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This is a transcript of Caution: Icy Battle Conditions! in Team Robot in Pokemon Black and White The Series.

(The episode begins)

Narrator: Our heroes have arrived in Icirrus City after meeting Icirrus gym leader Brycen. Which Means, it will soon be time for Ash to try for his seventh Unova gym badge!

(We see Ash's Krokorok practicing its punches)

Eddy: Now's that's what I call spunk!

???: (laughs) Krokorok sure is pumped up for battle!

Double-D: For sure.

Ash Ketchum: Alright, looking good, Krokorok!

Krokorok: Krok!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

Axew: Axew, Axew!

Iris: Dont' forget. Beartic can offer up some serious and aggressive battling. There will be no holding back today!

Cilan: Good point. I detect the pungent aroma of an unforgettable match!

Ash Ketchum: Awesome! Let's get to the Icirrus' gym!

Krokorok: Krokorok!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Axew: Axew!

(Team Robot in Pokemon Black and White BW Rival Destinies opening plays)

Ash Ketchum (V.O.): Caution: Icy Battle Conditions!

(Our heroes arrive at the Gym entrance)

Ash Ketchum: We're here!

Krokorok: Krokorok!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

(Then the door opened and mist came out)

All heroes: Huh?

(The door opened up and they went in except for Iris and Axew)

(After coming in it was freezing cold as the heroes shiver)

???: It's so cold!

Cilan: It's freezing!

Iris (V.O.): It is true...

Axew: Axew.

Ash Ketchum: What's true?

(They find Iris in a snow coat and Axew wearing a snow hat)

Ed: Whoa! How did you know this place was going to be cold?!

Iris: Nurse Joy filled me in! She said it was an ice-cold, Ice-Type gym!

Axew: Ew!

CIlan: Well, you look toasty.

Double-D: Very toasty.

Ed: Toast? Where?

Ash Ketchum: Just wait! Our battle's gonna heat up this gym in no time!

Krokorok: (arees) Kroko!

Ash Ketchum: Let's go!

(Pikachu and Krokorok followed)

???: (laughs) Ash sure is ready for battle!

Cilan and Iris: (chuckle)

???: Come on guys, let's go cheer for Ash!

(They followed Ash, Krokorok and Pikachu)

(Ash, Krokorok and Pikachu enter the battlefield but then slipped a bit till they fell down)

Cilan: Ash, no!

Iris: You get so carried away! What little kid!

Eddy: Iris.

(Ash, Pikachu, and Krokorok get up and groan)

Ash Ketchum: Man, that hurts...Huh?

(He find the ice-like battlefield)

???: Wow! Look at this battlefield!

As Ketchum: It's made of ice.

Krokorok: Kroko!

Pikachu: Pika!

Iris: I'm so glad I dressed for the occasion!

Axew: (agreed) Ew!

Brycen (V.O.): Well, well....

All heroes: Huh?

(The lights turn on to reveal Brycen)

Ash Ketchum: Brycen!

Brycen: Greetings! Welcome to my Icirrus gym ice castle! I've been waiting for you, Ash.

Ash Ketchum: Great! And thanks for having us in!

Brycen: I'm pleased to see the fire in your eyes!

(Ash proudly smiles with Pikachu)

Brycen: So then, what do you think of my frozen battlefield? Ice-Types are my specialty! For that reason I designed the entire gym as a solid field of ice! And now you stand before me, a lone trainer surrounded by battle challenges!

Ash Ketchum: I'm not alone! I've got my Pokemon with me!

Pikachu: Pika!

Krokorok: Kroko!

Brycen: Good answer. Now your task is to see how much heat you and your Pokemon can bring to my icy world. I gladly accept your challenge!

Ash Ketchum: (nods) Hmm.

(Moments later)

Brycen: Our judge will be one of my students.

Brycen's Student: Hai! (to Ash) Challenger! I'm honored to serve you!

Ash Ketchum: Thank you, but the honor's all mine!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

Krokorok: Krokorok!

Brycen's student: (to Brycen) Sifu, shall we proceed?

Brycen: (nods) Hmm.

Brycen's student: Alright, the Icirrus gym battle will now begin. Each side will have the use of three Pokemon, and the battle is over when all three Pokemon on one side are unable to continue. Furthermore, only the challenger is allowed to substitute Pokemon! Now...begin!

