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Here is the transcript for Bandit Hunted.

(The episode begins inside a house in the middle of a desert.)

  • Unnamed Bandit: Who should we take for ransom today, boss?
  • Unknown Villain: I'm thinking someone on the hero side. Perhaps a bit on the young side as well. We can get good money from just one brat!
  • Unnamed Bandit: Which one?
  • Unknown Villain: Dunno yet. Any ideas?
  • Unnamed Bandit: I know! How about the kid wearing that skull belt?
  • Unknown Villain: The kid a boy or girl?
  • Unnamed Bandit: Girl.
  • Unknown Villain: Perfect! People be willing to pay more to save a young girl's life than any other kind of person.
  • Unnamed Bandit: Should we prepare?
  • Unknown Villain: Yes. We're going to find her.
  • Unnamed Bandit: Okay.
  • Unknown Villain: I think we're going to get a large amount of money out of this!

(The bandit group drives off to Tabbic City. Meanwhile, Team Tabbyverse was having lunch together. While almost everyone else was finished eating, Caliber and Akuma still had half a meal to go.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (to Akuma) I didn't know demons can eat human food. Much less so much of it!
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Better hurry up, Caliber. If I finish before you, your dish is mine!
  • Blaze Caliber: Not happening!
  • Akuma Omnoraki: You know the rules. If I finish before the last person done, their dish is mine.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Uh, it's not really a good idea to take food away from Dad...
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Why not?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: He... Umm–

(Caliber finishes his plate.)

  • Blaze Caliber: Don't need to worry about the reason because I finished before you!
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Well, I guess I lose, then.
  • Kate Caliber: It's not exactly nice to take from people while they're eating, anyway.
  • Isaac Caliber: Yeah, Mommy told me that when I tried to take something from Big Sis.
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Oh.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: I don't blame you, Akuma. You've been evil for most of your life. This is your first lesson on being good.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: If you're still hungry, you can order more stuff.
  • Akuma Omnoraki: I'm good for now.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Did you like your meals, Mr. Akuma?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Yes.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Yay!

(The group of Bandits watch the group from their vehicles. At the same time, Marina hugs Akuma.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I like you already!
  • Idol Shadow: Where should we go now?
  • Matilda Matchitehew: What about a movie?
  • Valiant Tails: I heard Inside Out 2 is out. Let’s watch that!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Have you ever seen a movie before, Mr. Akuma?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: No.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Then, let Inside Out 2 be your first experience with one!
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Alright.

(The group began to walk to the movie theater with the bandits following behind them.)

  • Isaac Caliber: Can we get the corn stuff that you eat here, please?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: That’s popcorn, and sure.

(A bandit snatches Morrigan while the heroes aren’t looking.)

  • Kate Caliber: Just don't eat too much of it. It's not good for you, and we're going to be sharing it.
  • Isaac Caliber: Okay, Mommy! I won't have that much!
  • Shou Ronpo: Guys, we have a problem.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Kitty's missing!
  • Big the Cat: Not again.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I know! Whoever has her better not harm a single inch of her!

(Meanwhile, in a desert home, a bandit takes off the bag over Morrigan’s head.)

  • Unknown Villain: (to a bandit) Tell me now, how much did this one put up a fight?
  • Unnamed Bandit: I knocked her out before she was dragged into the car.
  • Unknown Villain: Didn't put up much of a fuss, huh? Good for you!

(Morrigan wakes up and groans.)

  • Unknown Villain: Well, lookie here. The kid's awake.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Who are you?
  • Unknown Villain: Just a guy looking to make a mean profit off of you. That's all!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Yeah no. I would rather not be sold.
  • Unknown Villain: Nah, I mean something like a good ransom.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: No.
  • Unknown Villain: No what, kid? You ain't making the decisions around here, I am.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: You aren't The CEO, bud.
  • Unknown Villain: I know I'm not Maverick. I heard he got himself arrested. What an idiot! Good thing I left when I did.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Buddy, that's not who I'm talking about.
  • Unknown Villain: Not that I care, anyway.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Why do you want ransom?
  • Unknown Villain: I want some money! Is that really something hard to understand?
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: You look like you are broke.
  • Unknown Villain: That ain't none of your business!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: What is this place? A dumpster fire? Why is it dark?
  • Unknown Villain: It ain't dark!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Then why can't I see you!
  • Unknown Villain: Your eyes are weak! We like very little light coming in.

