sale? (gasps) Yard sale! (puts Wheezy aside and shout) YARD SALE!!!

(Everyone wakes up upon alert.)

Woody: Guys, wake up, wake up! There's a yard sale outside!

Buzz Lightyear: Yard sale?

???: A yard sale?! Now?!

???: Oh, this can't be good!

Woody: Sarge, emergency roll call!

Sergeant: (comes up) Sir, yes, sir! Red alert! All civilians fall in position now! (Everyone gathers up in a single file) Single file! Let's move, move, move!

???: Okay roll call!

Buzz Lightyear: Hamm?

Hamm: Here.

Buzz Lightyear: Potato Heads. Mr. and Mrs.?

Mr and Mrs. Potato Head: Here.

Buzz Lightyear: Troikas. (each Troikas pop out from big to smallest) Check, check, check, check, check.

Rex: I hate yard sales! (But then hears something and yelps) Someone's coming!

???: (gasps) Everybody hide!

(Everyone hides to their places, as Woody places Wheezy back in place and acts lifeless. Andy's Mother Mrs. Davis comes in)

Mrs. Davis: Okay. Let's see what's up here.

(She looks under the bed where Slinky is as ??? watches with worry)

???: (softly gasps) Oh no, Slinky!

(But to TBA's relief Mrs. Davis only picked out old roller blades)

???: (softly) Phew.

(Then Mrs. Davis walks to where Rex is and picks him up as TBA's watches with worry)

???: (softly gasps) Rex!

(At first it looked like Mrs. Davis was taking Rex but instead she puts him down next to the puzzle box and picked it up instead.)

???: (softly sighs with relief) That was a close call.

(But then she reaches to Woody and Wheezy are in the shelf as she picks up a rainbow stack ring pack then the book, covering Wheezy, and as Woody watches while staying still, Wheezy gets picked up)

Wheezy: (softly sad) Bye, Woody.

(Woody looks with horror as Mrs. Davis puts Wheezy in the box to sold away)

Woody: (worried) Wheezy! Think, think, Woody. Think, think, think. Ooh...(tries to whistle with his left arm but it sounds like raspberry much to his frustration, so he picks up his ripped right arm and whistles)

(Buster comes barking in)

Woody: Hey. Here, boy. Here, Buster! Up here! (tries to get down but slips) No, no, no, no, no,...(fals) no!

(But luckily lands into Buster's back)

Woody: Okay, boy.

Ash Ketchum: Woody wait!

Woody: Huh?

Ash Ketchum: I’m going with you.

Pikachu: Pika, Pi!




Woody Woodpecker: Ash, Woody, wait!

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

Littlefoot: We want to come with you too.

Fflewddur Fflam: Besides, it's too dangerous for you do it alone.










Pikachu: Pika.

Ash Ketchum: Sure, you guys can come with us.




(They all get on Buster)

Woody: Okay, guys! To the yard sale! Hyah!

(They ride off)

Mr. Potato Head: What's goin' on?

Bo Peep: Woody!

Misty and Brock: Ash!

Pikachu: Pika Pi!

Grandma and Grandpa Longnecks: Littlefoot!





Mr. Potato Head: They're nuts.

Slinky: His arm ain't that bad.

Rex: Don't do it, guys! We love you!

(They ride to the stairs)

Ash Ketchum: Hold on tight guys!

Woody: Careful on the steps, now.

(But then they all grunt as they went down the stairs as it was rather bumpy till they hit the wall. They then sneak out from the door to the yard as they spot Mrs. Davis putting the box with Wheezy down a table in the yard sale.)

???: There's the box.

???: I see it!

Woody: (to Buster) Okay, boy. Let's go. And keep it casual.

(As they hid to hold onto the Buster, Buster, walks down acting "too casual")

???: (softly) Uh, that's nice Buster but...

Woody: (softly) Not that casual.

(Buster stops panting and moves forward with Woody, Ash, and the others holding on. The other toys, Misty, Brock, the Longnecks, and their friends look down with worry)

Hamm: Piggy bank coming through, coming through.

???: Where are they?

Rex: Are they out there?

Bo Peep: Can you see them?

(Buzz spots them with Lenny)

Buzz: There they are.

(Woody, Ash, and the other on Buster reach to the table with the box where Wheezy is and climb up but then...)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps softly) Hide!

(They hid as a man passes by whistling)

???: (softly) Okay, we're clear!

(They then run and get into the box as the other toys and their friends watch with horror)

???: (gasps) What're they doing?!

Rex: (gasps horrified) They're getting in the box!

Hamm: They're selling themselves for 25 cents!

???: What?!

Slinky: Oh, fellas, you're worth more than that.

(But Buzz notices something)

Buzz Lightyear: Hold on. Hold on. They got something.

???: Really?

???: What is it?

(He notices they got Wheezy)

Buzz Lightyear: (gasps) It's Wheezy!

Everyone: Wheezy?

Rex: Hey, it's not suicide. It's a rescue.

???: (sighs with relief) Well that's a relief.

???: Yeah, just when we got worried.

(Woody, Ash, Littlefoot, along with their friends drop Wheezy down to Buster. They came down)

Woody: Good boy, Buster.

Ash Ketchum: Okay, hold still.

(They place Wheezy to Buster's collar)

Woody: There. There you go, pal.

Wheezy: Bless you and your friends, Woody.

Ash Ketchum: No problem Wheezy.

Pikachu: Pika.

(They got on Buster)

Woody: Alright, now. Back to Andy's room. Hyah!

(They make their way back as the others in the window watch and cheer)

Buzz Lightyear: Way to go, guys.

Slinky: Golly bob howdy!

???: Looks like everything's fine now.

???: (notices something) Oh, no!

???: What's wrong?

???: It looks like Wheezy's slipping!

(Whezzy is starting to slip)

Wheezy: Woody, guys, I'm slipping!

???: Oh no!

(They push Wheezy back up but then they fell off of Buster as they scream and fall to the floor, while watching Buster take Wheezy back inside much to their relief)

TBA: (sighs with relief) Well, Wheezy's safe.

(But then a child laugh was heard as they notice, while Ash, Pikachu and the others hide, Woody plays lifeless toy)

Girl: Mommy... Mommy, look! Look a this! (runs to Woody and picks him up) Mommy, look! It's a cowboy dolly!

Ash, Littlefoot, and their group: (softly) Hey!

Rex: Hey, that's not her toy!

Buzz Lightyear: (while watching with Lenny) No, no, no, no, no, no!

Slinky: What's that little gal think she's doin'?

Girl: Mommy, mommy, can we get it please, mommy?

Girl's mother: (picks up Woody via the arm) Oh, honey, you don't want this toy it's broken. (tosses it aside)

(Woody lands on table however his pull string got pulled via the girl before tossed aside.)

Woody: (voice box) There's a snake in my boot!

(A man who heard Woody's voice box playing gasps and turns to notice)

Man: (approaches Woody and gasps as he picked him up) An original hand painted face, natural dyed blanket stiched vest. (notices his arm slightly ripped) Oh, a little ripped. Fixable. Oh, if you only had your hand stitched polyvinyl... (find Woody's hat on the table and gasps in shock) A hat!! (excitedly puts it on Woody) I found him! I found him! (excitedly laughs)

(Buster's voice is heard barking at the man as Mrs. Davis approaches)

Mrs. Davis: Buster! Quiet down!

(The man quickly covered Woody with a bunch of stuff in the Yard Sale as Mrs. Davis approaches him.)

Mrs. Davis: (to the man) Excuse me, can I help you?

Slinky: Yeah, you can help take his paw off my pal!

TBA: Easy, Slink.

Man: Uh, I'll give you 50 cents for all this junk.

Mrs. Davis: [seeing Woody] Oh. Now, h-how did this get down here?

Buzz Lightyear: Just hand her the sheriff. Nice and easy.

Man: Oh, a pro. Very well. Five dollars.

Mrs. Davis: I'm sorry. It's an old family toy.

(The man groaned disappointed)

Buzz Lightyear: Now, just walk away.

Man: Wait!

Buzz Liightyear: The other way.

Man: Uh, I'll give you fifty bucks for it.

Mr. Potato Head: (to Hamm) Fifty bucks ain't bad.

TBA: Potato Head!

Mrs. Davis: It's not for sale. [She puts Woody in a case and locks him inside]

Man: Everything's for sale. O-Or trade. Uh, you like my watch?

Mrs. Davis: Sorry.

Buzz Lightyear: He’s safe.

Hamm: Way to go, Andy's mom!

Mr. Potato Head: Whew. That was close.

Slinky: All right. She showed him.

Man: But, lady...

Mrs. Davis: Molly, don't touch that, please.

(The man groaned frustrated in defeat.)

Mr. Potato Head: Yeah, go home Mr. Fancy Car.

(The man stumbles on a skateboard. Seeing it and looking at Andy's Mom with a grin, he gets an idea.)

Buzz Lightyear: Hold on.

Hamm: Whassup?

Rex: What is it Buzz?

Mrs. Davis: Molly? Molly! I'll be right here, sweetie.

(Al uses his foot to push the skateboard toward some boxes)

Mrs. Davis: (heard the crash) Oh! What now? (goes to check, while the man quickly starts trying to unlock the case)

TBA: What's going?

TBA: What did he just do?!

Mr. Potato Head: What's happening down there?

Hamm: What's goin' on down there?

Slinky: What's he doing?

Rex: I can't watch. Can someone cover my eyes?

(Buzz checking via Lenny notices the man is stealing Woody after unlocking the case.)

Buzz Lightyear: Oh, no. He's stealing Woody!

Everyone: What?!

TBA: He's what?!

Hamm: Stealin'?! W-Wait!

Rex: He can't take Woody. It's illegal.