???: Got get 'em Ash!

Ash Ketchum: (to Krokorok) Okay... battle time! You ready?

Krokorok: (affirmative) Kroko!

(Krokorok runs forward)

Krokorok: Krokorok!

???: Yeah, go for it, Krokorok!

Iris: You can do it!

Axew: (cheering) Axew!

Brycen: But, Ash, Krokorok is a Ground and Dark-Type, so it's vulnerable against Ice-Types!

Ash Ketchum: Maybe, Brycen...but I'm betting on Krokorok's sprit!

Brycen: Of course. Spirit would mean a lot to you. But Ash, spirit alone won't defeat my Ice-Types! Now, Vanillish! (Tosses out his Pokeball)

(Vanillish pops out)

Vanillish: Vanillish!

Krokorok: Krokorok!

Ash Ketchum: A Vanillish! (Checks his Pokedex)

Pokedex: Vanillish, they Icy Snow Pokemon, and the evolved form of Vanillite. Vanillish creates ice energy internally by drinking water from lakes or rivers.

???: Whoa! A Vanillish!

Iris: He's not using Beartic.

Cilan: One should always reserve the dessert course for last!

Ash Ketchum: Finish this quick with Crunch!

(Krokorok prepares to use Crunch till...)

Brycen: Astonish!

(Vanillish uses Astonish spins up and uses Astonish)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

Pikachu: Pika!

(Krokorok gets hit by the Astonish and gets knocked over)

???: Krokorok got hit by Vanillish's Astonish attack!

Iris: Oh, no!

Axew: Axew!

Cilan: This is not my taste!

Ash Ketchum: Krokorok!

Pikachu: (worried) Pikachu!

(Krokorok gets up and was okay)

???: Well, it's back up. But the question is how long?

Iris: This is gonna give me bad dreams!

Axew: Axew, Ew!

Cilan: Using Astonish can make an opponent flinch so they can't attack!

Ash Ketchum: Whoa, who knew he'd use a move like that to avoid Crunch?

Brycen: I look to control the battle in ways my opponent doesn't expect. If you're confused already, you've lost!

Ash Ketchum: See how you like this! Use Stone Edge!

(Krokorok prepares to use Stone Edge till...)

Brycen: Icicle Spear!

(Vanillish launches Icicle Spear while Krokorok uses Stone Edge)

(Both attacks made impact)

Krokorok: Krok?

(Then one Icicle Spear hits it)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

Pikachu: Pika!

Brycen: Now Blizzard!

(Vanillish then uses Blizzard)

???: Lookout!

Ash Ketchum: Use Dig and dodge it!

(Krokorok quickly uses Dig but its bottom half got frozen by Blizzard)

???: Oh no! It's been frozen!

Ash Ketchum: No way!

Pikachu: Pika!

Iris: (gasps) Frozen solid!

???: Very solid!

Axew: Axew, Ew!

Cilan: It's so fast, there's no time to counter with super-effective moves and effects! Krokorok isn't doing well at all!

(Krokorok tries to break the ice of its bottom half of its body but no luck)

Ash Ketchum: We can't even attack!

Brycen: Use Mirror Shot!

(Vanillish uses Mirror Shot and makes impact on Krokorok as it gets hit and falls to the floor much to Ash's shock)

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash Ketchum: (grunts; takes out his Pokeball) Krokorok, return for now! (calls Krokorok back to its Pokeball)

Brycen: Good. That's nothing to be ashamed of. Show me your next Pokemon!

(Ash takes out another Pokeball)

Ash Ketchum: Scraggy, I choose you! (tosses his Pokeball)

(Scraggy pops out)

Scraggy: Scraggy!

???: You can do it, Scraggy!

Axew: (cheering) Ew, Ew, Ew, Ew, Ew!

Iris: Scraggy, I know this your first gym battle, so be strong and go get 'em!

Axew: (continues cheering) Axew, Axew, Ew, Ew!

Cilan: Now that's a fresh pick! The second Scraggy's Pokeball opened, I could taste the anticipation! This is getting interesting!

Scraggy: (determined) Scraggy!

Brycen: Hmm. It's a Fighting-Type. Wise choice indeed!

Ash Ketchum: Scraggy! High Jump Kick!

