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Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Captain Grime is a major antagonist in the 2019 animated television series Amphibia, serving as the main antagonist of Season 1, one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Sasha Waybright) of Season 2 and a major character in the third and final season.



As seen in "Prison Break", Grime feels that he must be quite respective with his discipline towards his own crew of knights, and before when Sasha told him that his army might be cooperate and listen better if he were nicer as Grime usually acts rude not to mention, disrespectful to his army. Most likely because he expected it would toughen them up by using his less impressive words. However, this only ended with the all other toads feeling weaker and ever since then, Grime has been trying his best as he continues showing more respect to honor the loyalty of his soldiers ergo in return, they strictly follow his commands.

Physical appearance[]

Captain Grime is a large green frog. With a more slight terrifying appearance then any other of the toads, he possesses one glowing yellowish left eye while his right one is injured with a scar leading down lower mouth and has sharp yellow teeth. He wears brownish armored clothes with a dark cape.  


  • It is unknown if one of his eyes has an advantage or disadvantage.
  • Despite his villainy, Grime isn't completely heartless, as he seems to genuinely care for Sasha as he rescued her from the tower and looked furious when she appeared injured.
  • It is unknown to how his right eye got injured.