This is a category for characters that are Ponies.
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All items (448)
- Adam
- Airheart
- Alexis and Jim
- All Aboard
- Aloe
- Amethyst Star
- Angus and Fergus
- Animaestro (Character)
- Apple Bottom
- Apple Bread
- Apple Brown Betty
- Apple Cider
- Apple Cinnamon
- Apple Cobbler
- Apple Crumble
- Apple Dumpling
- Apple Family
- Apple Feather
- Apple Flora
- Apple Fritter
- Apple Honey
- Apple Leaves
- Apple Mint
- Apple Munchies
- Apple Rose
- Apple Slice
- Apple Split
- Apple Squash
- Apple Strudel
- Applejack
- Applejack (Stallion version)
- Applepills
- April Showers
- Arachna
- Armor Bride, Sweetie Heart, Scander, and Britney Sweet
- Aunt and Uncle Orange
- Auntie Applesauce
- Autumn Blaze
- Babs Seed
- Banana Fluff
- Barret Barricade
- Beauty Brass
- Belle
- Berry Bubble
- Berry Punch
- Bertram
- Big McIntosh
- Big Shot
- Birthday Bash
- Blue Meadow
- Blue Star
- Braeburn
- Brainanna
- Bright Mac and Pear Butter
- Brolly
- Brown Sugar
- Brownie
- Bubble Berry
- Bushel
- Buttercup (Toy Story)
- Butterscotch
- Button Mash
- Campbell Morton
- Candy Apples
- Caramel Apple
- Carnival Cat
- Chancellor Neighsay
- Cheerilee
- Cheery Leery
- Cheese Sandwich
- Cherry Berry
- Cherry Fizzy
- Cherry Jubilee
- Chi-Chi (MLP)
- Chocolate Soufflette
- Chocolate Sun
- Cici
- Cinderella
- Cloud Kicker
- Cloudchaser
- Coco Pommel
- Colgate
- Comet Tail
- Copper (Pony)
- Cotton Cloudy
- Cozy Glow
- Crafty Crate
- Cream Puff
- Creme Brulee
- Crescent Moon
- Cullen
- Curly Cobbler
- Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo)
- Daffodil
- Daisy (My Little Pony)
- Dapple
- Daring Do
- Daybreaker
- Den and Dart
- Derpy Hooves
- Descent and Nightingale
- Diamond Heart
- Diamond Tiara
- Diesel 199
- Diggy
- Dinky Doo
- DJ Pon-3
- Doctor Horse
- Dolce (Tokidoki)
- Dollar Fancy
- Donut Joe
- Dosie Dough
- Double Diamond
- Dr. Caballeron
- Dr. Incubator
- Dragonsly
- Dusk Shine
- Fancypants
- Fawnna
- Featherweight
- Ferris
- Fiddly Faddle
- Figgy Trailblazer
- Filthy Rich
- Fire Streak
- Firelight
- Fizzlepop Berrytwist
- Flash Magnus
- Flash Sentry
- Fleetfoot
- Fleur De Lis
- Flim Flam Brothers
- Flitter
- Flora
- Florina
- Fluffle Puff
- Flurry Heart
- Fluttercreep
- Fluttershout
- Fluttershy