Balloony (also known as Colin) is a recurring character of the Disney Channel series Phineas and Ferb. It is a balloon that was acquired by Heinz Doofenshmirtz when he was a child. It served as a minor character in the episode "The Chronicles of Meap" and the secondary antagonist in the episode "Meapless in Seattle".
Balloony in robot suit in "Meapless in Seattle" episode
Balloony saving his best friend Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Balloony's redemption and reconciliation with Heinz Doofenshmirtz, while protecting him from Mitch's robot minions
Balloony pops upon being shot by one of Mitch's robot minions (off-screen)
Balloony collapses
Balloony's first death
Balloony repaired by Perry the Platypus in "Meapless in Seattle"
Balloony, actually his replica in, in "This is Your Backstory"
Balloony's replica pops
The real Balloony revealed to have popped/died for the second and final time in "This is Your Backstory"