Slinky: Where's he goin'?

TBA: Somebody stop him!

Rex: Somebody! Do somethin'!

(Buzz quickly puts Lenny down and slides down the pipeline)

Bo Peep: Buzz!

(Buzz lands down and quickly starts going after the man to save Woody)

Mr. Potato Head: (softly shouts) Get him, Buzz!

Rex: Oh!

TBA: Hurry!




















Solving the identity of the "Chicken Man"/Woody, Ash, Littefoot, and their friends meet the Round Up Gang[]

(At Andy's House we see the toys and heroes in a case-like investigation)

  • Hamm: Alright. Let's review this one more time. At precisely 8:32-ish, exhibit A, Woody, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Princess Eilonwy, Fflewddur Fflam and Woody Woodpecker was kidnapped. Exhibit B,.... (Etch draws Al with a long beard).... a composite sketch of the kidnapper.
  • Chomper: Uh Hamm, that beard's way too long.
  • Bo Peep: Chomper's right. He didn't have a beard like that.
  • Hamm: Fine. Etch, give him a shave

(Etch redraws Al without the long beard)

  • Slinky: The kidnapper was bigger than that.
  • Hamm: Oh, picky, picky, picky.
  • Mr. Potato Head: Let's just go straight to Exhibit F.

(Review of the escape scene)

  • Mr. Potato Head: The kidnapper's vehicle. Now, the vehicle fled the scene in this direction.
  • Hamm: Your eyes are in backwards. It went the other way.
  • Mr. Potato Head: Hey. Put a cork in it.
  • Rex: How do you spell F.B.I.?
  • TBA: (panicking) Rex no...

(Rex crashes the crime scene set up)

  • Mr. Potato Head: My crime scene!
  • TBA: Rex!!
  • TBA: Come on!
  • Hamm: Oh, why don't you watch where you're going god-spilla?!
  • Rex: I didn't know there was a crime scene.
  • Buzz Lightyear: Excuse me. Excuse me. A little quiet, please. Thank you.
  • Hamm, and Ash's friends: Huh?

(They look to Potato Head and he just shrug "I don't know", so they decided to check on what's Buzz doing and they find him with Mr. Spell)

  • Mr Spell: Lazy toy brain. (Buzz retypes) Lousy try, Brain.
  • Jack Skellington: Buzz, what are you up to?
  • Rex: What are you doing Buzz?
  • Buzz Lightyear: It's some sort of message encoded on that vehicle's I.D. tag.
  • Mr. Spell: Liz try bran.
  • Mr. Potato Head: It's just a license plate. It's just a jumble of letters.
  • Hamm: Yeah, and there are about 3.5 million registered cars in the Tri-Country are alone.
  • Guido: He's got point you know?
  • Mr. Spell: Lou's thigh burn.
  • Buzz Lightyears: (shakes his head and groans) Mm-mm.
  • Mr. Potato Head: Oh, this can't help. Let's leave Buzz to play with his toy.

(As they were leaving...)

  • Buzz Lightyear: (realizes) Toy. Toy. Toy. Hold on!

(He retypes on Mr. Spell as the toys and Ash's friend turn around to notice)

  • Mr. Spell: Al's Toy Barn.
  • Ash's friends and Andy's toys: Al's Toy Barn!

(Buzz picks up the feather and realizes something)

  • Buzz Lightyear: Etch, draw that man in a chicken suit.

(Etch erases the current drawing and redrew the man in a familiar chicken suit)

  • Ash's friends and Andy's Toys: (gasps)
  • Gurgi: It's...
  • Rex: (gasps) It's the chicken man!
  • TBA: Al of Al's Toy Barn.
  • Buzz Lightyear: That's our guy.
  • Hamm: I knew there was something I didn't like about that chicken.

(The scene changes to Al in his chicken suit in his apartment, talking to someone on the phone)

  • Al: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll be right there. And we're gonna do this commercial in one take. Do you hear me? Because I am in the middle of something really important.

(He sighs and hangs up before turning his attention to Woody, who are in glass cases)

  • Al: (snickers) Oh... you, my little friends along with your cowboy friend, are gonna make me big buck-buck-bucks! [He laughs as he leaves the room.]

(He laughs as he leaves the room)

Ash Ketchum: Okay guys he's gone, Let's get out here.

(They run to the door of his apartment and jump up but they can't reach the handle as it's too high for them to reach)

Littlefoot: We can't reach the handle.

Ash Ketchum: Petrie. Can you fly up to the door handle and open it?

Petrie: Me on it!

(Petrie flies up and jumps hard on the handle but it wouldn't go down)

Petrie: It's no use, I can't open it.

Princess Eilonwy: Now what do we do?

Ash Ketchum: (Look around and saw the window) The window. Come on.

(They climb the chair and jump onto the window sill and open the blinds. They looks down in shock to see that they're high up from the ground and at the top floor)

???: Oh great.

???: Where at the top of a building!

Woody: (looks up the window) Andy!

(Down below we see Al McWhiggin getting into his car)

Al McWhiggin: I can't believe I have to drive all the way to work on a Saturday. All the way to work!

(However, his business store was just across his apartment, and yet the lazy ol' "Chicken Man" drove his car across the street to his store's parking lot. Back at Al's apartment)

???: Now what?

(Ash looks around till he noticed a vent hole.)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Down there! To the vent hole!

(Woody, Ash, and the others get down and run to the vent hole cover. They tried to pull it open but no use.)

???: (grunts) It's locked!

















Buzz and friends' Mission: Save "Woody, Ash, Littlefoot, and their kidnapped friends"/Woody's Round Up Episode[]

(Back at Andy's house Rex was pushing the channel button the TV remote)

???: Any luck yet, Rex?

Rex: No! I can't find it! It doesn't seem to be on any of these stations.

???: (grunts frustrated) It's just gotta be here!

Buzz Lightyear: He's right, keep looking.

Hamm: Oh, you're going to slow. (pushes Rex aside) Let me talk the wheel.

(He begins to push the channel button but far too quickly)

???: Um, that's a bit too fast Hamm.

Rex: Yeah, how can you even tell what's on?

Hamm: I can tell.

(He kept changing to different channels quick till he passed one that had Al's Toy Barn commercial)

Everyone: Stop!

Rex: Back, back, back!

Hamm: Too late. I'm in the 40s got to go 'round the horn. It's faster.

Rex: Back, back!

Buzz Lightyear: Stop!

Al McWhiggin: (on TV) And look for the giant chicken!

(The map to Al's Toy Barn came up)

Buzz Lightyear: Now, Etch!

(Etch quickly drew the map as Buzz approaches him and points to the Chicken symbol)

Buzz Lightyear: That's where I need to go.

???: What?!

???: All that way?!

Rex: You can't go, Buzz. You'll never make it there.

Buzz Lightyear: Woody, Ash, and the others once risked their lives to save me. I couldn't call myself their friend if I weren't willing to do the same. So who's with me?





Mrs. Potato Head: (packing Mr. Potato Head's pieces) I'm packing your extra pair shoes, and your angry eyes, just in case.

Bo Peep: (to Buzz) This is for Woody. When you find him.

(She gives Buzz a kiss on the cheek much to his surprise)

Buzz Lightyear: (clears his throat) Alright, but I don't think it'll mean the same coming from me.

Weezy (V.O.): Mr. Buzz Lightyear...

(We see Weezy being brought by Rocky and Robot)

Weezy: ....you just gotta save my pal Woody, and the others. (coughs; wheezing)

Buzz Lightyear: I'll do my best, son.

???: Correction. We'll do our best!

???: Yeah! We're gonna go save our friends!

???: No matter, how long the walk will take!

???: And we're gonna bring them home!

???: Yeah!

(Mrs. Potato Head gives Mr. Potato Head a kiss in the cheek)

Mr. Potato Head: Okay, fellas. (puts on his mustache) Let's roll!

(We then find Ash's friends, Buzz, Potato Head, Rex, Hamm, and Slinky walking across the roof to a ledge where Slinky stood still as Potato Head gets hold of his bottom and goes down)

Mr. Potato Head: Geronimo!

(He lands down and lets go off Slinky's bottom as it springs back up for the others)

???: (grabs hold) Going down!

(??? goes and lands down and lets go of Slinky's bottom)

???: (grabs hold) Here I go!






Rex: You think with all my video games experience, I'd be feeling more prepared.

(He tries to get hold of Slinky's bottom only to fall off)

Rex: AAH...

(Slinky held tight as Rex came back holding to his bottom as he screamed)

Slinky: The idea...(grunts) Is to let go.

Buzz Lightyear: We'll be back before Andy gets home.

Mrs. Potato Head: Don't talk to any toys, you don't know!

Buzz Lightyear: To Al's Toy Barn. (grabs hold of Slinky's bottom) And beyond!

(Goes down as Slinky goes down too)

Woody's Round Up Collection/Woody won't go to Japan/Woody's arm is gone[]

Buzz's Broadcast Day/Woody, Ash, Littlefoot, Bullseye, and their friends try to get Woody's Arm[]


  • Hamm: Uh, all right, nobody look til I get my cork back in.
  • Buzz Lightyear: Good work, men. Two blocks down, and only 19 more to go.
  • Rex: What?!
  • Others: 19?!
  • Mr Potato Head: Are we gonna do this all night? My parts are killing me.
  • ???: Yeah, and I need a rest.
  • ???: And I want to get to bed, I'm getting tired from all this walking.
  • ???: Me too!
  • Buzz Lightyear: Come on, fellas. Did Woody, Ash, and the others, give up me when Sid had me strapped to a rocket?
  • Ash's friends, and the others: No.
  • Buzz Lightyear: No! (to Slinky, Rex, Potato Head, and Hamm) And did they give up when you threw them out of that moving van?!
  • ???: Ooh! Well, he's got you there, Potato Head.
  • Mr. Potato Head: Oh, you had to bring that up.
  • Buzz Lightyear: No they didn't! We have a few friends in need,...
  • (The scene gets dramatic as the background changed into the American flag)
  • Buzz Lightyear: and we will not rest till they're safe in Andy's room! Now let's move out!
  • (He walks off as the scene changes to Al's TV playing the national anthem)
  • Announcer on TV: And that concludes our broadcast day.
  • (The screen goes static)






  • Ash Ketchum: Okay guys watch your step


  • Ducky: Spike Ash said watch your step.

