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This is a transcript of Beyond Chivalry... Aiming to be a Leek Master! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.

(the episode begins)

Narrator: Ash's goal is to battle one of the world's greatest Trainers, Leon! Goh's goal is to catch one of every kind of Pokémon, including Mew! This is the story of their adventure-filled journey through the world of Pokémon!

(Flashback moments)

Narrator: The Pokémon World Coronation Series is a tournament to determine the top Pokémon Trainer. Ash wants to battle Leon, the reigning monarch, and that's why our hero is taking part in the competition. Trainers from all of the world enter, and those within the same rank class, battle against each other. The results determine, each Trainer's ranking among all who've entered. A while back, Ash and Farfetch'd had battle against a Gallade and it's Trainer, Rinto. But Farfetch'd lost. Our heroes then traveled to the Kalos region, to train with Wikstrom, a member of the Elite Four. While there,...

Ash Ketchum: (to Farfetch'd (Galar Form)) Here. Good thing it's still fine.

(He gives the leek back to Farfetch'd (Galar Form))

Ash Ketchum: You care about it more than anything, isn't that right?

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) looks to his leek)

Wikstrom: A knight fights for either a sovereign or for the weak who do not posses the strength to fight for themselves. It is when you fight to protect those you hold dear, that your strength increases many times.

Narrator: Farfetch'd and Ash forged a strong bond, through Farfetch'd's leek. Now ranking 273 in the Great Class, Ash still has a long road ahead of him before he faces Leon, and the daunting challenges he and his Pokémon must contend with will continue on this very day.

(Team Robot in Pokémon Master Journeys: the Series opening plays)

Ash & Goh (V.O.): Beyond Chivalry... Aiming to be a Leek Master!

(We see Farfetch'd (Galar Form) ready his leek as it battle Scizor. Scizor charges and Farfetch'd (Galar Form) charges with its leek and they battled hard)

Tai Kamiya: Whoa, look at them go!

Natsu Dragneedal: Yeah, cool!

Kero: Farfetch'd sure can put up a fight!

Madison Taylor: So can Scizor!

Ash Ketchum: Good work, Farfetch'd! Keep up the attacks!

Goh: Alright, Scizor! Use X-Scissor!

(Scizor charges and uses X-Scizor)

Ash Ketchum: Now Farfetch'd, Detect!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) uses Detect to stop Scizor's attack)

Ash Ketchum: Use Night Slash!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) then uses Night Slash, though Scizor blocked them with its claws it fell to one knee)

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): (pants) Far... Fetch'd.

Ash Ketchum: That did it! (runs to Farfetch'd (Galar Form)) Nice work!

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): Far.

Goh: Scizor, you were amazing!

Scizor: Scizor.

Grookey: (jumps off; excited) Grookey!

Goh: Huh?

(Grookey lands down)

Grookey: (battling) Grookey! Grookey, Key, Key!

Musa: Aww, how cute is that!

Roxy: (laughs) I guess Grookey wants to try battling too.

Bloom: (chuckles) After watching that battle, you would want to be strong like Farfetch'd and Scizor.

Goh: Wow. Hey Grookey, you want to start battling too?

Grookey: (affirmative) Grookey, Key, Key!

Kaizu Mondomiya: Hey Ash, you sure have one tough Farfetch'd!

Max Rapid: Yeah, I'll say it's got the spirit of a real warrior!

Goh: They're right. Both you and Farfetch'd, talk about being in sync.

Ash Ketchum: (laughs) What do you expect, from a couple of proud knights who are only a step or two from becoming leek masters!

Pikachu: (Cheering) Pikachu!

Goh: That's how you get to be leek master?

Fred Jones: I don't think there is such a thing as a leek master, Ash.

Ash Ketchum: Who cares! As long as we're having fun!

Pikachu: (affirmative) Pikachu.

Goh: I think we should go to the Pokémon Center. Scizor and Farfetch'd are worn out from today's battle.

Emerl: Yeah, I agree. I think it's best to have them rest up for a bit.

Ash Ketchum: You're right. Farfetch'd, return.

