Blasto Woman is a robot appearing in Mega Man: Fully Charged. She does not have a counterpart in the games. She is based off of a jet plane and was originally created to lift cargo before turning to crime for unknown reasons. Blasto Woman debuts in the episode Hard Times in Silicon City, in which she attacks the Museum of the Hard Age to steal its military weaponry, or rather, as she puts it, "at least the good stuff". She is voiced by Kathleen Barr, who also voices Hypno Woman.
Blasto Woman is a large yellowish-orange robot, with purple rockets and golden wings attached to her back. She also has knobs on her helmet that are attached to a metallic strip, resembling a pilot's cap, which is similar to the ones Blast Man has. She also has purple "hair".
Blasto Woman is a bit sarcastic, and she dislikes puns. She is pragmatic, especially when it comes to fighting; by her own admission, Blasto Woman heavily prefers brute force over strategies that involve disguises and deception. She is often obsessed with money and how much things are worth, wanting to retire to a hangar that fits her. She's implied to be older than other Robot Masters as she once told Mega Man to "respect your elders" when he fought her; she is informal about her age, though, saying terms like 'ma'am' doesn't suit her.