Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Dasheng Fury is a martial artist from his home world and an OC made by Ryantransformer017.


Dasheng was a peaceful boy 500 years ago in Purvavideha, until his anger consumed him and he killed his old friends and in his irresistible rage, he defeated the Crimson Dragon and 500 years later, after he learned that Kenji and the Rangers are not his family, he gets consumed by anger and caused chaos and destruction to Purvavideha, ignoring the Red Dragon Ranger's pleas about family, stating that he has no family. By the aftermath of his rage, he made Purvavideha into a lifeless wasteland.


He looks like a male teenager with the same age like Sci-Ryan. He has yellow eyes, red hair, a Kung fu outfit with battle armor,


Although he maybe calm, but he have anger and rage inside him because he has no family since he defeated the Dragon Warrior Rangers.




  • His last name is a reference to a character from the Tekken games; Bryan Fury.