Goh: Scizor, return.

(Scizor and Farfetch'd (Galar Form) understood as they're both called back their Pokeballs)

(Somewhere in the city we find our heroes in the streets and we find Pikachu carrying Grookey on its back as he walk. But then, both of them, Toothless, Light Fury, and. Stormfly, turned to their left upon hearing something)

(Ash, Goh, and the other heroes stopped to notice them)

Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, Light Fury, what's up?

Hiccup: What're you picking up on bud?

Astrid: What's the matter, Stormfly?

(Toothless, Light Fury, and Stormfly sniffed at the bush)

Pikachu: (suspicious) Pika?

Grookey: Grookey, Key?

All heroes: Hmm?

Goh: What is it, Grookey? Something in there?

Pikachu: (suspicious) Pika...

(Then something rustled in the bushes as Pikachu, Grookey, Toothless, Light Fury, and Stormfly stood back)

SpongeBob SquarePants: (notices and gasps) Look!

(The mysterious creature from the bushes comes out walking weakly.)

(Toothless, Light Fury, and Stormfly looked surprised)

Grookey: (shocked) Grookey.

Pikachu: Pi...

(It was an unwell Bellsprout)

Pikachu: (concerned) Pika.

Bellsprout: (weakly) Bellsprout.

Tecna: (gasps) What is that?

Tentomon: It's a Bellsprout!

(Goh then checks his Rotom Phone)

Rotom Phone: Bellsprout. The Flower Pokemon. A Grass and Poison Type. Bellsprout loves high temperatures and humidity. It can be lightning fast when it extends its vines in order to grab something.

Ash Ketchum: But, that Bellsprout looks totally exhausted.

Flora: Hmm... (checks on Bellsprout) Looks, like this Bellsprout worked out too hard and it's feeling completely worn out.

Pomumon: She's right, we need to get it some help.

Bella Twilight: Yeah, but how?

(Grookey gets off of Pikachu's back)

Grookey: Grookey! Gro, Gro, Gro, Gro, Gro. (takes out its stick) Key, Key!

(Grookey tapped its stick to the ground as the exhausted Bellsprout looked confused then Grookey started to sound waves as it moves to Bellsprout it began to glow bright yellow)

Pikachu: Pika?

Miki Bloom: Wow, look!

Flora: (amazed) Oh, my!

Stella: Well, look at that.

Ash Ketchum: Bellsprout, loves it!

Lucy Heartfelt: It sure does!

Goh: (realizes) Remember a while back,...


Grookey (Flashback): Grookey, Key! (holds up its stick) Grookey! (taps down to ground) Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke!

(The heroes watched amazed as the sound waves caused the flowers to perk up)

Grookey (Flashback): (happy) Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke, Ke!

(Flashback ends)

(Pikachu, Grookey, Toothless, Light Fury, Stormfly cheered happy as the Bellsprout cheered along with them as it felt better.)

Fishlegs: (gasps with relief) Grookey did it!

Ash Ketchum: (chuckles) Bellsprout's fine! You're good at that Grookey!

Goh: So it seems Grookey's power even has an effect on Pokemon.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah.

Grookey: Grookey.

All heroes: Hmm?

Grookey: (insisting) Grookey, Key.

Goh: What is it, Grookey?

(It turns to Bellsprout)

Grookey: Grookey.

Bloom: I think it has already made friends with Bellsprout.

Goh: What? You're friend already?

(Grookey then climbed to Goh's pockets and what did it take out was a Pokeball)

Grookey: Key, Key!

Bellsprout: (happy) Bellsprout, Bellsprout, Bellsprout!

Goh: (gasps) You don't mean...

Grookey: (affirmative) Grookey, Gro.

Cole Evans: (laughs) Looks, like Grookey wants you to catch Bellsprout.

Goh: Hmm?

Bellsprout: (insisting) Sprout, Sprout, Bell!

Rapid Baruchel: Come on, Goh! Do it!

Herissmon: Yeah, you haven't caught a Bellsprout yet!

Ash Ketchum: They're right. You can catch it!

