Bubble Guppies: Gil: Cyborg Apocalypse is an action wasteland film.
In an alternate, apocalyptic future that takes place 27 years into the future, all humans and most of the cyborg population have been wiped out, due to an extremely powerful mutant explosion that had mysteriously occurred. Only a weathered grown up merman Gil, who has most of his childhood memories lost to him and grew human legs, Janja, Marshall and Rango (whose consciousness has been mutated and transferred into a robot body) have been traveling throughout the Impossible Wasteland trying to save alive while being pursued by the surviving Scrozzle and his new, superior and improved Negaduck's army. While on the way they've made friends with a female meerkat warrior named: Mira, the last meerkat of her tribe who harbors the secret to the green paradise called "Oasis".
- This movie is based on Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse from Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
- Scrozzle is seen as the new leader of Negaduck's Army and has renamed it: Army of Scrozzle.
- This film serves as a continuation to it's sequel Bubble Guppies: Gil: Cyborg Apocalypse 2.
Extended Opening (along with Bob and Larry)[]
- Bob: Hi folks, welcome to our show. I'm Bob the Tomato.
- Larryboy: And I'm Larryboy.
- Bob: Uh, what's going on Larry? (Larry using his suction ear to bring Gil, Molly, Bubble Puppy, Deema and Nonny on stage)
- Molly: And we're the Bubble Guppies of the wasteland future.
- Gil: And we'll be your hosts this evening.
- Bob: H-H-Hey wait a minute that's my line!
- Larryboy: Don't worry, frail, helpless tomato. We've got everything under control.
- Bob: Frail? Help? Larry what are you up to?! Do you even have a letter?
- Nonny: No. But we have got a text message from our friend: Fergus the Ogre--
- Bob: A text message?
- Gil: It's a latest thing. But it's pretty cool.
- Bob: Guys, that's enough now. Can we just stick with the script? (but Deema takes out her blaster and blasts Bob off stage)
- Deema: Sorry you had to see that folks. (puts her blaster back)
- Nonny: Our text message comes from Fergus the Ogre of the Fairy Tale Swamp.
- Larryboy: And Fergus writes: "Dear Larryboy, I just love watching you help people escape fibs and rumors." Don't mention it Fergus, all part of being a superhero. "But I've got something in my mind I just can't escape, and now, I need your help. I'm worried of what the future will be like without my friends and family, I don't know why but it sometimes sneaks up on me. Even when I dream about it or seeing upcoming events. I'll keeping getting the best of myself and I can't help but being worried, what should I do?" Well Fergus, first of all: I'm really impressed that you were able to type out that really long message by using those tiny little buttons.
- Gil: And secondly, it sounds like you're having a problem with overthinking consequences.
- Deema: Consequences? What's that?
- Nonny: A consequence is the effect, result or outcome of something occurring earlier or later.
- Gil, Molly, Deema and Larryboy: Uhh...
- Bob: He means it's a result or effect of an action or condition.
- Larryboy: Thank you innocent bystander!
- Nonny: And it just so happens that we've prepared a story of adventure and mayhem that addresses this self same dilemma.
- Bob: Roll film. (and the movie really starts)
Bubble Guppies: Gil: Cyborg Apocalypse/Transcript
Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango's Opening[]
- Gil (v.o): The world has changed. It's a never ending wasteland now. Not a single human is left, only... cyborgs and robots. Something happen to my memory a long time ago, when the Cyber-Explosion went off. But, all I know... is that only me, Janja, Marshall and Rango made it out alive.
- Adult Raphael as Gil: We need fuel, Marsh. Down to 3 barrels. The Rumbler should make it on 3 barrels.
- Goddard as Marshall/Marsh-Droid: Scanning now. Sorry, Gil there's nothing at least 100 miles.
- Randall Boggs as Rango: So, now what?
- Donkey Kong as Janja: I guess we're gonna have to--
- Gil: Make do, like always.
- Marshall: Now entering the Savage Plains. Keep one hand on the wheel and the other on you're blaster.
- Gil: Every second, guys. Every second. (then the scene changes to a cliff with Scrozzle watching them)
- Scrozzle: So, it seems Gil boy has been quite the survivor. Well we'll just see about that, come, my Army of Scrozzle! We will destroy those fools: Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango for our late Master Negaduck!
- Negaduck's Army: For revenge! (Scrozzle's evil laughter echoes everywhere)
Part 1 of the Story[]
Part 1.1[]
- (Gil is seen cooking turkey)
- Janja: Turkey hunting, Gil-Bert?
- Rango: And to think, you're diet is just Pizza and Apple Juice.
- Gil: It was? I don't remember that.
- Marshall: Well, people do have strange ideas. They can be unpredictable.
- Gil: Well, Unpredictable is my middle name.
- Janja: Don't worry, Gil. One day you'll get those memories back.
- Rango: Hm, looks pretty late. I think I'll hit the sack. (so he heads off to sleep)
- Marshall: Yeah, I'm gonna put my cyber coordinates in sleep mode. Powering down. (heads off to sleep)
- Janja: Good night, brother. (heads off to sleep)
- Gil: Good night, brother. (after that came a short silence)
- Rango (whispering): Psst, Marshall!
- Marshall: Yes, Rango? (yawns)
- Rango: Will Gil ever get his memories back?
- Marshall: I hope so. He hasn't been act like himself ever since.
- Janja: I wish the rest of our friends have survived Scrozzle's Cyber-Bomb.
- Rango: That robot is bad news.
- Marshall: Well,... at least we have each other. And no one's ever gonna change the title of Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango the 4 Musketeers.
- Janja: Yeah. I guess you're right.
- Gil: Captain's log: start date— Oh yeah, there's no idea. (clears his throat) A long time ago, a wicked robot built a Cyber-Bomb that wiped out most of humanity. I'll never forget that one night that changed everything. We lost many allies along the way. I've lost Molly, Goby, Deema, Oona, Nonny and my pet: Bubble Puppy. But while I was upset about my friends' lost, my brothers have been suffocating the same thing. Janja lost Jasiri, Cheezi and Chungu while Marshall lost Everest, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma and Skye. It is a shame that me and my brothers still don't have a home to go to. But, I guess life... must continue on. (suddenly Gil hears a noise) Hm? (he checks out but sees nothing) It's as if this endless habitat keeps playing tricks on my— Oh! (gets attacked by Tronics) Stalking robots. I should've known. (and Gil starts to fight back and while he was getting back on his feet) Alright, Tin-Men what's goin' on? Ah! (gets attacked by more Tronics, Chuluun and Ora while he lands on his knees)
- Scrozzle: Sorry, for all the trouble. But, I am very amused to see a fight. I guess I should not owe you an apology. Maybe you can help us. We're looking for a girl and a map.
- Gil: Oh. Here, let me show you the map... to my fist! (punches Scrozzle off his feet)
- Mama Binturong: No one punches the boss. Get him. (and Gil gets attacked as he gets attacked he tries to crawl away and gets dragged back into the fight)
- Scrozzle: Everything, you have belongs to me now. Including you're butt Gil.
- Gil: How do you wasteful hunters know me?
- Snide: Do not mock us, Blue-Hair.
- Dr. Robotnik: Pretending that you do not know us.
- Goldar: This kid sickens me.
- Scrozzle: Now, hold on. This is interesting. The boy has complete amnesia.
- Chuluun: And that is good?
- Scrozzle: Oh it's good. If Gil has amnesia that means he's lost most of his memories.
- Ora: So, what do we do with him?