(Morrigan turns on her flashback. The villain was revealed to be Alpha the Sniper.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: I thought you were dead.
  • Alpha the Sniper: Me? Dead? (laughs) What would make you think that?
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Voltage taking down all of Maverick's goons.
  • Alpha the Sniper: (laughs nervously, still trying to sound tough) I left that fool a long time ago! No wonder why they're dead; they remained with him!...
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: So, you cheated death?
  • Alpha the Sniper: (clears throat) That ain't any of your business. What matters is what hero team ya on.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Are you stupid or something? How do you not know what team I'm on? Have you been living under a rock?
  • Alpha the Sniper: Been a bit rusty on the ins and outs of hero teams and who is or isn't one any.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: That just means you are dumb or hiding from something.

(One of the bandits points their weapon at Morrigan.)

  • Alpha the Sniper: I'm not hiding from anything.
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: I just so happen to be the leader of Team Tabbyverse. A small team, but we've taken down the impossible.
  • Alpha the Sniper: (smirks) You sure confessed quickly. I was expecting to have to torture that info out of ya!
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Oops.
  • Alpha the Sniper: (to a bandit) Find where Team Tabbyverse is at and give them a little message about their leader. I think we could get a solid 100k out of her!
  • Unnamed Bandit: Yes, sir. (Grabs a phone)

(Back with Team Tabbyverse, Marina's phone rings.)

  • Idol Shadow: Marina, could you answer it?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Maybe it's her calling from another phone! (answers it and puts it on speakerphone) Hello?
  • Unnamed Bandit: Hello. We have your leader!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Is this a prank? If it is, it isn't funny!
  • Unnamed Bandit: If this were a prank, we would have been giggling in the background. This is no joke! Hand over 100k, and we will let her live. If you refuse to hand it over, she will die.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (to Team Tabbyverse) Do we even have that much money?
  • Idol Shadow: Yes.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (to the bandit over the phone) We're not paying that! We're going to get Kitty back! Mark my words!
  • Unnamed Bandit: Give us the money, you stubborn little girl! We don’t play games!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: No! I swear if I find you, I'm going to kick you where the sun don't shine!
  • Unnamed Bandit: Oh well. That just means she’s gonna be dead by the time you get here.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Go screw yourself! (she hangs up)

(Kate stares at her daughter, shocked by her attitude and responses.)

  • Idol Shadow: If she dies, it’s Marina’s fault. The good news is that I have 100k in fake dollar bills. No way am I digging that money from our money bin.
  • Kate Caliber: I didn't know you could be so ...aggressive, sunshine.

(Marina's gaze drops to the ground as her face turns red.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Sorry, Mom...
  • Valiant Tails: What happened?

(Akuma comes out of nowhere and holds Marina in a hug.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Huh? I appreciate the hug, but why are you giving me one, sir?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: You look sad.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I was just embarrassed...
  • Akuma Omnoraki: You did the right thing but we gotta save her.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Is it weird to say that you're surprisingly good at hugs despite looking like a giant sentient suit of armor?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: (Begins gently patting Marina) There there. It's gonna be ok.

(Marina clings onto Akuma and buries her face into him.)

  • Akuma Omnoraki: Seriously though, we need to get Morrigan back.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I know someone who can help us find her!

(Marina uses the orange and white shard around her neck to summon Jademajin.)

  • Jademajin: If you are asking where you friend is, she's in a desert home.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: How far is it from here?
  • Jademajin: About 100 miles.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Do you have some kind of map that can guide us there? Or teleport us directly there?
  • Jademajin: No. Also, you summoned me at a bad timing. I was sleeping!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Oh, I'm sorry... I won't let it happen again!
  • Jademajin: It's okay. It just proves that you are still learning, which is okay I just might have to set up a backup god to help you when I can't.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: You don't have to. I'll be fine just to use it less.
  • Jademajin: Actually, you don't need a backup god. If I remember correctly, Akuma has a great sense of tracking and can be very helpful.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Is that true, Mr. Akuma?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Yes.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Okay! Thank you for the help, Ms. Jademajin! I promise not to bother you for a long time!
  • Jademajin: Alright. See ya soon!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (under her breath) Hopefully you never have to see me again...
  • Jademajin: Wait. What do you mean?
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I didn't say anything. (changes subject) I think we'll be fine! You can go back to sleep if you want.
  • Jademajin: Oh okay.

