This is a transcript of Caring for a Mystery! in Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.
(the episode begins)
Narrator: Ash's goal is to battle one of the World's Greatest Trainers Leon. Goh's goal is to catch one of every kind of Pokemon, including Mew and with the help of Emerl and Sega Ultimate All-Star Team this is the story of their adventure-filled Journey through the of Pokemon.
(At the Pokemon Center Nurse Joy gave the trainer his Vulpix)
Nurse Joy: Thanks for your patience your Vulpix is feeling fine and back to full health.
The Trainer: Aw thanks so much (To Vulpix) Isn't that great Vulpix?
Vulpix: Vul.
(Later Nurse Joy was seen with her Chancey walk down to a room where there was a Pokemon egg with wires attached to it)
Nurse Joy: Still no changes?
Chancey: Chancey. (Gives Joy the Clipboard)
(Nurse Joy writes with a pen on it)
Nurse Joy: (to the egg) Tell me. I'm curious. Why are you still an Egg?
(At Cerise's Laboratory)
Professor Cerise: The first person to do extensive research on Pokemon Eggs was Professor Elm, a former student of Professor Oak's.
Pikachu: Pika?
Hiccup: Hey, isn't Professor Elm that guy you met during your's Misty, and Brock's adventures in the Johto Region, Ash?
Ash Ketchum: He sure is.
Astrid: What does Professor Elm, study Professor Cerise?
Professor Cerise: He concentrated his studies around the mystery of why no one has ever actually seen a Pokemon lay an Egg!
All Heroes: Oh!
Goh: So how come no one's ever seen that?
Blu: Yeah, why?
Ren: If we knew then it wouldn't be a mystery would it?
Zane Truesdale: That's a good point, Ren.
Chrysa: See, some researchers theorize that Pokemon don't lay Eggs. Instead, they may find their Eggs simply lying around. But once again, there's no proof.
Jaden Yuki: Wow, what a surprise.
Syrus Truesdale: So that means.... (confused) Uh...?
Professor Cerise: Which means, Pokemon Eggs remain as much of a mystery today as they've ever been.
Sakura Avalon: Wow!
???: Wow, no kidding?
Ash Ketchum: Amazing. Come to think of it, I've never seen a Pokemon lay an Egg either.
Tai Kamiya: Nor, the rest of us.
Goh: (surprised) You've actually seen a Pokemon Egg?
Ash Ketchum: We sure have.
Ducky: Yep, yep, yep! We all did see.
Lilo: Yep. Plenty!
Goh: No fair. (Then thought) Uh... Let's go find one!
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Goku: You mean to find a Pokemon Egg?
Goh: Yeah, let's find an Egg! I wanna see, too!
Ren: I hate to have to break it to you, but that's easier said than done.
Queen Elsa: He kinda has a point, Goh.
???: Yeah, Pokemon Eggs aren't that always easy to find.
Goh: Hey, you never know until you try!
Poppy: I'm with him!
???: Yeah, I want to see a Pokemon Egg!
???: Me too!
Ash Ketchum: You're right! Let's give it a shot!
???: Right with you!
Nico: Yeah, let's all find an Egg!
Goh: Yeah!
(They left)
Goh: See you, later!
Ash Ketchum: See you, later!
Emerl: Wait for us.
Professor Cerise: Here's to your success!
(Raboot then nods)
Raboot: Raboot.
(Left with the others)
(Team Robot in Pokemon Journeys: the Series opening plays)
Ash & Goh (V.O.): Caring for a Mystery!
Narrator: And so, Ash, his allies, and Goh have set out to find a Pokemon Egg. Of course, the question is, will they be successful?
Eddie: So, where do we find a Pokemon Egg, Goh?
Goh: I think they're found in grassy areas like this. Gotta keep a sharp eye.
(Looks up and spots something)
Goh: Huh? There's one!
All Heroes: Huh?
(They found a pile of six eggs)
???: Wow, look!
???: Six Eggs! How lucky are we?!
Broadway: (looks suspicious and then gasps upon realizing) Wait, those aren't Pokemon Eggs!
(It was an Exeggcute)
Exeggcute: Exeggcute.
Goh: (gasps)
Cheetor: (gasps) Hey!
???: That's an...
Goh: An Exeggcute!
Exeggcute: Exeg. Exeggcute!
(Goh checks his Rotom Phone)
Rotom Phone: Exeggcute. The Egg Pokemon. A Grass and Psychic-Type. Exeggcute is made up of six eggs that communicate with each other using telepathy.
