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This is a transcript of Breaking the Ice! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.

(the episode begins)

Narrator: Ash's goal is to battle one of the world's greatest Trainers, Leon! Goh's goal is to catch one of every kind of Pokémon, including Mew! This is the story of their adventure-filled journey through the world of Pokémon!

(In a plane we find a girl looking at in the window to witness Vermillion City, in the night.)

Regina's Father: There. Do you see it now, Regina? That large cluster of lights over there is Vermillion City.

Regina's Mother: I'm sure you'll make lots of friends.

Regina: If I need too.

(We see she's holding a Pokeball in her hands)

Regina's Mother: (sighs)

Regina: It's nothing. (shuts the window)

(The plane begins head down)

(In the morning at Cerise Lab)

Professor Cerise: Take care out there!

All heroes: We'll see you really soon!

Professor Cerise: Remember, Ash, have some fun.

Ash Ketchum: (nervous in disappointment) I'm kind of freaked out...

Goh: You'll be fine! Don't worry. I'll talk you up to everybody!

Gmerl: Yeah, Ash! Remember what Dawn always said? (imitating Dawn's voice) "No need to worry!"

Xion: Just picture yourself my friend! You're going to be the presentation for Goh and Chloe's class!

Emerl: Try to be yourself Ash and you'll be fine.

Ash Ketchum: That's what I'm kind of freaked out about.

Chloe: (sheepish laugh)

Pikachu: Pika?

Goh: Hey, quit worrying! I've got you covered!

(In the city)

Goh: When I found out the theme for my essay was Friends, your face immediately came to mind.

Ash Ketchum: (disappointment) Really? But, Goh, do I have to go to your school with you?

Goh: How are they gonna know how interesting you are if they don't see you in the flesh?

Ash Ketchum: (disappointment) I don't know about interesting....

Goh: You're plenty interesting! (moves forward)

Ash Ketchum: (disappointment) Not sure about plenty either!

Alvin Seville: Ah, relax Ash. You'll do fine.

Theodore: Yeah, just keep going and act natural once we get into Goh and Chloe's classroom at the school.

Simon: Yeah, as Dawn would say, (imitating Dawn's voice) "Worrying about worrying, is no good."

Chloe: Talk about friends. I'm so happy for Goh!

Eevee: (notices) Vee.

Chloe: Huh? (turns to her left)

(She notices a girl coming out from behind a fountain. It was the girl Regina from the plane last night, accompanied by her partner, Glaceon.)

Chloe: A Glaceon?

Eevee: Eevee!

Chloe: Oh, cool!

(She checks her Rotom Phone)

Rotom Phone: Glaceon. The Fresh Snow Pokémon. An Ice type. One of Eevee's evolved forms, Glaceon can control its body temperature at will, and by freezing water particles in the air, it can create diamond dust.

(The Glaceon playfully pulls Regina's skirt)

Regina: (chuckles) Mirche, what are you doing that for? Come on now, please?

Chloe: Mirche, huh...

Goh: (calling) Hey, Chloe!

(Chloe turned to her right to find the other heroes waiting)

Ash Ketchum: (calling) You're falling behind!

Anna (Frozen): Yeah, come on! We're gonna be late for your class!

Tune: They're right! We gotta get you to your class immediately young lady!

Chloe: I'll be right there! (turns to where Regina and her Glaceon, Mirche are) Huh. (she finds them gone)

Eevee: Eevee.

(Team Robot In Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series opening plays)

Ash, Goh, & Chloe (V.O.): Breaking the Ice!

(In the school's playground we find Pikachu, Grookey, Eevee, the dragons, Everest, and the other heroes' Pokémon playing. In the classroom the Goh and Chloe's classmates laughed as we find Goh's presentation involving Ash and a drawn picture of him, though it looked a bit off much to Ash's embarrassment)

Goh: And, if you wanna know what's lurking around in Ash's head... (peels off the hat from the picture of Ash showing many Pokémon and Pokémon battling) It's pretty much Pokémon and Pokémon battles. They fill it to the top!

Students: (laugh)

The others: (sheepish laugh)

Ash Ketchum: No way!