Goh: (takes the Pokeball) Right. (enlarges the Pokeball) Just wait, Grookey.

(Grookey lands down)

Grookey: (happy) Grookey.

Goh: Pokeball, go! (Tosses his Pokeball)

(The Pokeball hits Bellsprout as it went in. The Pokeball lands and shook till capture was a success)

Grookey: (happy) Grookey!

(It nuzzles the Pokeball with its new friend)

Rotom Phone: Bellsprout has been registered to your Pokedex!

Goh: I caught a Bellsprout!

Grookey: (happy) Grookey!

(Grookey jumps hold of Bellsprout's Pokeball)

Goh: Grookey! Whoa! (moves up Bellsprout's Pokeball up with Grookey holding on) Bellsprout, let's be friends, what do you say?

Grookey: (agrees) Grookey.

(At the Pokemon Center)

Chansey: Chansey.

Nurse Joy: Thanks for waiting. Scizor and Farfetch'd are back to full health.

Ash Ketchum: Thanks so much, Nurse Joy.

Goh: Yeah, thanks!

Pikachu: Pika!

(Ash releases Farfetch'd (Galar Form))

Ash Ketchum: Okay, Farfetch'd come out!

(Farfetch'd slams its leek to where he is but he avoided it quick)

Ash Ketchum: (laughs) It's great to see you up to speed! (chuckled)

(Then his Rotom Phone rings)

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

Pikachu: Pika?

Rotom Phone: A battle challenge has been issued.

Ash Ketchum: (checks) Huh.

(He chuckled while checking his Rotom Phone, with Goh and the other heroes checking out of curiousness but unknown to them, a familiar Trainer and his Gallade were passing by them till his Rotom Phone rang and he checks.)

Pikachu: (notices) PI?

All heroes: (notices) Huh?

(It was Rinto and his Gallade)

Cheetor: Whoa, isn't that...

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

(Rinto and Gallade noticed them)

Rinto: It's you.

Pikachu: Pika...

Ash Ketchum: Uh...

Tommax Anubis: It's that trainer you battled before back at the Rock Tunnel!


(Gallade cancels out False Swipe, while Ash picks up his defeated Farfetch'd (Galar Form))

Ash Ketchum (Flashback): You gotta hang in there, Farfetch'd!

Farfetch'd (Galar Form; Flashback): (groaned)

(Flashback ends)

Rinto: Well, well. We've battled before, haven't we?

Ash Ketchum: Uh-huh. Nice to see you, Rinto.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Gallade: (notices) Gallade.

Pikachu: Pika.

(It notices Farfetch'd (Galar Form))

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): (grunts)

Gallade: Gallade.

Goh: Oh. You're entered into the World Coronation Series, right?

Ash Ketchum: But I didn't get a message we could battle then.

Yugi Muto: Hey, you're right. How could you didn't message Ash for a battle challenge back at the Rock Tunnel, Rinto?

Rinto: That's because I just entered and still in the Normal Class.

Ash Ketchum: Awesome, now you're in the Great Class!

Rinto: Yes, you too, it seems. How has Farfetch'd, been since then?

Ash Ketchum: Really good! A little while back, we went to the Kalos region and we trained with Wikstrom!

Pikachu: Pika!

Rinto: Wow, you went to the Caste of Chivalry.

Goh: You know it! We worked hard and received knight medals too!

Rinto: We went through some, pretty tough training there as well. It sure brings back memories.

Gallade: (affirmative) Gallade.

Ash Ketchum: Hey, let's battle! Farfetch'd and I have sharpened our skills! So we won't be easy to beat!

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): Fetch'd. Farfetch'd.

Rinto: Sounds like a great idea. I could see such great potential in both of you.

Ash Ketchum: Thanks, get ready for more!

Pikachu: (agrees) Pikachu!

(Outside a Rotom Drone floats down)

Rotom Drone: You have been approved for an official Pokemon World Coronation Series, Great Class battle! Comepeting it's Rinto versus Ash!

Ash Ketchum: Goh, thanks a lot!