Pleakly: Hmm, fascinating!
???: Sure is.
Goh: Alright. Pokeball, let's go!
(He tosses his Pokeball and it was a direct hit)
(The Exeggcute enters the ball)
Goh: Got it!
(The ball wobbled around till the capture was successful)
Rotom Phone: Exeggcute has been registered to your Pokedex!
Goh: That catch was egg-cellent in my book!
Jumba: Uh, sure Goh.
Pikachu: (cheer) Pika!
Ash Ketchum: (feeling somewhat) Wow. Punny (chuckles)
(But then his Rotom Phone chimes)
Ash Ketchum: Huh? (He takes out his Rotom Phone)
(On the screen a Trainer was seen with a score of 1024)
Jaden Yuki: Wow, look at that!
Ash Ketchum: One thousand twenty-fourth?
Alexis Rhode: Whoa. What a shock!
???: I'll say.
Goh: His name's Hayden. Hmm? (Notices him) Huh?
(Hayden was waving)
Goh: Think it's that guy?
Chumley Huffington: I guess so.
???: Yep, that's him alright.
(Hayden smiled as he approached for battle)
(A Drone Rotom came)
Drone Rotom: You have been approved for an official Pokemon World Coronation Series Normal Class battle!
(Set up up the challengers' screen)
Drone Rotom: The challengers today are Hayden from Fuchsia City vs. Ash from Pallet Town. For today's battle, each of you is allowed to use one Pokemon. Will both challengers please bring out your Pokemon? Thank you! Three, two, one. And go!
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, I choose you!
Pikachu: Pika!
Hayden: Come on out! (Tosses his Pokeball)
(His Pokemon was a Tauros)
Tauros: (Moos)
Sakura Avalon: Wow, look at that!
???: It's a Tauros!
Ash Ketchum: A Tauros, huh?
Goh: Huh? (Checks his Rotom Phone)
Rotom Phone: Tauros. The Wild Bull Pokemon. A Normal-Type. Tauros run in herds in the wild. The herd member with the longest, thickest, and most-scarred horns is said to be the leader.
Goh: Check the horns.
(He looks at the Tauros' horns)
Goh: They're long, thick, and really scared. (gasps) That Tauros looks like it'd be a leader!
Branch: No doubt about that!
???: Yeah, especially with those kind of horns!
Drone Rotom: Alright, battle begin!
Hayden: Let's go, Tauros, use Horn Attack!
(Tauros uses its Horn Attack and charges)
Ash Ketchum: Alright, Pikachu, Iron Tail!
(Pikachu jumps and uses Iron Tail and struck at Tauros' right horn)
(At the Pokemon Center)
Chansey: (happy) Chansey, Chansey, Chansey.
(While machine that had the mysterious Pokemon Egg was starting to beep faster)
(Back the battle)
(Tauros kicks Pikachu with its back legs sending it flying)
Pikachu: Pika!
(But Pikachu landed safely back down on its feet)
Ash Ketchum: Use Electroweb!
(Pikachu jumps and throws its Electroweb towards Tauros)
Hayden: Break it apart with Iron Head!
(Tauros uses its Iron Head and broke through the Electroweb)
(Tauros headbutts Pikachu with Iron Head)
Petrie: Ooh!
???: Oh, now that's gotta hurt!
???: Ugh, I'll say.
Pikachu: Pikachu... (hits and slide through the floor)
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu! Are you alright?
Pikachu: (affirmative) Pika, pika!
Ash Ketchum: Way to go!
Joey Wheeler: Ash heads up!
Hayden: Now use Iron Head once again!
Ash Ketchum: Let's wrap it up, Pikachu!
(Pikachu gets ready)
(At the Pokemon Center the machine with the Pokemon Eggs began beeping rapidly)
Chansey: (shocked) Chansey?
(Back at the battle)
(Tauros charges with Iron Head)
Ash Ketchum: Alright, Thunderbolt!
Pikachu: Pika..
(Ready its attack)
(Back at the Pokemon Center the Pokemon Egg was moving and then glowed)
Chansey: (surprised) Chansey...
(Back at the battle)
Pikachu: ...chu!
(Fires its Thunderbolt)
Ash Ketchum: (shouts) Let's go!
(The Thunderbolt was making its way towards Tauros)
(While at the Pokemon Center the Egg was glowing brighter and shaking)
(Back at the battle Tauros was hit by Pikachu's Thunderbolt and fell defeated)
Hayden: No, Tauros, no!