- Scrozzle: Just take him back to the ship and lock him up. (but before they could Gil calls for backup)
- Gil: GUYS HELP! (then suddenly Janja pops out of Gil's wasteland rumbler)
- Janja: Eat my barrels, predators! (throws a lot of barrels of anti-virus at Scrozzle's army) Okay, Marshall here's you're cue. (and a ropes fires out of nowhere tying up the army of predators)
- Marshall: Well, spank me silly! Now let's get— Oh my gosh! (Gil, Janja and Marshall see a giant cannon pointed at them)
- Scrozzle: Guess you're brothers shouldn't stuck their noses in my business. (starts laughing when the cannon's door closes quickly) Hm? (Scrozzle opens the door but then it quickly closes again) What the? (and Rango un-camouflages himself)
- Rango: Scrozzle! (startles Scrozzle off his feet while laughing) What do you know? It scares bullies and little robots.
- Scrozzle: I wasn't scared I-I have-- a-allergies.
- Rango: Uh huh, sure.
- Goldar: Hey Rango. Save it for you're moldy scales will ya? (while Gil, Janja and Marshall sneak away)
- Rango: I'm in the zone today Moy-Kapitan. Gonna be doing some serious showtime. Putting up some big numbers. (then Mama Binturong notices something)
- Mama Binturong: What?! The prisoners are gone?!
- Marshall: You're right we're gone. (then the army lands off their feet by Gil)
- Gil: Come on, we gotta move. (gets inside the wasteland rumbler)
- Janja: We gotta move. (gets inside wasteland rumbler)
- Marshall: We gotta move. (gets inside the wasteland rumbler)
- Rango: We gotta move. (about to get inside until he notice he was talking to no one) Heh. (then gets inside and Gil starts the rumbler)
- Gil: Oh man, that's just great!
- Janja, Marshall and Rango: What's wrong?
- Gil: The rumbler won't start.
- Janja, Marshall and Rango: What?!
- Gil: Just kidding. (and so they left quickly away from Scrozzle and his army)
- Scrozzle: Darn it! They're escaping. To the ship! (and he teleports himself to his ship)
- Makucha's Army: Yes, sir. (teleporting themselves to Scrozzle's ship, meanwhile Rango is checking his screen)
- Rango: Phew, I don't see them. We must've lost them.
- Scrozzle (on screen): Guess again. (there, right behind the wasteland rumbler is a green spaceship, so Marshall and Rango climbed to the roof of the rumble where there was a cannon)
- Marshall: Time to kick some Robo-butts. (fires at the villain space pods until he sees) Zoinks! Launcher Blaster! (a tronic fires it but not before Rango kicked it away with his tail) Nice move.
- Rango: Thanks. OH! (the rumbler almost fell of the side of a cliff but Gil just saves himself, Janja Marshall and Rango as he continues to floor it while pushing one of the villain space pods off the bridge)
- Gil: Great! I can't shake 'em!
- Janja: Keep trying. I'm gonna help Marshall and Rango. (the villains try to board Gil's wasteland rumbler by using the cliffs but get blasted by Marshall)
- Scrozzle: Is that you losers got? You couldn't keep your tails down straight. (giving a very snapped Gil an idea)
- Gil: Well, I was saving this for a rainy day.
- Marshall: News flash: Gil. It hasn't rained in 9,855 days, 11 hours and 42 minutes.
- Rango: Huh?
- Janja: Can you speak it in English?
- Marshall: Just use it! (and Gil activates the quick time bomb and throws it at Scrozzle's ship then as it explodes Scrozzle's ship spins backwards)
- Janja, Marshall and Rango: Woo-hoo!
- Gil: Kiss that big stuck up Scrozzle goodbye. (then Scrozzle's ship stops spinning while losing Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango)
- Scrozzle: This isn't over Gil! It's not OVER!!!! (but Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango were already gone, later in the morning the four brothers stopped right by a sign that says "Happy Street")
- Gil: Hey, Guys. Scan the area. (then he hears snoring) Guys? (Rango is seen sleeping, Janja is also seen sleeping and Marshall is seen in sleep mode) Oy. Sometimes your in you're sleep mode. (then he resumes driving) Still, it wouldn't hurt to check this place for supplies. (and then he stops to check the place for supplies when he found a water bottle so he sits down and tries to take a drink but the bottle's empty so Gil threws it away from him) Gotta find more water around here. (and he stills sits with a bored look on his face until he hears something) Huh? Who's there? (then as Gil sees something he tries to shoot the figure but it was much too fast) Listen, I don't know who you are, where you are or what you want. But, I don't want to hurt— Huh? (a meerkat mutant suddenly use her rope to grab Gil's hand and the two struggle until meerkat shocks Gil with her rope and leaves him behind as she steals his rumbler) Oh, what a day. What a lovely day.
- (then the movie closes)
Part 1.2[]
- (the movie reopens with birds flying in a circle under the sun)
- Gil (v.o): A man on it's back. He bakes in the hot sun. (Gil's mind laughs crazy) Trying to turn himself over. (his mind still laughs like crazy) Needs. Water. (his mind still laughs crazy) I need water. (Gil slowly faints but quickly uses his oxygen tank to keep himself alive then he begins to remember Scrozzle exploding his Cyber-Bomb on everyone turn some into cyborgs, some robots and others mutants)
- Scrozzle: Bon Voy-Good Riddance Gil! (laughs evilly)
- Gil: Sc— Scrozzle. (finally faints, a little later he was sleeping until he sees his wasteland rumbler) It- It can't be. It's just a mirage. (but it wasn't as the rumbler stops right beside Gil and out comes Janja and Marshall)
- Janja: I'll get him inside.
- Marshall: And I'll get him some water. (and Janja carries Gil into the wasteland rumbler)
- Gil: Janja? What took you guys so long?
- Janja: I was polishing our weapons from our last little run in with Scrozzle. (Gil drinks a bottle of water Marshall gave him)
- Marshall: And I was at sleep mode doing self repairs. But when we were about meet you at the wheel. We had a stowaway. (Gil then spits out the water)
- Gil: Stowaway? What the? (sees the meerkat he saw earlier) Little meerkat thieves. I'm tired of these scavengers. Dump her by the side of the road and let's keep moving.
- Janja: But she doesn't have any water or shelter Gil.
- Gil: Neither did I. I'm the captain of this ship. She goes!
- Marshall: What? Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I won't leave her out here.
- Janja: Neither will I. Olmec knows we're better than this, the Circle of Life doesn't deserve this. (short silence)
- Gil: Well, I don't remember the Circle of Life or Olmec, okay?
- Rango: Hey, guys. What's all the-- Wha-- (gazing at the meerkat)
- Rango (in his mind): Whoa. She's beautiful. Who is this gal? She's- She's like an angel.
- Janja: Rango? Rango! (startles him)
- Rango: Yes?
- Janja: You had something in you're eye?
- Rango: Oh, uh, it was nothing.
- Gil: Guys, FOCUS! Let's just drop her at the next bomb shelter. (and so they drove off and after a long drive)
- Rango: What is it, Marshall?
- Marshall: Lottering scans indicate we're heading towards the Impossible Wasteland.
- Janja: Anything else, pal?
- Marshall: The area's set to be riddled with quicksand and dangerous desert monsters.
- Meerkat: That's where I was going.
- Rango: Through the wasteland?
- Meerkat: I'm looking for someone.
- Gil: So,... you got a name besides Car-Thief?
- Marshall: How did you end up here in the wasteland all alone?
- Meerkat: It's a long story.
- Janja: Don't you a village or a tribe or something?