(Scraggy uses High Jump Kick till...)

Brycen: Dodge it, now!

(Vanillish dodges it and Scraggy hits an ice rock)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

(Scraggy falls down and pained from its knees)

???: Ooh! It must've taken a bad hit upon impact from that ice!

Iris: That's gotta hurt bad!

Axew: (worried) Axew!

Cilan: Launching a High Jump Kick that misses can cause a lot of damage!

???: For sure!

Ash Ketchum: Scraggy, are you okay?

(Scraggy shakes itself and gets ready for another round)

Brycen: Now let's see what else you've got!

Ash Ketchum: Scraggy, Headbutt!

(Scraggy charges with its Headbutt but Vanilish dodges it and Scraggy almost hits another ice rock till it stopped in time)

Ash Ketchum: It dodged again!

Pikachu: Pika!

Iris: It's just so frustrating!

???: For sure!

Iris and ???: (really upset) Vanillish keeps changing its battling styles!

Axew: Ax, Ax, Axew!

Cilan: It was an all-out attack when battling Krokorok, but now, Vanilish simply floats in the air and taunts Scraggy! It's a mystery, and an acquired taste!

Brycen: Use Icicle Spear!

(Vanillish uses Icicle Spear)

Ash Ketchum: Scraggy, Defense!

(Scraggy uses Defense to shield itself from the Icicle Spears and stop it)

???: It worked!

Brycen: What?

Ash Ketchum: Way to go!

Pikachu: Pika!

Iris: That was great!

???: Sure was!

Axew: Axew!

Cilan: Truly a four star defense!

Ash Ketchum: That's the way to do it, yeah!

Scraggy: Scraggy!

Brycen: An interesting way to defend. Alright, Blizzard!

(Vanillish uses Blizzard)

Ash Ketchum: Focus Blast!

(Scraggy prepares Focus Blast as Blizzard freezes around the gym room, as Iris, Cilan, and the heroes feel cold)

Iris: I hate the cold!

Axew: Ew!

???: (freezing) We get that Iris!

Cilan: This' a true Ice-Type Gym! The freeing cold gets all the way into your bones. This Blizzard should win a gold medal!

???: For sure.

(Scraggy was still preparing its Focus Blast till it was ready and tosses it but it seemingly misses Vanillish)

Brycen: What an interesting aim.

(But then Focus Blast makes impact on Vanillish's behind)

Brycen: Huh?

Ash Ketchum: Huh?! It really hit!

Pikachu: Pika!

(The heroes all gasps with amazement)

Iris: Perfect! Super effective!

Cilan: Ash still has a chance to win!

???: Keep it up Ash!

Brycen: That was a perfect example of luck!

Ash Ketchum: Oh, yeah? Scraggy, Headbutt!

(Scraggy prepares makes impact on Vanillish with Headbutt and it fell defeated)

Brycen's student: Vanillish is unable to battle! Scraggy's the winner!

Ash Ketchum: Way to go! Way to go! We did it!

Pikachu: (cheering) Pikachu!

Scraggy: (proud) Scraggy!

???: Hooray! They did it!

Axew: (happy) Ew, Axew, Axew!

Cilan: Scraggy's confidence should get a big boost!

Iris: (to Axew) Scraggy's so strong now and you can be just as strong!

Axew: Ew!

Brycen: Vanillish, return. You battled well! (calls Vanillish back to its Pokebal. He takes out another Pokeballl) Time for my second Pokemon! Now, Cryogonal! (tosses his Pokeball)

(A Cryoganal pops out)

Cryoganal: Cryoganal!

All Heroes: Who's That Pokemon? It's Vanillish!

(Back to the show)

(Ash takes out his Pokedex)

Pokedex: Cryogonal, the Crystalizing Pokemon. Cryogonal originates from arctic sky clouds and floats down to the ground amidst snowfall.

Ash Ketchum: 'Kay, keep up the great wrok, Scraggy!

Scraggy: Scrag!

Brycen: Bring it on!

Ash Ketchum: Headbutt!

(Scraggy charges with Headbutt)

Brycen: Rapid Spin!

(Cryogonal uses Rapid Spin and Scraggy bounced off upon impact)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

???: What just happened?!

Iris: It bounced off!

Axew: Ew, Ew!