Drone Rotom: Tauros is unable to battle! Pikachu is the winner! Which means the victory goes to Ash of Pallet Town!
???: They won!
???: (laughs) Alright!
Emerl: Wohoo! Way to go!
Ash Ketchum: Yes!
Goh: Wow, they did it!
Patrick Star: Hooray!
???: Yeah, Ash, you're the man!
Ash Ketchum: You were great, buddy!
(Pikachu jumps to Ash happy with him laughing)
(But as touched his tail)
Pikachu: (pained) Pika!
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Hiccup: Oh, I think its tail got hurt a bit.
Ash Ketchum: Sorry, Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika...
Astrid: You know what this means.
Ash Ketchum: Yep. Time for the Pokemon Center!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
(As Pikachu got on Ash's shoulder, Ash felt something invisible calling to him)
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
(Looks around but nothing)
Ash Ketchum: Hmm. (sighs)
Goku: Excellent Ash, you won!
???: Yeah, great job!
Goh: Congratulations, Ash!
(But they all notice he's acting confused)
Goh: Hey, what's wrong?
Goku: What's the matter Ash?
???: Yeah, you act like you just felt something.
Ash Ketchum: Huh? (to the others) I felt like I was being called...
Queen Elsa: Being called?
Ash Ketchum: ... but by who?
Goh: What do you mean? I don't see anybody.
Howlcrusher: Me neither.
Stella: Yeah, (in her 4kids dub voice) there's nobody here but us.
Ash Ketchum: Not by anybody here, but... (but then thought) How do I say it? It's kinda-sorta like, uh...
Elisa Maza: Like what?
Goh: You're not making sense. Although I do remember you said that you heard something back when we met Lugia.
Mark EVO: Agreed.
Ash Ketchum: It's a little different from that time, too.
Goliath: Really?
???: How?
Ash Ketchum: Well...
(But then)
Hayden: Excellent battle, Ash! That was a powerful Thunderbolt. You're quite a Trainer!
(They shook hands)
Ash Ketchum: Thanks a lot, Hayden!
Drone Rotom: As a result of today's battle, there has been a change in the World Coronation Series rankings effective immediately!
Hayden: If we meet again, let's have another battle.
Ash Ketchum: Sounds good!
(Hayden leaves)
(Ash looks up hearing the breeze of wind
(At the Pokemon Center the Pokemon Egg was still glowing and wobbling till it stopped)
(Chancey and Nurse Joy came)
Chancey: Chansey, Chansey, Chansey.
Nurse Joy: Huh?
Chancey: (explaining) Chancey, Chansey! Chancey, chan...
(Nurse Joy check the machine and gasps)
Nursey Joy: What's going on?
(Later back, with the heroes)
(Ash was walking rather fast)
Goh: Slow down, Ash!
(He and the others catch up with him)
Goh: (pants) What's the big rush for?
Ash Ketchum: I was rushing?
Littlefoot: Yeah, you sure were.
???: You were rushing like fast.
Goh: You know what? You get a little weird sometimes.
Ash Ketchum: What do you mean weird?
Goh: You can hear things I certainly can't hear. You're just like a Pokemon Egg!
???: Huh?
???: Excuse me?
Ash Ketchum: Like a Egg?
Brooklyn: How so?
Goh: A creature of mystery.
Yi: A creature of mystery?
Ash Ketchum: Nothing mysterious about me.
Goh: But there is!
Jaden Yuki: Hey, look what's ahead!
Ash Ketchum: (notices and gasps)
All Heroes: The Pokemon Center!
Ash Ketchum: We're here Pikachu!
(They ran inside)
(Moments later Nurse Joy treated Pikachu with some rubbing alcohol on Pikachu's injured tail)
Nurse Joy: This may sting a little.
(Tapped the rubbing alcohol on the tail)
Pikachu: (feeling the sting) Pi! (pained) Pi... ka... chu...
Nurse Joy: Such a brave Pikachu! We're all done!
Pikachu: (pants and falls on the medical bed in relief) Pika...
(Ash chuckled happily till he sensed something)
Ash Ketchum: Huh? (Turns to right) Huh?
(He then walks down the hallway)
(Nurse Joy comes out of the room with Pikachu)
Nurse Joy: Sorry to keep you. Uh, Ash?
Goh: Hmm?
???: Ash?
Sakura Avalon: Where's he going?
Li Showron: I don't know?