(Jademajin disappears.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Mr. Akuma, can you see if you can track Morrigan down? I realized Godzilla could've done the job, but I don't want him to try fighting or hurting you...
  • Akuma Omnoraki: (Points to the left) This way.

(As everyone heads in that direction, Marina removes the orange and white shard from her necklace without anyone noticing. She puts it into her pocket.)

  • Akuma Omnoraki: Why would a bunch of bandits take off with a teenage girl?
  • Blaze Caliber: They want money from us. It's called a ransom, and it's one of the most cowardly things I can think of!
  • Akuma Omnoraki: That sounds dumb. They could have just shown up on our doorstep and brought her to us. My little boys would have had fun beating their skulls in.
  • Blaze Caliber: I wouldn't mind seeing that.

(Akuma leads the group to a desert home. He stops just outside of the building as though he's studying something.)

  • Akuma Omnoraki: Might want to get your weapons ready. This is not going to be a very warm welcoming.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: We're going to kick their butts!
  • Idol Shadow: How many are in there?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: 21.
  • Blaze Caliber: (pulling out his gun) Should be a breeze!

(Valiant Tails knocks on the door and is greeted by a bandit pointing his weapon at the team.)

  • Valiant Tails: (nervously) We have your 100K. Can you give us our friend back please?
  • Bandit #1: You gotta let me inspect it first. I'll know if you're trying to pull a fast one or not!

(Idol Shadow throws the suitcase at the bandit, knocking him out.)

  • Idol Shadow: Problem solved.
  • Future Houtarou Ichinose: I have a feeling this will not end well.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I think we'll be fine. Now, let's go get Kitty!
  • Unnamed Bandit #2: Freeze!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: You don't scare us! We'll fight you!
  • Unnamed Bandit #3: Hand over the suitcase!

(Marina picks up the suitcase and gives it to the bandit.)

  • Unnamed Bandit #3: Alpha, we have the money. Should we release the girl?
  • Matilda Matchitehew: Wait, Alpha? As in Alpha the Sniper?
  • Unnamed Bandit #2: Yep. He wanted the money.
  • Alpha the Sniper: Well, lookie here! It's C.E.O's little sis.
  • Unnamed Bandit #3: Here's the money, sir.
  • Alpha the Sniper: Let's take a look at this.

(The bandit opens the case, finding fake money in it. Alpha growls in anger after seeing the fake money.)

  • Alpha the Sniper: What is this?!
  • Idol Shadow: A diversion! Akuma, now!

(Akuma is nowhere to be seen in the room.)

  • Idol Shadow: Akuma, where did you go?
  • Alpha the Sniper: (laughs) Did ya buddy flee already?
  • Idol Shadow: Guess we’ll just have to do this the old-fashioned way. Caliber, light it up!

(As Alpha keeps laughing, he is suddenly slammed against the wall by an invisible force. Based on the choking sounds he is making, Alpha is being pinned to the wall by his neck.)

  • Idol Shadow: Akuma?
  • Alpha the Sniper: What the?!

(The person holding Alpha against the wall turns visible, revealing it to be Akuma.)

  • Akuma Omnoraki: Let the girl go or else.
  • Alpha the Sniper: Or else what?...

(Akuma lets out a low growl and tightens his grip. Alpha gasps for air as he struggles in Akuma's grasp.)

  • Akuma Omnoraki: You will run out of air soon.
  • Alpha the Sniper: Please... Stop...
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Then let the girl go.
  • Alpha the Sniper: I..will.
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Good.

(Akuma drops Alpha.)

  • Unnamed Bandit #2: What now, sir?
  • Alpha the Sniper: (catching his breath) We...We let them go. For now.
  • Unnamed Bandit #3: Booo!
  • Unnamed Bandit #4: That's not fun!
  • Unnamed Bandit #5: Let's kill them!
  • Alpha the Sniper: Ya stupid or something? Do you really want to fight that thing that had me in a chokehold?
  • Unnamed Bandit #5: No! We want to kill the other losers!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Hey! That's not a nice thing to say!
  • Unnamed Bandit #5: Let's kill them!
  • Unnamed Bandit #4: Yeah!
  • Alpha the Sniper: (getting up) Screw it. We're going to kill them!
  • Unnamed Bandit #3: What about the girl?
  • Alpha the Sniper: (panting) Kill her...as well!
  • Unnamed Bandit #6: Yes, sir.
  • Idol Shadow: Caliber, light it up!