Cilan: This smacks of lost control!

(Cryogonal continues spinning with its Rapid Spin around Scraggy)

Scraggy: Scrag?

(Cryogonal continues going around till it began to attack it 2 times)

Ash Ketchum: Stop it with Focus Blast!

(Scraggy uses Focus Blast but it missed)

Brycen: It appears that your luck has just run out. Aurora Beam!

(Cryogonal uses Aurora Beam)

Ash Ketchum: Defense, quick!

Pikachu: Pika!

(Scraggy uses Defense got hit)

Ash Ketchum: Scraggy!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

(Scraggy was defeated)

Brycen's Student: Scraggy is unable to battle! Cryogonal's the winner!

Cryogonal: Cryogonal!

???: Aw, man.

Axew: (disappointed) Ew.

Iris: It's one and one.

Cilan: And that Rapid Spin is big trouble!

Ash Ketchum: (picks up Scraggy) Scraggy, you were great! Thank you.

Scraggy: Scrag.

Pikachu: Pika!

(Then Scraggy Headbutts Ash as he groaned)

Ash Ketchum: Don't worry, I'm gonna win!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash Ketchum: Now you take a nice, long rest!

Scraggy: Scraggy!

(Ash calls Scraggy back to its Pokeball)

Ash Ketchum: (brings out another Pokeball) Okay, Pignite, I choose you! (tosses his Pokeball)

(Pignite pops out)

Pignite: Pignite!

Brycen: A Fire-Type.

Ash Ketchum: Pignite, Flame Charge, go!

(Pignite charges with Flame Charge)

Brycen: Use Reflect!

(Cryogonal uses Reflect just as Pignite makes impact but to its shock Cryogonal was still okay)

Ash Ketchum: It's alright?!

Brycen: Reflect cut your attack's power in half! You won't melt ice that easily.

Ash Ketchum: Flamethrower!

(Piginite uses Flamethrower)

Brycen: Rapid Spin!

(Cryogonal uses Rapid Spin just as Flamethrower hits but no effect much to Pignite's surprise before getting hit)

Ash Ketchum: (gasps)

???: (gasps) No effect!

???: No way!

Iris: Even after that Flamethrower?

Cilan: Cryogonal's Rapid Spin is so powerful that it's able to deflect moves it would normally be weak against!

???: Whoa, no kidding?!

Iris: Of course. That's why he's a gym leader!

Cilan: With flawless strategy!

(Cryogonal spins up)

Brycen: Frost Breath, let's go!

(Cryogonal uses Frost Breath as Pignite stood its ground)

Ash Ketchum: Hang tough, Pignite!

Brycen: Now use Rapid Spin!

(Cryogonal uses Rapid Spin as Ash grunts and gasps upon realizing something)

Ash Ketchum: That's it! Pignite, use Fire Pledge! And aim for its center!

(Pignite jumps and uses Fire Pledge and it hits Cryogonal's center and make impact)

Ash Ketchum: Alright, that did it!

(Cryogonal falls defeated)

Brycen's Student: Cryogonal is unable to battle! Pignite's the winner!

Ash Ketchum: One more, then, we win!

Pikachu: Pika!

Pignite: (snorts out fire) Pignite!

Brycen: Pignite's Fire Pledge is impressive. (takes out Cryogonal's Pokeball; to Cryogonal) You worked hard! Now, return! (calls Cryogonal back to its Pokeball)

???: Ha-Ha! Two opponent Pokemon down just one more to go and Ash wins!

Iris: Ash's is doing so well!

Axew: Axew!

Cilan: Aiming for the center of the Rapid Spin so that it couldn't be deflected was brilliant! Ash in on!

Brycen: Now for my third Pokemon! Sweep across the screen like a storm! The white lord of ice, Beartic, come forth! (tosses his Pokeball)

(Beartic pops out)

Beartic: (growls)

Pignite: Pignite....

Ash Ketchum: I've been waiting for Beartic.

Pikachu: Pika!

Brycen: Since we began, you've shown me the bonds betweeen you and your Pokemon! And now, it's time we showed you the same.

Beartic: Beartic!

Ash Ketchum: We're ready! Flame Charge, go!

(Pignite fires up and uses Flame Charge)

Brycen: Use Brine!