(Ash walks down the hallway the room and found the machine with the Pokemon Egg)
(Ash with awe approaches the Pokemon Egg)
Ash Ketchum: Whoa...
(The door opens and the others came)
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Goh: Here you are.
Master Shifu: Is something the matter, Ash?
???: Yeah, why'd you come in here?
Pikachu: Pika.
(They all notice the Pokemon Egg)
Astrid: Hey, is that a...?
Goh: Wait. This can't be a Pokemon Egg, can it?
Valka: It sure is.
???: Wow, I can't believe it!
???: (laughs) We actually found a real Pokemon Egg!
???: Guess this our lucky day after all.
Ash Ketchum: Nurse Joy? Why are those wires connected up to the Pokemon Egg?
Hiccup: Yeah, why?
Nurse Joy: You see, this was entrusted to me by a Pokemon Day Care. It's a highly unusual Pokemon Egg. You see.
(But then the Pokemon Egg shook and the wires disconnected)
Nursey Joy: (gasps)
(Everyone gasps)
(The Pokemon Egg toppled over to where Ash was)
(An amazed Ash reach his hand down the hole of the machine it was in and touched it)
Ash Ketchum: Huh? (amazed) Wow, it's warm!
Emerl: Wow, really?!
Pikachu: Pikachu?
Ash Ketchum: You can touch it.
(Pikachu touches the Pokemon Egg)
Pikachu: Pika, pika.
Ash Ketchum: See I told you it was warm!
Hiccup: Can I?
(Touches the egg)
Hiccup: Wow, it sure is warm.
Astrid: Let me feel it!
(She touches the egg)
Astrid: Whoa, it is!
(Nurse Joy was amazed and suspicious and decided...)
Nursey Joy: (to Ash) Maybe you should take care of it. What do you say?
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
???: Let Ash, take care of it?
Jake Long: Why so, Nurse Joy?
Nurse Joy: You see, this Egg was discovered in the Sinnoh Region. It just simply refuses to hatch!
Princess Poppy: Really?
(Everyone was surprised)
???: Hmm, wonder why?
???: Sure sounds mysterious.
???: What else can you tell us about this Egg, Nurse Joy?
Nurse Joy: The Egg was cared for by many people before it ended up with me.
Goh: (sighs with amazement)
Ash Ketchum: (to the Egg) I guess you're not in any hurry, are you? You should come out! It's lots of fun! More fun than anything inside of that Egg!
Brooklyn: (to the Egg) He's right, whoever you are.
Broadway: (to the Egg) Yeah, out here there are lots of amazing things.
Bloom: (to the Egg) Yeah, the outside world is much more amazing than staying in there.
???: (to the Egg) Mm-mm! Once you're out, you'll just love to see the world!
Nurse Joy: Please take care of it, Ash. If anyone can take good care of it, it's you!
Ash Ketchum: Right!
Valka: (Laughs) I guess you've got a new Pokemon Egg, son.
Gobber: Aye, she's right lad. It's your lucky day.
Goh: I'm kind of jealous.
Gobber: Aw, don't worry Goh, you'll have your own Egg one day.
(Ash laughs and turned to the Egg)
Ash Ketchum: My name's Ash. Nice to meet you!
(Back at Cerise's Laboratory)
Yamper: Yamper! Yamper, yamper!
Chloe: Don't at it, Yamper. You're going to scare it!
Chrysa: (To Ash) Now, that you're taking care of an Egg, it means that you're protecting a Pokemon's life. That's a lot to be responsible for.
Ash Ketchum: I know.
Chloe: (to her father) I was wondering. Do you have any idea what kind of Pokemon it is?
Professor Cerise: Nobody has any idea what kind of Pokemon it is until it's hatched.
Drago: Agreed.
???: Yeah, you can't just tell what kind of Pokemon is in the Egg by just looking at it.
???: (nods) Mm-mm. You'll only know until it is hatched.
Goh: I wonder when that's gonna happen.
???: Who knows.
Elisa Maza: Hmm. Any ideas, when Pokemon Eggs hatch, Chrysa,?
Chrysa: According to Professor Elm's research, it needs to spend time with healthy Pokemon. Being exposed to health and energetic Pokemon is crucial for an Egg to hatch successfully.
(They all look at the screen)
Ren: That's why many Trainers insist on walking with Eggs wherever they go until the big day finally arrives.
???: Wow, really?
Pleakly: Huh. Fascinating!