(We see Goh, Pikachu, Grookey, and the other heroes watching by the bench)

Goh: Huh?

Ash Ketchum: If you hadn't suggested we go to The Pokemon Center, this battle wouldn't be happening.

Maleficent (2014/2019): He does have a point there, Goh.

Goh: (To Ash) Yeah! So win it!

Ash Ketchum: Right! Pikachu, you cheer us on and help us win this!

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): Hmph.

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Rotom Drone: Alright! For today's battle each of you is allowed to use one Pokemon! (puts up a screen) Will both challengers please bring out your Pokemon! Three,.... two,.... one.... go!

Rinto: Gallade let's do it!

Ash Ketchum: Remember, leek masters!

(Gallade and Farfetch'd (Galar Form) charge forward and land to the middle of the battlefield)

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): (challenging) Farfetch'd.

Gallade: (challenging) Gallade.

Rotom Drone: Battle begin!

Rinto: I look forward to seeing what's changed since our last battle.

Gallade: (determined) Gallade.

Ash Ketchum: I'm right with you! Fury Cutter, let's go!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) charged with Fury Cutter)

Agumon (Data Squad): Go get 'em guys!

Marcus Damon: Yeah, take down that Gallade!

Pikachu: (cheering) Pika!

Goh: Hey, Ash! Don't let your opponent set the pace!

Ash Ketchum: Already on it!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) swung its leek with Fury Cutter but then...)

Rinto: Gallade, block it now!

(Gallade powers up its Night Slash to block the attacks)

Rinto: Use Night Slash!

(Gallade uses Night Slash)

Ash Ketchum: Use Detect!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) uses Protect to dodged the attacks till...)

Rinto: Psycho Cut!

(Gallade uses Psycho Cut and made impact with a big boom)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

(The smoke clears to reveal Farfetch'd (Galar Form) still standing but it's leek got a bit burned)

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): (surprised) Far?! (determined) Fetch'd!

Prince Sky: (gasps) It made a hard burn on Farfetch'd's leek!

Brandon: That, Gallade sure can pack up a hard hit!

Goh: Ash and Farfetch'd have gotten stronger alright. But Rinto seems to stay one step ahead of them! I never expected that look of retaliation from that stance!

Ash Ketchum: (grunts)

Rinto: So you used Detect. But since this is a battle of strength, all I need is to strike that leek once and Farfetch'd goes down with it. You're not trained at all.

Goh: You say they're not trained! Then tell us what it is that you think they're lacking!

Meilin Rae: Yeah, like what are they lacking anyway?!

(Rinto was silent till...)

Rinto: Hey, I'm no Gym Leader. If you want answers find them yourself. (turns back to the battle) It's our turn Now Gallade, Close Combat!

Ash Ketchum: Use Night Slash! Meet it head on!

(Both Pokemon charged each with their attacks as Farfetch'd (Galar Form) strikes with Night Slash but Gallade blocked it and makes impact with Close Combat as Farfetch'd (Galar Form) got sent flying)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

Pikachu: Pika!

(Gallade hits Farfetch'd (Galar Form) with Close Combat multiple times and it was about to kick it till...)

Ash Ketchum: Detect!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) uses Detect to avoid the attack but then...)

Rinto: Use Feint!

(Gallade uses Feint and in slow motion it sliced off the top part of Farfetch'd's (Galar Form) leek as it flies up. Ash, Goh, and the heroes look with shock and silence, as well as Farfetch'd (Galar Form), as the sliced off top part falls down)

All Heroes: Who's that Pokémon?

(Back to the show)

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) turned around to noticed the slice off part of its leek)

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): (surprised) Farfetch'd?

Ash Ketchum: (gasps) It's leek!

Rapid Baruchel: It...

Herissmon: It's been chopped off!

T.K Takaishi: No way!

Izzy Izumi: Hmm, this doesn't look good.

Pikachu: (concerned) Pika...

Goh: So he knows the move Feint. That means using Detect only leads to a loss.

Li Showron: This looks bad now.

SpongeBob SquarePants: How's Farfetch'd going to battle with its leek now broken!