(Beartic uses Brine and makes impact on Pignite)

Ash Ketchum: You okay Pignite?

???: What just happened?!

Iris: Pignite's flame went out!

Cilan: Brycen's strategy for Fire-Types. Brine was perfect!

???: You can say that again.

(Pignite struggled to get up)

Brycen: Use Icicle Crash!

(Beartic uses Icicle Crash causing Icicles to form and head straight to Pignite and make impact)

Ash Ketchum: Pignite!

(As the smoke cleared out Pignite was still on its feet, though it struggled to stay up)

Ash Ketchum: Pignite, hang in there!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

???: Looks like trouble!

Cilan: Pignite's take too much damage!

Iris: Come on, Pignite, battle back!

Brycen: Aerial Ace!

(Beartic charges with Aerial Ace)

Ash Ketchum: Hold on....Aerial Ace?

(Pignite avoids Beartic but then slipped down, and Beartic was coming back fast and makes impact as Pignite was sent flying)

(Pignite fell down to the floor and was defeated)

Brycen's Student: Pignite is unable to battle! Beartic wins!

Ash Ketchum: No way! A Fire-Types should be all over an Ice-Type!

Cilan: Aerial Ace must be his strategy against Fighting-Types like Pignite.

Iris: When it comes to Flying-Type moves, Fighting-Types are weak!

???: Whoa! No kidding?

(Ash calls Pignite back to its Pokeball)

Ash Ketchum: Thank you, Pignite! You deserve a good rest!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash Ketchum: It'll be fine, Pikachu. Our winning Pokemon is right in here! Alright, Krokorok, I choose you! (tosses his Pokeball)

(Krokorok pops out)

Krokorok: Krokorok! (lands down)

???: Go Krokorok!

???: Yeah, give 'em everything you got!

Iris: Show Beartic who's the boss!

Axew: Axew!

???: (notices Cilan looked concern) What's wrong Cilan?

Cilan: Krokorok still must feel damage. This won't be easy!

Ash Ketchum: Krokorok! You were waiting for this battle, weren't you? Make it worth the wait!

Krokorok: (affirmative) Kroko!

(They waited till)

Ash Ketchum: Stone Edge, go!

(Krokorok uses Stone Edge)

Brycen: Icicle Crash!

(Beartic uses Icicle Crash and the Icicles block the Stone Edge and cause it to reflect back to Krokorok as it avoids each falling sharp stones.)

???: Oh no!

Iris: (worried) Krokorok!

???: What just happened?!

Cilan: They used Icicle Crash as a defense!

Ash Ketchum: Krokorok, use Crunch!

(Korokorok uses Crunch)

Brycen: Beartic, Ice Punch!

(Beartic uses Ice Punch and both attacks made impact on each other till BOOM. Beartic stood back but for a shock Beartic's Ice Punch froze Krokork's snout)

Ash Ketchum: Uh-oh!

Iris: Krokorok's snout!

Brycen: Now what do you do, Ash? Use Brine!

(Beartic uses Brine)

???: Here it comes!

Cilan: Oh, no, this could mean huge damage!

Iris: Krokorok, dodge!

Axew: Axew, Ew!

Ash Ketchum: Jump, Krokorok!

(Krokorok jumps up to avoid Brine then jumps a few ice rocks to the air before managing to get the ice off of its snout)

Ash Ketchum: You got it off!

Brycen: Huh. Well done.

(Krokorok was still up till....)

Ash Ketchum: Now, use Stone Edge!

(Krokorok uses Stone Edge and it hit Beartic as it covers itself with its arms)

Ash Ketchum: It's a hit!

Pikachu: Pika!

Iris: That was super effective!

???: For sure!

Cilan: But it's not over yet. Krokorok's really tired.

(Krokorok lands down)

Ash Ketchum: Now let's finish this up with Dig!

(Krokorok quickly uses Dig to go under the ice. Beartic waits but then Krokorok comes out and punch Beartic under its head)

Brycen: Grab Krokorok!

(Beartic then grabed Krokorok by the tail and spun him around)

Brycen: Now throw it!

(Beartic throws Krokorok and it hit an ice rock)

Ash Ketchum: Krokorok no!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

???: Whoa!

Iris: Incredible!

Cilan: Even while being attacked, Beartic looks for a chance to counter! Excellent!