Ash Ketchum: Hmm. Right! (To the Egg) Why don't you, me, Pikachu, and my friends go for a walk? It'll be fun!
Genie: (to the Egg) Yeah, really fun!
Pikachu: (to the Egg) Pika, Pika!
Goh: Talk to it all you like but it can't hear you!
Professor Cerise: You sure?
Goh: Huh?
Professor Cerise: There is a story!
(Story of Jigglypuff singing to an Egg)
Professor Cerise (V.O.): It says that somewhere, sometime in the past, there was a Jigglypuff who loved to sing. It would sing to a Pokemon Egg every day. And then one day, the Egg hatched into an Azurill!
(Jigglypuff was happy with Azurill and both sing the Jigglypuff song till Jigglypuff fell asleep)
(Story end)
Professor Cerise: The story then says that Azurill's song was just like the one Jigglypuff sang.
Chloe: Does that mean it was listening the whole time from inside of its egg?
???: Hmm, sure sounds like it.
???: Yeah, I agree.
Master Roshi: Then, that means... (turns to Goh) it heard what Goh just said!
Goh: (shrieks with horror; then spluttering to the Egg) I'm Ash's friend Goh, and I'm really sorry for saying that you can't hear anything in there, okay?
Everest: (laughs)
Yi: Oh, now, he believes it.
(Raboot was like "oh boy")
(Later at the Cerise Park we see Dragonite flying)
Ash Ketchum: Hey, Dragonite!
Hiccup: Come on over here!
(Dragonite flies down)
Dragonite: (whines)
Ash Ketchum: I'll be taking care of this Egg. A new friend!
Dragonite: (happily squeals tries to hug the egg)
(Ash gets the egg away from Dragonite)
Ash Ketchum: I think we should wait until it's hatched before we do that.
Hiccup: (sheepishly laughs) Yeah, Eggs are kinda fragile so you gotta be careful okay?
Dragonite: (whimpers)
(But then looks at Pikachu and Toothless and hugs them)
Pikachu: (touched) Pikachu.
(Toothless groans)
(Later in the night)
(Everyone was asleep)
(Then a bright light was shining)
(Pikachu wakes up)
Pikachu: Pika... (notices it was the Egg) Pika? Pika? (Tries to wake Ash up) Pi, pi... (bangs Ash with its tail) Pika!
(Ash wakes up)
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, what's up?
(He notices his glowing Egg)
Ash Ketchum: (gasps)
(Runs to the egg)
Ash Ketchum: Check it out!
Pikachu: Pika, pika!
(Everyone wakes up)
Hiccup: (yawns) What's up?
SpongeBob SquarePants: (yawns) Morning already?
Musa: (groggy; in her 4kids voice) Yo, keep it down, Ash.
???: (yawns) Why are you up so early?
Goh: Hmm... (groans) Pikachu, what's going on?
Tai Kamiya: (notices the egg) Hey, look!
(They all notice the Egg was glowing)
Everyone: (gasps)
Jewel: The Egg!
???: It's glowing!
All Heroes: Who's that Pokemon?
(Back to the show)
(The Egg was still glowing as everyone watches with amazement)
(Then the top of the Egg was cracking)
Ellie: Look, it's starting to crack!
Buck: I think it's starting to hatch!
???: (gasps) It's hatching?!
???: Already?!
Pikachu: (amazed) Pika...
Toothless: (groans amazed)
???: It won't be long now!
(The Egg glowed brightly that it blinded everyone)
Pleakly: (covers his eyes) Ah, so bright!
???: Like a big bright shining star!
(The bright light vanishes and the Egg has hatched)
(The eyes of the Pokemon that was in the Egg opened up)
Ash Ketchum: Huh? (Notices the Pokemon and gasps)
(It was a Riolu)
Ash Ketchum: Alright!
Astrid: The egg hatched!
Hiccup: And it's a Riolu!
Goh: Amazing!
(He checks his Rotom Phone)
Rotom Phone: Riolu. The Emanation Pokemon. A Fighting-Type. Riolu can understand how people and Pokemon feel by observing a kind of wave called Aura. It has a flexible body with enough power to cross three mountains and two canyons in one night.
Goh: (giggles) So that's a Riolu, huh?
Sakura Avalon: It sure is!
???: Aww, and its such a cute one!
Roxy: It sure is. Hello there, little Riolu.
Flora: Hey little guy, aren't you cute?
