Bertatron is Megatron's twin brother and an OC Trainsformer made by Ryantransformer017.
Bertatron was a gladiator like Megatron under the name of Bertatronus, named after one of the Train-Primes. When he is approached by Wallflower Steam, he found that he is like a buddy to him, even though he is invisible to others. When his twin brother shorted his name to Megatron, he had an idea to shorten his name and Megatrain reconsided him by his name Bertatron. When Megatron's plans to make the council to make Megatron the next Prime failed and his ties cut from Orion Pax and the council, Bertatron was inspired to be a leader like his idol, the leader of the Deceptitrans and was recruited by Megatrain and Megatron.
Bertatron looks like Bert with Megatron's body, Galvatrain's armor and his own.
His personality is a combo of Bert and Megatron's without knowing the true meaning of oppression.
- Bertatronus
- Megatrain's number one fan
- Bertatron's fusion cannon
- Bertatron's Keyblade
- Bertatron is the twin brother of Megatron (TFP).