(Spike shakes his head no)

  • Cera: Woody Woodpecker!?
  • Woody Woodpecker: Hey it wasn't me honest.


















  • Woody: What is your problem?! Look, We're sorry we can't help you guys out. Really, we are. But you didn't have to go and pull a stunt like that.
  • Cera: Yeah.
  • Jessie: What, you think I did that?
  • Woody: Oh, right, right. Yeah, the TV just happened to turn on, and the remote magically ended up in front of you!
  • Jessie: You callin' me a liar?
  • Woody: Well, if the boot fits...
  • Jessie: [Dangerously] Say that again.
  • Woody: [Enunciating] If the booT. FitS.
  • Littlefoot: Uh-Oh.
  • Jessie: Okay, cowboy.





  • Stinky Pete: Jessie, Woody, you stop this at once! Ohhhh! [He and his box fell off a stand and onto the floor of the cupboard]
  • [They lift Stinky Pete's box up]
  • ???: Prospector, are you okay?
  • Stinky Pete: Yes I'm fine ???. (to Woody and Jessie) Now, I don't know how that television turned on. But fighting about it isn't helping anything.
  • Woody: If I had both my arms.
  • Stinky Pete: Well? The fact is, you don't. Woody. So I suggest you just wait until morning. The cleaner will come. Fix your arm.
  • Woody: And then? we're outta here! [Bullseye lower his head sadly by Woody] Oh. No. No. Bullseye. Don't take it that way. It's just that Andy...
  • Jessie: Andy. Andy. Andy. That's all he ever talks about. You Know?
  • (She walks away with a arm on Bullseye, leaving Woody alone with sad sighs)
  • Ash Ketchum: Come on guys, Let's some sleep.
  • Littlefoot: Okay Ash.

Buzz, and friends cross the road/Woody's Arm repair/Buzz and friends arrive to Al's Toy Barn[]

(In the morning we find Buzz chopping through branches to clear the way out as he leads his tired and exhausted team)

  • ???: (groans) I feel like we've been walking forever.
  • Hamm: ???'s right. Buzz, can we slow down? May I remind you that some of us are carrying over $6 in change?
  • ???: (groans) Now I know how Ash feels when he's hungry.
  • ???: (groans) Me too.
  • ???: We should've packed plenty of water.
  • Rex: (tired) Losing health units. Must rest.
  • Buzz Lightyear: Is everyone present and accounted for?
  • Mr. Potato Head: Not quite everyone.
  • Buzz Lightyear: Who's behind?
  • Slinky: Mine.
  • (We see Slinky's bottom back walking tiredly to him before it collapsed exhausted and tired)
  • ???: Okay, now everyone's accounted for.
  • ???: Yeah, well it doesn't help that we're not even closer to getting to...
  • Hamm: Hey, guys!
  • (They turned to Hamm)
  • Hamm: Why do the toys cross the road?
  • Buzz Lightyear: Not now, Hamm.
  • Rex: Oh, I love riddles. Why?
  • Hamm: To get to the chicken.... (points out) On the other side!
  • (They spot Al's Toy Barn straight ahead)
  • Hamm: (laughs)
  • ???: (gasps in relief) There it is!
  • ???: Alright!
  • (They all cheered with joy)
  • Rex: Hooray! The chicken!
  • ???: Alright! We finally made it!
  • ???: At last!
  • ???: Now we're closer to finding our friends!
  • ???: (notices something) Uh... Except for one problem, guys.
  • ???: What's that?
  • ???: It's across this long and dangerous road.

(We see many vehicles pass rapidly then a car knocks away soda can to them all dented)

  • ???: Ooh!
  • ???: Oh boy.
  • ???: (groaned) Oh great! We'll never make it there with all these cars in the way!
  • Rex: Oh well. We tried. (tries to leave till Buzz grabbed his tail)
  • Buzz Lightyear: We'll have to cross.
  • Ash's friends and the others: (gasps)
  • Mr. Potato Head: What the... You're not turning me into a mashed potato!
  • Slinky: I may not be a smart dog, but I know what roadkilll is.
  • ???: Yeah and it's dangerous.
  • Buzz Lightyear: There must be a safe way. (then spots something)

(Moments later we traffic lights changing to red light)

  • Buzz Lightyear (V.O.): Okay. Here's our chance. Ready. Set. Go!

(We find them under traffic cones as they crossed the road as it was clear for the moment.)

  • Grandpa Longneck: Stay together everybody, and don't stop till Buzz says so.
  • Rex: (whimpered scared)

(Then the traffic light changes to green and cars start coming fast as Buzz heard)

  • Misty: Here they come!
  • Buzz Lightyear: Drop!

(They dropped down as a blue car made a hard turn to its right and crashed over some spiked rails while a white truck crashed behind its back, while the road was clear again)

  • Brock: We're clear!
  • Buzz Lightyear: Go!

(They continued on till more cars came)

  • Buzz Lightyear: Drop!

(They all dropped but Potato Head and Hamm continued on till...)

  • Taran: He said drop!

(They both dropped quick as a red and white car drive past them and then a crash was heard off screen)

  • Brock: All clear!
  • Buzz Lightyear: Go!

(They continued on)

  • Hamm: (mumbling)

(Then a monster truck drove over him causing him and his cone to spin till they stopped and continued. More cars were coming)

  • Buzz Lightyear: Drop!

(They dropped down as a dark blue car quickly made a hard turn to its left while causing a truck carrying a large heavy pipe to make a hard turn and it's back drove over the traffic coned disguised heroes)

  • Brock: All clear!
  • Buzz Lightyear: Go!

(They continued on but unknown to them the large heavy pipe on the back of the truck chains broke lose and it fell out rolling towards the coned heroes. While Buzz, and the others managed to get across quick, Potato Head's right foot got stuck on a gum and got off, as he searched with his hand till he got hold of it and with a quick tug he got it out and got across the other side safe and sound in time as the heavy pipe rolled by him as the gum got stuck to it. The heroes took off their cones)

  • ???: Phew, we made it!
  • ???: And in one piece too!
  • Mr. Potato Head: Well, that wen't well.

(We see the mess made from their crossing as the truck blocked the whole road for other cars while a lamppost fell down upon impact from the gigantic pipe)

  • Buzz Lightyear: Good job, troops. We're that much close to Woody and the others.













(At Al's Toy Barn, parking lot we find a cow cart rolling to the entrance where we find a sign reading, Sorry We're CLOSED. As the cow cart stoped to reveal our heroes)

Slinky: Oh, no. It's closed.

Mr. Potato Head: We're not preschool toys, Slinky. We can read.

???: (notices and gasps) Shh! (softly) Quiet! Someone's coming!

(We see an employee walking to the entrance as he took a sip off of his cup. Andy's Toys and Ash's friend watched as the employee walked to the front entrance and the doors slide open)

Employee (V.O.): Hey, Joe, you're late. We've got a ton of toys to unload.

Joe: Alright. Alright. I'm comin'. I'm comin'.

(He leaves as the doors slid closed)

Buzz Lightyear: Alright. Let's go.

(The toys and Ash's friends run to the entrance)

Rex: But the sign says it's closed.

???: To customers, Rex! Not to us!

(They reached to the entrance and they tried to stomp the door open but nothing happened till...)

Buzz Lightyear: No, no, no, no. All together. Now!

(They all jumped and stomped the floor together and the doors opened)

???: Alright!

???: Come on, let's go in!

(They run inside but before Rex joined them he took noticed of a video game strategy guide book for his game, the Buzz Lightyear Attack on Zurg videogame with it having a spot reading, Want to Defeat Zurg? Secrets Revealed!)

Rex: (giggling excited)

(We then find our heroes walking past the cash registers aisles to find the numerous shelf aisles of the store.)

???: Wow. This place is huge.

???: I'll say.

Slinky: Whoa, Nelly! How are we going to find Woody and the others in the place?

Buzz Lightyear: (whooshed his helmet off) Look for Al. We find Al, we find Woody. Now move out!












Buzz meet Utility Belt Buzz/Meet Tour Guide Barbie/Friends mistake Utility Belt Buzz as their Buzz[]

[The scene changes to back in Al's Toy Barn where Buzz is running down the front of the aisles until he comes across an aisle filled up with Buzz Lightyear toys]

Buzz Lightyear: Wow. [Buzz walks down the aisle, amazed by the sight of his aisle. Then below the display stand, he sees a sign that says "NEW UTILITY BELT"; whistles] I could use one of those.

[He climbs up to the display stand and sees a new Buzz Lightyear toy standing tall and proud just like he did when he first came to Andy's room and met Woody. In another aisle, Rex, Mr. Potato Head, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ??? and ??? are walking down it. Rex is reading the manual as he walks]

Rex: You know, they make it so you can't defeat Zurg, unless you buy this book. It's extortion, that's what it is. [Mr. Potato Head pulls out his ears so he won't hear Rex's jabbering] Hey, I always thought the golden scepter was the only...

???: (notices something coming behind and gasps) Watch out!

Rex and Mr. Potato Head: Aaaah!

[Hamm, Slinky, and the others arrive in a toy car]

???: Hey guys!