- Meerkat: My family was destroyed a long time ago. (sighs) They're gone.
- Gil: Us too. We had 8 brothers and 7 sisters. They didn't make it through the C-Bomb.
- Meerkat: I am Mira of the wild meerkat clan. How'd you 3 end up with that thing?
- Marshall: That "thing"? I'm a person. Well, pup. Uh, o-okay, a pup mind in a robot body. But I--
- Janja: He used to look like me. Then the Cyber-Bomb went off.
- Marshall: My body was destroyed. But I was cybernetically wired to WALL-E: a friendly reduce, reuse, recycle robot. So he transfer my consciousness into this machine.
- Mira: Okay, okay, I don't know what you're saying. But it's cool. Why were you on the road? Where are you going?
- Rango: Nowhere. We hunt. Look for food, fuel, weapons. We'd try to stay alive that's about it.
- Mira: There's more to life than scavenging. I'm a believer, Oasis is out there. I know the green paradise is real.
- Rango: Oasis?
- Marshall: Oasis?
- Janja: Oasis?
- Gil: Oasis? Dream on, kid.
- Mira: You're wrong. Oasis is real. And I'm gonna find it. (and still they keep on driving)
- Gil: I'll look for some supplies. (then he stop his rumbler) Maybe we'll get lucky. (gets up out of his seat) Keep an eye on her.
- Janja, Marshall and Rango: Yes, Gil. (and so Gil gets out of his rumbler and tries to get gas but both gas hoses are empty)
- Gil: Of course, I couldn't be that lucky. (so he heads back inside but to find...) Oh, no! Guys! What happened?
- Janja: It was- Mira.
- Rango: She fought pretty good.
- Gil: I knew it. (and he ran over to Mira's seat and Mira wasn't there but is seen behind him and the two of them fought)
- Mira: You're pretty fast, for an old turtle. (and tries to shock Gil but the grown-up guppy is too fast and finally outsmarts Mira)
- Gil: Got a few surprises myself. Janja, tie her up. (15 seconds later)
- Mira: Wait, wait! Only I know how to get through the Impossible Wasteland. I know of another reptile out there.
- Gil: My family's gone. (and so Gil drove himself and his brothers away not noticing Mama Binturong spying on them)
- Mama Binturong: Boss, the stranger's getting close. Ten minutes out.
- Gil: Is he gonna be okay?
- Rango: I hope so.
- Janja: He's coming back. (finally Marshall is back online)
- Marshall: I'm back online, finally. (suddenly they were stopped by Scrozzle)
- Scrozzle: You got nowhere to go Gil. Shut down your fancy brothers and hand over the keys to your war rig, and maybe I'll let you live... and that's a big maybe.
- Gil: Not gonna happen. Way I see it, you're outnumbered, creep.
- Scrozzle: Take a look around, old man. (Scrozzle's army is seen around Gil's wasteland rumbler)
- Rango: Maybe we can, um, negotiate?
- (the movie then ends)
Part 1.3[]
- (the movie reopens with Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango surrounded by Scrozzle and his army)
- Scrozzle: Last chance. Surrender and hand over your wheels, or your gonna be buzzard food.
- Gil: You better not touch these wheels robot. No deal. (Scrozzle then gives a sigh as he and his army prepare to attack as Gil puts on a helmet that sees outside his rumbler)
- Scrozzle: Attack! (and the army tries to attack the rumbler but Gil was already in a head start and spreads smoke all over the place and then he starts the rumbler and drives away not noticing that the villains are following him but after a 20 second drive he realizes now as he took down one of the villains in the space pod then he drives off road making the villains follow him)
- Janja: We're going off road?
- Janja, Marshall and Rango: Are you crazy?!
- Gil: Crazy wins the Wasteland. (and so they kept on driving trying to get away only to get hit by a couple of bombs but Marshall and Rango then head to the roof to fight off the villains)
- Rango: Eat my pain! (gets blasted from Marshall's cannon and hits the space pod and Scrozzle then signals his army and the fight continues)
- Scrozzle: Ha! Your all but mine now punks! (but then Mira strikes Scrozzle's bike)
- Mira: Going somewhere? (attacks Scrozzle on his bike until the robot notice something)
- Scrozzle: The sacred map. It's you. The girl marked with the--
- Rango: Mira, heads up. (jumps onto Scrozzle's bike only to lose balance and the three fell off and went rolling until Rango catches Mira) You alright?
- Mira: Thanks. (then she realizes that their friends need help) We gotta help them.
- Rango: Way ahead of ya. (whistles and the North Wind plane showed up as Rango and Mira jumped aboard and flew off to rescue their friends as Scrozzle stumbles in anger)
- Scrozzle: I WANT THAT MAP! (and the fight continues as Gil keeps on driving and Janja keeps kicking the villains away from Gil's rumbler then a train whistle is heard and right behind our heroes is a wasteland train)
- Marshall: Holy, oh my gosh! (and blasts at the wasteland train but Scrozzle blasts at him) Yah!
- Gil: Marshall! (but Marshall is seen holding on to the rumbler with his robotic jaws)
- Janja: Hold on tight, brother. Gil, step on it!
- Gil: I'm trying! I'm trying! (but the wasteland rumbler gets hitched by grappling hooks as the chase still continues)
- Marshall: GUYS, GET ME OFF OF THIS CRAZY THING! (and Scrozzle then jumps on board trying to get in)
- Gil: Nobody messes with my ride. Janja, take the wheel.
- Janja: Got it. (Meanwhile, Rango and Mira are fighting off Tronics)
- Rango: Hey jerks, catch. (and Mira throws her weapon but misses but then hits the Tronics) Excellente, Mira.
- Mira: I could teach you my tricks if you want.
- Rango (in lovestruck): That'll be great. (Meanwhile, Scrozzle and his army tries to get in Gil's rumbler but only to get ambushed by Gil)
- Scrozzle: What? When I find you you're going to be sor-- (but then gets attacked by Gil and the other villains try to help Scrozzle but get driven off by Janja)
- Janja: Stay. Away. From. My. Brother! (Meanwhile Marshall is seen in the trunk pushing a barrel of fuel)
- Marshall: I do hope the guys forgive me for destroying some of the fuel. (and Gil continues to fight off Scrozzle while Marshall gets attacked Chuluun, Ora and Mama Binturong)
- Rango: Let him go! (tail whips Scrozzle off Gil's rumbler, while Marshall tries to fight off Chuluun, Ora and Mama Binturong until Rango arrives) Hey, you stinky bugs! (and he pushes the snow leopard, Komodo Dragon and binturong off)
- Marshall: Thanks, brother. (then he realizes) I've got an idea. Push those barrels into their vehicle. On the count of 3.
- Marshall and Rango: 1, 2, 3. (push the fuel barrels into the wasteland train making it explode and the villains then retreated)
- Gil: Phew! (puts on his breathing mask and together he, Janja, Marshall, Rango and Mira all drove away from Scrozzle and his army)
- Scrozzle: This. is not. Over, Gil. It's. not. over! (later our four brothers and their new friend were seen polishing Gil's wasteland rumbler)
- Rango: Glad you were so persistent, Mira.
- Marshall: Yeah, thanks for saving our butts back there.
- Janja: Your skills were great.
- Gil: Yeah. You're a survivor. (Gil shows his face all shaved) I like that. Not bad with a blade either. Reminds me of a good old friend.
- Mira: There's a mystic out there somewhere in the wasteland. She knows secrets. They say she used to be a kind like you Gil. Some call her: The Pink Empress. (making Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango shock in surprise)
- Rango: The Pink Empress?
