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"You slimy sea urchin" - D4R-RY1

D4R-RY1 is a Darryl from an alternate universe where it a dark cyberfunk future where he was made with many other D4R-RY1 units by space pirate this one we will call D4R-RY1 Prime was a body guard that take a powerful crystal for years and later him and the crystal got took away by an Alternate Penny where he later join her due to the Space Pirates left him protecting the crystal u tile he got destroyed or shut down.


D4R-RY1 is a purple futuristic antroid with one red eye,D4R-RY1 wore a purple like hat that has blue,red,green buttons on the middle of his "hat" while there a black regtangle on top of them,D4R-RY1 "hat" also have grey metal circle like plates on the left side while the right side there a red regtangle light bellow of his right and there are black accents bellow his "hat" with two blue rectangular lights, he also have a grey signal with an entena on the side of his left,D4R-RY1 black torso also have grey semi Dldiemond shape that has two light blue lights below that is in the middle of his chest that might be a speaker, D4R-RY1 torso also have purple accents to the top and below of his torso,D4R-RY1 also have square like vents on the side of his right torso,D4R-RY1 iconic thing is his black arms that had purple futuristic laser guns with light blue accents that has two gun holes on both arms,D4R-RY1 arms also have grey circle like plates as well in the middle of his gun arms,D4R-RY1 legs are black and having grey feet.


D4R-RY1 when he was on the villain side he mostly a one note emotionless weapon that serve his boss,just like most D4R-RY1 series but unlike them he the prototype due to him being a prototype he later on getting shut down and store in a cell with many other beta experiments,but when he is contain in his own sell,he feel vengeful towards the one who made due to them make him train and protect them from heroes that he try to stop,due to this he breakout and ran before getting ejected by his creators and landed into a dark cyberpunk planet where he got amnesia.

Amnesia D4R-RY1 unlike his revillain self is still vengeful but unlike his old self he not a good socialist and shy,D4R-RY1 before he woke he got got capture by a girl name Penny that want to use him in robot battle competition,D4R-RY1 not interested on Penny deal due to him first think of it as a wasted time before Penny save his life,D4R-RY1 after Penny try to save him is now loyal and protective that try to help Penny when she being airheaded towards situations that might cause her problems,Penny thinks of D4R-RY1 as a guardian figure.

Episode Appearance[]



  • D4R-RY1 is an alternate universe version of Darryl
  • D4R-RY1 is Darryl mentor,when D4R-RY1 show up Darryl want to learn about him to khow him deu to his moves are similar to him
  • D4R-RY1 love Tv not the shows the Tv itself.