???: Did someone call a cab?

Hamm: I thought we could search in style.

Mr. Potato Head: Nice going there, fellas. [he steps in and pushes Hamm aside] So, how about letting a toy with fingers drive? [He starts driving the car and bumps into a shelf, then reverses into another shelf. Then as he drives off, he knocks over a pile of buckets of soldiers which fall over to the floor]

[Back at the display stand, Buzz looks at his doppelganger with a curious expression]

Buzz Lightyear: Am I really that fat?

[He sees the doppelganger's new utility belt and whistles. He reaches down to touch it when his doppelganger suddenly grabs his hand and swings him to the ground]

Utility Belt Buzz: Hiya!

Buzz Lightyear: Ow! What are you doing?

Utility Belt Buzz: You're in direct violation of code 6404. 5... Stating all space rangers are to be in hypersleep until awakened by authorized personnel.

Buzz Lightyear: Oh, no.

Utility Belt Buzz: [he pushes Buzz to the glass wall, his face pressed against it] You're breakin' ranks, ranger. [he opens his wrist communicator and talks into it] Buzz Lightyear to Star Command. I've got an AWOL space ranger.

Buzz Lightyear: [embarrassed, remembering his former behavior] Tell me I wasn't this deluded.

Utility Belt Buzz: [he hears him and presses his face to the glass again] No back talk! I have a laser. And I will use it!

Buzz Lightyear: You mean the laser that's a light bulb? [He presses the laser button, making it beep loudly. Utility Belt Buzz gasps and leaps onto a model of a planet above Buzz]

Utility Belt Buzz: Has your mind been melted? You could've killed me, space ranger! Or should I say, "traitor"? [He aims his laser at Buzz's forehead whilst Buzz looks on in annoyance and un-amusement]

Buzz Lightyear: I don't have time for this.

Utility Belt Buzz: Halt! I order you to halt!

[Buzz opens a door to the display and jumps down to the floor. But just as he's about to walk away, Utility Belt Buzz pounces on him. The two Buzzes fight until the newer one overpowers the old one and pushes him towards a pinart box]

Buzz Lightyear: Listen to me. Listen. Wait, wait, wait.

[Utility Belt Buzz stops pushing and Buzz goes straight into the box. Then to Rex, Slinky, Potato Head, Hamm, and Ash's friends]

Misty: You sure you know where you're going Potato Head? I feel like we're just going in circles.

Slinky: I'm with her, we've been down this aisle already.

Mr. Potato Head: We've never been down this aisle. It's pink.

Slinky: Face it. We're lost.

(Giggling was heard)

Hamm: (notices) Ooh! Back it up. Back it up.

(They backed up to discover a pool party and who were present were a bunch of barbie dolls dancing and grooving)

Barbie: What a great partie!

(Rex, Hamm, Potato Head, and Slinky dropped their mouths with awe)

???: Check it out!

Gurgi: (surprised) Barbie dolls!

???: And there's a ton of them!

Brock: (lovestruck) Whoa, what knockout!

(We see three barbies doing the limbo)

Two Barbie dolls: How low can you go? How low can you go?

(The barbies continued to party and giggled)

Hamm: Excuse me, ladies. Does anyone know where we might find the Al of Al's Toy Barn?

Tour Guide Barbie: I can help.

(She came down the slide and acrobatically landed on the heroes' car next to Potato Head)

Tour Guide Barbie: I'm Tour Guide Barbie. Please keep your hands, arms, and accessories inside the car, and no flash photography. Thank you.

(Brock is lovestruck)

Mr. Potato Head: I'm a married spud. I'm a married spud.

Hamm: Then make room for the single fellas. (he gets over Potato Head)

Brock: (lovestruck) I'm....in...heaven!!!! (Misty grabs him by the ear) Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Misty: Cool it, Brock! We're searching for our friends, not a date!

(Tour Guide Barbie then drove them off to the next aisle of the store.)

Tour Guide Barbie: To our right, is the Hot Wheels aisle. Developed in 1967, the original series had 16 cars, including the Corvette.

Slinky: I beg your pardon, ma'am. But, where's Al's office?

Tour Guide Barbie: Please hold all questions until the end of the tour. Thank you!

Rex: WAH!!! It says how you defeat Zurg! Look! Guys! [he puts the manual in front of everyone, blocking their view and the windscreen]

Mr. Potato Head: Hey!

Slinky: Rex!

???: Rex, what are you doing?

???: We can't see!

Tour Guide Barbie: Excuse me, sir.

Mr. Potato Head: Hey, get this outta here, "Geekosaur"!

[But when Rex moves the manual from the windscreen, they see a ball stand]

Misty: (gasps) Guys, look! Up ahead!

???: Ball stand straight ahead!

Slinky: Look out!

Hamm: Oh! Stop, stop, stop!

[Barbie swerves the car to the right but it hits the stand and bouncy balls spill out on them. They try to get away but the balls cause the car to spin around in circles]

Hamm: Turn into the spin, Barbie!

[The Buzz Lightyear video game manual slips out of Rex's tiny hand]

Rex: Aah! (jumps off the car to try and catch it) My source of power! No! Come back! (The manual flew to the ground and slid under a shelf, out of Rex's reach) DAAH!!! (then realizes his friends in the car are leaving) Hey! [he runs after the car and the others] Wait up! Hey! Come on! [Mr. Potato Head looks at a side mirror and sees Rex's reflection in it with the words "OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE MUCH CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR"] Slow down! Dinosaur overboard! Slow down! WAAH!!!

[Barbie stops the car and Rex tumbles in headfirst, his legs dangled in the air]

Tour Guide Barbie: Remain seated, please. (speaks Spanish) Permanecer sentados, por favor. (she drives on)

[Back at the Buzz Lightyear aisle, Utility Belt Buzz ties Buzz into a cardboard spaceship]

Buzz Lightyear: Ow! Listen to me! Listen to me! You're not really a space ranger! You're a toy! (gets put into the box) We're all toys! Do you hear me?!

Utility Belt Buzz: Well, that should hold you 'til the court martial.

[He puts Buzz on a shelf and walks away]

Buzz Lightyear: Let me go! You don't realize what you're doing! (grunts and struggles to break free)

[The others arrive in the Buzz Lightyear aisle]

Tour Guide Barbie: And this is the Buzz Lightyear aisle. Back in 1995, shortsighted retailers did not order enough dolls to meet demand.

???: Hey, look guys! There's Buzz!

Hamm: Hey! Buzz!

Utility Belt Buzz: Halt! Who goes there?!

[He aims his laser at them, making Barbie stop the car just in front of Utility Belt Buzz]

???: Hey, easy Buzz! It's us!

???: Yeah, no need to go all cautious.

Mr. Potato Head: Quit clowning around and get in the car!

Rex: Buzz! Buzz! I know how to defeat Zurg!

[Utility Belt Buzz turns off his laser upon hearing this]

Utility Belt Buzz: You do?

Rex: Come on, I'll tell you on the way.

[Inside the box, Buzz sees this confusion and tries to call out to them but they can't hear him from outside]

Buzz Lightyear: (muffled) No, no, guys! (in the box) You've got the wrong Buzz! (muffled) YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG BUZZ!!!

(Utility Belt Buzz gets into the car with the others)

???: Hey, nice belt, Buzz!

???: Yeah, looking sharp!

Hamm: Say! Where'd you get the cool belt, Buzz?

Utility Belt Buzz: Well, slotted pig, they're standard issue.

[They drive away, leaving Buzz behind in the box]

Buzz Lightyear: NOOOOOO!!!

Jessie's Past/"When She Loved Me"/Woody decides to stay with the Round Up Gang[]

[Back in his apartment, Al takes pictures of The Roundup Gang and the merchandise. He look at the photos with delight and glee]