- Marshall: Did-- Did she say pink?
- Janja: But, that means pink could mean...
- Gil: Molly?
- (and the movie ends with the words "To Be Continued")
Part 2 of the Story[]
- Nonny: Previously on Gil: Cyborg Apocalypse. A grown up Gil, with a mutated Janja, cybernetically wired robot Marsh-Droid and a chameleon monster Rango meet a female meerkat named Mira who searches for a place call Oasis. But while they're helping her they unfortunately reunite with Scrozzle: the new leader of Negaduck's army of destruction.
- Rango: Glad you were so persistent, Mira.
- Marshall: Yeah, thanks for saving our butts back there.
- Janja: Your skills were great.
- Gil: Yeah. You're a survivor. I like that. Not bad with a blade either. Reminds me of an old friend.
- Mira: There's a mystic out there somewhere in the wasteland. She knows secrets. They say she's a kind like you Gil. Some call her "The Pink Empress". (making Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango shock in surprise)
- Rango: The Pink Empress?
- Marshall: Did- Did she say pink?
- Janja: But, that means pink could mean--
- Gil: Molly?
(the movie reopens with Scrozzle and his army arrive at a fortress with mutant lizards)
- Scale member: Intruders. Halt. (and Scrozzle's army came to a stop in front of the gate)
- Scrozzle: Imperius Reptilicus. Call off your men. I seek parlay. (and Reptilicus emerges from behind)
- Reptilicis: What do you want with the Scale Tail Clan?
- Scrozzle: A bargain. 10,000 gallons of filtered, non-radioactive aqua, if you help me take revenge on a lone turtle warrior and capture a meerkat mutant.
- Reptilicius: What if we just decide to take this aqua from you instead, yes? (and the Scale Tail Clan cheers until Scrozzle shows them a button)
- Scrozzle: I can blow the whole stash and the Scale Tail Clan gets none. But if we succeed, there's another 10,000 gallons in it for you. Got ourselves a deal, Reptilicus?
- Reptilicus: Hmm, you drive a hard bargain, Scrozzle. Okay, boys, looks like we're going on a turtle hunt. (and so the Scale Tail clan joins Scrozzle as they went off to search for Gil)
Part 2.1[]
- (the movie reopens with Gil, Janja, Marshall, Rango and Mira driving on a long road)
- Mira: Do you really think she could be your sister?
- Rango: A blue-tailed guppy living in the wild who you call "The Pink Empress"? Sounds like Molly to me alright.
- Gil: I wanna believe it too, R. But don't get your hopes up.
- Mira: Before my clan was destroyed, they taught that the Pink Empress was the only one who can translate the map to Oasis.
- Gil: Ah, Oasis is just fairytales and campfire stories, kid.
- Marshall: Mira, can I see this map you keep talking about? (and Mira did)
- Mira: We were all marked so we could find our way, but I'm the only one left.
- Janja: Hmm, doesn't resemble to any language I've ever seen. Just looks like gibberish.
- Mira: The Pink Empress, will know what it means, and the only way to find her is by crossing the Impossible Wasteland.
- Gil: Just another desert to me.
- Marshall: I don't know, Gil. The Wasteland is miles of the harshest desert imaginable.
- Mira: The Wasteland is sent to drive men mad.
- Gil: Ha. I'll show them who's mad. Huh? (stops the rumbler because he sees Scrozzle standing in his way)
- Scrozzle: I told you this ain't over, Gil. Now, for the last time: give us your stupid vehicle.
- Gil: You're gonna have to catch us first, robot! (rams into Scrozzle's ship hard then drives backwards for a high thrilling chase)
- Janja, Marshall and Rango: Wrong way! Wrong way! Wrong way! Wrong way!
- Mira: What are you doing? Going the way we came?!
- Gil: Keep your faces together, I've got a plan.
- Male Voice: Sparks fly~ I hit the ground runnin'~ Thumb in the air on the side of the road~ Good work never comes easy~ Hey driver to the top of the world~
- Gil: So, what brings you back here? You're waiting for an apology?
- Mira: I just want to help you find oasis.
- Rango: So, we're cool about the gas station fights?
- Gil: Maybe. Maybe a pinch.
- Male Voice: Westbound~ Leave the motor running cuz I'm on the run~ (Scrozzle chuckles darkly) In this crowded world~ I'll be high waiting when the last train comes~ (Mira sees the army with a dynamite stick)
- Mira: Dynamite? Who has Dynamite?
- Janja: (scoffs) Welcome to my world. (Scrozzle about to give our heroes the stick but then)
- Gil: Hang on! (turns his rumbler around and continues to drive backwards)
- Male Voice: Threw my life over my~ right shoulder with confidence~ And here I come~ (Meanwhile with Scrozzle and his army)
- Scrozzle: Throw it out the window! Throw it out! Throw it out!
- Chuluun: But innocent people could be hurt.
- Scrozzle: Throw it out the window!
- Ora: It'll send a wrong message to children.
- Scrozzle: Throw it out-- (the dynamite then explodes) OH!!! (Meanwhile Gil is still driving backwards until he spins his rumbler back to fowards)
- Gil: Whoo! That was fun! Guys? (his friends are dizzy from the driving until Mira sees Scrozzle's ship again)
- Mira: Didn't he used to be behind us?
- Gil: He still is. (drives on with Scrozzle and his army follow our heroes)
- Male Voice: Sparks fly~ I hit the ground runnin'~ Thumb in the air on the side of the road~ Good work never comes easy~ Hey driver to the top of the world~ Sparks fly~
- Scrozzle: We're having got tonight gang! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
- Rango: Uh, just a suggestion: but all of those in favor of not hitting that rock say: I.
- Marshall and Mira: I!
- Janja: Mother. (but Gil presses a button and the rumbler starts flying away)
- Male Voice: Hey driver to the top of the world~ Hey driver to the top of the world~ Hey driver to the top of the world~
- Scrozzle: Uh-oh. (and the ship starts crashing into the rock sending Scrozzle into a dark room but as Scrozzle lights a match he sees dynamite) Oh boy. (and the dynamite explodes sending Scrozzle screaming and flying through the air)
- Janja: Oh, look a shooting star. Quick, everybody make a wish. (tries to think of a wish)
- Gil: That'll hold them. (everybody stares him in amazement) What?
- Marshall: You... are seriously twisted.
- Gil: Thanks.
- Frenchy: 10 Minutes later. (the rumbler is seen driving through quicksand pits)
- Rango: Watch it. Left! No, you're other left!
- Gil: I see it! I see it! (and Gil made a left and they keep on driving till they saw some more quicksand pits)
- Rango: Oh! (then Rango hears something) Huh? (turns around and gasps as the pits are falling towards them then Rango screams)
- Marshall: What? (looks at the quicksand pits then screams)
- Janja: What? (looks at the quicksand pits then screams making Gil and Mira noticed what's going on then Gil floors it and drives the rumbler crazily to get himself and his friends out of the quicksand pits by making a high jump and lands on a highway)
- Mira: Phew. (and so our heroes drove down the highway to the ground, later they passed a sign that has warning signs about a monster while some creatures are spying on them)
- Mona Lisa as Molly: Looks like we got company.
- Surly as Goby: Why would those hunters come to our turf?
- Andie as Deema: I have no idea, but I can't wait to find out. (but gets pulled back)
- Stormblade as Oona: Usually when you find out about things they don't end up so well.
- Lorax as Nonny: Oh no.
- Molly: What is it?
