Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
BijouN (1)

Bijou is a female hamster owned by Maria. She is a somewhat unworldly hamster who loves her blue ribbons, but she is not above getting dirty when she needs to help her friends, and has been known to be generous and helpful. She used to live in France before moving to where she is now, but she feels attached to Japan and has even refused to go back to France. In the Japanese version, she speaks normal Japanese and adds the words "dechuwa" (most likely a hamster version of "desu wa") at the end of her sentences, while the English version of Bijou has a French accent. The name "Bijou," is French for "jewel". She has a huge crush on Hamtaro (this is proven in the first episode, when she winked at him after their dancing performance), and her feelings for him are eventually reciprocated. But she can't tell her love to Hamtaro.