  • Al: (laughs) It's, like, printing my own money. [His phone rings and he answers it] Yeah, what?
  • Mr Konishi: Al McWhiggin.
  • Al: Oh, Mr Konishi. Yes, uh, I-I have the pictures right here. In fact, I'm in the car right now on my way to the office to fax them to you. I'm goin' through a tunnel! I'm breakin' up! [As he left the room,] [the Roundup Gang unfreezes] Woody: Oh, wow, will you look at me? It's like I'm fresh out of the box! Look at this stitching. Andy's gonna have a hard time rippin' this. (to Jessie who is still frowning at Woody for wanting to go back home to Andy) Hello! Hi! Hello! Jessie: Great. Now you can go. [She turns, hop off the table and walks off to the window] Woody: (sarcastic) Well, what a good idea. Cera: I agree with you, Woody! Let’s go [Woody look towards the air vent which is his only way out. He felt something bump him and he turn back to see Bullseye looking at him sadly] Stinky Pete: Woody, guys, don't be mad at Jessie. She's been through more than you know. Why not make amends before you leave, huh? It's the least you can do. [Woody look towards Jessie sitting on the window still, then back at Bullseye who look at him as to say Please, Woody]
  • Woody: (sighs) All right. But I don't know what good it'll do. Ash Ketchum: I think we should go talk to Jessie and see what’s bothering her. Pikachu: Pika! ( Hero’s agreed)
  • Littlefoot: What do you think Cera? Should we go talk to her? ( Cera was uncertain about talking to Jessie after what happened last night. After she look at Jessie, she saw how sad Jessie is and she made her decision)
  • Cera: Alright. Let’s go see what’s bothering her. [They jump from the table and went over to Jessie, climbing onto the chair next to her and the window] Woody: Hey. Whatcha doin' way up here? Jessie: I thought I'd get one last look at the sun, before I get packed away again. Woody: Look, Jessie, I know you hate us for leaving, but we have to go back. I'm still Andy's toy. Well, if you knew him, you'd understand. You see, Andy's a... Jessie: Let me guess. Andy's a real special kid... and to him you're his buddy, his best friend... and when Andy plays with you it's like... even though you're not moving... you feel like you're alive... because that's how he sees you. Woody: Whoa. How did you know that?
  • Jessie: Because Emily was just the same. She was my whole world.
  • [A flashback begins featuring Jessie with Emily, a little girl with red hair in a ponytail and wearing a red cowgirl hat. She picks up Jessie and carry her. She puts Jessie on a toy horse and carries them in her hand]
  • When somebody loved me
  • Everything was beautiful
  • Every hour we spent together
  • Lives within my heart
  • And when she was sad
  • I was there to dry her tears
  • And when she was happy, so was I
  • When she loved me
  • [Emily takes Jessie to a tree which has a tire swing tied to it. She starts swinging on the tire, holding Jessie's hands in her hands. She then dances around and fell into a pile of leaves]
  • Through the summer and the fall
  • We've had each other, that was all
  • Just she and I together
  • Like it was meant to be
  • And when she was lonely
  • I was there to comfort her
  • And I knew
  • She loved me
  • [Jessie is on Emily's bed pillow when Emily grabs it which makes Jessie fall behind the bed. Jessie came to alive and crawl over to see Emily and another girl doing fingernail painting. Jessie is confused by this activity. As the years went by, Jessie watches in dismay as Emily start preferring fingernail painting and pop music to cowgirls and ponies. Feeling neglectful, Jessie lies on the floor under the bed and got dusty as more stuff appears under the bed, neglectful too by Emily]
  • So the years went by
  • I stayed the same
  • But she began to drift away
  • I was left alone
  • Still I waited for the day
  • When she'd say, "I will always love you."
  • [Then Emily drops her makeup stuff and they roll under the bed. Jessie saw this and freezes, bring back her smile. Emily reaches for her stuff and pull out Jessie from under the bed and and look at her. Later, she took a drive with Jessie in her bag. Jessie smiles up at her, thinking that she and Emily are doing what they usually do again as she closes her eyes]
  • Lonely and forgotten
  • I'd never thought she'd look my way
  • And she smiled at me and held me
  • Just like she used to do
  • Like she loved me
  • When she loved me
  • [Emily stops near the tree with the tire swing and walk over to some boxes and a trailer. She puts Jessie and some cowboy stuff into a box. Jessie unfreezes and look through a holder to see Emily getting into the car and drives away whilst Jessie watches sadly]
  • When somebody loved me
  • Everything was beautiful
  • Every hour we spent together
  • Lives within my heart
  • When she loved me
  • [After the flashback ends, Woody, Ash and the others looking sorry and surprised about this]
  • Jessie: You never forget kids like Emily... or Andy. (whispers) But they forget you.
  • Woody: Jessie, we .… we didn't know.
  • Jessie: Just go.





Petrie: Petrie says remember to smile.


Cera: You know the things I thought about Jessie. I take it back.

Utility Belt Buzz and the group ride Al's bag/Enter Emperor Zurg[]











Utility Belt Buzz and the group going up/Friends reunite[]

(At Al's department, we see him getting out of the car and shuts the door closed, but left his bag with Andy's toys and Ash's friends, behind)

???: Hey, where's going?

Rex: (gasps) He didn't take the bag!

Utility Belt Buzz: No time to lose! (he comes out of the bag and tries to open the car door via door handle but nothing. He climbed up to the window to witness Al entering his building's elevator.)

???: So? What's happening Buzz?

Utility Belt Buzz: He's ascending in the vertical transporter. (gets down) Alright, everyone. (opens his wingspan, grabs Rex and Mr. Potato Head's arms) Hang on. We're gonna blast through the roof.

???: (confused) Huh?

???: (confused) Excuse me?

Rex: Uh, Buzz?

Utility Belt Buzz: To infinity and beyond! (he raised his feet high but no flying happened)

Mr. Potato Head: (gets his arm freed) What are you? Insane? We're wasting time. (gets on Rex's back to reach the door lock) Stand still, Godzilla. (hops on Rex's head and tried to pull out the lock of the door; grunting)

Utility Belt Buzz: (closes his wingspan) I don't understand. Somehow my fuel cells have gone dry. (he places his hand on the lock switch causing the lock to pop open as Potato Head fell off of Rex's head and landed upside down without his arms, next to Hamm)

Hamm: (chuckles)

???: (chuckles) Cera, would've love to see this.

???: Do say.

(Utility Belt Buzz opens the door and used his laser to check if the coast is clear. As soon as he's certain he gives the hand signal to the others to head for the entrance. Utility Belt Buzz ran to the door entrance and noticed the elevator has gone to floor 23.)

Utility Belt Buzz: Blast! He's on level 23.

???: 23?

???: Oh great!

Slinky: How are we going to get up there?

???: Well, we can't go in to take the elevator, without attracting some unwanted attention.

Rex: Maybe if we find some balloons, we can float to the top.

Mr. Potato Head: Are you kidding? I say we stack ourselves up, push the intercom, and pretend we're delivering a pizza.

Hamm: How about a ham sandwich. With fries and a hot dog.

Rex: What about me?

Hamm: Oh, you can be the toy that comes with the meal.

???: Uh, doubt that would work guys. Check this sign, "No children allowed." I doubt any customer in there would order...

Utility Belt Buzz: Troops over here! (Opens a vent cover to reveal a vent tunnel that will lead them inside the building)

???: Of course, the vents!

???: Why didn't we think of that?

Utility Belt Buzz: (to Rex) Just like you said, Lizard Man. To the shadows to the left. Okay, let's move!

(They all ran inside the vent tunnel.)

Utility Belt Buzz: (to his mission log wrist) Mission log. Had infiltrated enemy territory without detection, and are making our way to bowels of Zurg's fortress.

???: Uh... Anybody still confused on why Buzz is getting all too "Space Ranger" again?

???: Beats me.

Hamm: You know, I think the Buzz aisle went through his head.

???: (notices something ahead) Uh... guys?

(They reach a triple fork in the road)

???: Uh-oh!

???: Three paths!

Slinky: Oh no. Which way do we go?

(Utility Belt Buzz aims his laser around till he pointed to their left)

Utility Belt Buzz: This way!

(They all ran to their left)

Mr. Potato Head: What makes you so sure?

Utility Belt Buzz: I'm Buzz Lightyear! I'm always sure!

(But then to everyone's shock the walls shook)

???: (nervous) Uh-oh!

???: What's happening?

Utility Belt Buzz: We've been detected! The walls...(tries to "stop the closing walls") they're closing in! (grabs Mr. Potato head and mounts him aganist the celing of the vent) Quick, help me prop up Vegetable man here or we're done for!

Mr. Potato Head: Hey! Put me down you moron!

Rex: (notices and alerts) Hey, guys! It's not the walls, it's the elevator!

(They notice the roof of the elevator has come down. They check down on the elevator rooftop before looking up)

Utility Belt Buzz: (took out a long line) Come on, we've got no time to loose! (gives the end of the line to Potato Head) Everyone, grab hold!

Everyone: Uh...

Hamm: Wha...?

Slinky: Huh?

(Utility Belt Buzz takes out his magnets and begins to climb up the wall)

Hamm: Uh... Buzz? Why not we just take the elevator?

???: Yeah, it's the quickest way up.

Utility Belt Buzz: (continues climbing) They'll be expect that!

(Our heroes looked baffled while Utility Belt Buzz continues to climb upwards. Back outside, the original Buzz having managed to cross the road again via use of a traffic cone arrives to the entrance but then stops upon noticing some familiar tracks lead to the vent.)

Rex (V.O.): Hey, Buzz! Slow down!

(Realizing his friends are in the vents making their way up, heads in too.)














(Then we find Utility Belt Buzz still trying to climb up with Slink, Hamm, Mr. Potato Head, Rex, and our other heroes holding down from the rope behind him)

???: Hold tight everybody.

???: (looks down nervous) Gee, that's a long way down.

???: (grunts and holds tight) Whatever happens just don't let go of the rope.

???: (grunts while holding tight) Easier said than done.

(Hamm's coins began to fall out from his slot hole.)

Hamm: Uh-oh. Hey, heads up down there.

Slinky: (gets hit by the falling coins) Pork, bellies are falling.

(The coins fell on Potato Head's eyes)

Mr. Potato Head: Hey! (gets the coins off of his eyes) How much farther, Buzz?

Utility Belt Buzz: (struggling) Half way there.

Rex: (grunting tight) My arms can't hold on much longer.

(He begins to slip down and he fell on Hamm, Slink, Misty, Brock, and the rest all the way to Potato Head as they screamed in panic and Buzz began to slip down from the heavy weight)

Utility Belt Buzz: (struggling) Too... heavy! (then remembers) Uh... What was I thinking?! My anti-gravity servos! (he presses the blue Star Command symbol on his belt) Hang tight everyone. I'm going to let go of the wall!

Andy's Toys: Huh?!

Ash's friends: What?!

???: Did he just say...?

???: Is he crazy?!

Mr. Potato Head: He wouldn't.

Utility Belt Buzz: One.

Hamm: He would.

Utility Belt Buzz: Two.

Andy's Toys and Ash's friends: (chattering in panic while shaking their heads)

???: No Buzz, don't!

???: Don't let go of the...

Utility Belt Buzz: (lets go of the wall) Three!

(He falls down with Andy's Toys and the others screaming until they hit something. They were saved via the elevator coming up.)

Utility Belt Buzz: To infinity and beyond!

(The elevator reaches to the 23rd floor.)

Utility Belt Buzz: Approaching destination. Reengaging gravity. (he deactivates his belt's button as they reached the 23rd floor.)