Goh: You know that it's true.

Ash Ketchum: Come on, I do think of other stuff!

Goh: For example?

Ash Ketchum: For example, (thinks) let's see. Like what I'm gonna have for dinner, and then...

Students: (laughter)

Chloe: (in her thoughts) It's like a two man standup comedy act!

Goh: But here's the most important part of all. Ash can understand how Pokémon feel!

Ash Ketchum: Hm? You under how a Pokémon feels, think of Cinderace or Grookey.

Goh: Yeah, but not like you do. I think you understand it on a whole different level. It's like he has some innate intuition.

Ash Ketchum: What does innate mean?

Chloe: (in her thoughts) Yep. I've seen that firsthand.

Goh: And so, that wraps it up. My presentation about my good friend, Ash.

Students: (cheer and applaud)

All heroes: (cheer and applaud)

Kristoff: Nice work there you two!

Queen Elsa: Especially you Ash!

Olaf: Yeah, and nice look! (laughs)

Emerl: Now that's what I called a presentation.

Gmerl: I'll say.

Howlcrusher: Me too.

(Chloe applauded too)

Teacher: That was a wonderful presentation. And so, Ash, since you're already with us, we invite you to have a fun day with us here in class! Along with your other friends and family.

Ash Ketchum: Thanks!

(Then the door opened up to reveal to familiar feet. The person came in)

Students: (gasps)

Student: Who could that be?

(It was Regina and her Glaceon, Mirche)

Chloe: (gasps)

Teacher: Thank goodness! I was very worried about you!

Regina: I'm sorry.

Teacher: Everyone, this is Regina. She just transferred here.

Students: (chattered with each other in amazement)

Teacher: It will only be for a short time while her parents complete a project in town, so let's all make her time here enjoyable, alright?

(Chloe notices Regina didn't look too happy about coming to her school)

Students: Yes, ma'am!

Teacher: Regina? All Pokémon are looked after in the Pokémon garden. Will someone show her there?

Regina: I can find the way on my own.

Teacher: We can't have you getting lost.

Chloe: I'll do it!

Teacher and the heroes: Huh?

(We see Chloe up from her seat and raising her hand)

Chloe: I'm happy to take her there.

Teacher: Thank you! If you please.

Lockette: Hey wait!

Teacher and the heroes: Huh?

(The Pixies flew up)

Chatta: We'd like to go and help too, please!

Digit: Yeah, now that Goh's presentation is done we'd like to see the other Pokemon in the playground!

Cherie: Can we please?

(The Winx and the others thought but then considered)

Bloom: (nods) Very well, Pixies.

Aisha: But be good.

Pixies: We will!

(Chloe and the Pixies approached Regina)

Chloe: I'm Chloe.

Lockette: And I'm Lockette the Pixie of Portals.

Tune: (in her 4kids voice) My name is Tune. I am the Pixie of Manners. I love your hairstyle. It's so, um, unique. Oh and I love the uniform it suits you well, young lady.

(Regina was silent and glum)

Chatta: And I'm Chatta the Pixie of Gossip.

Amore: (in her 4Kids voice) I'm Amore, Pixie of Love.

Cherie: My name is Cherie the Pixie of Weather.

Caramel: I'm Caramel the Pixie of Super Strength, but you can call me Cara for short!

Zing: My name's Zing the Pixie of Bugs.

Livy: I'm Livy. And I'm the Pixie of Messages.

Jolly: And I'm her sister, Jolly the Pixie of Fortune-Telling.

Digit: My name's Digit the Pixie of Nanotechnology. And this is Piff the Pixie of Sweet Dreams, and that's Glim the Pixies of Fireflies, but they don't talk much 'cause they're both still babies.

Piff: (greetings in baby talk)

Glim: (greetings in baby talk)

(Regina looked glum)

Chloe and the Pixies: Shall we go?

(Outside we see Chloe, the Pixies, Regina, and Mirche walking by the school building)

Zing: The playground is just ahead, this way Regina!

Jolly: Yeah, just keep following and we'll be there in no time!