Rinto: Alright then. What do you got?

Ash Ketchum: Now what? With no leek... (then notices) Huh?

(He watches the sliced off leaf part of the leek)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Wait a second.

Pikachu: Pika?

Toothless: (curious)

Hiccup: Now what?

Goh: Ash what's up?

Timmy: I think....

Rinto: Hmm...

Ash Ketchum: (grinned and chuckled)

Timmy: He's got an idea!

Rinto: Uh....

Ash Ketchum: Farfetch'd, you can still work with your leek!

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): Farfetch'd?

Ash Ketchum: Remember our training with Wikstrom? (takes off his hat and does a knight move) Like Aegislash! (nods) Hmm!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) was silent)

Pikachu: Pika?

Goh: Ash, what are...

Rinto: Interesting. Aegislash, I see. Hey, Gallade let's watch their strategy.

Gallade: (affirmative) Gallade.

Ash Ketchum: You remember?! The sword and shield!

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): (realizes) Farfetch'd?


Wikstrom: Aegislash! Use King Shield!

(Aegislash uses King Shield to defend itself from Farfetch'd's (Galar Form) attacks)

Wikstrom: Aegislash! Use Sacred Sword!

(Aegislash uses Sacred Sword and made impact on Farfetch'd (Galar Form)

(Flashback ends)

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) look to its leek and then to the sliced off top part, as it walked to it and picked it up.)

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): Far. (turns around) Farfetch'd!

Ash Ketchum: That's it, Farfetch'd! Aim to be a leek master!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

Max Copper: Whoa, are they...

Cole Evans: Yes! He's having Farfetch'd use it's leek as its sword!

Alysa Enrile: And the top part as its shield!

Taylor Earhurdt: Nice strategy, there Ash!

Goh: Can it... even battle like that?

Goku: We'll just wait and see.

Rinto: Huh. There's no way you can beat Gallade by pretending to be a knight. Use Psycho Cut!

(Gallade uses Psycho Cut)

Ash Ketchum: Quick, Farfetch'd! Block it!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) uses the top part as a shield to block Psycho Cut and it jumped up high)

Red (Angry Bird): Whoa!

Chuck: Wow, what a jump!

Ash Ketchum: Now use Night Slash!

(Gallade gets ready)

Rinto: Let's use Night Slash, too!

(Gallade uses Night Slash as Farfetch'd (Galar Form) strikes with its own, only to get blocked and it lands down before countering Gallade's attack)

Rinto: Look at that, still relying on sheer strength.

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) and Gallade continued to battle each other with their Night Slash)

Takato Matsuki: Whoa, cool!

Goh: Look at that! It's battling with the leek cut in two!

Dragonflare: Go, go, Farfetch'd!

Ash Ketchum: Heh! Good going, Farfetch'd!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) and Gallade were still at it, until Farfetch'd (Galar Form) tries to strike with its leek which Gallade blocks and both were struggling but then Farfetch'd (Galar Form) couldn't move)

Rinto: It can't move now.

Ash Ketchum: Neither can Gallade can it?!

Rinto: Not even close, Gallade is now in the perfect position to attack!

Ash Ketchum: Huh?!

Howlcrusher: Perfection, position?

Gmerl: What does he mean?

Emerl: Hmm... (realizes and gasps) Uh-oh! I think I know!

Goh: Me too! I see Gallade's plan!

Rinto: Psycho Cut!

(Gallade uses Psycho Cut and sends Farfetch'd (Galar Form) flying to Ash as it crashes into him and they fell down)

Grug: (gasps) Ash!

Guy: Farfetch'd!

Pikachu: Pika! (he and Toothless run to him)

Goh: Oh no, Ash!

Grookey: Grookey?

Brandon: So that was their strategy!

Prince Sky:



Goh: Farfetch'd is still out of Gallade's league! It's hardly received any damage at all!

Rinto: Wonder what Wikstrom would say if he could see you battling now?

Ash Ketchum: (grunts)

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): Farfetch'd.

Ash Ketchum: Farfetch'd, are you alright.