(Utility Belt Buzz checks around and uses his laser to find the coast is clear.)

Utility Belt Buzz: Area secure.

Andy's Toys and Ash's friends: (groaned)

Utility Belt Buzz: It's okay, troops. The antigravity sickness will wear off momentarily. Now let's move! (runs ahead)

???: Okay, he's really getting into his old self a bit too far. Wouldn't you agree?

???: I'll say.

???: Thank heaven, the elevator stopped our fall.

Mr. Potato Head: Remind me to glue his helmet shut when we get back.

???: Duly noted, Potato Head. Duly noted.
















(Then to Ultility Belt Buzz, Andy's Toys, and the rest of Ash's friends. We see Utility Belt Buzz arm checking the vent hallway before he comes out in a secret agent-like style movement

Utility Belt Buzz: (to his wrist communicator) Mission log. Have reached Zurg's command deck, but sign of him or his wooden captive.

Woody (V.O.): Please, no!

Slinky: That's Woody! (howling)

???: (gasps) Woody?!

???: If that's Woody! Then that means...





Utility Belt Buzz: This way!

(They run to where Woody's voice is coming from and reached the vent hole of Al's apartment and checked from the bars but they couldn't get a good look)

Woody: Please, please, no!

Mr. Potato Head: Buzz, can you see? What's going on?

(Utility Belt Buzz then looks to Potato Head and gets an idea. We then see him aiming Potato Head's eye out of the bars of the vent cover)

Mr. Potato Head: To the left.

(He moved to the left)

Mr. Potato Head: No, your left.

(He moves the eye to his left. The eye catches sight of Woody, Ash, and the others with the Roundup Gang)

Mr. Potato Head: Take it up higher.

Utility Belt Buzz: What's happening?

???: What're you seeing Potato Head?

???: What're they doing to Woody?

Mr. Potato Head: Oh, it's horrible. They.. They're torturing him.

???: (gasps) What about Ash and the others?

Mr. Potato Head: I can't say, but whatever it is that they're doing with them, it's probably not good.

Rex: (gasps) What are we gonna do, Buzz?

Utility Belt Buzz: Use your head!

(By that he literary meant it as we then find them charging to the vent cover while using Rex's head as their battering ram.)

Rex: (terrified) BUT I DON'T WANNA USE MY HEAD!!!

???: Full speed ahead, gang!

???: (shouting) Charge!!

Ash's friends and Andy's Toys: (screaming)

(However, unknown to them the cover was unlocked and they successful entered while still charging and screaming till they crashed into the box as Woody, the Roundup Gang, Ash and the others noticed them)

Andy's Toys and Ash's friends: (moaning)



???: Oh, that hurts.

Stinky Pete: What's going on here?!

Ash Ketchum: Misty?! Brock?!

Pikachu: Pika?!







Woody: Buzz, guys! Hey, how did you find us?






Buzz Lightyear: Hold it right there!

Andy's Toys and Ash's friends: (stop in confusion) Buzz?!

Utility Belt Buzz: You again?!

Buzz Lightyear: Woody, thank goodness you're alright!

Woody: Buzz, what is going on?

Utility Belt Buzz: (drops Woody) Hold on! I am Buzz Lightyear and I'm in charge of this attachment!

Buzz Lightyear: No, I'm Buzz Lightyear.

Utility Belt Buzz: I am Buzz Lightyear!

Buzz Lightyear: I'm Buzz Lightyear!

???: Uh...

???: Anyone confused about this?

???: Yep.

Woody: So, who's the real Buzz?

Both Buzz's: I am!

Utility Belt Buzz: Don't let this imposter fool you! He's been trained by Zurg himself to mimic my every move!

(Then Buzz whooshes down Utility Belt Buzz's helmet causing him to overact as he think he's losing breathable air while getting on his knees. Much to the confusion of Woody, Ash, and the others as they look up to the other Buzz. Buzz proves himself via revealing Andy's name on his foot.)

Woody, Ash, and the rest: Buzz!

(Everyone gathered relived to see their Buzz is back.)

Slinky: I had a feeling it was you, Buzz. My front end just had to catch up with my back end.

















Woody: No, Buzz. Guys. (sighs) I can't go.

Ash Ketchum: What?!

Taran: After everything we've been through?!

Princess Eilonwy: But what about Andy? Think how sad he's gonna feel!

Woody: But I can't abandon these guys. They need me to get into this museum. Without me, they'll go back into storage. Maybe forever.

(Brief silence)

Fflewddur Fflam: That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Misty: Yeah. Going back into storage forever?! Huh! Where on Earth did you get an idea like that?!

Ash Ketchum: Or better yet. Who told you that?!

Woody: Prospector. (points to him)


Buzz Lightyear: Woody, you're not a collector's item. You're a child's plaything. You...are... A TOY!!!





Woody changes his mind/Prospector's betrayal[]











Ash Ketchum: Why you dirty, back-stabbing little weasel!

Pikachu: (angrily) Pika Pika!

Utility Belt Buzz vs Emperor Zurg[]

(Woody tries to turn the nail open but no use)

Woody: It's stuck! What do we do?!

Rex: Should I use my head?

(But then they heard something)

Woody: (gasps)

(They heard rumbling)

Woody: It's Al!

Jessie: (gasps)

(She and Bulleyes quickly return to their black foam boxes as Al comes in)

Al McWhiggin: Look at the time. I'm gonna be late! (Woody falls lifeless) Figures. I can't miss this flight! I've gotta pack. (packs the toys) Alright. Let's see. Wallet, keys, tickets, passport, beef jerky,....(picks up Woody) very expensive over there. Shower! (sniffs himself) Oh, I can skip the shower. I just gotta get here now!

(He leaves with Woody and the rest as Buzz, Ash, and the others watched with horror)

????: He's getting away with Woody!

???: What now?!

Buzz Lightyear: Quick! To the elevator!

(They all ran off for the elevator. We find Al pushing the elevator button for up))

Buzz Lightyear: Hurry. I can hear it coming.

(As they ran to where the elevator is the stopped to notice.....)

Utility Belt Buzz: (gasps)

(Zurg comes up)

Emperor Zurg: So, we meet again Buzz Lightyear, for the last time!

Rex: (gasps)

Rex and Utility Belt Buzz: It's Zurg!

(Zurg arms his Ion Blaster)

Rex: Watch out! He's got an ion blaster!

(Zurg fires his Ione Blaster, though it was just a bunch of balls. Utility Belt Buzz jumps over Zurg as Zurg fires up. Utility Belt Buzz lands and fires his "laser" at Zurg's eyes)

Emperor Zurg: (dramatic paining) AAAH!!

(He continues firing as Utility Belt Buzz takes cover. We see Al going into the elevator with his luggage and it went down. We find Utility Belt Buzz and Emperorr continuing to battle each other while the elevator was going down)

Buzz Lightyear: Quick! Get on!

(One by one the heroes slipped down the rope though a scared Rex was hesitant. One by one they landed down)

Buzz Lightyear: The emergency hatch! Come on!

Rex: (whimpers)

(He grabs hold and yells as he slipped down and lands on Potato Head as his parts fell off. Zurg continues firing a Utility Belt Buzz as he takes cover and then notices a few discs and grabs some and threw a few one by one at Zurg as he counter each one but then gets hit in the face by one)

Emperor Zurg: (pained) AAH!!!

(Utility Belt Buzz readies three discs was about to fling them to Zurg till he found him gone)

Utility Belt Buzz: Huh?

(Then Zurg appeared beside him and grabbed hold off him up)

Buzz Lightyear: Come on! Hurry!

Rex: (whimpers) But Buzz is in peril!

(Zurg was bagging Utility Belt Buzz to

Utility Belt Buzz: (voice box) Buzz, Buzz, Buzz... Lightyear to the Rescue!

(Buzz opens the hatch where he the others spot the green case Woody, and the Roundup Gang are in. Then we see Zurg spinning Utility Belt Buzz around till he dropped him to the floor)

Emperor Zurg: Surrender, Buzz Lightyear. I have won!

Utility Belt Buzz: I'll never give in! You killed my father!

Emperor Zurg: No Buzz. I AM your father.

Utility Belt Buzz: NOOOOOOOO!

(In the elevator we see the floor level numbers it was going down)

Al McWhiggin: (sighs impatiently) Come on! Come on! Come on!

(Unknown to him Slinky was sprung down behind the green case of his as Buzz, Ash, his friends, Potato Head and Hamm held as a human chain)

Rex: (whimpers horrified; to Utility Belt Buzz) Buzz, you could have defeated Zurg all along! You just need to believe in yourself!

(But then Zurg aimed his ion blaster to Utility Belt Buzz)

Rex: (gasps)

Emperor Zurg: Prepare to die!

Rex: (whimpers horrified) I can't look!

(But then he ends up hitting Zurg away with his tail)

Emperor Zurg: Whoa! (falls and yells) AAAAAAAAAAH!!!

(He vanishes out of sight)

Rex: (shocked with disbelief) I did it. (happy) I finally defeated Zurg!

Utility Belt Buzz: Father.

(We see Slinky opening up the locks on the suitcase and Woody opens it up to find him as gasps and grabs hold of Slink. The elevator doors open)

Al McWhiggin: Ah, finally!

(Woody gasps as Al pulls his luggage away. Woody grabs hold of Slink as best as he could till Prospector came up pulled him back as Slink lost his grip. Prospector pulls Woody back in the case as it shuts again. Then Slinky and the others fell down with grunts)

???: (notices) Oh no!

(Al was leaving out of the building as ??? tried to think fast till....)

???: (gasps upon getting an idea) Potato Head, use your hat!

(Mr. Potato Head understood and took off his hat and flung it to the door to stop it from shutting)

???: Yes! Come on!