Chloe: Glaceon is really pretty! You call it Mirche?

Regina: How did you know that?

Chloe: Oh, I'm sorry. I saw you earlier this morning. I wanted to say hi, but I lost track of you. But this is really great! I'm happy to see you again.

(Regina was silent as Chloe and Pixies looked concerned if Regina's feeling okay before carrying on)

Lockette: (softly) What's wrong with her?

Digit: (softly) Beats me.

(A moment later)

Chloe: See? That's the Pokémon garden!

Pikachu: (conversation) Pikachu.

Chloe and the Pixies: (calling) Hi everyone!

Pikachu: Pika?

Eevee: (happy) Eevee!

(Chloe and the Pixies arrived with Regina and Mirche with 'em)

Chloe: We'd like you all to meet our new friends, Regina and Mirche.

(Pikachu, Eevee, Grookey, the dragons, Everest, the other Pokémon came to meet Mirche)

Chloe: Come get to know them! (Pikachu, Grookey, Eevee, the dragons, Everest, and the other Pokémon approached to Mirche to greet it) Oh, Eevee is my partner, Pikachu is Ash's partner, and Grookey is Goh's partner.

Lockette: This is Toothless Hiccup's best friend and Ash's Pikachu's brother.








Chloe: Ah, I'll introduce you to Ash and Goh in a bit.

(Pikachu, Eevee, and Grookey nuzzle Glaceon though it didn't seem too appreciative as it grunted mad. Then Eevee licked it causing Mirche to gasped shocked. Pikachu nuzzled Mirche, causing it yelp shocked. Then Grookey rubbed Mirche's head causing it to gasp again)

Regina: But...

Chloe: Mind if I join them?

Chatta: We'd like to join too! (laughs fly over to Mirche)

(Chloe and the Pixies gently pet Mirche)

Chloe: Nice to meet you, Mirche. (chuckles)

Tune: Wow, aren't you such an elegant Pokemon!

Jolly: It sure is! (giggles)

Regina: Mirche?

Mirche: Gla?

Regina: Now just wait here. And when it's time to go home...

Chloe: Let's come back here during lunch!

Regina: That's a good idea. (to Mirche) I'll see you at lunch!

Mirche: Glace.

Lockette: Don't you worry, Regina. We'll stay here and help!

Zing: Yeah, we'll be here to look after Mirche with the other Pokémon and our animal friends while your gone.

Regina: Are you sure?

Lockette: It's in good hands, trust me!

Regina: (nods) Okay.

Chloe: Bye for now!

Pixies: See ya!

Pikachu: Pi?

(Chloe and Regina leave back to the school building while Mirche watched them leave.)

Mirche: (concerned) Glace.

(In the school hallways)

Chloe: Ash and Goh live at my dad's research lab.

Regina: Research lab?

Chloe: A Pokémon research lab. It's called the Cerise Laboratory.

Regina: Cerise Laboratory. (gasps)


(We find Regina walking her way up stairs in her house till she heard her parents talking)

Regina's Mother: Cerise Laboratory?

Regina's Father: Yes. In Vermillion City. It has a solid reputation.

Regina's Mother: Then I think that would be just perfect, they could look at Glaceon.

Regina: Huh.

(Flashback ends)

(Chloe opened the door where we find all the students up while Ash and the heroes greet them)

Hiccup: Well, look who it is.

Emerl: Hey, Chloe! Hi Regina!

Ash Ketchum: Hey, there! Welcome back!

(But then the overexcited Goh and the other students came running by them as they screamed startled and moved out of their as they meet with Regina)

Goh and the students: Hi, Regina!

Yeardley: Where are you from?

(Regina looked a little nervous)

Student: How long will you be here?!

(Regina stepped back a bit)

Goh: Tell me everything about Glaceon!

(Then we find Mirche running fast in the building for Regina with Pikachu, Eevee, the dragons, Everest, the heroes' Pokémon and the Pixies in pursuit trying to stop it.)

Cherie: (pants) Hey Mirche, wait!

Lockette: Come back, Mirche. You can't be in the school building!

Chatta: This can't be good.