(But then Krokorok breaks out of the ice pile it was in before giving itself a slap in the face)

Ash Ketchum: Now that's what I'm talking about!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash Ketchum: Brycen, hey! I finally figured out why Krokorok doesn't wanna lose!

Brycen: Ha.

Ash Ketchum: Beartic's really strong so Krokorok wants to be strong, too! (to Krokorok) Isn't that right?

Krokorok: Kroko!

Ash Ketchum: And to do that, Krokorok needs to defeat Beartic right here! That's why we're gonna win!

Krokorok: Krokorok!

Iris: Oh, wow, I am so stoked!

All heroes: Us too!

Cilan: As am I! It's a true blending of battling flavors! The whole battlefield is infused with Pokemon and trainer team spirit!

Brycen: Very good, Ash! Now use that passion! Just try and defeat us!

Beartic: (roars) Bear!

Ash Ketchum: (in his thoughts) How do we get in there? (in words) Huh?

(Notices an a frozen piece of ice)

Ash Ketchum: Stone Edge. (gasps) That'll work!

(Brycen's looks suspicious)

Iris: He's smilling!

???: Yeah, but why?

Cilan: Ash's plan must be fully ripe and ready! He must've come up with a great idea, like when he beat Rapid Spin with Fire Pledge!

Ash Ketchum: Alright! Krokorok, Stone Edge!

(Krokorok uses Stone Edge)

Brycen: Icicle Crash!

(Beartic uses Icicle Crash)

Iris: It's Icicle Crash again!

Ash Ketchum: I thought you'd do that!

(The Stone Edge hits the Icicles, and were sent flying up till...)

Ash Ketchum: Now jump Krokorok!

(Krokorok jumps from rock to rock up)

Ash Ketchum: Grab some of those stones!

(Krokorok grabs two of the stones)

Brycen: (surprised) Now what?

Iris: But why?


Cilan (V.O.): It's what Bianca's Emboar did during the Clubsplosion!

(Flashback ends)

Ash Ketchum: Let 'em have it!

Pikachu: Pika!

Brycen: Aerial Ace!

(Beartic uses Aerial Ace and goes up and Krokorok charges down till both seemingly strikes each other and land down)

(Both sides waited to see who made impact more, with the heroes looking silent with concern)

(They still waited till Beartic then fell down defeated)

Krokorok: (proud) Krok.

Brycen's student: Beartic is unable to battle. Krokorok wins! All three of the gym leader's Pokemon are unable to battle! So the match goes to Ash the challenger!

Ash Ketchum: We did it, Krokorok!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Krokorok: Krok....(then falls exhausted)

Ash Ketchum: Krokorok! (runs to him) You were amazing!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

Krokorok: Kroko.

Brycen: Ash.

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

Brycen: You and your Pokemon demonstrated real passion of the highest order.

Beartic: Bear!

Brycen: Every one of you battled hard with great spirit and courage. And Krokork's final attack deserves special mention.

Ash Ketchum: (to Krokorok) He's right, you were awesome!

Krokorok: Krokorok!

Brycen: (presents the gym badge) Now, this is for you. For your Icirrus gym win. I present the Freeze Badge!

Ash Ketchum: Wow, thanks, Brycen! I just got the Freeze Badge! Alright!

(His Pokemon cheered along)

???: Congratulations for your victory, Ash!

???: Yeah way to go!

Iris: What a relief. Ash's battle make me so nervous. Glad it's over.

(Ash places his Freeze Badge on his Badge case)

Brycen: That's your seventh badge, correct?

Ash Ketchum: Yeah! I need one more to enter the Unova League!

Brycen: Have you decided on your next gym?

Ash Ketchum: No, not really.

Brycen: Well then, how about the Opelucid City gym?

Axew: Ew?

Brycen: Not only is it close to Icirrus City, it's got a powerful gym leader. It's perfect for a trainer like yourself who's looking for tough opponents.

Ash Ketchum: Opelucid Gym.. yes! I'll get my eight gym badge there! And then, we'll enter the Unova League!

Pikachu: Pika!

Narrator: Ash is one Unova gym badge closer to his dream, with one badge left to go. Now with his friends' admiration spurring him on, our hero's journey continues.

Iris: (gasps but then chuckles nervously)

(The episode ends)