(They all ran out of the entrance door while Potato Head gets his hat back on)

Car chase/Airport[]

(They tried to reach Al but he got on his car and drove away)

???: Oh no! He's in his car!

????: (grunts) Rats!

(Al's car drove into the street)

Rex: How are we gonna get him now?

???: Does anybody have an ideas?

Mr. Potato Head: (notices something) Pizza, anyone?

Guido: Pizza?! How could you think of...(then notices and gasps)

(They spotted a Pizza Planet truck with an open door)

Guido: Hey, a truck!

???: (laughs in relief) Yes!

Hamm: (laughs)

Buzz Lightyear: Go, go, go!

Utility Belt Buzz: I got it!

(He bumps to normal Buzz while catching a ball)

Buzz Lightyear: Buzz, are you coming?

Utility Belt Buzz: No, I have a lot of catching up to do with my dad. (tosses the ball)

(His ball hits the head of Emperor Zurg who survived the fall.)

Emperor Zurg: Good throw, son. That's my boy. Go long, Buzzy! (fires another ball from his Ion Blaster)

Utility Belt Buzz: Oh, you're a great dad. (runs off) Yippee!

Buzz Lightyear: Farewell.

(He leaves with the others)

???: Come on guys! Get on!

(They get on the truck)

Rex: Does anyone know how to drive?

???: Well not really, but how hard can it be?

???: Yeah, besides we gotta get going, before Woody is lost forever!

Buzz Lightyear: ???'s right! Slink, take the pedals. (shuts the door) Rex, you navigate. Hamm and Potato, operate the levers and knobs.

(Potato Head operates the levers causing the air conditioner to blow on Slinky's face)

Slinky: Whoa.

(Rex check the window till...)

Little Green Aliens (V.O.): Ooh.

(We see three little green alien toys up)

Little Green Alien #1: Strangers. From the outside.

Buzz Lightyear: Oh, no.

???: Well, might as well take 'em with us.

???: Rex, how far has Al gone?!

Rex: He's at a red light! We can catch him!

???: Good, let's get going!

???: And quick, that light won't stay red forever!

Buzz Lightyear: Right! Maximum power, Slink!

(Slinky pushes the pedals but the truck won't go)

???: Huh?!

???: Hey, what's going?!

???: The truck won't go!

(Rex notices the light turn green as Al's car leaves)

Rex: WHAA!!! It turn green! Hurry!

Buzz Lightyear: Why won't it go?

Little Green Aliens: Use the Wand of Power.

???: Huh?

???: Wand of Power? Hmm? (notices and gasps upon realizing) Potato Head pull that brake lever!

(Potato Head quickly pulls the brake lever and the car moved)

???: Yes, now we're getting somewhere!

???: Watch, out! Traffic cones ahead!

Rex: (screams)

(They ran over a few traffic cones while some stuff fell on Hamm)

Hamm: Ooh! Ow! Ooh!

Buzz Lightyear: Rex, which way?!

Rex: Left!

(They turned left)

Rex: No, no! I mean right! That's right! No, I mean left! Left is right!

???: Rex, make up your mind!

????: Where's he going now?!

(We see Al's car going left)

Rex: Guys, he's turning left! He's turning left!

???: Make a hard turn!

(Buzz turns the wheel to the left causing the truck to make hard turn left.)

Little Green Aliens: Whoa...(the rope broke lose) Oh boy!

Mr. Potato Head: (gasps)

(He grabs the rope to stop them from falling out as they screamed)

Hamm: (reading a manual) Oh, I seriously doubt he's getting this kind of mileage.

???: Which way now, Rex?

(Al's car turned right)

Rex: Go right! To the right! Right, right, right, right!

(They turn right as Potato Head and the alien toys fall back in. They fell down as Potato Head's ear fell off)

Little Green Aliens: You have saved our lives. (pick up his ear) We are eternally grateful.

Mr. Potato Head: (takes his ear) Yeah, Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

(He passes them. The heroes' Pizza Planet trucks drive past a sign reading, "Tri-County International Airport". We see a plane landing to the airport)

Woman Over PA: The white is for immediate loading and unloading....

(The heroes' truck drives down a section for the Far East and park to a white zone)

???: Well we're here.

???: Tri-County Airport.

Rex: Guys, we can't park here! It's a white zone!

Little Green Aliens: (to Potato Head) You have save our lives. We are eternally grateful.

(Buzz gets up to check and spots...)

Buzz Lightyear: There he is!

(They spot Al with the green case holding Woody, and the Roundup Gang)

???: How are we supposed to get in there without sparking any attention?

???: Hmm....(thinks then spots something) Hey how about we use those pet carriers!

(We see a pile of pet carriers inside. Later, we find a man entering the airport with his luggage with the heroes in one of the empty pet carriers sneaking in behind him)

Little Green Aliens: You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.

Mr. Potato Head: Would you just leave me alone?!

Rex: (gasps) Someone's coming!

(They stopped as a girl comes)

Girl: Ooh, a puppy!

Slinky: Bark, bark, bark, bark!

Girl: (screams and runs away)

Slinky: Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark!

???: Phew. Nice going there Slink.

???: Yeah, that was close.

???: Well, now that that's settled. We better find Al and rescue Woody.

(To Al speaking to one of the Airport staff members)

Al McWhiggin: Listen fly boy! The contents of that case are worth more than you make in a year! You got that sport?

Airport Staff man: I understand, sir.

Al McWhiggin: You be careful! Do you have a "fragile" sticker or something you could put on that...

(As he conversates we see the heroes' pet carrier on the

(In the pet carrier the heroes watch the green case going into

Little Green alien #1: The mystic portal!

Little Green Aliens: Oooh.

Buzz Lightyear: Once we go through, we just need to find that case.

(They enter to discover hundreds of cases in the

Mr. Potato Head: (gasps)

(His pieces fell off his bottom)

???: Uh, that's easier said than done.

(Then they slid down fast screaming till they hit a ledge and fell out of the carrier groaning. Slinky takes off a sticker in his face)

Slinky: (notices) There's the case!

(We see the green case going up)

Hamm: No, there's the case!

(We see another below them)

???: (gasps) Two cases?!

???: Which one should we take?!

Ash Ketchum: We better split up! Misty, Brock, Buzz, Slinky let's go after the case going up!

Misty and Brock: Right!

Ash Ketchum: The rest of you, follow that case below us!

Buzz Lightyear: You heard Ash, guys! You take that one! We'll take this one!

(He, Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Brock, and Slinky head after the case going up while the others go after the one below them. Buzz, Ash, Misty, Brock, and Slinky run and passed over a few luggages or cases as fast they could but then Slinky's back got stuck on a blue luggage handle and was going to the right)

Slinky: Whooaaa! Guys! Guys, my back end's going to the Baton Rouge!

(Was pulled away screaming)

Buzz and Ash: Slinky!

Pikachu: Pika!

???: Don't worry! We'll go after him!

???: Yeah, you go after that case!

Ash Ketchum: Right!

(He and Buzz continue on. Back with the others)

????: It's over there!

???: Come on!

???: We got it now!

Hamm: Here we come, Woody! Woody, here we come!

(They open the case....)

Mr. Potato Head: Woody!

(But the case was filled with only flash cameras)

???: (gasps) Wrong case!

(They all groaned disappointed)

???: Oh great.

Hamm: Nice flash, though.

(Back with Buzz, Ash and Pikachu, they continue to pursue the case going up and they reach it in time to open it up)

Buzz Lightyear: Okay, Woody, let's go!

(But Prospector came out first and punches him away causing Buzz to fall off a rail)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Bulbasaur, I choose you!

(His Bulbasaur pops out)

Ash Ketchum: Bulbasaur, grab Buzz with your Vine Whip!!

(Bulbasaur uses Vine Whip, but then Prospector kicks it to Ash and Pikachu and they fell of too screaming)

Prospector: Take that, space toy and Trainer boy!

Woody: (comes out) Hey! No one does that to my friends!

(They both fought as they rolled around till Prospector kicks Woody offf. Prospector approached Woody and uses his pick ax to cut a tear in his arm)

Woody: Aah!

Prospector: Your choice, Woody.

Woody: (gasps)

Prospector: You can go to Japan together or in pieces. If he fixe ya once, he can fix ya again! Now get in the box!

Woody: Never!

Prospector: Fine! (readies his pick ax)

(Woody braces himself but as Prospector was about to attack...)

??? (V.O.): Say cheese!

(Then flashes of light began to blind him and he yelled. Who arrived in time were Ash, Buzz, and the others with Flash photography cameras)

???: Surprise, Stinky Pete!

???: Smile for the camera!

???: Charge!

(They jumped down and charged towards a blind Prospector.)

???: Grab him, guys!

(Buzz and ??? seized him)

Buzz Lightyear and ???: Gotcha!

Prospector: (angrily) Idiots! Children destroy toys! You'll be ruined, forgotten! Spending eternity rotting in some landfill!

Woody: Well, Stinky Pete, I think it's time you learned the true meaning of playtime.

Ash Ketchum: Hmm, so what'll we do with him?

Woody: I know just the thing, Ash. (points) Right over there guys!

???: (chuckles) Hope you like being a girl's toy, Stinky Pete!

???: Yeah, something tells me your new owner is going to love you.

Stinky Pete: (whimpers in fear) No. No!! NOOOOO!!!

(Then we find Prospector coming out on a pink kid's backpack where a girl find him)

Girl: (gasps) Look, Barbie. A big, ugly man doll. (she puts her Barbie doll next to him) Ooh, he needs a makeover.

(She puts on her backpack behind her as Prospector comes to life whimpering scared softly)

Babie: (softly) Hi!