Piff: (calling to Mirche to stop)

Digit: Mirche, heal!

Tune: Stop!

(Mirche then made a turn and kept running with the others still in pursuit. Mirche spotted Regina with the other students)

Mirche: (shocked) Gla...

(It viewed Regina seemingly in danger from Goh and the other students who are seemingly taunting her much to its anger and displeasure.)

(Ash, Chloe and the heroes moved in from the crowd)

Emerl: Hey, hey, hey, easy there everybody!

Xion: Yeah, (in Mia Watanabe's (Power Rangers Samurai) voice) don't just throw a million question at her.

Helen Parr: Settle down everyone.

Gmerl: One at the time folks.

Elsa (Frozen): Just relax everyone.

Anna (Frozen): There's no need to rush.

Ash Ketchum: They're right. Come on, everyone. Why don't we all just calm down? (notices) Huh?

(Mirche then used Blizzard)

Sakura Avalon: Uh oh!

Bloom: (gasps) Lookout!

Hiccup: Take cover!

(The Blizzard blinded everyone till it cleared out)

Krillin: Wow, that was a close one!

Yamacha: Is everybody okay?

Howlcrusher: Uh not exactly.

Regina: (notices) Huh?

Ash Ketchum: Hmm... (looks down)

(We find him, Chloe, Goh, the students, and few of our other heroes frozen in ice as they screamed and chattered in panic. Regina then began to remember some painful memories of her past in one of her previous schools)

Bully (V.O.): Na, na, na, boo, boo, you're the ice queen, ew! You're the ice queen, ew!

Children: (taunting) Ew, you're the ice queen. Ew, you're the ice queen. Ew, you're the ice queen.


(We find a young Regina on her knees crying in fear as she gets taunted and bullied by students from her previous school)

Bully #2: Better watch out! Or the ice queen will freeze you solid for any reason she can think of! Ha!

Young Regina: (sobs) Stop! I am not the ice queen!

Bully #1: Sure you are! (points) You look just like one!

(We see the picture from a book cover of an ice queen)

Children: (taunting) You're the ice queen! You're the ice queen, ew! You're the ice queen, ew!

(Poor young Regina sobbed from their offensive taunts till Mirche came running in and jumped)

Bully #2: Huh?

(Mirche came to Regina's defense)

Young Regina: (gasps) Mirche.

(Mirche then used Blizzard on the bully children)

(Flashback ends)

(We find Regina looking concerned and disappointed till...)

Goku: Hold still guys!

Pikachu: Pika!

(Regina looks up in surprise to find Pikachu, Eevee, Grookey standing front and then Pikachu used Iron Tail and broke the frozen heroes out of the ice)

All heroes: (groaned relieved) Now, that's much better.

Goku: Are you all okay?

Queen Elsa: None of you are hurt right?

Krillin: (shivers) No. We're good. (but it was freezing) Brr!

Regina: (gets up) I'm so sorry. (bows) Forgive me.

(The others student chattered in shock on what happened)

Chloe: Everything's just fine!

Goh: Chloe's right.

Ash Ketchum: Not a problem!

(Regina looked surprised.)

Eevee: (to Miche) Eevee.

Pikachu: (to Mirche) Pika, Pika!

(Toothless and Light Fury groaned greeting to Mirche, as did Everest)

Professor Cerise (V.O.): Glaceon did that?

(To Professor Cerise's Laboratory, we find him with Regina's parents)

Regina's Father: Glaceon freezes them all, with immense power. Anything it doesn't like.

Regina's Mother: And because of that, my daughter cannot seem to make any friends. We've had to transfer her multiple times.

Professor Cerise: That must worry you greatly.

Regina's Father: Professor Cerise. Would it be possible for you to have a look at Glaceon?

Regina's Mother: We're very worried. Is it safe for our daughter to be near it?

Professor Cerise: And you're afraid something's wrong with Glaceon, right?

Regina's Father: That's right. It's something we just can't figure out.

Regina's Mother: Truth is...

Regina's Parents: (nod to each other)

Regina's Mother: All we want is for our daughter to make friends.

