Cloud Strife from the Final Fantasy series appears in Kingdom Hearts, and is also a new DLC character for Super Smash Bros for 3DS and Wii U. An arrogant and proud swordsman at first, Cloud introduces himself to Avalanche as a former member of an elite warrior unit called SOLDIER who has turned mercenary, and uninterested in anything beyond his hired task at hand. He later discovers more about his past and, with the help of his friends, learns there is more to being a hero than possessing physical strength and fame, developing compassion for the planet and people he fights to protect. He fights to protect the planet against his nemesis, Sephiroth.
Cloud Strife wields large broadswords in battle, including the iconic Buster Sword, and has access to the most powerful weapons in the game. His Limit abilities involve his sword, and are the strongest, but take the longest to learn. Cloud also has the best all-around stats.
Cloud prays for Holy. Luna was a great with Cloud, but soon enough, an inside Close-up of the Water Altar. Cloud was agreed but soon, Iris holding a swords. Iris begin to fail and she killed by Cloud, Luna turn around to screen again as Iris splash her by Cloud. Iris was still but Luna has begun to cry. But The White Materia glows failed out in Close-up of the Water Altar, he run out as Luna holding with Cloud's hands.
in the end of chapter 4, in Path to waterfall room. Luna he began to cry as Cloud she also as Luna cheer to cry, then he drought me to the ocean. But the holy was still not working in the Forgotten Capital. Luna was begin to cry but soon. Along with her friend, march 7th, sonic, Tifa, SpongeBob, zero and X
Luna was it enough for as Iris was killed by Cloud Strife. In the first chapter 5, Sephiroth was it a 28 ft tall destroyed the city and began to rampage. But soon enough. Iris was killed her by Cloud Strife. About the White Materia.
In the end of chapter 5. Can see Iris killed by Cloud Strife. Luna was begin to cry in the first chapter 5.