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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Doctor O'Neil (2014 film series)

Doctor O'Neil

Doctor O'Neil was the father of April O'Neil in the 2014 film, portrayed by Paul Fitzgerald. In the 2014 film, Dr. O'Neil worked as a scientist for Sacks Group Ltd. with Eric Sacks on a secret project, whose intent to create a serum to protect people against biological weapons, with four baby turtles and a rat as the test subjects, which eventually turned them into mutants. However, O'Neil realized that his partner's purpose was far from as noble as his own, finding out that Eric Sacks worked for the Shredder and would use their hard work to contaminate the city he wanted to protect. Seeing no other choice, Dr. O'Neil set his lab and research on fire while he and his daughter were in it, preventing Sacks from getting control of any more of their work. His daughter escaped the fire with the animal test subjects, and Dr. O'Neil himself he was shot and killed by his former partner Sacks.