(Riolu looks at them then to Ash)
Ash Ketchum: Riolu, nice to meet you! I'm Ash. This my partner, Pikachu.
Pikachu: (greetings) Pikachu!
(Riolu had a shock and concerned look as it looked around as if it was trying to find something)
Hiccup: Hey what are you looking for little guy?
Ash Ketchum: Huh? What's wrong, Riolu?
(But as he reached his hand out to it)
Riolu: Riolu!
(It then used Vaccum Wave as Ash gets hit and was sent flying)
Ash Ketchum: (yells)
Yugi Muto: Ash!
(He lands on his bed)
Astrid: (gasps) Ash!
???: Are you okay?!
Pikachu: (to Riolu; scolding) Pika!
Toothless, Light Fury, Stormfly, and Cloudjumper: (growls at Riolu)
(Ash gets up)
Ash Ketchum: (laughs; to Pikachu, Toothless, Light Fury, Stormfly, and Cloudjumper) I'm just fine, you guys! (To Riolu) Riolu, was that move Vacuum Wave? (laughs) You're pretty awesome! I mean, you only just hatched!
Riolu: Rio... (turns to the window)
(Riolu then breaks out)
Emerl: Hey, what...?!
Ash Ketchum: Riolu?
Hiccup: Where are you going?
(Riolu runs away)
???: It's heading into the forest!
???: We can't let it get away! It's still just a hatchling!
???: Yeah, who knows what trouble it'll get into should it encounter a stronger Pokemon than itself.
Tigress: Come on!
(Ash, and the others went off)
(In the woods Riolu was running and found a pond with Poliwrath, Poliwhirl, Poliwag)
Riolu: Riolu! (jumps up)
(The Poliwhirl and Poliwag noticed Riolu in concern)
(Riolu tackles the Poliwrath but bounced off it)
(Riolu fell into the pond)
(Riolu came up and shook off the water)
(But then it noticed it was surrounded by Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Poliwrath)
(One Poliwrath fired its Water Gun)
(Riolu dodges it by jumping up and then used Vaccum Wave)
(But it had no effect)
Riolu: (gasps)
Poliwrath: (to its friends) Poli!
(The Poliwhirl and Poliwag fired their water attacks and Riolu was sent flying as it pained)
(To our heroes)
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Toothless: (roars out to Riolu)
Ash Ketchum: Riolu?
Hiccup: Riolu, where are you?
???: Where'd you go?
Goh: Riolu!
???: Riolu?!
???: Riolu, shout if you can hear us!
Petrie: Come out, come out, where ever you are?
Pikachu: Pika!
Ash Ketchum: Riolu!
???: (sighs) I don't see it!
Brooklyn: Yeah, no sign of it anywhere!
Goh: Ash, where could it have gone?
Rattrap: Good question.
Ash Ketchum: We've gotta find it!
Goh: But we're talking about a Pokemon who's able to cross three mountains and two canyons in one night! How do we do that?
Branch: We just have to try!
???: Yeah, Riolu could get itself into trouble if we don't find it in time!
Ash Ketchum: ???'s right. Riolu only just hatched, remember? There are a lot of things that it doesn't know. And I can't just leave it alone in the wild like that.
Goh: But Ash...
Ash Ketchum: When it was an Egg... I was so sure that it was calling me!
(Flashback to when Ash first sensed Riolu's Aura)
(Flashback ends)
Ash Ketchum: At least that's how I felt.
(Flashback at the Pokemon Center)
(Flashback ends)
Ash Ketchum: Remember what Nurse Joy said? She told us it had been an Egg for a long time. It gave me hope.
Pikachu: Pika?
Toothless and Light Fury: (groans)
Ash Ketchum: I was so certain Riolu was waiting for me! I guess I was wrong.
Elsa: No, you're not Ash!
???: Yeah, if that's what you felt, then you're probably correct since
Goliath: She's right. Since Riolu was only an Egg when it first called to you, it probably didn't recognize you as the Aura it sensed before it finally hatched.
Elisa Maza: Goliath's right! Don't worry cous', we'll find it no matter what! (to Goh) Right?!
Goh: Right! Let's do this!
Ash Ketchum: Hmm?
Goh: Rattrap, Chazz, Lexington, Crow, ???, ???, ???, ???, ??, ???, ???, ????, ???, Raboot, and I will head over this way. The Winx, Blu, ???, ???, ???, and will search from the sky! You, Hiccup, Astrid, Valka, Goliath, Brooklyn, Hudson, Yi, Littlefoot, Pikachu and the others go that way! That will allow us both to cover a lot more ground!
