Dribblebot is episode 12 of Season 1 of Miraculous Harmony Adventures.
”When ???”
- Starable
- Bon Bon the Bunny/LadyBon
- Mirra
- Vincent Afton/Shadow Panther
- Fellix
- Amanda Johnson/Miss Amoeba (Debut)
- Spade Bat/Black Wing
- Kibbo
- Hex/Dribblebot
- Joanna
- Whitty
- Ruvyzat
- Carol
- Dalia
- Ben (Boy) and Gale (Girl)
- Garcello
- Zack (Boyfriend)
- Madelyn (Girlfriend)
- Annie
- Ayana
- Sarvente
- Genesis
- Zarella
- Bell the Bluejay
- This is the new debut of Amanda Johnson/Miss Amoeba and her guest star role.
- Originally, Garcello, Ben and Gale were just minor characters in the episode until Starable304NexaVerse notices a new photo in Hex's artwork page in the FNF Mod Wiki, featuring the three in it.
- A scene between Amanda and Dribblebot as based off of the GIVE ME THE STAR! scene from SMG4.