Ashley's Ultimate Mental Test (TTFAC) is the 549th episode of The Tabbic Forces' Adventure Chronicles by Tabbykitth. It is unknown when it will be made.
- This marks the first time that someone other than Tabby says "Previously on TTFAC". In this case, Sheldon Cooper says it.
- Every main villain from TTFAC's kill count is confirmed by Dabi.
- It is revealed that Dabi has never fully introduced himself to many heroes. The reason why is because most of the heroes escape him right as he starts talking about himself.
- Dabi reveals many things about the four other villains that Ashley has fought in the past.
- This is the 2;d time I'm the Bad Guy is used in the Tabby's Adventures franchise, the last time being in "Operation: T.A.B.B.Y..