Regina's Father: We fear that she'll always be alone as long as Glaceon is around.

Regina's Parents: Please help!

(Professor Cerise was silent but understood)

(At the School, we hear the alarm ringing)

Student: You're absolutely right!

Student #2: Yeah.

(But then they notice somebody coming as they made way)

Female Student: Well...

(But she and her friend notice as stepped aside. We see the students were stepping aside for a guilt and sad-looking Regina as she walks out. Chloe looked sorry and worried for Regina. In the hallways we find Regina holding her Pokeball till someone got in front of her. It was Chloe as she presents her lunch bag)

Chloe: Ta-da! Have lunch with me! And Eevee and Mirche, too!

(Regina was silent and shook her head "no")

Chloe: Ah, alright, then. Maybe tomorrow.

Regina: I won't be here tomorrow. (passes her)

Chloe: Uh... uh... What does that mean?

Regina: Just what I said.

Chloe: (calling) Regina! I thought the two of us were becoming friends!

(Regina stopped for a moment and turned her head a bit)

Regina: Mirche is the only friend that I have. I have to go see the teacher.

(She walks away leaving Chloe concerned and baffled. In the teacher's office we find the teacher talking with Regina, while she was all silent and looking down to her Pokeball)

Teacher: Regina? Regina? (knees down to her) Regina?

Regina: (alert) Yes, ma'am?

(Then we hear the door opening)

Chloe: Hold on!

(We find Chloe, Ash, Goh, and our heroes present panting after running their way in)

Teacher: Chloe? Goh? Even you, Ash?! Everyone? What are you doing here?

Chloe: I have a favor to ask you. Please, don't make Regina leave our school!

Teacher: Oh.

Regina: (gasps)

Queen Elsa: You know they didn't mean to.

Princess Anna: It wasn't on purpose either.

Emerl: Please give her a chance.

SpongeBob SquarePants: Let her stay.

Xion: They promise to be good this time.

Gmerl: We could all help her.

Dragonflare: We all are.

Goh: It was just an accident earlier. That Blizzard attack!

Ash Ketchum: I know. I saw it all!

Sakura Avalon: So did we!

Meilin Rae: Yeah, it wasn't her fault!

Li Showron: Nor it was Mirche's too!

Ash Ketchum: Mirche was just trying to protect Regina!

All heroes: Don't punish them!

Teacher: (soft chuckle) I would never do such a thing.

All heroes: Huh?

Teacher: She just transferred here, and I figured there would be things she doesn't understand yet, so I wanted to explain the school rules.

Regina: You mean it?

Teacher: Oh, dear, weren't you listening to what I said? I thought you were.

Regina: I figured it would happen like it always does.

Goh: I see! It's just, you know, you came to us all panicked, and...

Chloe: Sorry! Guess I jumped to conclusions.

Princess Anna: (laughs) Oh no worries, Chloe. Besides most of us had a history with something like that before.

Queen Elsa: (sheepish chuckle) It's true. And boy were they kinda embarrassing.

Emerl: (sheepish chuckle) For sure.

Ash Ketchum: But thank goodness you know?

Chloe: Yeah! Now let's all have lunch! (to Regina) What do you say?

(Regina looked to her Glaceon, Mirche's Pokeball)

Regina: Mirche come out, please. (tosses it)

(Mirche pops out)

Mirche: (threatening) Gla...

(Chloe gently offered to pet it)

Mirche: (threatening) Gla...

(Mirche then gets ready to use Blizzard till...)

Regina: Mirche! Get down!

(But then Mirche stopped in shock and it collapsed)

Chloe: (gasps whimper)

Regina: (shocked) Mirche?

Max Copper: (gasps) Mirche what's wrong?

Danny Delgado: What happened?!

Princess Shayla: (approaches) Allow me. (she felt Mirche's pulse) Hmm...

Cole Evans: So how does it look?

Alysaa Enrile: Is it okay, Princess Shayla?

Princess Shayla: Hmm, Mirche doesn't seem to feeling alright. It might be coming sick.

