The Bomberman Brothers (stylised as Bomberman Bros., also known as 8 Bomberman Rangers or Super Bomberman Rangers) refer to the main group of Bomberman siblings. They appear as the primary roster in games with more than two cooperative playable characters.
- White Bomber (Leader)
- Black Bomber
- Red Bomber
- Blue Bomber
- Green Bomber
- Yellow Bomber
- Pink Bomber
- Aqua Bomber
- Pretty Bomber (Scrapped)
- Teal Bomber
- Hybrid Bomber
- Bluejay Bomber (Bell the Bluejay)
- Imagifox Bomber
- Magenta Bomber
- Game Bomber
TV Tropes[]
In canon[]
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Beyond these eight, various multicolored background Bombermen started appearing since around Bomberman '93.
- Badass Adorable: Especially when making a (n n) face.
- Big "WHAT?!": In Super R, each of them may do this when they're blown up.
- Color Motif: Certain appearances give them unique personalities to reflect their colorations.
- Depending on the Writer: The eight bombers' exact biological relationships vary between source materials, some referring to them as siblings and others depicting them as mere members of a species of Bombermen.
- Divergent Character Evolution: While the major bombers have been subject to having individual personalities developed over the years, it wasn't until Super Rwhen this trope took effect for all eight.
- Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: In Super Bomberman R, White, Blue, Pink, and Aqua are shown to be the responsible siblings to Black, Red, Yellow, and Green's foolish siblings.
- Glass Cannon: Given how the series revolves around Rocket-Tag Gameplay, each bomber is this by default, being able to take one another out with powerful, far-reaching explosions. Without certain powerups, they are completely defenseless even to own bombs.
- Heel–Face Turn: Obviously, White Bomber was always the main hero of the games, but with the exception of Pink and Aqua Bomber, the rest of the Bomberman Bros. were villains at some point, with Black Bomber being the former Big Bad of the series and the leader of these Bombermen.
- Heroic Lineage: In Super Bomberman R, Vic Viper Bomber claims the 8 siblings all descended from the designs and parts of the legendary Prototype Bomber, granting them the ability to adapt and copy any Bomber's special abilities.
- Kid Heroes: In the Land series, the main bombers appear to be depicted as such. In R, this is played straight with Yellow, Aqua, and Green, but a bit harder to pinpoint for the rest.
- Long-Lost Relative: Pretty Bomber.
- No Mouth: This applies to bombers in general, which becomes more noticeable with voice acting. However, it has been indicated that their mouths may be obscured by their helmets on at least one occasion.
- Nonindicative Name: Despite being officially called the Bomberman Brothers, there are sisters in the group.
- Power Copying: Due to them descending from Prototype Bomber, each sibling is capable of adapting and using the special abilities of almost any other bomber.
- Ridiculously Human Robots: Seemingly varies. Earlier games taking place on Earth describe them as robots, but later on, when they seemed to become the population of Planet Bomber and ordinary humans were rarer, this became less clear. Super Bomberman R reconfirms that they are robotic life-forms.
- Shared Signature Move: Though it may lack an official English name, it's called "Bakuen Cross Attack" according to an official strategy guide, or "Fire Pillar Attack" in one of the Japanese manuals. Originally associated with just White Bomber, it's a very powerful technique that involves continuously placing down bombs to cause a chain reaction while one's in an extended Mercy Invincibilityperiod. On the odd occasion, one of the Big Bads might also use it as part of their moveset.
- Sibling Team: It's sometimes White and Black in Co-Op Multiplayer, but Super Bomberman R brings the other six to the main adventure.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: With the exception of White Bomber, none of the Bombermen typically wear any sleeves or leggings. In R, the women (including Pretty Bomber) also wear them.
- Space Police: Defenders of the universe, even if it's mostly only White taking it seriously.
- Throw Down the Bomblet: The most notable users of explosives in the series. Practically every other character has this ability as well.
- Vocal Evolution: During most of Hudson Soft's tenure, all Bombermen sounded alike (with the exceptions being in spinoffs like Panic Bomber and the animes). The voice was often high-pitched and scratchy, and would sometimes get replaced with slightly deeper or softer voices later on. In Super Bomberman R, they each have their own voices to suit their personalities.
In Starable's projects[]
- Three Plus Two: Pretty Bomber and Teal Bomber
In Amanda's projects[]
In Starable and Amanda's Adventures[]
- They will meet Starable, Team Harmony, Bell and The Guardians of Friendship in Team Harmony's Adventures of Super Bomberman R and will later become members of The Guardians of Friendship at the end along with The Five Dastardly Bombers.
- They will meet Amanda in
- They will
- In Miraculous Harmony Adventures, Bomberman Bros. will have the miraculous of the following:
- White Bomber: Bearclaw (Bear Miraculous) (later phantomized to
- Red Bomber: Fiery Hawk (Hawk Miraculous) (later akumatized to Fiery Blazer)
- Black Bomber: Raven Flash (Raven Miraculous) (later akumatized to Shadow Flash)
- Pink Bomber: Firebird (Phoenix Miraculous) (later phantomized to
- Aqua Bomber: Penny (Panda Miraculous) (later phantomized to
- Blue Bomber: Prince Hippo (Hippo Miraculous)
- Green Bomber: Cosmic Kirin (Kirin Miraculous)
- Yellow Bomber: Joyful Canary (Canary Miraculous)
- Age of each sibling:
- Bomberman
- Black Bomberman
- Red
- Blue
- Yellow
- Green
- Pink
- Aqua
- Teal Bomberman:
- Magenta
- In Amber Harmony Harmony Heroes, they will have the Amber Harmony Hero Z forms of the following
- Bomberman
- Pink Bomber
- Green Bomber
- Different Pretty Cure names in both Team Harmony and Amanda universe
- Bomberman
- Black Bomber: Cure ??? (Starable and Amanda's Adventures of Go! Princess Pretty Cure)
- Red Bomber
- Blue Bomber
- Yellow Bomber
- Green Bomber
- Pink Bomber
- Aqua Bomber
- Teal Bomberman
- Magenta Bomber:
- Sailor scouts
- Bomberman:
- Black Bomberman:
- Red