Drimogemon is a Champion Digimon.
When the DigiDestined arrived at the Continent of Server, they encountered a Drimogemon controlled by a Black Gear. He was the last Digimon to be controlled by a Black Gear.
A Drimogemon was controlled by an Dark Ring in DA02.
In Data Squad, a Drimogemon realizes in the human world and tags along a duo of criminals before fighting with Marcus and Thomas, it then escapes to the Digital World and slide-evolves into Digmon. It was defeated by GeoGreymon and Gaogamon.
Another serves as Leomon/MadLeomon's minion and attacks the Village of Smiles, it was defeated by Jeremy using Star Sword.
In Adventure:, a Drimogemon was one of the Digimon possessed by SoundBirdmon, it was ridden by Ogremon to attack the DigiDestined.