Emerl: (gasps) Quick, let's get it to the Cerise Lab, immediately!

All Heroes: Who's that Pokémon?

(Back to the show)

(At the Cerise Lab, Professor Cerise, Digit, Tecna, Timmy, Dr Nefario, and Mr. Peabody are seeing caring for Mirche's health as it lied in a table. Regina, and our other heroes watched with concern)

Pan: Gee, poor Mirche.

Regina: (concerned) Will Mirche be alright?

(Chloe looks to Regina and places her hand to hers)

Chloe: There's no need to worry.

Eevee: (affirmative) Eevee.

Goh: Chloe's right, you know!

Ash Ketchum: With the Professor, Tecna, Timmy, Digit, Dr. Nefario, and Mr. Peabody on it, you can relax!

Pikachu: (affirmative) Pika!

Grookey: (affirmative) Grookey!

Spike: (nodded as agree)

Olaf: Glaceon will be okay.

Pumbaa: Yeah!

Timon: Ash's right Regina, they'll figuring out what happened to your Glaceon and everything are gonna be just fine.

Princess Anna: She'll be okay.

Queen Elsa: (places her hand on Regina's shoulder) Just stay calm, Regina. I'm sure our friends will find out what's with Mirche.

Regina: Thank you all. (notices and gasps)

(Professor Cerise comes to them)

???: So? How is it?

???: Does it look bad?

???: Is Mirche going to be okay?

???: Tell us, tell us!

???: Don't worry, Mirche's going to be okay.





???: Really?

Professor Cerise: Yes. Its condition is stable, but why don't we let it eat here for today?

Regina: Mirche's not sick, is it?

Professor Cerise and the others: Hmm.

(They puts up screens to show Mirche's condition)

Professor Cerise: You're very attentive to Mirche's needs. That came through clearly in the examination. It's just...

Regina: Just what?

Professor Cerise: This is its body temperature reading. It's very low.

Mr. Peabody: Yeah, but too low, even for an Ice type.

Queen Elsa: Mr. Peabody's right. Normally an Ice type Pokémon's body temperature isn't as low like this.

Professor Cerise: That it is a normal aspect of Galleon's physique, but even taking that into account, it's too low.

Regina: (gasps)

(She looks to her unconscious Mirche lying on the table)

Professor Cerise: I hear Miche frequently generates high powered Blizzard moves, correct?

Regina: (nods)

Professor Cerise: It's possible it used too much energy and lost its ability to regulate its body temperature.

Regina: (gasps)

Bloom: Professor, what happens if Mirche's body keeps getting too low?

Professor Cerise: If these symptoms keep up then it might be...

Flora: (gasps) No.

Double D: Oh my.

Cheetor: Wonder why would Mirche use Blizzard at full power so much like that?

Regina: (remorseful and feeling guilt) It's my fault. (tearfully sad) All my fault. (sobs)

Chloe: Oh, Regina... (takes out a hankie and gives it to her)

(Regina kindly took it and wiped her tears)

Kristoff: Hey, what's wrong Regina?

Princess Anna: Yeah, why do feel it's your fault for what Mirche's going through?

Regina: (in tears) The first time Mirche used its Blizzard move.


Regina (V.O.): (tearful) Some bullies were teasing me. They said I looked like an ice queen from a picture book. After that, it kept happening over and over. And each time it was Mirche who came to my rescue. From then on, Mirche was always on guard, protecting me from harm. No matter where, no matter when. But somehow I knew I could count on it.

(Flashback ends)

Regina: (deeply tearful) But I let it happen! (falls to her knees) I'm so sorry, Mirche! (sobs) I let you protect me for so long, but I never once tried to protect you! (sobbing) How could anybody call me a friend?!

Musa: (in her 4kids dub voice) Come here. (hugs Regina as comfort)

Chloe: (knees down to Regina) But you are friends! You are truly Mirche's beloved best friend!

Queen Elsa: She's right, Regina. From the way it's been protecting you, we can tell it's been very loyal and dedicated to you.

Princess Anna: Yeah, and that's a true friendship you both have.

Olaf: That's called true love thaw out frozen heart.