(Caliber shoots at Alpha. The Bandits open fire and Team Tabbyverse attacks. Meanwhile, UFO-X—who has been transformed into Gotcharbrother CrossUFO-X—tries to untie Morrigan.)

  • UFO-X: Almost got it!
  • Unnamed Bandit #7: Hey! Stop what you are doing!
  • Unnamed Bandit #8: Freeze!
  • UFO-X: Nah.

(Caliber shoots one of the bandits close to UFO-X in the arm.)

  • UFO-X: Thanks, Caliber!
  • Blaze Caliber: Here, let me get it.

(A knife falls out of Caliber's sleeve, and he uses it to cut the rope around Morrigan's limbs.)

  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Let's get out of here!
  • Blaze Caliber: Are you okay, kiddo?
  • Morrigan "Kitty" Meows: Yeah.
  • Blaze Caliber: Good!
  • Idol Shadow: Let's move out!
  • Blaze Caliber: Come on, let's leave this dump!

(The heroes retreat from the desert home with Morrigan by their side.)

  • UFO-X: Thank goodness we made it. Those guys are crazy.
  • Blaze Caliber: They weren't that bad, all things considered. I was expecting a lot worse.
  • Idol Shadow: As long as they don't come here, we should be fine.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: That was cool what you did, Mr. Akuma! And a little scary... I didn't know you could turn invisible.
  • Akuma Omnoraki: I became a spirit, Marina. It isn't used often.
  • Isaac Caliber: Wait, you're dead?! But how are you here with us right now?! Dead people don't come back!
  • Akuma Omnoraki: I'm not dead! It's one of my forms!
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: You have multiple forms?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Yes.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: That's cool! Is it okay that we see them?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: The one I'm in is my normal one.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: If you don't mind answering, what happened to your wings? You had them when you saved us from Sharptooth, but they disappeared.
  • Akuma Omnoraki: That's only in my full power form.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Oh, cool! How do you gain the power to use it?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Negativity.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Oh... Hopefully, we can find some way for you to access it without negativity!
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Or I could simply use it for good.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: True, but we can still try to help find something else to empower you! ...Wait, is it something you actually need to eat or just a power source?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Power source.
  • Isaac Caliber: Mommy, Daddy, I'm hungry!
  • Akuma Omnoraki: I think we all need something after the chaos we had today.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I'm not hungry; I want to go to sleep. (yawns) I'm kind of tired.
  • Idol Shadow: Same.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: (groans) I don't want to talk that far again!
  • Idol Shadow: Let’s get some rest.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I don't want to bother Ms. Jademajin again, but I really wish we could be teleported back home. I don't want her to find me annoying...
  • UFO-X: I can do that! (Teleports everyone back to the base) There we go.
  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: Thank you!
  • UFO-X: You're welcome.
  • Isaac Caliber: Can we still get food?
  • Akuma Omnoraki: Of course.

(Marina heads up to her room and throws herself onto her bed, not even bothering to shower or change clothes beyond taking her sandals off. She gets underneath the blankets and curls up.)

  • Marina "Dusk" Cullen: I feel really bad for interrupting you, Ms. Jademajin. Not just once but twice while you were doing other things... I know you probably don't want to deal with me, so I'll make sure to never use the shard again. No one deserves to deal with me when they don't have to.

(Marina drifts off to sleep as the screen fades to black.)

(As Marina is sleeping, a robotic hand sticks out of a portal and tries to reach for the shard. However, because she is underneath the blankets, the hand has to take them off Marina individually. The hand reaches into her pocket. Despite being asleep, her legs instinctively kick at the robotic hand. At the same time, she whimpers in her sleep like she is about to cry. It grabs the shard and retreats with it. Behind the portal is a dark room where the shard illuminates in front of The CEO's face.)

  • The CEO: What a beautiful shard! Almost as pretty as the girl this came from. I'm sorry that I may have scared you; I'll make it better tomorrow morning.

(The screen fades to black.)
