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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

The Delightful Reaper is a one time villain in The Grim Adventures of the Kids Next Door.


The Delightful Reaper was created by an accidental fusion of The Delightful Children From Down the Lane and Billy with Grim's scythe and Harold's lucky pants (the lucky pants are lucky because they are immune to lasers, supernatural energy and mustard).

The Delightful Reaper try to gain power by assimilate other kids (from both the shows Kids Next Door and The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy); in doing this, The Delightful Reaper gains more power and gets closer to its goal of world domination.

However when The Delightful Reaper assimilates Mandy, it is taken over by her evil power and Mandy fully takes over the powers and control over The Delightful Reaper.

Billy's dad then appears, demanding the return of his lucky pants, and leaps to the height of the giant monster's waistline, pulling off its pants and rendering it vulnerable. The Delightful Reaper is then destroyed by Grim and Numbuh 1 hitting it's weak point and releasing the children it assimilated. As the Delightful Reaper explodes, several characters from other Cartoon Network shows (and their favorite shows and movies) are seen flying out of it.

List of Characters That Delightful Reaper assimilated[]