Queen Elsa: Love

Emerl: I agree with you Elsa.

Gmerl: Same here.

Chloe: And because you're friends that it gets so protective and angry. It's from the heart!

(Regina lend out her hand to Mirche's paw and held it.)

(Regina's parents came in)

Regina's Father: Regina!

Regina's Mother: The school contacted us, much to our surprise!

Regina's Father: It happened again? Mirche?

Regina's Mother: Is Mirche alright?

Regina's Father: Sounds like it was the problem.

Professor Cerise: No. It appears it wasn't Mirche.

(Regina gets up and walks to them)

Regina's Father: Huh? What do you mean?

Regina: Father, Mother...

(Her parents turned to her)

Regina: The truth is Mirche was always protecting me. It didn't want me to be bullied all the time.

Regina's Parents: (gasps)

Regina: But now Mirche's used up too much of its power and I can't let that happen again! (sobbing with tears) It's all because I stood by and let Mirche do it! (sobbing sad)

Regina's Father: (sympathetic) Regina...

Regina: (continues sobbing)

(Her parents then embraced Regina in comfort as she looks surprised)

Regina's Father: I understand now.

Regina's Mother: I'm sorry. I had no idea.

(Regina whimpered but then smiled with tears)

Regina: I'll get stronger. From now on, I'm going to be Mirche's protector!

Boris: (smiles) Hmm, that's the spirit kid!

Goh: That's what I like to hear!

Ash Ketchum: Go for it!

Chloe: (chuckles) We're right behind you!

Regina: (turns to them all and smiles) Thanks, Goh and Ash, Chloe. Everyone. Thank you all so much!

Xion: (notices) Oh. Hey, look who just woke up!

(Mirche opened its eyes as it woke up)

Regina: Mirche!

Mirche: Glace...?

Regina: (knees and pets) Oh, thank goodness!

(Mirche licked her hand)

Gobber: Ah, your daughter there has quite a bodyguard doesn't she.

Heather: I have to agree with Gobber. Mirche sure loves and cares Regina so much.







Regina's Father: (nods and turns to Regina) So Regina always had a friend after all, a loyal friend.




Emerl: Let's have some fun at Goh and Chloe's school tomorrow, Shall we?

All Heroes: Yeah!

Cheetor: Let's do it!

(The next day at Goh and Chloe's school in the yard)

Teacher: Today Regina has something she wants to say to all of you.

???: Go ahead kid.

???: You've got this.

(Regina took a step forward)

Regina: Everyone! Please forgive me! (bows her head to all of the students) I'll make sure it never happens again. So please will you give Mirche and me one more chance?

Mirche: (affirmative) Glace.

Teacher: That's not all Regina and Mirche have something. A present for each and every one of you!

Mirche: Mirche and I used to build miniature amusement parks to play in. But if we all played together, I think that it would be even more fun than usual. So let's build one right now!

Goh: Ash and I are gonna be Regina's assistants!

Aisha: So will I!

Elsa: As do I.







Ash Ketchum: Yeah!

???: First we'll need some water!




Ash Ketchum: (tosses his Pokeballs with Goh) Come on out, Dracovish!

Goh: You too, Dewgong! Arctozolt!







(Their Water-Type or Ice-Type Pokémon pop out)

Aisha: Alright, now first we need a bit of water. (she uses







Goh: Arctozolt, Powder Snow!

(Arctozolt uses Powder Snow)

Students: (amazed) Whoa! (laughs)

Ash Ketchum: Dracovish, use Water Gun!

(Dracovish uses Water Gun)

Regina: Now, Mirche...

Goh: Dewgong...

Goh and Regina: Use Icy Wind!

(Dewgong and Mirche use Icy Wind.)

Elsa (Frozen): Don't count me out!

(She unleashes her magical ice powers with Icy Wind to freeze the Water Gun)

("Let It Go" song starts)

[Elsa (Frozen)]

(Ice walls began to appear out of the frozen ground)

Goh: Arctozolt, Ice Fang, let's go!

