This is the transcript for Dome Sweet Dome.
We're Gonna Need Some Help to Stop Nine[]
Back in New Yoke/Resistance and Scavengers Unite![]
[Our heroes scream and fall onto the dustbin]
Rabbit: Would've been nice to land in the trash.
Sonic: Never thought I'd be glad to be back in New Yoke. [They peel out up a building and race at the top. Yoke HQ with the blue and green portals appear up ahead] Whoa.
[Through the Green Portal, purple rocks float in the air around Boscage Maze. Canopy platforms and buildings break and fall down. Through the Blue Portal, purple rocks float in the air around the ocean]
Pooh: Everything is collapsing.
Sonic: This is terrible.
Tails Nine: [offscreen] Is it?
[A projector on Nine and Azuma appears]
Tigger: (gasps)
Pooh and Piglet: (gasp)
Tails Nine: That seems odd coming from you. As far as I can tell, you only care about your own home.
Sonic: Nine, we were supposed to fix this together.
Piglet: You know, I have a sneaky suspicion that he and Azuma are doing all of this!
Michinaga Azuma: Not quite, my puny pink comrade.
Tails Nine: This disruption was inevitable once the Chaos Council opened these portals. I'm just taking what I need to keep our world safe. And now I just need the finishing touch.
Tigger: Oh yeah?
Sonic: Then you're going to have to catch us.
[They run down the building and along the road, dodging vehicles in the opposite direction]
Tails Nine: Don't you all realize the power I have in my fingertips?
Michinaga Azuma: That's the whole "You can't run away from us".
[A loud whirring sound is heard. Our heroes stop in the middle of the road. The world rotates 90 degrees, sliding our heroes to one side and causing them to crash land on the wall]
Denizen: [yelling] Oh, no. What's happening? Agh! [A Denizen hangs on to a lamp post. Nine gasps while generating power, then keeps his focus] Agh!
[He loses grip and falls, but Sonic jumps across to save him]
Sonic: You good?
Tails Nine: [offscreen] I know you're fast enough to save them all. That's the hero you are.
[Sonic runs along the building and catches another Denizen. He jumps over the gaps, catching another Denizen, and panting in exhaustion. Suddenly, the world rumbles and rotates again]
Sonic: Oh, not again!
Pooh: Oh bother!
Tigger: Whoa-ho-ho-ho!
[Our heroes slide down. The world rotates once again. They dodge falling obstacles as Sonic catches another falling Denizen. Our heroes notice Denizen 1998 hanging onto another lamppost]
Piglet: 1998!
Sonic: Hang on. We're coming!
[They go for it, dodging more obstacles]
Tails Nine: [offscreen] You can't do this forever, Sonic. You're all alone now.
Michinaga Azuma: [offscreen] Help us and all of this stops. And get rid of Joey while you are at it! He has what I want!
Sonic: No, that's not true. I can save--
Tigger: Look out! We're under attack!
[They get hit by an obstacle and slips up. Denizen 1998 loses grip and falls down]
Sonic: No!
[Prim catches the cat and picks him up in-front of our heroes]
Pooh: Prim!
Poison Rabbit: Everyone, hop aboard!
[Poison, Thorn Rose, Growlzy and Birdie pick up our heroes, while the rest of the Denizens are picked up by Rusty's extended arms. Inside the Kraken, Black pushes the levers forward with Blister and Senor Burro watching her. Two Denizens lose grip on the pole. Mangey and Gnarly catch and save them and take them on board the Kraken]
Sonic: [Annoyed] What was that about me being all alone?
Michinaga Azuma: You may have won... for now.
Tails Nine: But you'll never...
[Nine's projector fades out. The world tilts back to its normal axis, with metal objects crashing against the ground. Cut to the Kraken's deck]
Senor Burro: ¿Qué sabes? No me llevé lo peor.
Rabbit: Thank goodness that's the last we'll see of them for now.
Hangry Cat: Who was that? He looks like Mangey.
[Denizen 1998 nudges him; they turn and look at each other. Froggy and Froggy point at croak at each other, while Mangey growls]
Rusty Rose: The fox has betrayed us.
Sonic: It's... kind of a long story.
You're... Helping Us?![]
Mangey and Growlzy the Geniuses/We Need That Shield Up[]
Dr. Deep: [Angrily] This is preposterous. Just having these things in our home is an affront-- [--grabs Mr. Dr. Eggman] to everything we hold dear.
Renegade Knucks: You know what?! You keep talking, Doc, and my fist will be affront to your face.
[Dr. Babble babbles angrily and points at Knucks. Sonic breaks up the argument]
Sonic: Enough! Stop!
Renegade Knucks: They started it.
Rusty Rose: They started all of this.
Dr. Deep: And we'll gladly finish it! You ungrateful...
Dr. Done-It: Oh, for the love of [slaps Dr. Deep and holds his ear] keep a sock in it, Deep and let the hedgehog speak.
Sonic: [Sighs] I made a deal with the Chaos Council.
[The Denizens gasped]
Black Rose: You made a deal with these egg-omaniacs?!
Sonic: Nine is using the Paradox Prism to siphon energy into the Grim. [Mangey and Growlzy crawl away through the doors] He's created this protective dome to keep his world safe, which has accelerated the decay of the Shatterverse started by your portals. [Mr. Dr. Eggman smiles awkwardly] We're running out of time. We can't escape him anymore, not while he's got the prism. But if we use my energy and the Council's Shatter Drive, we can protect ourselves without doing any damage to the Shatterverse. At least until we can figure out how to stop him. So the deal is, I charge their drive, and they give us sanctuary inside the dome.
Rebel Rouge: I want to hear it from them.
Rival Piglet: Me too!
Poison Rabbit: Me three!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Ugh, the hedgehog speaks the truth. Once the dome is up, we'll let most... [An offended Sonic clears his throat at him] All who wish will be allowed inside. [A panel to the power core room fades to transparent. The Chaos Council look through it and see Growlzy and Mangey pressing buttons on the energy extractor] Hey, what are they doing with the energy extractor? Stop them! Heel, you beasts!
Dr. Don't: Oh, hey, look. Efficiency just increased by 38%.
Growlzy Pooh: (roars in delight)
Pooh: Growlzy, Mangey! You geniuses!