- Nonny: They're heading to the guardian pit. (and our heroes continue to drive on until they heard the radar going off)
- Janja: Marshall, what's going on?
- Marshall: I've got something approaching on radar, fast! (Rango and Mira look out and saw the something bump into them nearly flipping the rumbler over then Gil opens the roof door seeing the object circling around them then he sees some boulders to hide in)
- Gil: Get to those boulders! (then Gil throws a can of lard as the objects sucks it underground while Gil, Janja, Marshall, Rango and Mira are running for their lives)
- Marshall: Metal feet, don't fail me now! (and so they keep running leaving Gil to pull out his blaster)
- Gil: Go, go, go! (and he blasts at the creature as it rises from the ground and Gil runs for his life)
- Janja: Oh no, Gil! (and Gil continues to run until he lands on his back with the creature standing above and was about to eat him until)
- Molly: That's enough! (and our heroes and the creature see the female lizard and her friends in shock) Trespassers, who are you?
- (then the movie closes)
Part 2.2[]
- (the movie reopens with the female lizard walking up to Gil)
- Molly: Trespassers, who are you?
- Gil: What? Who are you?
- Molly: I'm Molly: the Pink Empress of the Impossible Wasteland.
- Janja: What?
- Marshall: Did she just say--
- Rango: Can it be?
- Gil: Molly?
- Mira: The Pink Empress?
- Molly: How do you all know me?
- Gil: Molly, it's me. Gil.
- Molly: Gilly?
- Gil: I can't believe it's you. (and the two start laughing and hugging each other)
- Molly: I thought I'd never see you again. Bubble Puppy, look who it is. It's your dad Gilly! (and the creature licks Gil's back)
- Gil: What? (then he looks at the creature then some memories came back to Gil)
- Female Voice: Hate these moments when I'm alone~ Rescue me with your voice while your gone~ Yes I'd promise I wait impatiently~ Until your safely return~ When you're miles away then my sun don't shine~ Underneath the black rain cloud where I can't hide~ But then we talk on the phone~ And I'll be fine~ Until we say goodbye~ Cause your miles away~ Cause your miles away~ Cause your miles way~ Miles away~
- Gil: Bubble Puppy! Wow you've gotten so- big. (and gets picked up by his puppy turned giant turtle)
- Janja: I can't believe it.
- Marshall: After all this time.
- Rango: You've made it, Molly. (and they hugged her)
- Molly: I've missed you guys so much.
- Nonny: Molly, is everything okay?
- Molly: Nonny, you won't believe it. It's Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango.
- Nonny: What?
- Rango: Nonny?
- Nonny: Guys!
- Marshall: It is you.
- Nonny: Goby, Deema, Oona, it's Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango. (and Oona flew down as Goby and Deema climbed down)
- Goby: Janja!
- Deema: Marshall!
- Oona: Rango! (and our friends hugged each other)
- Mira: Are you truly the mystic called the Pink Empress?
- Molly: Indeed, child. And you I suppose are Mira of the Wild Meerkat Clan. It was fate that brought you to me.
- Mira: Wow.
- Molly: The universe bringing us together as we were meant to be.
- Gil: I just don't understand how you guys made it.
- Molly: We've managed to survived Scrozzle's Cyber-Bomb. From that day on he became the Wasteland's Most Wanted but none of our soldiers manage to bring to justice. (suddenly Cubot and Orbot appeared)
- Orbot and Cubot as Cheezi and Chungu: Janja! (jump on Janja hugging him)
- Janja: Molly, what are Cubot and Orbot doing here?
- Molly: Janja, I can explain! That's not Orbot and Cubot.
- Cheezi: Yeah, Janja.
- Chungu: It's us. (suddenly Marshall starts to remember the voices)
- Marshall: Janja! She's right, it's Cheezi and Chungu.
- Janja: Fur-brains?
- Cheezi: Janja.
- Chungu: We'd miss you.
- Janja: Oh, come here guys. (Meanwhile with Scrozzle, Reptilicus and their armies)
- Romeo: Argh, this searching is taking forever.
- Scrozzle: Oh keep you're age together and let's just find-- (sees some figures below) Ah ha. Fellas, we've got them. (chuckles evilly)
- Deema: Low blood sugar, huh?
- Rango: Yeah, it's a curse.
- Gil: Well, as soon as we get something to eat you're walking back to rumbler so we can get back on the road.
- Mira: Can the Pink Empress come with us?
- Molly: Of course, young one. (and so they entered Molly's Wasteland underground home)
- Kazooie as Everest: Hey, Molly. You've brought visitors?
- Molly: They're not visitors Everest. These are our old friends.
- Candy Kong as Jasiri: Old Friends?
- Janja: Jasiri?
- Jasiri: Janja? (laughs and hugs him) You're alive. I missed you.
- Janja: I missed you too, sweetheart.
- Marshall: Everest?
- Everest: Marshall? (flaps over to the robot pup)
- Marshall: It really is you.
- Everest: Look at you. You're different.
- Marshall: Well, I've been transferred to this body by WALL-E.
- Deema: WALL-E? He's here too.
- Janja: Actually, he stayed behind with EVE making a new city. But he will always remember us.
- Gil: I'm sure he will.
- Lycanroc as Chase: Your highness.
- Amarok as Skye: How are you doing?
- Nava as Rocky: You brought visitors?
- Winston as Zuma: Sure looks like our company.
- Balto as Rubble: I really like that robo-wolf. Can we use it to give us all the baths we want?
- Molly: Now, Rubble. Do you have to be like that to our friends?
- Rubble: Not until 4.
- Marshall: Rubble?
- Rubble: Marshall? Wow, I'm uh sorry I didn't noticed you because of you're robot body.
- Marshall: Hey it's cool. I'm just glad I'm reunited with the PAW Patrol.
- Chase: So am I buddy.
- Marshall: Chase.
- Rocky: The whole pack in one piece.
- Marshall: Rocky!
- Zuma: I'm glad you're still alive, Marshall.
- Skye: Me too.
- Marshall: Zuma! Skye!
- Everest: I guess I'm not only one who missed you. (kisses Marshall making him blush)
- Rango: So guys, where's Olmec? (there came a short sad silence)
- Molly: Olmec is... dead. He was caught inside the cyber blast there's no way he could've survived that. (then Deema notices that Gil looks upset)
- Deema: Gil? Are you okay?
- Gil: Huh? Oh, uh, yes. I'm just--
- Janja: We think Gil has lost most of his memories.
- Molly: Gilly, I'm sorry for what happened to Olmec.
- Gil: It's fine. I just miss him a lot. (Meanwhile outside)
- Reptilicus: This better be worth it, Scrozzle.
- Scrozzle: It will be, once we find Oasis, but first we got to take that compound.
- Reptilicus: My boys are itching for a fight. We'll destroy everyone in there.
- Scrozzle: Don't get trigger happy. I need the meerkat girl alive... for now. (Meanwhile inside)
- Mira: Great and Wise Pink Empress. I do not mean to impose on your hospitality further, but-
- Molly: But what?
- Mira: But, I'm seeking Oasis. (shows Molly the map) I've had this since I was a child, but I can't understand it. (Molly gasps and realizes)
- Molly: I created this map years ago, but I lost it, and now it's a tattoo.
- Gil: So oasis is real. (suddenly an explosion was seen behind Gil and standing there was Scrozzle, Reptilicus and Robotnik)
- Reptilicus: Time to say good night heroes.
- (then the movie closes)
Part 2.3[]
- (the movie reopens with our heroes being cornered by Scrozzle's army)
- Reptilicus: Time to say good night heroes.