(Arcotozolt uses Ice Fang to shape up the big ice they created and managed to form an ice castle playground)

Students: (awed in amazement)

???: All set!

???: Wow, neat!

???: (laughs) Looks like very fun!

???: Well now that that's finished, what do you say, Regina?

Regina: Alright. Let's play!

(First we see Yeardley, two other students, ???, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, ???, ???, ????, ???, ???, and Ash and Pikachu sliding down the slide)

Yearly: Yahoo!

Student: Yea ha!

???: Whoa....!

???: Wohoo!

???: (screaming and sliding)

???: Geronimo!

Ash Ketchum: Yeah!

Pikachu: (playfully excited) Pika!

(We see three students, the Pixies, Olaf, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, Spongebob, Patrick, ???, ???, ???, ???, and ??? having a snowball fight. Three girl students, the Winx, ???, Sam, Alex, and Clover had a selfie besides a Dewgong statue)

(At ice sculpture of a Christmas Tree)

Regina: Let's put the skating rink right here.

Mirche: (affirmative) Glace.

???: You got it, Regina.

????: Way ahead of you!

Regina: (nods; turns to Mirche) Mirche? Use Ice Beam!

(Mirche uses Ice Beam to create the skating rink, Eevee came in and decided to help by using Copycat)

Regina: Eevee?

(Eevee jumped up and used its own Ice Beam to help Mirche)






Chloe: (to Regina) My Eevee can sometimes uses the same moves as its evolved forms.

Regina: Really it can? Amazing!

Chloe: (smiles and chuckles)

(The snowy ground freezes to solid ice and became a skating rink as everyone looked in excitement and amazement.)

???: So, (brings out some ice skates) Who wants to do some skating?

(The students all came running in excitement to skate as Regina and Chloe laughed with happy smiles. We see a lot of the students and our heroes all skating on the skating rink, though a few including Ash fell down.)

(The next day at the Cerise Lab)

Eevee: Eevee, Vee!

Chloe: Goh? Ash? Everyone?

All heroes: (notice) Huh?

(They find Eevee with Chloe who was panting deeply while carrying something in her hands)

???: Oh, hey Chloe?

???: What's up?

Chloe: (presenting a package) We just got a package from Regina!

???: What?!

???: From Regina?

???: Whoa, what a surprise!

Goh: Let's see what's in it!

(Chloe removes the lid and then reached her hands in to bring out what's inside the package to discover with gasps a snow globe with a Glaceon)

???: Wow!

???: Well, look at that.

Goh: It's a snow globe!

Ash Ketchum: There's a Mirche inside!

Chloe: So pretty!

???: It's beautiful!

???: Sure is!

Roxy: How nice was it for Regina to give us this little gift.

???: Yeah, sure is!

Ash Ketchum: (notices a letter) Chloe, there's a letter!

Chloe: You're right!

(She checks the letter)

Chloe: (reading) "Dear Chloe, I hope you're well. I hope Ash, and Goh are doing well, too. Along with the others. Since the last time I saw you, I've made sure that Mirche has never had a reason to use Blizzard.

Chloe and Regina (V.O.): "Oh, I'm just talking about those overpowered attacks."

(To Regina and Mirche in her new school)

Regina (V.O.): These days, we're totally involved in Pokemon battling.

Regina: Now, go!

(Mirche charged forward)

Student: Victrebel! Go!

(Victreebel uses Razor Leaf but Mirche jumped to avoid it and used Blizzard to beat Victreebel as it fell back defeated much to its trainer amazement and shock. Mirche and Regina embraced in joy and excitement for their victory)

Regina (V.O.): When I have a break from school, Mirhce and I will come see you again.

Regina and Chloe (V.O.'s): "So get ready, okay? Regina."

(Back to Chloe)

Chloe: (hugs the letter) Of course we will!





Goh: So Regina's started battling. Wow!

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, and the next time we meet up...

Ash and Goh: It'll be battle time!

Narrator: In Regina and Mirche, Chloe and Eevee saw deep bond of friendship that can form between people and Pokémon, hoping that their friendship would grow in the same way. Much to think about, indeed, as the journey continues!

(the episode ends)