Beetle Bailey also known as Private Carl James "Beetle" Bailey is the main character of the comic strip, TV show and TV special of the same name.
Private Carl James "Beetle" Bailey—the main character and strip's namesake, a feckless, shirking, perpetual goof-off and straggler known for his chronic laziness and generally insubordinate attitude.
- Beetle Bailey started his own adventure series in Beetle Bailey's Adventures Series.
- Beetle Bailey and his friends started going on adventures outside Camp Swampy in Beetle Bailey's Adventures in Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater.
- His birthday is September 4th, 1950, the day the first Beetle Bailey strip was published.
- He is voiced by Greg Whalen.
- His friends Are Chicken Little, Buck Cluck, Abby Mallard, Runt of the Litter, Fish Out of Water, Goosey Loosey and Foxy Loxy.
- He was created by Mort Walker.
- Beetle Bailey, Sarge and Otto will guest star on Tino's Adventures of Smallfoot.
- Beetle Bailey, Sarge and Otto will meet Winnie the Pooh in Winnie the Pooh Meets Beetle Bailey.
- Beetle Bailey, Sarge and Otto will meet Tino Tonitini in Tino Tonitini Meets Beetle Bailey.