DemiDevimon is a Rookie Digimon.
In Adventure he is Myotismon's lackey. He is a trickster and a liar, attempting to deceive the kids whenever possible. Although a force of evil, he knows to run and cower when he is outmatched. He caused a lot of trouble for the Digidestined, such as making Sora think her crest wouldn't work, getting Joe lost, and making T.K. think Matt didn't like him anymore. Demidevimon is very loyal to Myotismon. He would do anything Myotismon would tell him and even helped him when things seemed lost. In the episode "The Prophesy", Myotismon digivolved into Venom-Myotismon and needed energy (food) so Demidevimon let himself be eaten by Venom-Myotismon.
In Data Squad they along Vilemon appeared in the real world and causing trouble, they were defeated by GeoGreymon.
In Hunters one was hunted by Ren.
In Ghost Game they were seen as illusions of the customers who came to resort divine, scaring them.
- Evangeline A.K. McDowell owns one as its Partner Digimon, as shown in Liam's Adventures of Digimon Adventure.