- Janja: Who in the world is that?
- Zuma: That's Imperius Reptilicus, he is the most itching to fighting warrior but the Wasteland's second most wanted after Scrozzle.
- Scrozzle: We know your secret, girl. You've got the map to paradise.
- Chase: You want it? Come get it! (pounces on Reptilicus)
- Reptilicus: AH! Get it off!
- Gil: Don't let them get near Mira. (and so our heroes fight the armies)
- Rocky: I wish there was some brawling music.
- Chungu: On it. (starts the brawling music as the long brawl continues)
- Scrozzle: Grab the girl. Destroy the rest. (and Mira keeps fighting until she gets knocked out and taken by Dr. Robotnik)
- Dr. Robotnik: I've got her, boss.
- Scrozzle: Nice, Robotnik.
- Gil: Mira! (Scrozzle then teleports himself, Reptilicus and Mira to his ship and takes off with the army following them) Hold on, Mira. (steals one of the space pods and follows Scrozzle) I'm coming kid.
- Mama Binturong: Scrozzle. He's on to us.
- Scrozzle: What?! (sees Gil behind him) Destroy him! (sending space pods at Gil but Gil continues to fight off the space pods until he steals a bigger one)
- Gil: You're not getting away, Scrozz. (then he sees Snide)
- Snide: See how you like this! (fires but misses Gil but the missile hits Molly's Wasteland home causing an explosion)
- Gil: Guys? Guys? Guys? NO!!!! (in anger Gil pushes the space pod right through the other pods and gets to Scrozzle bashing into him)
- Scrozzle: How wonderful it is losing your beloved ones... dead. (fires a blaster at Gil causing the space pod to explode) Ha, that'll take care of him.
- Reptilicus: Back to the compound, Scale Tails. (but what the villains didn't know is that Gil's still alive)
- Chuluun: Your gonna be in that cage for a long time.
- Ora: Have fun. (Meanwhile Gil takes out a guard then a few more then sneaks in)
- Mama Binturong: You will tell us where Oasis is either you like it or not.
- Goldar: Who cares? Let's just cut it out of here.
- Scrozzle: And I thought we do things my way, Goldar.
- Mira: Oh, great. These two horn-nobs again.
- Reptilicus: You were right, Scrozzle. She has the map. Transcribe it.
- Scale Member: As you wish, Imperius Reptilicus.
- Scrozzle: This is a blessed day. My wish of seeking the Green Place has finally come to an end.
- Scale Member: I cannot translate it. The map is gibberish.
- Scrozzle: What?!
- Mama Binturong: Tell us how to read it, child. (but Mira bites Mama Binturong's nose) Ah!
- Mira: You taste like an old, dead rat, Binturong. (making Mama Binturong scream in anger)
- Scrozzle: Calm thyself, Mama Binturong. She will tell us everything when she's drying out from thirst. (and so the villains left while Gil sneaks in and takes out the guards)
- Mira: Gil! You're alive.
- Gil: Well, couldn't leave my favorite meerkat behind, could I? (frees Mira from the prison cell)
- Mira: Where are the others?
- Gil: Scrozzle. Killed them. (then Mira hugs him)
- Mira: Thank you, Gil. (Gil smiles until one of the guards sounded the alarm)
- Gil: Of course that had to happen. (and so they run trying to escape) Move Mira. Go, go, go, go. (and they kept on running until they were ambushed by Scrozzle's army)
- Scrozzle: I should have known you weren't dead yet Gil.
- Reptilicus: Take him to the pit.
- Gil: Sc- Scrozzle. (fades to sleep)
- (and the movie ends with the words "To Be Continued")
Part 3 of the Story[]
- Deema: Previously on Bubble Guppies: Gil: Cyborg Apocalypse. Gil, Janja, Marshall, Rango and their new friend Mira were on the road facing Scrozzle. But what they didn't know is that they're friends were alive until they were reunited. But then Scrozzle and his new friend Imperius Reptilicus crash the reunion and kidnapped Mira and took Gil to their battle pit. Will Gil ever make it out of there alive? Will he be doomed in the name of Scrozzle? Are his friends still alive to rescue him?
- Mira: Gil! You're alive.
- Gil: Well, couldn't leave my favorite meerkat behind, could I? (frees Mira from the prison cell)
- Mira: Where are the others?
- Gil: Scrozzle. Killed them.
- Mira: Thank you, Gil. (Gil smiles until one of the guards sounded the alarm)
- Gil: Of course that had to happen. (and so they run trying to escape) Move Mira. Go, go, go, go. (and they kept on running until they were ambushed by Scrozzle's army)
- Scrozzle: I should have known you weren't dead yet Gil.
- Reptilicus: Take him to the pit.
- Gil: Sc- Scrozzle. (fades to sleep)
(the movie reopens with Bubble Puppy emerge from the dirt and starts sniffing for his friends until he saw them then one by one he licks them until they woke up)
- Molly: Bubble Puppy.
- Rango: Thanks for saving us boy.
- Janja: Guys, where's Marshall? (then Bubble Puppy digs Marshall up as the robot pup goes back online)
- Marshall: Ugh! I'm okay, put me down Bubble-- Oof!
- Rocky: Marshall!
- Rubble: You're okay.
- Deema: Thank goodness, you're still alive.
- Jasiri: You gave us a good scare buddy.
- Chase: We thought we lost you again.
- Everest: Oh Marshall. (nuzzles him)
- Cheezi: Wow, what a blast.
- Chungu: Yeah, where did it come from?
- Skye: I don't know. But right now, we've got bigger problems.
- Oona: She's right. Gil and Mira.
- Zuma: They're out there somewhere.
- Nonny: Yeah, probably captured by Scrozzle. (Molly then crunches her fist)
- Molly: That's it, Scrozz. You can mess with me, but you don't get the best of my friend. (hops onto Bubble Puppy) Come on, guys. Let's go get Gilly and Mira back. (and everyone cheered as Goby, Deema, Oona and Nonny climbed onto Bubble Puppy while Rubble, Rocky, Zuma and Rango hopped aboard the North Wind plane while Janja, Jasiri, Chase, Skye, Marshall, Everest, Cheezi and Chungu entered Gil's rumbler and off they went to save their friends)
- Bubble Guppies' Adventures Team: We're coming, Gil!
Part 3.1[]
- (the movie reopens with Gil and Mira being entered to a pit by Scale members filled with mutants)
- Mira: So Gil, have a plan?
- Gil: Nope, except for this. (fights off two Scale members then gets punched by Scrozzle)
- Scrozzle: Not so tough now, are you, Red Stripe? Into the pit with you. (gets thrown into the pit by Scale members)
- Reptilicus: My Scale Tail Clan! A challenger has come upon us and agreed to fight in ultimate combat. (enters the pit) Now, this foolish turtle must battle the Scale Tail's greatest warrior: Me!
- Scrozzle: No! I want to tear that turtle to pieces. I will fight him! (and the crowd cheers)
- Reptilicus: We'll both take him on. (and a bell rang)
- Gil: Hey, wait. Don't I get a weapon? (a twig gets thrown in the pit) Oh great.
- Scrozzle: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. (and the fight begins)
- Reptilicus: Slice and dice, old turtle. (cuts Gil's face off his feet)
- Mira: No! (Gil then dodges Scrozzle's chainsaw)
- Scrozzle: I'm gonna chop you down to nothing but shell, turtle! (Meanwhile our 16 heroes found the Scale Tail Fortress)
- Molly: All right, there it is the Scale Tail fortress. Now let's go in and save our friends.
