The Dark Keyblade Masters AKA Zayden’s Gang are the major antagonists of Kieran’s Adventures Series. They are the Keyblade Master Nine’s rivals and dark counterparts.
- Zayden Kastle (leader)
- Vanitas (co-leader)
- Deuce Ghoul (second-in-command)
- Lorelai Mortensen (third-in-command)
- Ivy Sakaris
- Ophelia Winslow
- Ezekiel and April Fowler
- Victoria Taylor (new addition)
- Twila Chapman (new addition)
- Like the Keyblade Master Nine, their theme colors are like the colors of the rainbow (excluding indigo):
- Red - Deuce
- Orange - Ophelia
- Yellow - Victoria
- Green - Ezekiel
- Cyan/Teal - April
- Blue - Zayden
- Purple - Lorelai
- Pink - Ivy
- Magenta - Twila
- Black - Vanitas