Ash Ketchum: Got it!
???: Alright then, time to start searching!
Bloom: Right! Let's tranform Winx!
???: We'll come and find you guys, when we find Riolu!
???: See ya guys!
(They flew off)
???: Good luck!
Emerl: Let's get going everybody!
Pikachu: Pika!
(They ran off to find Riolu)
Ash Ketchum: Thanks a lot, Goh!
Goh: Well make sure that we find it, okay?
Ash Ketchum: Right!
(They all head out to find Riolu)
(Riolu was then seen running in the woods were it confronted a Butterfree)
Butterfree: Free!
(Butterfree used Stun Spore)
(Riolu whimpers as it gets stunned)
(Then it was seen battling a couple Rattata)
(But the Rattata overwhelm it)
Riolu: (whimpering)
(Then it battled Digglet but then dodged its kick and gets hit by Mud Shot)
Riolu: (whimpers)
(Later Riolu was seen exhausted and it collapsed injured and tired but then it got up and ran off again)
Goh: Riolu!
???: Where are you?
???: Show yourself, Riolu!
Crow Hogan: (looking around and groaned in disappointment) Not here either!
???: Well, that's bummer.
Goh: Where is it?
Lexington: Beats me. It could be anywhere!
(To the Winx, Blu
???: (shouting) Riolu!
???: Where are you?!
???: Roxy, can hear where it is?
Roxy: (trying to sense Riolu's presence and sighs in disappointment) No, I can't feel its presence anywhere.
???: (sighs) It's alright.
???: Come on, we got to find it! Who knows what it might encounter out here in the forest!
(Riolu was seen running in the woods till it spotted a cliff up and ahead and continued)
(Riolu climbed up the cliff)
(But then the cliff started to move and Riolu was sent flying till it hit the floor hard)
(It was a wild Onix and it was mad as it roared at Riolu)
(Pikachu and Toothless heard something)
Pikachu: Pika?
Toothless: (roars to the others)
Hiccup: What is it, bud?
(They turn to the rocky cliff and heard Onix growling)
???: Whoa.
???: What was that?
Ash Ketchum: Hey, wait. Isn't that...
Goku: We better check it out!
(Onix attacks Riolu with its tail)
Riolu: Rio! (jumps)
(Onix's tail smash the spot it was in)
Riolu: Riolu!
(Fires Vaccum Wave and hits Onix but Onix wasn't affected)
(Onix then used Rock Throw)
(Riolu dodges and jumps and tackles Onix at the head but no effect)
(Onix then used Dragon Tail)
(Riolu was hit hard and hits the floor rough)
Riolu: (groaning)
Broadway (V.O.): There it is!
Ash Ketchum (V.O.): Riolu!
(Riolu turns to its right to notice Ash and the others)
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Hiccup: There you are!
???: (laughs in relief) We found you!
Ash Ketchum: You alright?
(Then run to Riolu)
Pikachu: Pika, pi!
Ash Ketchum: Riolu!
Onix: (growling)
Ash Ketchum: (notices) Huh?
Sakura Avalon: (gasps) Lookout an Onix!
???: And it looks mad!
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu...
Pikachu: Pikachu!
(As they get ready Riolu senses Ash's Aura much to its gasp upon realizing that Ash was the one)
Hiccup: Go 'em Ash!
Astrid: Yeah, take 'em down, bro-in-law!
Ash Ketchum: Okay, Pikachu, use Iron Tail!
Pikachu: (affirmative) Pikachu!
Riolu: (surprised) Riol...
(Pikachu uses Iron Tail and struck Onix at the head)
Kero: Ooh! Straight at the head!
???: That's gotta be a nasty headache.
Ash Ketchum: Nice one, Pikachu!
Pikachu: Pika, pika!
Pikachu: Pikachu...
(But then Riolu pushes Pikachu out of the way)
???: Huh?!
???: Riolu?!
Astrid: What are you doing?
Ash Ketchum: Riolu....
Riolu: Riolu, olu! Olu, olu. Olu! Oir! Oir!
Ash Ketchum: Do you...
Riolu: (insists) Olu, olu. Olu! Oir! Oir!
Cole Evans: I think it wants to battle alongside with you, Ash!
???: Yeah, it wants to get stronger with you!
(Ash was surprised)
Ash Ketchum: Do you wanna get stronger?
Riolu: (affirmative) Riolu!