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) looked at sliced top part of its leek)

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): Farfetch'd.

(Ash looked concerned)

Pikachu: (concerned) PIka.

Toothless: (groaned concerned)

Rinto: I admit, I'm disappointed. I misjudged your potential. You're still far too untrained to be any kind of opponent for my Gallade.

(The Rotom Drone floated to Ash, Pikachu, Farfetch'd (Galar Form, and Toothless)

Rotom Drone: Will you continue the battle?

(Ash looked concerned with silence)

(Goh and the rest of the heroes were concerned too. As well as Farfetch'd (Galar Form))

Rotom Drone: Hmmmm.

Ash Ketchum: (gets up) We're in! We got a lot of fight left!

Rinto: Really? Aren't we being defiant.

Ash Ketchum: I know Farfetch'd tries its best every single time! This is not how Farfetch'd usually is! What we need, is to keep getting stronger!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form): (surprised) Farfetch'd.

Ash Ketchum: That's right, Farfetch'd! We need to train to get stronger! And I know that we will! 'Cause I believe in you!

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): Far... (it grabbed tight to its leek) Fetch'd.

Ash Ketchum: Come on. You can do it!

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): (determined) Farfetch'd. (it gets up with both its leek and the top part as it shield)

Pikachu: (relieved) Pika!

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): (confident) Farfetch'd!

Genie: Alright!

BlackAgumon: Farfetch'd, got up!

Kaizu Mondomiya: Man, that Pokémon sure is ready!

Rotom Drone: Farfetch'd has confirmed it will continue!

Ash Ketchum: (gets up) Rinto! Gallade! Here we come!

Rinto: If you insist. Gallade, use Night Slash!

(Gallade uses Night Slash and charges)

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) gets ready)

Ash Ketchum: Detect!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) uses Detect to dodge the Night Slash attacks and then...)

Ash Ketchum: Use Fury Cutter!

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) uses Fury Cutter as Gallade blocks them until it got hit hard upon impact sending a strong airwave)

Rinto: (grunts; gasps) Close Combat!

(Gallade uses Close Combat, but Farfetch'd (Galar Form) attacked with Fury Cutter too fast that it got hit again, and again as it was forced back)

Jaden Yuki: Whoa, direct hit!

Ash Ketchum: Yes!

Goh: On target!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Sandy Cheeks: Ooh, that's gotta hurt!

Farfetch'd (Galar Form): (pants) Far... Fetch'd.... Far... Fetch'd.

Gallade: (grunts)

Rinto: Perfect! Finish it with Close Combat!

(Gallade charges with Close Combat but then stop to noticed something happening)

(Farfetch'd (Galar Form) began to glow from a strange light blue energy)

Gallade: (surprised) Ga...

Rinto: Now what?

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

Hiccup: Whoa, what's happening?

Astrid: I think it's....

Fishlegs: No, it couldn't be!

Goh: Is that...?

(Then Farfetch'd (Galar Form) glowed brighter and began to change as its leek changed into a sword shaped leek, and the sliced top part became a shield, and as a result it evolved into a white bird-like Pokemon called Sirfetch'd)

Sirfetch'd: Sirfetch'd!

Sakura Avalon: (gasps) Farfetch'd just....

Ash Ketchum: It evolved!

Pikachu: (amazed) Pikachu!

Kero: Wow! Farfetch'd evolved!

Madison Taylor: But into what?!

Goh: Let's see!

(Goh check his Rotom Phone)

Rotom Phone: Sirfetch'd. The Wild Duck Pokémon. A Fighting type and the evolved form of Galarian Farfetch'd. It evolves after enduring in an unusually tough battle.

Ash Ketchum: Awesome! Sirfetch'd!

Sirfetch'd: Sir, Sirfetch'd!

Gallade: (determined) Gallade!

Rinto: Ha! You channeled your emotions into evolving, a true knight! You worked yourself into peek condition, to protect your sovereign! That deserves respect! Alright, Gallade! Use Night Slash!

(Gallade attacks with Night Slash)

Ash Ketchum: Use Night Slash!