- Janja: We'll save ya, Gil!
- Molly, Goby, Deema, Oona, Nonny, Janja, Jasiri, Cheezi, Chungu, Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Everest and Rango: CHARGE! (and they bashed their way through the gate and fight off the guards)
- Nonny: We've got this covered.
- Everest: Go save Gil and Mira. (then Marshall scans the fortress until he sees Gil)
- Marshall: This way! (Meanwhile Gil manages to fight back but continues to get beaten on)
- Mira: Oh no, Gil. (then Gil gets pushed in the water) Let me go, Scambags! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! (Gil then wakes up and swims back to the surface right as Reptilicus and Scrozzle's celebration was interrupted)
- Gil: So, where were we? (Scrozzle charges at Gil, but Gil grabs his twig to brake Scrozzle's chainsaw)
- Scrozzle: What? That's cheating!
- Gil: Sorry, I guess I should not owe you an apology. (starts beaten up Scrozzle then manages to defeat Reptilicus)
- Scale Member: By Word of Wasteland Decree, the Turtle Warrior wins!
- Mira: Yes! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe!
- Scale Tail Clan: Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe! Red Stripe!
- Scrozzle: What?! (the Scale Tail Clan then picks up Gil for victory) No, that's not fair. He cheated, he cheated! (teleports away while Gil's friends entered the pit)
- Janja: Oh, no! They've captured him. I've got you, bro--
- Molly: Wait, Janja. These guys aren't gonna kill him. They're... celebrating him.
- Rango: Is that how it happened?
- Reptilicus: Yes, Red Stripe has beaten us in battle and that means he is leader to the Scale Tail Clan now. So what's next Red Stripe? (Gil then looks at Mira)
- Gil: To Oasis. (Meanwhile in Scrozzle's ship)
- Scrozzle: I want those fools destroyed! Rome, I want my Wasteland suit you've been working on.
- Romeo: As you're second-in-command, I refuse. This new virus is too unstable. The effects could be disastrous. (Scrozzle then pushes him)
- Scrozzle: Do it! Do it now! (and so Romeo did as Scrozzle merges with his Wasteland suit and to make matters worse his suit looks like Venjix's body) Time to find oasis. (laughs evilly)
- (then the movie closes)
Part 3.2[]
- (the movie reopens with the Bubble Guppies and the reformed Scale Tail Clan driving on the road to find Oasis)
- Molly: Onward, my friends.
- Gil: So, how far are we from, Oasis?
- Mira: The map doesn't give distance. Just landmarks. Next, we should find this strange antenna stuck in a fork in the road. (later they all arrive at the antenna)
- Rango: That's no antenna.
- Janja: Yeah, that's a real live tree.
- Marshall: Ha, I thought we may never see one of those again.
- Mira: A-a-a tree?
- Nonny: It's an elongated perennial plant that-
- Rubble: Yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks for getting all science-y, Non. A tree is beautiful and green and perfect and Oasis will be filled with them.
- Mira: Wow. I've only known sand and dust and death my whole life. I've never seen green things.
- Molly: Come on, let's keep moving. (later our heroes were still on their way to Oasis)
- Chase: Here we are, guys. Canyon Maze! My nose should lead us from here. (sniffs on the right path then the left path) Okay, let's take a left. (and so on they go then there was trouble Scrozzle and his army was starting to follow them until Rango noticed him)
- Rango: Oh no, not Scrozzle again. (and Scrozzle in his Venjix form shows on screen)
- Gil: Huh?
- Marshall: Venjix?
- Janja: But we'd destroyed you back in the-- (Scrozzle de-forms back to himself)
- Scrozzle: The Cyber Dimension?!
- Gil: Scrozzle?!
- Scrozzle: I've warned you to give us the map, Gil. And now this'll be your last. Give us the map!
- Mira: Oh darn, that robot's gonna kill us. He's gonna kill us. He's gonna kill us! Just get out of here. Go! Faster!
- Gil: Run from that creep? I don't think so, Scrozzle! The girl has a name, Mira and she stays with us!
- Scrozzle (in his Venjix form): And that was your last regret. Attack! (sends his villains to attack the Red Stripe Army)
- Jasiri: Guys, the Red Stripe army needs help!
- Gil: Janja, get some bombs in the back! (and so he did while giving his friends a bomb each) Now, throw the bombs! (and so everyone did as they rescued the Red Stripe army)
- Scrozzle: Argh! You fools! Bring me the girl! Destroy the rest!
- Mama Binturong: I got that little meerkat! (and she flies her space pod down as the heroes went into hiding)
- Mira: Is everyone okay?
- Reptilicus: Yeah, thanks Red Stripe, Pink Empress. It seems Scrozzle is more dangerous than anyone can ever think of. (Gil then makes a choice)
- Gil: Molly, wait here with everyone and stay hidden. I'm going in. (Molly then looks upset)
- Molly: While, what? I watch helplessly from the sidelines? I don't think so.
- Gil: I'm asking you to wait with the guys.
- Molly: And "I'm" asking you why should I? You're my friend, I'm with you for better or worst.
- Gil: I have to do this alone.
- Molly: What is this to you, playtime?
- Gil: No.
- Molly: So you can be a child again?
- Gil: No.
- Molly: Then what? What is it?
- Gil: I'm not- I'm not brave enough.
- Molly: Brave enough. And this will make you braver?
- Gil: No.
- Molly: That's what this some sort of--
- Gil: I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN! I can't. Not again. This. This was all my fault. (the gang then looks in amazement as Molly kisses Gil)
- Molly: If we work together you won't have to be scared.
- Gil: I don't know what will happen.
- Molly: Hey, we're a family. What could happen? (then a blast was heard then Scrozzle laughing and Gil had an idea)
- Gil: Everyone, get rid of the Synths.
- Red Stripe Army: Yes, Red Stripe. (and so they got back in their vehicles and drove off)
- Gil: Molly, Mira, you take down Mama Binturong. Janja, Marshall, Rango we're going for Scrozzle.
- Mira: May the green goddess be with you. (and so everyone worked fast, the army went for the synths, Molly and Mira go for Mama Binturong while Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango drove to the top of a mountain in front of Scrozzle's ship)
- Janja: So how are we gonna slow him down?
- Gil: Way ahead of you. (lifts a mask and underneath it was a skull with a bomb in it's teeth so Gil presses the button and the bomb starts counting down as the rumbler slows down a little leaving Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango enough time to leave and ran towards Scrozzle's ship) Jump! (and they jumped onboard Scrozzle's ship looking at their rumbler jumping off a cliff and into Scrozzle's ship) Now that's Dy-no-mite! (then the rumbler explodes making the whole spaceship explode bit by bit)
- Scrozzle: Destroy him my Synthezoids! Rip the interlopes to pieces! (and the synthezoids came down to attack but getting defeated easily by our heroes, meanwhile on the ground)
- Mama Binturong: We gave you that aqua! You traitorous scum!
- Reptilicus: Red Stripe! Red Stripe!
- Molly: Hey, Mama!
- Mira: Let's dance! (and they drove passed her, the Synthezoids then under and around Scrozzle's ship with Mama Binturong following them)
- Mama Binturong: No one messes with Mama! I'll take that map! I'll chop it off of you. (tries to kill Molly and Mira)
- Mira: Stupid weasel! (uses her stick to pull Mama out of control)
- Mama Binturong: Oh no. (she screams as her space pod is destroyed killing Mama Binturong with it)
- Molly: Good riddance, my greatest enemy! (Meanwhile with the rest of our heroes)
- Chuluun: Been a long time no see heroes.