Prospector: (gasps softly)

Barbie: (softly) You'll like Amy. (turns to reveal her faced covered in rainbow makeover)

Prospector: (gasps)

Barbie: She's an artist!

Prospector: (sobs)

(He, Barbie, get taken away as Amy run to her parents)

Amy's Mother: Come on, hon!

(They leave away. Back to the others)

???: (laughs) Hope he enjoys his new home.

????: Yeah, 'cause whatever happens to him, he'll be getting a new look. (laughs)

Woody: Happy trails, Prospector.

Silnky: Buzz! Woody! Guys!

Hamm: Help us out here!

(They help Bullseye out of the case but Jessie was having trouble as the box over her head stops her)

Rex: Hurry!

Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Oh no!

Pikachu: Pika!

Woody: Oh, no. Jessie!

Ash Ketchum: We're coming!

(They run to try to pull her out)

Jessie: Oh, Woody, Ash!

Woody: Come on!

(But she and the case slide down a ramp)

Jessie: Help!

(She slide down too close to passager luggage truck where she noticed the driver coming and played life-less as the driver puts her back in and locks the case)

Saving Jessie/Andy returns home[]

Ash Ketchum: Oh, no!

Woody: Jessie!

???: What do we do now?!

???: We've gotta save her!

???: Yeah, but how will we catch up with that baggage train?!

Woody: (gets an idea and whistles)

(Bullseye comes forth and he gets on)

Woody: Come on, Buzz! Ash, Brock, and Misty hop on!

Ash Ketchum: Right! C'mon, Pikachu!

(They quickly get on Bullseye)

Woody: Ride like the wind, Bullseye!

(They slide down the ramp and pursued the truck)

Ash Ketchum: Yee-haw!

Woody: Hey-howdy-hey! Giddyap!

Buzz Lightyear: Come on, Bullseye! Yah!

???: We're almost there!

(They ride close to the back of the van)

Ash Ketchum: Okay, we're close enough! Let's go Woody!

Woody: Right! Buzz, guys, give me and Ash a boost!

(He, Ash, and Pikachu get helped up as they reached a tag but then get pulled away)

Misty and Brock: Ash!

Buzz Lightyear: Woody!

(Woody, Ash, and Pikachu screamed away)

Ash Ketchum: Come on!

(He, Pikachu, and Woody climb up to the top and spot the case)

Ash Ketchum: There's the case!

Pikachu: Pika!

(They run towards it as they jump from cart, to cart, till they reached the front cart, as the truck arrives to a plane for the Far East)

(The driver gets off and takes the case with Jessie, as Woody, Ash, and Pikachu watched him place the case in a ramp as it gets taken up)

Driver: Here's the rest!

Ash Ketchum: Oh, great! Now what?

(Woody looked around and spots something)

Woody: I got an idea! Come on!

(They went down)

(We see a worker putting in a box with fragile things as he tossed it in, and then a golf luggage in, while Woody, Ash, and Pikachu came out of it and looked)

Pikachu: (spots something) Pika!

(They spot the case)

Ash Ketchum: Over there!

(They run to the case and pushed black case away before opening the green case to find Jessie in it)

Woody: Excuse me, ma'am but I believe you're on the wrong flight.

Jessie: Woody! Ash! (she hugs them)

Ash Ketchum: Good to see ya, Jessie!

Woody: Come on, Jess.

Jessie: But.. What if Andy doesn't like me?

Woody: Nonsense! Andy will love you!

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, besides he's got a little sister.

Jessie: He does?! Why didn't you guys say so?! Let's go!

(She pulls them forward)

Ash and Woody: Whoa!

(They run to the exit but then took cover as the worker gets up and comes down)

Worker: Hold it! There's a couple more bags coming from the terminal!

Ash Ketchum: (softly) We're clear!

Woody: Okay. On three. One, two....

(But the door got shut closed)

Worker: Too late! Put 'em on the next flight!

(The plane engines began to turn on and began to move)

Ash Ketchum: Oh, no!

Pikachu: (concerned) Pika.

Woody: This is bad.

Jessie: How are we gonna get outta here?

(Then a latch was heard clicking as Woody, Ash, and Pikachu spot light)

Woody: Over there! Come on!

(They head for the light and fight a hatch that leads down to the landing gear wheel and quickly open it)

Ash Ketchum: Boy, that's a long way down.

Pikachu: Pika.

Jessie: You sure about this?

Woody: No! Let's go!

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, come on!

(They came down as they carefully reached down a pole then another, but as they came down Woody and Ash began to slip)

Jessie: (gasps)

(They grabbed hold of each other)

Woody: (yelling)

Jessie: Hold on, guys!

(Then Woody's ripped arm, began to tear open as Woody gasps but then his and Ash's hat blew off their heads)

Ash Ketchum: My hat!

(Their hats fell down till Buzz caught Woody's hat, and Brock caught Ash's hat)

Misty: Hey guys!

Buzz Lightyear: What's a cowboy without his hat?

Brock: Or a trainer's?

Woody: Buzz!

Ash Ketchum: Misty! Brock!

Pikachu: Pika!

(Their plane began to turn to the take off road and the engines were heard accelerating)

Ash Ketchum: Oh, no! The plane's going to take off in any minute!

(Woody thinks and looks around till Pikachu spots something)

Pikachu: (points) Pika!

Ash and Woody: Huh?

(They spot a bolt)

Ash Ketchum: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Woody: Yep, way ahead of you! Buzz, guys, get behind the tires!

(They understood and had Bullseyes get behind the tires. Woody began to pull down his string and then twirls it around and tosses it to the bolt tight)

Ash Ketchum: Alright, here we go!

Woody: Jessie, let go of the plane!

Jessie: What?! Are you crazy?!

Ash Ketchum: Jessie, you've got to it! It's our only chance to get out of here quick!

Woody: He's right! Just pretend it's the final episode of Woody's Roundup!

Jessie: But it was canceled! We never saw if you made it!

Ash Ketchum: Well, then let's find that out together!

(Jessie was uncertain but then shuts her eyes and lets go as she, Woody, Ash, and Pikachu screamed as they swung down between the tired towards Buzz, Misty, Brock, and Bullseye as the hook on the pull string fell out to the bolt. They land on Bullseyes' back as the plane to the Far East flies off)

???: (laughs) Bye, bye Al.

???: Hope he enjoys being bankrupt.

Ash Ketchum: (laughs and cheers) Way to go!

Pikachu: Pika!

Jessie: We did it! We did it! We did it!

Woody: (laughs)

Buzz Lightyear: Nice ropin, Cowboy.

Jessie: That was definitely Woody's finest hour!

Woody: (laughs)

Brock: Hey, Ash, I believe this is your hat. (gives Ash his hat back)

Ash Ketchum: Hey, thanks.

Buzz Lightyear: Your hat, partner. (gives Woody his hat back)

Woody: (takes his hat; and chuckles) Hoo-hoo!

(Then another plane comes down)

???: (notices and gasps) Look out!

(They held onto each other as the plane comes for a landing nearly running over them but missed.)

Ash Ketchum: Whoa, that was close.

Pikachu: Pika.

Woody: Let's... go home.

Ash and his friends: Yeah.

???: Uh, just one question?

???: What's that?

???: How are we going to get back to Andy's house, exactly?

(Ash thinks and looks around till...)

Ash Ketchum: (notices) Hey, I've got it!

(At night we find Andy's family car arriving home and he comes out)

Andy Davis: Yee-haw!

(He runs up stairs and arrives to his room as he turns up the light as he hums the Lone Ranger theme, while getting a chair and reaches to where Woody was on the shelf)

Andy Davis: Hey, Woody! (he wasn't there) Woody?

(He turns to find Etch with a WELCOME HOME ANDY sign, along with Woody, Buzz, Hamm, Rex, Slinky, Mr. Potato Head, Jessie, Bullseye, and the three little alien toys)

Andy Davis: Oh, wow! New toys! (gets down) Cool! (Grabs Woody, Jessie, and Bulseye) Thanks, Mom! (plays) It's Bazooka Jane and her jet-propelled horse! (makes jet sounds) Woody, Buzz, that polecat Zurg has stolen my space cows!

(The camera moves to show that our heroes took a cargo truck from the airport to drive their way back to Andy's house.)


(In the morning we find a man and woman outside checking and wondering how the airport cargo truck got to their parking while we then find Woody being held by Andy with his arm fixed good as new)

Mrs. Davis: Andy. Come on hon, time to go. (notices) Hey you fixed Woody!

Andy Davis: Yeah! Glad I decided not to take him to camp. His whole arm might have come off.

(He and his mom leave out of the room as Woody gets up to see his arm fixed up and looks to the door)

Woody: Well what do you know.

Jessie: (shouts) Yeeee-haaa! Oh Bullseye, we're part of a family again! (presents her Andy signed foot)

(Bullseye reveals his written hooves but ended up spelling "DANY" by mistake and fixed it to ANDY)

Buzz Lightyear:




Slinky: What's that? Bark, bark? uh





(We see Hamm playing the Buzz Lightyear game but was having trouble)

Hamm: Ooh, ooh! Oh! Hey Rex! I could use a hand over here buddy.

Rex: I don't need to play. I lived it!

Hamm: No, no, no! (game over) Ah nuts! (he switches the channel to Al's toy barn commercial to reveal a sad Al in his chicken suit)

???: Hmm? (gasps) Hey guys, look whose on TV!

???: What? What is it?

???: It's that greedy creep, Al!

Al McWhiggin: (sad) Welcome to Al' Toy Barn. We've got the lowest prices in town. Everything for a buck, buck, buck....(cries in despair)

Hamm: Well. (chuckles) I guess crime doesn't pay.

???: You've said it. (laughs)

???: That'll teach that guy not to steal any kids toys.





