Jewel: (laughs) Guess that's a yes!
Ash Ketchum: Well, if that's what you want, then help me out!
(Riolu understood much to the proud Ash)
Riolu: (notices) Rio!
(Onix was readying another Rock Throw)
Kero: Lookout, it's Onix's Rock Throw!
Ash Ketchum: Riolu, Vacuum Wave!
Riolu: (understood) Riolu, olu!
(Riolu uses Vacuum Wave and destroys Onix's attack)
Onix: (groans)
???: It broke through the attack!
Syrus Truesdale: Alright!
Ash Ketchum: Way to go, Riolu! Let's do this! Go!
(Riolu charges towards Onix and tackles hard at Onix's head)
Onix: (groans)
(Onix then fell down to the floor while Riolu landed down on its feet then charges to Onix as it gets back up)
(Onix startled had enough and used Dig to get away)
(Riolu was about to pursue Onix with Vacuum Wave)
Ash Ketchum: Stop!
(Riolu halts)
Ash Ketchum: Let Sakura do the rest.
Sakura Avalon: Thanks Ash. Lucario go stop Onix from escape by using Aura Sphere on the ground.
(Sakura's Shiny Lucario popout her Pokeball and then use Aura Sphere on the ground and hit Onix as he out from the ground)
Sakura Avalon: Now use Force Palm to finish it up.
(Sakura's Shiny Lucario use Force Palm and hit Onix as he paraylzed)
Kero: Now's your chance Sakura!
Sakura Avalon: Right! Go Pokeball! (She throws her PokeBall)
(Onix enter the Pokeball, then wobbled three times until capture complete)
Sakura Avalon: Alright! I caught an Onix!
Pikachu: Pi-Pikachu!
Madison Taylor: Great catch Sakura!
Ash Ketchum: Riolu, that was awesome! Your battling was realy something else!
Pikachu: (agrees) Pika, pika!
Toothless: (groans in agreement)
Hiccup: He's, right little guy you were awesome!
Goku: (laughs) Especially, since you just hatched!
Po the Panda: Yeah, you got a warrior's spirit!
Riolu: (proud) Riolu!
(But them groaned from the injury it had from its previous battles as it almost collapsed)
Hiccup: Whoa, you okay?
Ash Ketchum: You're beat!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
(Riolu gets up from Ash)
Ash Ketchum: Huh? (Offers a back ride) Let's go! To the Pokemon Center! Climb on. It's alright.
Riolu: Ri...
(Riolu refuses the back ride)
Riolu: Olu!
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
(Riolu then walks)
Pikachu: Pika?
Elisa Maza: Huh, I guess Riolu wants to walk there.
Ash Ketchum: You're pretty stubborn, aren't you?
(Gets up and he and the other left with Riolu)
Pikachu: Pika!
(The next morning at the Pokemon Center)
Nurse Joy: There. Riolu's in good health and feeling fine!
Sakura Avalon: What a relief!
Ash Ketchum: Good for you, Riolu!
(Offer to pick him)
Riolu: Rio...
(Gets down by itself)
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Gobber: (laughs) Stubborn little guy aren't you?
Goh: (giggles) You know, that Pokemon's kinda fun!
Riolu: (to Ash) Riolu!
Riolu: Riolu, olu, olu, olu!
Pikachu: Pika?
Riolu: Riolu!
Pearl: Uh, something wrong?
Nurse Joy: It looks like Riolu's trying to tell you something.
Ash Ketchum: Huh?
Goku: It is?
Nurse Joy: I think it wants you to catch it!
Eddy: It does?!
Ash Ketchum: (surprised) Huh? You sure you want that?
Riolu: (affirmative) Olu, olu, olu!
Astrid: (laughs) Guess that's a yes!
Hiccup: Go for it, Ash!
(Ash takes out a Pokeball)
Ash Ketchum: Here goes! (Tosses the Pokeball)
(The ball hits Riolu and it went in)
(Capture was a success)
Alex: Whoa!
Goh: That was quick!
Maurice: Agreed!
Ash Ketchum: Yes! I caught a Riolu!
Pikachu: (celebrating) Pika, pika!
Emerl: Congratulations, Ash! You got a new friend in your team!
(Outside the Pokemon Center Ash calls Riolu out)
Narrator: After hatching from an Egg, a slightly stubborn Riolu has joined Ash's team. Along with Riolu, our hero will continue his quest to compete successfully in the World Coronation Series, as the journey continues!
(the episode ends)