- Ora: Soon to be a long time never see!
- Goldar: Master Scrozzle will kill you if it's the last thing he does!
- Nonny: We'll see about that! (blasts at Chuluun, Ora, Snide, Goldar, Romeo and Dr. Robotnik sending their space pods flying)
- Deema: 7 down, 1 to go.
- Molly: Come on, Gilly. I know you can do it.
- (then the movie closes)
Part 3.3/Happy Ending[]
- (the movie reopens with Gil, Janja, Marshall and Rango invading Scrozzle's ship then they entered the control room)
- Gil: You're time is up Scrozzle!
- Scrozzle (in his wasteland form): Fool. You think you're heroes? You think you're going to take down a desert warlord who's destroyed all in his path?
- Janja: Don't flatter yourself, Freak-Nut.
- Marshall: Yeah, you're not so tough Robo-Butt. We've got you.
- Rango: Tonight. It ends. (and the fight begins as our heroes ambush Scrozzle one by one they attack from every side)
- Scrozzle (in his wasteland form): You will pay for daring to challenge me-- (gets knocked off by his feet)
- Janja: Rango, catch! (and Rango catches his blaster filled with anti-virus and blasts it Scrozzle but as heroes watched they were shocked that the anti-virus didn't work as Rango gasps)
- Rango: The anti-virus has no effect. (tries to fight back gets thrown out of Scrozzle's ship) WHOA-OA-OA! (but then Mira catches him)
- Mira: Got ya, R.
- Rango: Thanks, Mira. (then looks up) Better get back up there.
- Everest: Hold up, Rango. The ship's getting out of control.
- Nonny: She's right. It's too dangerous to go back in there now. (then Rango looks up in worry)
- Rango: Come on, guys. You got this. (Meanwhile up on the ship Scrozzle continues to beat down Gil, Janja and Marshall)
- Scrozzle (in his wasteland form): Pathetic. (throws Janja) You powerless fools have no chance against me. (then gets hit by Marshall's cable but then pulls Marshall off his feet and throws him off his ship)
- Marshall: GUYS, HELP! (Cheezi and Chungu catch him) Thanks guys.
- Janja: I'm done with you, ya METAL FREAK! (and starts fighting back by sending Scrozzle smashing through walls then smashes his face on the control board)
- Scrozzle (in his wasteland form): Fool. (Janja realizes Gil is going strike Scrozzle and he stood in the way but as Janja ducked Scrozzle sends Gil to the wall and throws Janja off his ship)
- Janja: AAH!! (but Jasiri and Reptilicus catch him just in time) Thanks, guys. (then everyone looks up)
- Chase: Gil!
- Skye: Quick, after them! (and they all drove off to the ship, meanwhile Gil is still fighting Scrozzle but as they kept on fighting they couldn't keep each other down)
- Scrozzle (in his wasteland form): This is too easy. Why it's almost as easy killing you're father.
- Gil: What?!
- Scrozzle (in his wasteland form): Oops. The cat's out of the bag. (Gil then crunches his fists in anger) Oh well, it'll be our little secret. Good night, sweet prince. (and was about to strike but the ship starts to take damage and lose power) No. Not, now. (Gil then sees a wire, grabs it and ties Scrozzle to his throne) ARGH!
- Gil: Enjoy, the ride. (and he starts running out of the ship until he sees the engine room and hears a scream in pain) Huh? (as he ventured further on to see what the noise he something that made him shock in relief there in the engine was...) It can't be. (but it was Olmec standing right in front of Gil) Olmec?
- Olmec: AAH!
- Gil: Olmec.
- Olmec: Gil. I feared. You would. Never come. Ah!
- Gil: I lost you once Dad and I'm not gonna lose you again. (struggles to free Olmec until the ship hits a couple cliffs throwing Gil off board and onto the ground then looks at the ship in shock) Olmec. NO! (the ship then crashes into a dead end killing Scrozzle and sends Olmec out of the ship and onto the ground in one piece then our heroes arrive to search for Gil from broken spaceship pieces until Molly gasped)
- Molly: Olmec?
- Nonny: I can't believe it... It really is Olmec.
- Olmec: My family. I can't believe you finally found me. I missed all of you so much.
- Gil: Hold on, Olmec. (groans a little) Just sit tight. We'll get you out.
- Olmec: My. My son. (and one by one the grown up Mutant and Robotic Bubble Guppies freed Olmec then hug him in relief)
- Gil: Father!
- Molly: Daddy!
- Janja: Olmec! You're back!
- Marshall: Ah man, we thought we'd lost each other forever. We looked everywhere for you.
- Rango: What happened to you? The last time we saw you the Cyber-Bomb went off.
- Olmec: It's. Starting to. Come back to me, piece by piece. I remember, I-I was there. I was there. (the flashback begins) I remember you all fighting against Negaduck and his army but... Somehow Scrozzle found me and took me prisoner.
- Scrozzle: Take him to the engine room.
- Snide: Yes, Scrozzle.
- Goldar: As you wish.
- Olmec: He made me do horrible things to everyone. The rage. (end of flashback) But now, somehow, I'm back. Thanks to all of you.
- Deema: We've got the map to the green place, Dad! (climbs on to Bubble Puppy) Next stop, paradise!
- Olmec: Sounds good to me. (As they made it, everything is filled with green trees and a lake. Gil gets up while the rest were viewing the new oasis)
- Rubble: Cannonball! (jumps into the water)
- Molly: Look at all that green. (as their friends keep enjoying themselves)
- Mira: It's so. Beautiful.
- Rango: Wow.
- Marshall: It really is an oasis.
- Janja: Huh, not bad.
- Olmec: Family, we're home.
- Gil: We are home. (At the last shot the younger versions of themselves had their picture taken with their father as the episode ends)
Extended Ending (with Bob and Larry)[]
- Larryboy: Well, Fergus. I hope you love the show. And I hope you learned something from it.
- Gil: I know, I did.
- Molly: Oh, Gilly. (then Bob appears on stage)
- Bob: Well?
- Nonny: What are you doing?
- Bob: I-I'm a wasteland survivor too.
- Deema: Yeah. We already know it's Bob in a--
- Bob: N-N-N-Not Bob. I'm the Red Wonder or Bobbin. But I'm leaning toward Red Wonder. I-I have a theme song. (then this happen)
- Male Voice: Can't fade me~ Take me nothing on me~ This is The Real Me~ Can't break me~ Make me~ Change who I will be~ This is The Real Me~ Whoa-Oh~ Oh-oh-oh-oh~ Whoa-Oh~ This is The Real Me~ Whoa-Oh~ Oh-oh-oh-oh~ Whoa-Oh~ This is The Real Me~ (song ends)
- Bob: No, no, no! I had it all worked out.
- Nonny: Uh, shall we see if QWERTY has a verse for us today? (and QWERTY shows them)
- Gil: So do not fear, for I am with you: Isaiah 41:10.
- Larryboy: So you see Fergus. The next time when you get scared just remember that verse.
- Nonny: And tonight, before you go to sleep why don't you pray with you're mom or dad and thank God for always looking out for you.
- Deema: Terrific Idea, Nonners.
- Nonny: Well, the extend of our schedule period together has brung to a close.
- Gil, Molly, Deema and Larryboy: Uhh...
- Bob: That means: That's all the time we have for today.
- Larryboy: Thanks, Red Wonder.
- Gil, Molly, Deema, Nonny, Bob and Larryboy: Goodbye!
- (and the movie truly ends)