(Sirfetch'd swung its leek-like sword and attacks with Night Slash. Both it and Gallade clashed their attacks together but Sirfetch'd was pushing Gallade back)

Rinto: So you're struggling with the damage you took. Alright Gallade, let for your guard.

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

(Gallade lets down its guard and got hit as it groaned)

Pikachu: Pika?

Ash Ketchum: That's all... on purpose?

(Then Gallade's arms began to grow tall)

Rinto: Correct. Gallade's ability.

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

Joe Kido: Ability?!

Izzy Izumi: Do you think he means....?

Goh: Of course, I get it! That's why Gallade let its guard down!

Dan Kuso: What's the ability called?

Rinto: The ability is called Justified! By taking damage from a Dark-type move like Night Slash, Gallade reveals a strong sense of justice and increases its attack power!

Pikachu: (amazed) Pikachu.

Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Here it comes!

(Gallade gets powered up with Justified and strikes as Sirfetch'd blocks its attack with its shield. Both struggled until...)

Ash Ketchum: Sirfetch'd!

Sirfetch'd: (turns to Ash) Fetch'd.

Ash Ketchum: Let's get a lot stronger together! Leon's waiting for us!

Sirfetch'd: (affirmative) Sirfetch'd!

(Sirfetch'd shut its eyes and then yells while Gallade stopped stopped attacking till...)

Ash and Rinto: Night Slash!

(Both charges their Night Slash and struck each other till, Sirfetch'd's Night Slash made impact on Gallade as it was sent flying and it fell to floor dazed and defeated. The Rotom Drone floats down to inspect)

Rotom Drone: Gallade is unable to battle! Sirfetch'd, is the winner! Which means the victory goes to Ash Ketchum!

Ash Ketchum: (jumps proud) Yeah, we won!

Pikachu: (cheering) Pikachu!

Hiccup: Alright, Ash!

Emerl: Way to go!

Goh: You did it, Ash!

Grookey: (cheerful) Grookey! Grookey!

Sirfetch'd: (stood proud) Sirfetch'd!

Rotom Drone: As a result of today's battle, there has been a change in the World Coronation Series Trainer rankings! (it floats away)

(Ash's score went up to 184)

Ash Ketchum: Alright! I got 184!

Goh, and the others: (gasps amazed)

Rinto: Now I can see what's changed since our last battle. We gave it everything we could give, but we couldn't win. Perhaps, we need to train a bit more. (offered a handshake) Thanks for the battle.

Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Tell you what,...

(They shook hands)

Ash Ketchum: ..let's both give it everything we got!

Rinto: Right!

Sirfetch'd: Sirfetch'd.

(At noon)

Lexington: Phew, what a battle there, Ash!

Brooklyn: Yeah, Ash, you really put it up there!

Elisa Maza: You were great cuzz!

Goh: That was so intense! Watching Farfetch'd evolve!

Ash Ketchum: (chuckles) For me too!

Pikachu: (agrees) Pikachu!

Goh: You had the best response to Rinto, when you said how much you believe in Farfetch'd! Those words protected Farfetch'd from then on! And right after those words, Farfetch'd evolved! It evolved to protect you!

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

Goh: I could only feel that this was the knight's true strength, Wikstrom talked about!

Ash Ketchum: Huh? Uh... sure.

(Then a white van passes by as Sirfetch'd noticed quickly. Then van splashed by a water puddle)

All heroes: (noticed) Huh?! (gasps)

(We see Sirfetch'd has blocked the water from splashing into Ash)

Sirfetch'd: Sirfetch'd.

Ash Ketchum: Sirfetch'd! Are you alright?!

Pikachu: (surprised) Pika, Pika!

Goh: What did I tell you?! Sirfetch'd protected you again! That was chivalry all the way!

Ash Ketchum: Yeah? You really think so?

Narrator: The bonds between Ash and Farfetch'd, brought about its evolution into Sirfetch'd. The World Coronation Series is in full swing! So stay tuned for Ash's next battle, as the journey continues!

(the episode ends)