Cassie is a shy, demure, and sweet pink female dragon and Emmy's best friend. She possesses a magical tendency to shrink when unhappy, and may occasionally come across as slightly insecure and uncertain, and is prone to worrying. However, Cassie is distinguished by her maternal sweetness as a result of her responsibilities as an older sister and babysitter to a humongous myriad of younger siblings, and has been shown to be gifted with great singing and dancing abilities, as revealed in one episode. Cassie also is characterized by her color combination consisting of pink and yellow, albeit her body is spotted with blue speckles in some areas.
- Cassie will meet Pooh and his friends in Pooh's Adventures of Dragon Tales.
- Cassie will meet Emerl & his friends in Team Robot In Pokemon XY The Series
- Cassie's voice is Chantal Strand and shares the voice of Molly Williams.
- Cassie will appear in Harmony in Dragon Land from Power Rangers Data Squad.
- Cassie will guest star in Pooh's Adventures of Eragon.
- Cassie will join the team in Pooh's Adventures of Animated Hero Classics: Alexander Graham Bell.
- Cassie will make her first debut in Winnie the Pooh Rides on the Carousel.